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Everything posted by Dobian

  1. Well they are in New York so there would be blacks at the high school. I will bet money that one of the plots will be Jughead falling in love with Tabitha and both of them facing a lot of antagonism from various students and others.
  2. This season finale had it all - two hot girl-girl scenes, a musical number, soul-swapping, time travel, age travel, comet-melting, and franchising! See you all next season for the final chapter of the wackiest show this side of Gotham!
  3. Well it is much more realistic to portray as a kink than a genuine physical attraction to a robot, that is about as robot-looking as it gets. It would be like if Maureen Robinson had an affair with Robot on Lost in Space. I can totally get people wanting to get it on with the hosts in Westworld. But Isaac? No.
  4. I think if this episode had aired in the middle of last season, people would have thought, yeah, that was a pretty fun one. But coming on the heals of this intensity that had been building through the last half of last season and the first part of this one, it was like a bong hit after a cocaine high. And there were so many slow burn types of episodes in the early seasons of Saul, that you got used to the mundane pace. But things became so amped up toward the end that it was very jarring to watch an episode where Jimmy/Saul/Gene ingratiates himself with the mall security guards and plots a heist. There was a reason for this episode, though, as Jimmy/Saul/Gene cannot completely fade into anonymity and must continue to cover his tracks.
  5. Well Kelly is the mother, it's her baby, and she is American. The only one who claims the baby is her. So the baby will live in America with his mom.
  6. Well it's the writers making Charly hate on Isaac and make snarky comments toward him, nothing the actress can do about that. Of course, I would rather have Charly hate on Isaac than give her amnesia and have her act around him like nothing happened. At least the writers are being honest. But eventually they need to bring closure that plot thread one way or the other.
  7. Percival is gone. Yay. Rim shot. Baby Anthony: "Whoa dude, I'm immortal too bruh, and I like, got this cool knife, and I'm gonna defeat you in this righteous battle, and...where'd you go?" K.J.'s steadily growing hair looked even longer in this episode. Mustache and long sideburns are next season for Archie. Since Tabitha can travel all the way back to the sixteenth century and Jughead can get her to Rivervale, why didn't they just visit Ye Olde Rivervale and kill Percy before he got started? Meteor hits next week. Hiram Lodge rides back into town fully alive and buys the ruined town back for fifty cents an acre, rebuilds prison.
  8. This show painted itself into a corner with Isaac in season 2, turning him into a mass-murdering war criminal. It essentially wrecked the character, and they had to address it at the start of season 3. The problem is, the writers had to bend over backwards on the forgiveness arc for the sake of keeping this character on the show, which was very unrealistic. First of all, it wouldn't have been up to the captain of the Orville. Isaac would have been brought up on war crimes charges and shipped off to whatever prison to await trial. He certainly never would have been allowed to serve on a ship again, even if he somehow miraculously beat the charges. The whole argument that he switched sides and helped the humans defeat the Kaylons doesn't remove his accountability. He still has blood on his hands. Isaac committing suicide was the only way the writers could achieve some sort of character reset, and I don't think it works. I only started watching this season, and I'm guessing they are going to have the characters develop amnesia to the horrors of season 2, and welcome good ol' Isaac back into their adventures. Except for Gordon, who I guess will come around after a while. And maybe a side plot where Charly sees that Isaac isn't such a bad guy after all. Which would ring false. I know if I was made to work with someone who I knew was responsible for my friends and colleagues getting blown up, that would be an irreconcilable issue. That's the problem when you take a character too far down the villainy path. Now if they had ended with Ed's eulogy then the resolution would have worked. Though it would have meant no more Isaac. But they wanted to keep Isaac as a character on the show, and are resorting to some emotional manipulation with the suicide to make it happen. Isaac going on trial would have been a more authentic path, but the writers don't want to go in that direction. So he gets several thousand people killed and says he's sorry, and the others have to forgive him.
  9. Well having read it, it limits the power of the president to make an executive order without authorization from Congress. But if Congress acted and said the government should seize a company for national security interests, then if the president signs the order he is acting in the wishes of Congress and it's okay. That's how I read it anyway.
  10. One thing's for sure. If some American company was teaming up with the Soviets to drill for water on Mars, you know damn well the U.S. government would have been all over that. Probably seize control of the company for national security.
  11. I love how Percival goes on local television and spills the goods on everything about his pact with the Devil, the alternate universe, and getting his blood-soaked revenge on the descendants of the town's founders, and of course none of this insanity ends up on YouTube and attracts the attention of the rest of the country. Riverdale truly exists in a vacuum. I enjoyed the call-back to the Rivervale mini season and particularly Cypher, whose attitude about the whole thing was, "Best of luck with that SOB that has been ducking me the past 300 years!" The suspense of Percival chopping people's heads off was kind of diminished by the knowledge that Cheryl can just bring everyone back to life now. Ethel beating up on Bunker Jughead like a nagging wife was the highlight of the episode for me. So if you're Jughead and you live in an actual dimension like Riverdale or Rivervale, you get a hot piece like Betty or Tabitha, but if you live in the purgatory between dimensions, you get Ethel. Cosmic justice? In the TV interview, I'm guessing that the guy holding the boom mic and the woman in the back are probably actual show staff. Nice cameos!
  12. For the past couple of seasons I believed that Kim's fate was to either be killed or end up in witness protection. It turned out that she finally realized that she and Jimmy were bad news together after hitting rock bottom. Then they flashed forward to the Breaking Bad timeline. Nacho's dad hit Mike with some hard Truth. Gus at the bar was fascinating. It was like watching Batman turn back into Bruce Wayne. The sinister cartel boss removing his mask to enjoy a glass of wine and engage in foreplay conversation with the bar manager, looking playful and delighted and innocent, then suddenly deciding that the time for this enjoyable diversion was done, and you see him put the mask back on and become Gus Fring again. Chilling.
  13. I would say Christina is Original Dolores who had her memory wiped last season. And the stories Christina writes contain references to Dolores' fragments of remaining memories. Or something like that. This show confuses the hell out of me.
  14. Compounding that in season 3 was Dolores putting copies of herself in different bodies. So you would see Charlotte and other characters and not really relate to them because, "that's just Dolores." Season 1 was the closest they came to building an emotional connection between viewers and the hosts, like with Dolores and Maeve. But they lost that in the following seasons with the writing.
  15. So in this heaven where you live with fake recreations of real people, what exactly happens when say, Betty dies and goes to Heaven to find Archie with Fake Betty and their fake kids? I guess they ran out of money on the song rights budget, so they had the little witches dance to "Splish Splash." This stupid show now ends about ten seconds after the DVR stops recording. What exactly was Tabitha telling Toni and Fangs about what she learned in Heaven? Aside from how ridiculous it is.
  16. I'm completely done with the Danny the Obsessed Stalker. I was totally expecting to see Danielle and the Russian rolling down the ramp punching each other. I love Dani if only because her last name is Poole, like Jordan Poole of the Golden State Warriors. :D I was waiting for Margo to toss that binder into a shredder. Aleida: "Margo, the Russian rocket looks the same as my design." "Margo, the spec data on the Russian rocket is identical to mine." Margo, someone in NASA must have leaked my design to to the Russians." "Margo, someone on our team must have been the leak." "Margo..." chokes as her neck is snapped. Kelly became the first member of the 116 million miles high club.
  17. Yes but I am talking about the tech explosion in computer technology. That has nothing to do with NASA budgets. We had that in Silicon Valley in the 80s and 90s. Our advancement in computer technology in those decades was exponential. You would have to argue how the space race in the alternate universe resulted in taking that tech explosion and tripling it, to where we had smartphones and high speed internet in 1992. Commercially no less. That simply is not feasible or plausible in any alternate history where you state that in 1969 the technological level is virtually identical in all the alternate histories. You can't go from the primitive computer tech we had in 1969 (Apollo 11 had computer power that was a fraction of the power of my FitBit) to full-on 5G and 4K 25 years later in any scenario. Not to mention all the other evolutions that happen in this AU in this short time frame such as hierarchical white collar corporations like IBM giving way to organizational collectives like Google. That's a social shift that has nothing to do with space races or government funding. And of course the commercialization of space, which is independent of any space race. We are only now scratching the surface of commercial space travel in the 2020s. Honestly, they did this because they needed to accelerate these advancements to fit into the timeline of the main characters so they wouldn't have to bring in new characters in later seasons to carry out the main plot. But it's far-fetched.
  18. I thought the 80s was too advanced in season 2, but this is ridiculous. The technology in this alternate history was exactly the same in 1969 as in our history. How the hell could they have smartphones and FaceTime just 23 years later? And hotels in orbit already? And then there was the Google-style campus with the dual flatscreen monitors. I don’t buy the show runner’s argument that the space race caused a huge tech explosion with heavy investment in technology. We had that without a space race. It’s called Silicon Valley. And we’re still behind the advancements on this show 30 years in the future.
  19. This season is actually a good argument for why the 22-episode season format needs to go into the ashbin of history. I feel like I’ve been watching this Percival plot since Covid began.
  20. They sure redeemed Kevin fast. It's like the producers looked over the numbers and said, "Whoa! Kevin's Q rating is down 93%! Everyone hates him! Writers, fix this now!!" Part of this show's gloominess goes back several seasons because of the way they shoot it. Virtually no location shoots, and most scenes are indoors on sets. With scenes shot in low lighting to give the illusion that the setting is bigger than it actually is. Blossom Manor is in reality a 900 square foot apartment. Even the outdoor scenes have a dark edge to them a lot of the time, and of course a lot of the outdoor scenes are shot at night.
  21. The continuation of a dark, gloomy season with a stupid villain and an overabundance of Broadway numbers. Instead of caving to Percival, why didn't Archie just rip his arms out of his sockets with his super strength and make him lift the curses? Same with the "we can't kill Percival, if we do, he's won" argument. Well no, Archie, he's lost because he's dead. Way to go, show. The whole season you have portrayed Percival as this guy with the power to control people's minds like Killgrave. With a few episodes to go, you change the lore to where he's Moses and Emperor Palpatine all rolled into one. So a dozen grasshoppers eat through Percival's stockade in a matter of minutes. Were those grasshoppers or hungry hippos? Watching Nana going up in flames in her wheelchair was kind of hilarious. That's how bad this season has been. A horrifying moment of the old bag getting flame broiled made me laugh at the absurdity of it. And she survived - until Percival finished her off, anyway - which was even more ridiculous. So is other Jughead Riverdale Jughead or Rivervale Jughead? Where have we been this season, anyway? Does it even matter? This whole season has been a plague...on my senses.
  22. Frenchie and Kimiko is the best relationship on this show. Hughie and Amy the worst. They have no chemistry whatsoever. Of course, I don't see Hughie having much chemistry with anyone, he's so lacking in confidence and insecure. Ackles has brought a lot to the table this season with Solder Boy, and I'm not surprised after watching him in Supernatural all those years. Homelander coming apart at the seams this season has been fascinating to watch.
  23. I think the writers think they're still in high school. No adult woman gets in someone's face for hitting on a friend, that's completely ridiculous. Drake's acquiescence was also completely ridiculous. In real life she would have torn Veronica a new one for inserting herself into Drake's personal life like that. Also, what was the point of having Drake come onto Betty (I noticed it from their very early scenes together) if they were just going to kill it like that? Nope, how dare they threaten to break up Barchie!
  24. Because he's a psychopath. He has no human empathy and no value for the lives of others. He sees himself as a god and people and animals are his playthings. He has zero love or compassion for anyone but himself, and will destroy anyone who threatens his personal happiness. Homelander is the definition of psychotic evil.
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