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Everything posted by TVbitch

  1. Just what we need, more "judging," more drawn out drama over the "scores," and more "coaching" --and even less dancing. Why on earth do they think people tune into a dance show.
  2. Um, it became obvious about 2 seconds after I tuned in when the first set of boobs were all up in my face. That's right @jhlipton, I actually watched the Selection! I think I even cried a little when the older guy finished. I think SAS is still the best though.
  3. I hope Spencer grows into a handsome prince while in the cellar. I hope they don't dispatch with Rachel in such a manner that we get another round of emo Finn. Has anyone been missing Franco? Anyone? Anyone at all? ... ... yeah I didn't think so.
  4. Oh dear. I thought this show might be the American version of the fascinating "SAS: Who Dares Wins" which puts actual people through real special forces military training and makes them live under military conditions and conduct themselves as soldiers. But, um, nah.
  5. ... ... Um, jeez show, I don't think we need to be referring to burn victims faces as "ugly," "hideous," and "monsters" and acting like being disfigured is a fate worse than death.
  6. Too much talking, not enough dancing. I miss the two-hour shows. We hardly got to see any of the solos, yet we have time to rehash the dancers back stories, replay initial audition moments, and watch the "all-stars" blather on endlessly. We don't need to cut away from a what little dancing we did see, so we can see the all-stars falling out of their chairs in OTT amazement, and we don't need to waste time hearing them "pitch" the dancers with all the same stupid arguments on why they should pick them. This is not the voice, it's not about the coaches. Ugh!
  7. I will ask my neighbor to remind me of her Marcus stories! I know she got a million dollar check from him at one point and she had never seen such a thing! (Usually those kinds of transactions are not done by check!) So maybe his check's are legit! And I do know the dog store (Bentley's ?!) is still her account.
  8. I had that feeling too, like branding is the area where he feels he is being all "creative" and stuff, but that is NOT his strength! FYI, my neighbor is an exec for NCR (register and inventory systems) and has worked personally with Marcus. She says he is a dick and super hard to work with! (But I don't want to believe it!!)
  9. I am in advertising and Marcus seriously needs to stop trying to do branding. :) I also don't want to associate beards with my food products. Bodhi was not a bad name. I didn't even get that it was the guys name at first, I thought it was some zen term for "higher level" or something. In fact, I just googled it, and it does mean "enlightenment". So it was actually pretty fucking perfect for primo coffee and for a dude named Bodhi. But I didn't get why it was "Bodhi Leaf," cuz that totally says tea, not coffee beans!
  10. I'm finding it hard to get into any of the teams yet. And maybe I'm old too, but the show does seem particularly shouty. It all just gets to be noise at some point and I lose awareness of what anyone is actually saying. With only 8 teams left after this leg, 3 express passes seems a bit much. Are their also going to also be U-turns and double U-turns? Express pass holders should be targeted by the others to negate their passes.
  11. Goddamn it!, my DVR did not record this stupid show today. Why am I even upset? It is really kind of a blessing. I will only try to find it online if there was another hot Lumberjack Scotty flashback ...can someone let me know? Also, who did Valentin threaten and in what context? THANKS
  12. I am trying to think of something nice to say ... ... I really really hope this is not the only season of Alone we get this year. :)
  13. Hey now, don't go messin' up pretty Gunnar's face. Liked Deacon and Avery's songs. Thank God they didn't go down drunken groupie street with Avery. I would have been so lit! The girls' were written better again, although we were trapped at the make-out party too long. Scarlett is truly the sad Zoloft blob.
  14. I also was trying to figure what was up with LW. Looked like "work" to me cuz her usually expression lines were all smooth, like Bobbies. I could probably get into this Spencer revenge plot a bit more if they had aged him into a dashing young prince. He's too much of a little kid to take it seriously, but I did enjoy him tossing back the ring.
  15. Yay, Amazing race Canada! Oh no, YouTubers! ... (still scarred from the U.S. social media "celebrities" season) I hate when they put audience votes and stuff on screen. I do not need watching TV to be interactive! The boys will drive me nuts. Maybe when they get tired, they will stop over-acting for the camera. Wish there had been an older couple to root for.
  16. Poor Mike. First stuck on Redemption forever, fights his way back, then can't even play cuz he's totally blocked by an infuriating "Don't talk to me. I'm not playing. I'm not trying to win." Barb! I was rooting for Tom, too., but want to meet Avi just see what kind of magic dust he gives off. I never really got the great Sala love, especially after tribal. Yikes! Finally, now that was a reunion show! Calling people out on stuff that wasn't even show on TV, bloopers, hard questions, and genuine emotion and laughs from the whole cast. Probst has been softballing it with the players in the reunion shows for many years now. PS. Good lord was Tom good looking at the reunion. As Shay flat out implied, maybe that is why Avi was determined to keep him around!
  17. I am not nearly invested this season as previous seasons. One of the things about when they are ALONE is that they kind of become yours. You get to know them more thoroughly and intimately, because it's just them and you. With the teams, they are always talking about their family member (and now interacting with their family member), and I'm not really getting to know them, I'm just observing their relationship. Usually by this point in a season, I will be aware of the contestants basic psychology and emotional patterns and thought processes and be keyed in on their vulnerabilities and strengths and why they may or may not last. Totally missing that intimacy here.
  18. Can some kind soul with more intact brain cells refresh me on AJ's long lost child and who is the father of Brenda's child. I'm finding it hard to believe Charlotte is so easily and happily integrating with all these new people and not more upset about her father. I would think Valentin's absence would be extremely hard on her as close as they are, and she would suffer at least some depression and confusion.
  19. Well, that was, um, a "very special episode" of Nashville. I guess Scarlett and Avery took their power back or something. Boo on suddenly jealous paranoid Will. But if it gets him out of that unconvincing relationship, that's cool. WTF with all the ballyhoo over how amazingly attractive Scarlett and Gunner are? I mean, sure they are fine looking people, but you can dial it back a little show. And finally, Jonathon Jackson did NOT cry during his very special talk with Juliette. I kept waiting for little Avery tears, but no. I was shocked!
  20. I do not want to hear Curtis say "Auntie" even one more time. Please make it stop.
  21. Anyone still watching? I'm enjoying the slower pace and getting to see more of the tedium of camp life and them getting bored with other's conversation. You would never see that awesome "we are so bored let's have a crab race" in US Survivor! Production did well to link cute crab drama to the narrative.
  22. When they showed Juliette doing the dishes, I chuckled. Yeah right. That happens.
  23. Are you sitting down... I actually am not going to complain about this episode. I kinda loved it. (Sure, it might have been the wine, but I cried when the girls made up.) I can't even be mad at Juliette cuz she is who she is --and was watching the fabulous Bette Davis in "All About Eve"! And Avery was so good about calling her on her crazy. Even Scarlett was tolerable ...what is happening?!! Having said that, I'm sure I will go back to bitching next week! PS. Bonus points for not having Maddie go all emo about her boyfriend leaving town, and for possibly getting rid of the homeless moppet ...felt like there could be a storyline with the girls doing something to help homeless teens.
  24. Jesus God that was cheesy. ... ... but I could watch Anna dance all day long. ... ... but hell no to her and what's his face, he has no chemistry, with anyone. ever.
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