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Everything posted by TVbitch

  1. I wonder how Marcus got Steve to agree to perform those scenes of public emasculation for the camera. Maybe Steve got the Screen Actors Guild day rate. Thank God Marcus cut the crap when interacting with the dad and was respectful of that situation.
  2. I feel bad for that poor bastard with the trachea at 21 years of age who wanted something cool so as to no longer freak out kids (probably freaks out some adults too) and he ended up with a shit tattoo on his neck that is not gonna be fixable. Then he has to stand there while the judges chat about how fucking crappy it looks. Ouch.
  3. Poor Sue. I feel bad for these good players who kind of got screwed with that lop-sided teams pick based on one challenge win. That pretty much was the death toll for a lot of worthy players through no fault of their own. This season could have been really competitive if the teams had stayed more fair. PS. Matt is the worst "mentalist" I've ever seen!
  4. OMG, Kylie in her post vote taking head, something to the effect of: "I hope people wake up and start playing the game." HELLO. Agree only the 3 girls are playing full on, and I'm hard pressed to think anyone else even deserves to win at this point, on the grounds that they are just too damn lame. What the hell are Christy and Sue and JL even doing besides passively hoping to be drug along to 5th or 6th place?! And Matt lies down like a dog when Flick says "stay" and doesn't look for the idol, even though his gut is telling him he's in trouble. He's been conned the whole season, and he's supposed to be a freaking "mentalist!" Simon Baker would not be having it!
  5. Noooo! That panel sounds so snoozy. I loved Boy Beorge. His personality sparkled and he had a very quick wit! And the man can rock a chapeau! In other news, whatever I think of her talent or in-your-face sexuality stuff, it's hard not to like Miley, she's obviously a nice person.
  6. Bummer for Nick, he loved the game. Still can't figure out what he ever did to Sam to generate that much disdain. I guess Sam would have made an open announcement if he had ever had an immunity idol clue or possession. Right. At least Nick will make the jury interesting.
  7. ^^Oh you're right, they had 5 girls going for Sue, so that's why Sam reached out to Kylie, they did need six. ...My apologies to Sam, you are not as big of an assclown as I thought. :)
  8. Pre-tribal scramble was a shambolic mess. Why did Sam try to bring in Kylie, when he would have already had 5 voting Nick against the Spu 4-4 split vote? It might have worked if it didn't get all blown up. Hate to say it, but "mean girls" are the only ones who seem to know what they are doing. PS. Flick sneers like a movie villain. I wonder if she practiced that in the mirror.
  9. That auction was ...weird. Did they ever say what Matt was "waiting for." I thought an advantage, but I guess it must have been a loved-one letter, though he didn't really strike me as being super homesick. Um, have no idea what the old VV were doing, like WTF, not even Connor and Sue voted the same! Connor's trying to work get Kylie in with them while his best buddy Kate is voting her out?! .....a mess. Sad to see Connor go. VV really got unfairly screwed when Spu got to dictate who would be on both teams. I hope that don't do that again.
  10. It was kind of tough watching that obviously decent hardworking boss guy have to force himself to perform the role of "Angry Dick" and then submit himself to the "Marcus Healing Talk" so he could have an on camera redemption arc. It was clear the staff really didn't have much of a problem with him to begin with and were also told to stage the "mutiny." I liked this show much better without the manufactured drama.
  11. Yay, I found this much funnier than the first epi. Mr. Mackey was a Goddamn gem. And the "suicide" had me fooled. PS. The memberberries can add MacGyver, Lethal Weapon, and Magnum P.I.
  12. Thanks Fishy! And furthermore after the police tracked her down at home and busted her, she was so proud of putting on the helpless woman waterworks "cuz that's what women do." (Um, no, adult women would have left a note with insurance info.) Anyway, when that didn't work, she hired a lawyer. OMG Wendy, just pay the other vehicle's damages! Also, I noticed the next day she tried to talk about the two black men killed by cops and GOT ONE OF THEIR NAMES WRONG! At least she didn't call it "the killation." Yeah, I'm turning into a hate watcher.
  13. So, Wendy had her music up so loud she didn't realize she backed into another vehicle with enough impact that her bumper was "done" and then she left the scene. Obviously enough of a crash that a good samaritan snapped of photo of her hit and run. Great story. Totally believable. Where is the eyeroll emoticon when you need it.
  14. Uh, Vauvau, Kate just the other day lost a challenge for you by being inept at puzzles. Really, no one else even wanted to try?! Extra points to the cameramen on both occasions for lingering on her sad shambolic puzzle station after Nick and Dave both blew her away. Why isn't anyone on Vauvau looking for an immunity idol after Phoebe played hers? Were they told it was not put back in play? Cuz if they watch the US version, they would think it would immediately be re-hidden. I'm glad it wasn't though, I think US version puts way too many immunity idols out. It should be more special and random.
  15. Nooooo! Not Craig!! Ah, hell. He was a bloody good lad, great sport, and his heart was in it. And he had little tears in his eyes at tribal. I'll always remember his hardcore eye-of-the-tiger coaching of Sue while she was futility trying to hold up her basket of coconuts in that challenge. I would have picked Connor, cuz he could be assimilated, and he'd probably sing like a bird, and it would take the last man standing away from VV.
  16. I agree Amarsir, but remember what they did to George Lucas when they thought the last Indiana Jones film was crap. ...dayum!
  17. I couldn't make out what the member berries were whispering, until they took a nasty turn. I heard "Bionic Man" --hey, it was "The Six Million Dollar Man" and "The Bionic Woman"! --what were some other things the berries were 'membering? I thought they'd take a nastier stab at JJ, as Star Wars fans seem to have not been a big fan of his reboot.
  18. Emmett deserves a medal for taking in all of Jill's hysterics, which were offen aggressive towards him, and giving back calm support. I hope she does something about the "crazy" she admitted to at the end. Winners deserved it. Joel made me cry, but only cuz my own dad is rather cool and uncaring, and I always wanted a Joel. All in all, WAY better than recent US versions. Phil take note!
  19. Dear Australian Survivor, I do want you to get renewed for another season, so please don't blow it. I was quite concerned when you came up with that very special way to make the 2 tribes so uneven. And then Rohan fell on his sword. It will get boring fast if we already know who is going to be losing every challenge. And just in case there is any doubt, your editing makes it super duper obvious. I hope you do something quick to make it more competetive!
  20. Rohan, you are not helping reverse the stereotype that models are dim. Too bad the 4 couldn't put their differences aside and pull off the major blindside, tying things up.
  21. Ashley blew a chance to get Jill/Emmett out --not smart. I didn't think the plant judge should have told them they were saying it in the wrong language, I think they should have had to just keep coming back until they figured they need to revisit the clue. Granted they would have been there forever, but it would have been awesome. Fire & Ice were a mess. How did their toffee even get a pass with all that vinegar in it. I thought the host said the measuring had to be exact. They were really lucky to get this far.
  22. When Jeff came in after Zoila came back to work and told her he had made an appointment with Dr. Whoever, Zoila had a badly supressed smile on her face that clearly expressed that she was in on the plan (and not a great actress). I'm sure they worked out any changes in their "situation" long before unagi-gate and then wrote a dramatic script around it. It seems to me they have to totally create drama at this point because nothing volatile is really going on. Otherwise they are stuck trying to force drama out of such compelling shit as a client observing the workers or Jeff making a margarita. Gone are the days of the real firings and the heated Jeff/Ryan dissolution kind of stuff.
  23. I'm enjoying the more leisurely pace. Reminds me of the very first Survivor, Borneo, where a lot of the show was people just standing about and hacking at stuff with machetes and talking. Now it has to be all excitement or drama all the time. Why is Kyle an outcast? I know she's got the idol and all, but they make a constant point of saying how she's not very tight with the group, and the tribe wants her out, but I've seen nothing but her being perfectly pleasant and supportive. And the tribe seems to interact with her just fine.
  24. Wow. Last tribal was bananacakes. Never seen the likes of that on the US version. I dug it.
  25. Too short. They should have shown at least clips of the top 10 dances chosen by the public or something. More dramatic/funny moments in rehearsals. Behind the scenes stuff. Dance Center highlights. Some of Tom's great improvised one liners. It would have been nice to get to hear the pros talk about themselves a bit. And for the love of God, where were the bloopers!
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