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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. Or maybe Liv needs to get the hell away from them. After all, she is the common denominator in both screwed up relationships. The truly dumb part is that we have been shown no evidence that Edison can win the election. All we have seen is a lot of Vargas. Unless they are saying that Rowan can simply make an Edison victory happen. But if that's the case, what the hell does he need Jake as VP for?
  2. Not to mention, VP picks are often made for the strategic purpose of having them swing their home state to the ticket. Jake has no strength in that area, never having held office. Then again, Scandal completely ignored that issue when they had Fitz choose Andrew, who like Fitz, called California his home. In reality, not only would that cost them a second state with a home field advantage, it would cost them California as well. The rules of the Electoral College prevent electors from a state, in this case the very important state of California, to vote for two candidates from that same state. But again, this is Scandal, so let's just say a wizard did it.
  3. But enough about Jake. ;) At the very least the could have had Moldavian rebels bust in and gun everyone down and leave the question of who survived as a season ending cliffhanger. Nah, that's too far fetched even for Scandal.
  4. Sadly, this means they'll show a clip from his appearance on the show, and we will have to suffer once again through Sherri acting the fool and fawning all over him, making Prince as uncomfortable as can be. For someone who claimed to have been such a big Prince fan, you would think she would have been aware over how shy and uncomfortable Prince has always been on talk shows, He was always withdrawn on talk shows even when there wasn't some obnoxious imbecile hanging off of him.
  5. Puppazza joins my list of things I wish I could un-see, but I know I never will be able to. It is a short list, but very frightening.
  6. I loved all the NOW that sounds like music songs. I was able to recognize all but one. What was "I'm freaking out" by The Error Car Men supposed to be a ripoff of? And though I do find him funny, I admit I was also a little pleased that Kimmy beat up Billy Eichner,
  7. We first heard it last season, when Lillian and Jacqueline were going on their road trip to Durnsville.
  8. Some real life Manson Family news to chew on before the second season. Leslie Van Houten has been recommended for parole.
  9. I tell you this much, if I never see Kate McKinnon lick the barrel of her proton shooter (or whatever the hell you call it) again, it will be too damn soon. First, that is gross as hell, and considering what shoots out of it, incredibly dangerous to her health. But seriously, why does she do that? There is certainly no practical purpose to it. Does she think it looks cool? I cannot be the only one who finds that offputting.
  10. I think you both mean Pedro Cerrano. ;)
  11. To be fair, Leslie Uggams (who was 33) was cast to play Kizzy over the course of her life, from her teen years until old age. So it made sense to cast someone her age for the part. Duncan, on the other hand, only appears as the young Missy Anne, save for one scene where the character meet again as old women. I am guessing they cast Duncan (who was 30 at the time) to make Uggams more believable as a teenager. But I personally never found it too unbelievable that they were playing much younger than they were. Both actresses, particularly Duncan, have always skewed younger, looks-wise. Now that I am remembering all this, I also remember that for the longest time I couldn't stand Sandy Duncan. Missy Anne turned out to be a vile piece of work, didn't she? Definitely on the short list of most hateful in the entire series, which is saying something. It wasn't until Duncan's time on The Hogans that I was able to get past her role in Roots. As for OJ Simpson, I never minded that he was cast in that role, but if you ever wanted to know how untalented an actor he truly was, Roots is the perfect showcase for that lack of talent.
  12. Or how about the simple fact that such an important person, who receives round the clock care in a medical facility, was missing for god knows how long, and then turns up dead. The episode did not give specifics as to how long the Veep was in the bunker, but it could not have been simply for an afternoon. And even if it were, I cannot imagine he is in any condition where it is believable that he can just leave the facility of his own accord. Did none of his nurses realize he wasn't there for dinner, which would have been doubly strange since it was taco night? But Scandal is so lazy that they basically wave all the questions away, and we, and the citizens of the Scandal universe, are supposed to just be OK with the main characters making statements about what a tragic loss this is. Because they can't waste time with what would be obvious plot developments when they need to focus on next weeks episode, where Olivia has "the sads" over what she did.
  13. Jake goes to Dallas in the first episode. He heads out there after the trouble with the bookies in Lisbon. He is scoping out Dealey Plaza, and he meets Sadie there. And Sadie gets picked up by her husband after meeting with Jake. The business with young Harry and his family happens in the second episode. This all takes place in October 1960. Recall that Harry's life changed forever on Halloween night, 1960. Presumably his running mate was the same as it was in real life, General Curtis Lemay. For those who may not know, LeMay was an Air Force General. He was a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during Kennedy's administration. He is most remembered for clashing with JFK over the Cuban Missile Crisis. To say he was a hawk would be understating it. Greatly. He was memorably portrayed in the film about the Cuban Missile Crisis, "13 Days". Personally, I think Wallace might have stood a shot in real life in 1968 had he made Colonel Sanders his running mate. But that is neither here nor there.
  14. Of all the things the now deceased VP was guilty of with regards to Olivia Pope, he in fact did not try and sell her. Putting Olivia Pope up for auction was her idea. Had all gone according to plan, I believe Olivia would be dead right now. It is hard to remember how it all went down exactly, but I do recall the VP losing control of his plot, and the actual kidnappers going rogue. Also, I am not really sure how he has the resources to do it again. As they mentioned, the VP was heavily in debt. And he no longer has the powerful position to put such things in motion. Then again, I don't really understand why he was bringing all this up. He was in no position to expose everyone, if only for the simple fact that it leaves him exposed most of all. Telling his story to a reporter does not make him immune to prosecution for treason. Was the VP ok with going before a firing squad?
  15. The “hero” of the show resorting to murder can easily be considered a jump the shark moment, but that isn’t why I believe Mr Fonzarelli has strapped on the skis. It was the ridiculousness of the moment that did it in. The show has been losing it for a good long while now, but it was this moment where all the idiocy came together so perfectly as to render the show useless. That is why, for me anyway, the show has jumped the shark. Or as I suggested earlier, it has now “beaten the VP to death with a chair”.
  16. I guess I could look on the bright side and admire Liv's upper body strength. That chair did not look light, yet Liv wielded it with some clean, powerful swings. But otherwise I think "jump the shark" should be replaced with "beat the Veep to death with a chair". I'm out. I am amazed I lasted this long.
  17. Episode 7 left me a bit underwhelmed, but this final episode more than made up for it. And strangely, when it was over, I found I ultimately didn't care about Jake's quest to save Kennedy, or what the outcome would mean to the world at large. It was the smaller and personal story of the Jake and Sadie romance that held my interest. And I won't spoil it for anyone, but suffice it to say if your heart isn't touched by the final minutes of the series, you may want to check your pulse, as you have likely shuffled off this mortal coil.
  18. As unforgivable as it is, I don't think it merits the death penalty. After all, a cool breeze can set off a Papa Pope monologue. The man does love to pontificate. It might have been nice if either was a good candidate. Gender aside, we have a no record Senator and a no record VP, both of whom have held elected office for only a couple of years. Still that is better than Hollis Doyle, who only has a record of being a jerkoff. But I will say this, for once the political scene on Scandal is realistic. You can't say that Scandal's lineup of Republican candidates is any worse than the real life version. Me too. And I never thought I would say that. Sally used to make me cringe, but now that she is in the proper context as a pundit, she is always the highlight of each episode she appears in. She is the character I am rooting for.
  19. The universe of ShondaLand, where we are supposed to believe that only in tonight's episode has Olivia Pope come dangerously close to crossing a line. Which is only true if you forget absolutely everything that came before tonight's episode. Sorry, but Liv crossed the line a long time ago. She not only crossed it, she obliterated it. And that her hatchet man was the one to express concern over Liv's "line crossing" was an irony so delicious, it just had to be fattening.
  20. I am of the mind that Sadie is simply not able to travel through the Rabbit Hole back to the present. Nor anyone else from the past for that matter. If they were, it stands to reason someone would have gone through it at some point, even if only on accident. The portal is not exactly hidden away. When Jake appears in 1960, it is outdoors, in broad daylight. He seemingly walks back in with ease. Whatever the rules are, they clearly forbid someone from the past going into the present day. Then again, that just brings up the question as to how Al was able to bring back meat for his burgers from the past. Granted, the cow that meat once was is not going to run into itself, causing a paradox. But I wonder, does it disappear from the digestive tracts of whoever has eaten Al's burgers when Al goes back and resets? OK, now I've gone cross-eyed. Thanks a lot, 11.22.63!
  21. IRL he had two brothers, Robert Oswald and John Pic. Oldest brother John Pic was half brother to Lee and Robert. Lee was not close to John, but he was very close to Robert. Or as close as a loner like Lee could be to anyone, that is. While Lee was not an only child, his brothers were 7 and 5 years older than him, and each got away from their mother as quickly as they could, both joining the service. This would leave Lee alone with his mother during some very formative years, and make of it what you will, but this was also the time where Lee became fascinated with communism. Despite his budding communism, Lee would follow his brothers example and leave his mother at age 17 to join the Marines. I do believe the report card, which had a note from the teacher saying Lee had "potential", was true to life. But Lee's mother, Marguerite, certainly did not show him the card days before the assassination. In fact when his mother visited him in jail after the assassination, that was the first they had seen of each other in well over a year. 11.22.63 does not portray it that way, but to say Lee was estranged from his mother is putting it lightly. In fact, while in custody, he berated Marina for letting her get involved. As if Marina had any say in the matter. I do agree they seem to have gone out of the way to cast a good actress, Cherry Jones, just to have her do nothing. Perhaps the next episode we will see more of Marguerite Oswald. I hope for Cherry Jones' sake, as it is the last episode of the series. If not, people can catch a great, and far more accurate, portray of Marguerite Oswald in the 2013 film "Parkland". She is played by Jacki Weaver, who knocks it out of the park. Perhaps history has changed, and now Bill is the Cassandra of the assassination, rather than Rose Cheramie. Cheramie (whose story is immortalized at the beginning of the movie JFK) was a prostitute who was picked up by police wandering alone, in a daze, on the highway. She was taken into custody and hospitalized. During this time she claimed, among many other things, that the President was going to be killed. She made this claim a day or two before the assassination. I won't go into detail, but suffice it to say that much more was made out of this incident than ever needed to be. As for this episode, it kind of left me flat. It rushed through everything, as if even the show was being impatient and just wanted to get to the fireworks factory, I mean Book Depository.
  22. I think Batman v Superman will rule the roost for another week. Zootopia is performing very well, and it is possible it could take the top spot again, but I don't think it will. Barbershop opens on the 15th. By then I don't think it should have any trouble supplanting Batman v Superman. But I think the movie to beat by then will be Melissa McCarthy's latest shitbomb, The Boss, which opens on the 8th. Everything I have seen about that movie makes me want to gouge my eyes out, but the fact is, this is the type of Melissa McCarthy movie where they have to drain parts of the ocean in order to put up more screens to fit the demand. I thought Batman vs Superman was OK. I rank it ahead of both of the Avengers movies, but that isn't saying a hell of a whole lot. This will definitely be the first Batman movie since Batman and Robin that I have not seen more than once in the theater. All in all, I only truly enjoyed two things 1) Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman and 2) the fact that the Wayne's were shown to have died in 1981, which means the Zorro movie they were leaving was Zorro the Gay Blade.
  23. Huck going to work on Lizzie's back was an all too real development. Sadly, the Scandal writers completely forgetting about it is also all too real. Either that or we're supposed to believe a wizard did it. As the recap suggested, Liv is clearly no longer good at her job, and has been reduced to just spouting bullshit like "optics" to appear as if she is on top of things. She clearly only uses "optics" as a catch all. Anyone who would send Mellie into Gettysburger clearly has no real idea about "optics". Personally, I have never really believed there was anything particularly special or brilliant about the services Liv renders. If she is the top dog in DC, it is because she is written that way. I have seen little to suggest that reputation is earned.
  24. No doubt Walker and JFK are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but to Lee Harvey Oswald, a dedicated Marxist who despised capitalism and the United States, that just makes them opposite sides of the same coin. And suffice it to say, Lee hates the coin, and everything it represents, above all. Walker was an obvious target, being an extreme right-wing segregationist, and a high profile one at that. It is easy to see why Oswald would go after him. JFK is a little harder to see. Oswald was even purported to have spoken well of the man. But we have to remember, above everything else, JFK was the President. And as such he is the leader and representative of everything Oswald hates, regardless of who JFK was as a man, or what Oswald thought of him personally.
  25. Mellie at Gettysburger was so uncomfortably awkward it made Michael Dukakis in a tank look like the most natural thing in the world. I did love the one commentator saying "the woman never had a Gettysburger in her life", which of course brings to mind Richard Nixon, and his fondness for that, particular, brand of beer. I really hope there is more to Jake and his fiancee. Because if he is with her in a ploy to fund a SuperPac using her bank accounts, that just seems ridiculous. I am pretty certain there are many, less needlessly complicated ways to fund a SuperPac than to fake an engagement.
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