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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. I have never been able to stand Sal either. Which is weird because I love Elizabeth Banks so much, and have endured a lot of dreck just for her. But Sal just needs to be wiped from existence. Such a clichéd character and so damn obnoxious.
  2. I was almost expecting to see Al Capone doing the Charleston on top of a flag pole. But evidently, that happens next week. ;)
  3. I didn't mean it literally, but rather in the sense that the conversation was only even taking place because of Fitz. Because everything Liv does revolves around Fitz. Which allows for the inexplicable fact that someone like Liv, is involved at all with the Vargas murder investigation, despite having no authority to be a part of it. Yet she does have a part in it, and that was the only reason she was dining with her "friend". And I would also add that I don't think Fitz is excluded when it comes to the things Liv and her friend have to endure from their white male counterparts. And as far as the Bechdel Test goes, they were still talking about men during that part of the conversation.
  4. I would have preferred if the FBI director hadn't been made an old friend of Liv's, for a couple of reasons. First and foremost being the fact that Liv doesn't have any friends. Who are they trying to kid? But mostly though I really would have liked to have seen someone who was Liv's equal (though I doubt she ultimately will be portrayed that way) who not only wasn't a Liv ally but frankly, had no use for her. Just once I'd like to see someone who was totally unimpressed with Papa Pope's baby girl. As for the Bechdel test, that scene failed miserably. Their whole interaction was all about Fitz. They may have been talking about other things prior to talking about Fitz, but even that was really about Fitz.
  5. There was her next door neighbor, (played by character actress Fran Bennett, probably best known as Nana Barnes on Community) who got killed when Olivia was kidnapped. And later we saw the next door neighbors lover (played by the legendary Marla Gibbs) who hired Olivia to find out what happened to the neighbor. And I think that may be it.
  6. Attempts at creating drama on the 2 on 1 date might have worked if there was even the slightest hope he was going to keep Taylor. But there wasn't. And it has fuck all to do with Corinne's "villainy", and more to do with Taylor being a total bore. I am sure Taylor and Nick have spent some time together, I just don't remember any of it. On another note, I have to disagree with what seems to be the consensus, that Nick is only keeping Corinne around because she is a producer plant. She indeed embodies all the attributes of a producer's plant, but it is my belief that Nick isn't really being coerced into keeping her around. I agree he has no future with her, and I believe he knows it. No, he's keeping her around until he gets what he wants from her. And since this is Nick, I think we all know what that is. And it rhymes with Tex. Or at the very least, it rhymes with snow job.
  7. New season. Season 5 ended back in May, and they have been off since then.
  8. Despite the insistence of all the promos not to miss the first 10 minutes, I in fact did just that. I just watched them on Hulu, and while it lived up to the explosive nature promised in the ads, there was a hell of a lot of stupid shit. Most notably the idea that Liv would urge Mellie to concede so quickly. At the time this occurs, Mellie has lost California by 4000 votes. Liv counters by saying that in a few hours it will be 20,000 votes, so Mellie should just accept it. What is bothersome is that 20,000 is a thin margin to lose any state by, but for California it is practically a tie, statistically speaking. Back in November, Californians came out to the polls to the tune of over 11,954,000 votes cast. Even if we go by Liv's prediction of a 20,000 vote margin, that is a just a difference of 1/6th of one percent of the vote. I don't know the laws that govern a recount in California, but it would seem to me such a razor thin margin would more than warrant a recount. I get that it was done for the sake of moving the story along, but how are we supposed to believe Liv would give up so quickly? The other thing that bugged me was Abby at the hospital. I get that they like to give the characters their "you go girl" moments, but her showdown with the head of the Secret Service detail was unrealistic, a) because the Secret Service would obviously have secured the hospital long before Abby showed up, and b) despite the factual truth of her "don't you know who I am?" spiel, she would not have any authority over the Secret Service when it comes to security. Even the President doesn't dictate to the Secret Service how to handle security. At least not in any way that remotely resembles the shit Abby pulled. Not to mention that, while she is chief of staff, she is Fitz' chief of staff. It isn't Fitz in that hospital, it is Vargas, the new President-elect, and a Democrat. He would have his own staff to pull lame power moves like that. They hardly need Abby. I am usually an Abby defender, but in that scene, she was annoying as all hell.
  9. This is my belief as well. If Cyrus was going to kill Vargas, he certainly wouldn't do it where there was even a chance that he could get aced out of the Presidency.
  10. You know the show is creatively bankrupt when you watch Olivia threaten Cyrus by telling him she will prove he murdered Vargas, and all you can think is, "yeah, that's not gonna happen". Truth is Liv will devote an episode or two to her quest to take down the Beane, but then she'll forget all about it after Jake promises her the sun, or Fitz promises her Vermont. And once that's done, the show will completely forget that Vargas ever existed, and then it will get bogged down in some Papa Pope/Vitamin B-12 nonsense. No matter how confidently she sashays out of the room, we all know there will be no follow through.
  11. Nick was in his twenties when Bella was born. Different strokes, I guess. Different strokes for his parents. And in any case, I don't see how his parents having kids years apart like that would reflect on Nick in any way. As for the situation in general, while I wouldn't call it creepy, I would say it gets awkward at times. I say this as someone who has siblings old enough to be my parents. Growing up I often felt a tad embarrassed by that, but that feeling faded as I got older.
  12. I have to admit, I am a bit confused. You were watching and liking Danielle M on The Bachelor, but when you discovered she had appeared in a music video for Cole Swindell, whoever the hell that is, it was only then that you were disappointed to find that Danielle M was a fame whore? It seems to me her appearance on The Bachelor would have been the smoking gun as to her fame whore-dom. Not disagreeing with your conclusion as to Danielle M.'s being a fame whore, but the timeline of events seems a bit jumbled.
  13. Indeed, that part where the son brought up the notion that Kitty Genovese was connected to the Genovese crime family, was all kinds of awkward. Forgetting for a second the easy stereotype about Italian-Americans that was being bought into, it just seemed strange that the murderer's family seemed to think there was danger in meeting with Bill Genovese. For the sake of argument, let's say Kitty Genovese was related to Vito Genovese. Does anyone really think that any retribution against innocent relatives (which, btw, the mob tends to go out of it's way not to do) would take a half century to be exacted? Not to mention it would also mean the Genovese family (crime family, that is) would have allowed the murderer to live for half a century. What the hell were the murderer's relatives so afraid of? Still, I have to give credit to both Bill Genovese and the son for meeting like that. I honestly could not imagine meeting with someone I was connected to in that way.
  14. Thanks for the info. I was afraid I would never learn the details of where they met, what with Liz being so secretive and closed mouthed about it. ;)
  15. So that was DolphinShark at the end. Now I am thinking that it is very possible that what she thought was a boob job was in fact just a pedicure. She does have a penchant for being unable to tell two distinctly different things apart. Also, can someone clue me in, I think I must have blinked and missed it, where did Liz and Nick meet?
  16. I am certain Goldie Hawn is just doing some schtick. But someone should tell her that the whole "cutie pie ditz" persona that served her so well for many years, really doesn't work at 70. And it clearly makes people think she is either drunk or having a senior moment.
  17. I know I am being a stick in the mud, but way to trivialize a double murder, Fallon.
  18. All the talk on the NBC pre-show about how we cannot miss Jimmy Fallon's opening number just makes me think it is going to be as awful as pretty much everything Fallon does. Edited to add Well, Fallon doesn't disappoint. That was as overblown, pointless and awful as one would expect.
  19. And this is why for all the claims of double standards against women versus men, sometimes there is a double standard the other way too. So many screamed slut shaming for anyone who criticized Andi for sleeping with Nick days before choosing Josh and especially after saying she knew she Josh was the one for her fairly early. And it was the same regarding people's opinions of Kaitlyn and her actions during her season. Yet Nick is constantly regarded by some as a man-whore and I don't know what that is based off of. Since it was me you quoted, I felt I should respond and say that my referring to Nick as a "noted man whore" was a joke, and not a moral judgment in any way. Really it was just a way (a crude way to be sure) to refer to his sexual activity while on the various shows of this franchise. I guess I could have called him a "ladies man" or a "playboy", but "noted man whore" just seemed way funnier to me. And trust me, there is no double standard, not on my part anyway, because I have no judgment whatsoever on Nick's sex life, or the sex life of any member of Bachelor Nation, male or female. These people are adults (legally anyway) and can commiserate as they see fit. But if my phrasing bothers people, I can certainly put a stop to it. There are other terms to use, and many more ways to poke fun at Nick. The guy is just a comedic gold mine.
  20. Her similarities to Whitney Bischoff are no small part as to why Danielle M is my favorite. Personal favorite that is. I think she will go far (probably in the final 6) but I don't think she'll win, as she seems too sweet and ground for noted man-whore Nick Vile. But placing relatively high is fine by me, as that means she would be in good standing to be the Bachelorette. I looked her up, the M stands or Maltby, and she is the contestant whose fiancé passed away. She is a neo-natal nurse, which puts her in the high percentiles, career-wise, amongst all the "aspiring dolphin trainers (who can't tell a dolphin from a shark)" and "multi-million dollar business owners (who live at home and still have a nanny at 24)". She is also a model, and for my money, instantly on the short list for most beautiful contestant. Others can, and will, disagree, but as someone who ranks Trista Sutter, Rozlyn Papa, Emily Maynard, and the aforementioned Whitney Bischoff, among the most beautiful, Danielle fits right in.
  21. I tuned in at the half way mark and I only saw a scene where she was at a desk and her dad came in. It looked clear that whatever business this was, it was run from their home. Of course that alone doesn't mean it can't be a successful business, far from it, but it is also far from the image of a giant conglomerate she is trying to portray.
  22. Just from the looks of things, I would say that whatever her business is, she feels free to call it a "multi-million dollar business" because her gross sales revenue broke the one million mark, and she considers anything above the 1 million mark to be part of a second million, therefore allowing her to say "multi" million. I say good for her. After all, running your own business is a nice accomplishment. But methinks she's exaggerating more than a bit.
  23. I have liked this show, and I know I should not take any of the plotlines seriously, but it seems to me that if that one girl quit, they could easily just go down to the pound and pick up another millennial with their head up their Instagram account. I mean it's like they practically grow on trees FFS! There really was no need for McHale and Fry to do the social media version of the "Lucy working the conveyer belt" bit.
  24. There is a "hail of bullets" and then there is the way Bonnie and Clyde died in real life, which would only be rivaled by Sonny Corleone's cinematic death. Their ultimate fate was the same, but the circumstances were hugely different. My only problem with this episode was Lucy once again getting all star struck and romantic over people an historian like herself would never be that way about. There was Judith Campbell in the Las Vegas episode, and now Bonnie and Clyde. I guess they had to have Lucy get all mushy over Bonnie and Clyde's love affair in order to get the ball rolling with her and Wyatt. But in truth, while Bonnie and Clyde would be of interest, what with their being part of the "Public Enemies" era during the Depression, I doubt Lucy would romanticize a pair of low-rent, dirtbag murderers, which is what Bonnie and Clyde truly were.
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