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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. I went back and watched, and that just isn't the case. Unless cargo shorts were much bigger in the 70's than I remember. That was what Barney was wearing. And both Kirk Van Houten and Reverend Lovejoy were wearing skinny jeans with black Chuck Taylor All-Stars. People have of course been wearing All-Stars for a very long time, but I highly doubt anyone was rocking them at a house party in the 70's. They definitely weren't wearing skinny jeans. On the other hand, Smithers and Apu were dressed sort of 80's-ish. Smithers was rather preppy in his Polo Shirt with the sweater tied around his neck. And Apu for some reason was wearing a red leather jacket, not unlike Michael Jackson.
  2. I was glad Wyatt and Lucy expressed their love physically in 1941, as after all, it was the style at the time. ;) I am loving the history lessons we get every week. I never knew any of that stuff about Hedy Lamarr. Though truth be told, for me, the name Hedy Lamarr just brings up thoughts of Harvey Korman in Blazing Saddles ("Hedley, not Hedy!"). I got to say, Rittenhouse's plan this time out was unnecessarily convoluted. Depositing an agent in Hollywood in the 1920's just so he can spend 15 years working his way up to a position of power within the studios, whereby in 1941 he can steal Citizen Kane for Hearst, just seems like the long way to go. Especially since the objective is merely to get a column in the Hearst papers. I think there are easier, less time consuming ways to achieve both of those goals. Though I guess for modern day Rittenhouse, time consuming isn't really a problem, is it? Still convoluted though.
  3. I don't care for any of the couch gags. At least not those of recent seasons. It's not because they're terrible, they're really not. It's because they are the most vivid reminder of how this show has been phoning it in for years. There is more effort and care put into creating those gags than there is the actual episode. Where are people getting that from? It seemed fairly obvious that the flashbacks took place a decade ago (as it of course would, as Bart is 10), meaning Homer and Marge were a fun loving, childless, married couple circa 2007. The only thing that screamed an earlier date was Dr Hibbert inexplicably being dressed as Purple Rain-era Prince. I get people being bothered by the ret-cons that have occurred over the years. It is strange, but the show has been on so long that of course they are going to have to change time periods for certain events. Marge and Homer obviously can no longer be members of the class of 1974, as they were in the first flashback episodes. What really bothers me is how lazy they get by deciding that suddenly all these characters are basically the same age now. Characters like Moe, Kent Brockman, and others should not be in the same age group as Homer and Marge. I daresay, it's getting to be that at some point even Mr Burns will be portrayed as a contemporary of Homer's.
  4. I did love the little Dukes of Hazzard homage, and I must admit, Rufus really rocked that pair of Daisy Dukes. ;) I also liked that this was the episode where Wyatt finally got emotions. At least emotions beyond mourning his dead wife. And I guess Wucy is moving forward, but as I said before, I am a die-hard Flucy shipper. I am amazed at evil Great Grandpa being able to adjust so quickly to suddenly being 100 years in the future. Certainly weaved his plans to alter the past rather quickly, seemingly without contemplating the 100 years of history he missed. Which reminds me, did anyone bother to tell him about the last guy (arguably the man who most significantly influenced those 100 years Great Grandpa missed) who had a plan to bring about a "master race"?
  5. So glad the show is back. I really hope it can succeed and continue on. But for now I'll just enjoy the gift of a second season. So it looks they are going all in on Wucy this season. I for one was holding out hope that Flucy would become a thing.
  6. Hearing OJ "hypothetically" expound about how the murder went down was probably the most bizarre thing I have ever witnessed. Especially the part about his (once again) "hypothetical" partner in crime, Charlie. All of this said with that smirk that seriously needs to be wiped off his pathetic, has-been face. That said, I doubt those few who believe OJ is innocent had their minds changed. It reminds me a joke about JFK conspiracy theorists. A JFK conspiracist dies and goes to heaven. Upon entering the pearly gates, he is greeted by God, who tells him that he can ask any question about any topic, and he will be given the absolute truth. Of course the conspiracy theorist asks "Who killed JFK?", to which God calmly and quickly answers, "Lee Harvey Oswald". The conspiracy theoriest takes in the information, ponders it for a moment, and then says to himself "This thing goes up even higher than I thought!"
  7. I think the evidence only points to one conclusion about "Bekah with the sugar bowl haircut": that she's an idiot.........with a sugar bowl haircut.
  8. Well, you get what you pay for. I mean Lauren's biggest role before this was "Panicky Idiot #3" in San Andreas, one of The Rock's lesser works.
  9. Yeah, there was zero chance that scenario would have ever played out. There is of course no arguing that Lauren has no personality. Entire galaxies could be swallowed up into the void where her personality should be. But I am curious, what makes her an entitled brat? Nothing I saw makes me think that. Of course all I saw of Lauren was her physical being, as again, the woman has no personality whatsoever. I'll admit, I don't watch every minute of the show, so perhaps I missed something. But what exactly would that be?
  10. I couldn't escape Blockers yesterday. I went to see Game Night (good movie), and saw a preview for Blockers, and it looks like just an absolute piece of shit. And then I can't even escape it on The Bachelor. Still, that segue Harrison did from Blockers, the movie, to "Best Blocker moments on The Bachelor", was pretty good. I can see why he gets paid the big bucks.
  11. I am just glad Blecch-ah is being consigned to Paradise. The thought of her, with her sugar bowl haircut, and moon pie of a face, being The Bachelorette would just make me forsake this franchise completely.
  12. If I remember correctly, only Jan slammed her looks. In that episode, Jan found an old picture of Imogene Coca's character (I want to say aunt Ginny) where she was a dead ringer for Jan. But then Jan saw how she grew up to look and got upset. But of course the rest of the episode was all about showing how cool and interesting her character was, and most importantly to Jan, how many suitors she seemed to have. You know, Jan was kind of an idiot, wasn't she?
  13. Well, there was BeBe Gallini. Granted she was fictional, and frankly not much of a role model, and...what was the question again? ;) As for the matter of height, or lack thereof, Greg was a bit short, but to be fair, Barry Williams was only 15 when this was filmed. And he was also standing next to Don Drysdale, who was 9 feet tall (6'6", actually). Robert Reed was also in that scene, and he was a tall drink of water too. Barry Williams would ultimately grow to be about 6 feet tall. That would definitely be short for today's MLB pitchers, but wouldn't stick out so much back in the 70's and 80's, when Greg Brady would have conceivably played. That is if he didn't bomb out at his next game and completely give up baseball to the point where it was never mentioned again. And TBB did have their fair share of celebrities and athletes show up, but only two were Dodgers, Wes Parker and Don Drysdale. The other athletes I recall were Deacon Jones of the L.A. Rams, and Joe Namath, who would become a Ram, but was still a N.Y. Jet when he appeared on the show.
  14. That's so funny! I lived in Germany for 17 years and I was thinking the exact opposite - way to represent the stereotypical rigid, brusque German, Christian. No, in Germany we don't assume that a tentative plan is an "appointment" nor do we wait around for someone without checking in on them and changing plans if necessary. Christian's behavior would have been off-putting to most German women as well. I don't think any of this has to do with any cultural differences. I think it is pretty universal that if you say you are going to meet someone at a certain place and time, and then don't show, people will get bent out of shape. I know Hans Landa, I mean Christian, was all "In Germany ven vee say vee vill meet in ze Jacuzzi, vee vill meet in ze Jacuzzi", but I think that was just him venting, and not strictly an explanation of proper and specific German etiquette, vis a vis ze Jacuzzi. And I think it is also pretty universal that if the person who skipped ze Jacuzzi is all nonchalant about their breaking the "date", or gets in a huff themselves about being called on it, as Clare Bear did, then it is going to escalate. Which it did. I still love Clare, but this was a perfect example of why she is slotted into the "perpetually single, unlucky in love" role on the Bachelor.
  15. I think Ben-wah too. I admit it is because of the late (and tragic) professional wrestler Chris Benoit. Though I have heard it pronounced Ben-oyt, also from another athlete, famed marathoner Joan Benoit. Clare is 36, but she is not the oldest to appear on any iteration of the Bachelor (US version anyway). I believe that would be Gwen Gioia, who first appeared back on Season 2 of the Bachelor in 2002, and then came back for season 1 of Bachelor Pad in 2010. She was 39 on Bachelor Pad. Speaking of Clare, she is one of my all-time favorites (behind probably only Trista and Tenley), but she is not without her faults, plenty of which might explain why she can't find a decent guy in the real world. Personally, the one that bugs me the most is the fact that she really does not know what the word "literally" means, which she has shown more than a few times during her appearances on these shows. I did enjoy the "opening ceremonies", particularly my absolute favorite, Trista, coming back. To hang a lantern. Which she didn't light. No matter, I just loved seeing Trista.
  16. reggiejax

    I, Tonya (2017)

    I enjoyed the movie, even though I am firmly in the "Tonya Harding can suck it!" camp. Nothing in this movie changed my position about Harding, but like I said, it was a good movie.
  17. If it means she ends up shitting herself on camera, I am all for that scenario. I don't think Arie likes any of these women. But there are a handful he really, really wants to have sex with, and Krystal is one of them.
  18. This! A million times, THIS! Can't stand Bekah, or her sugar bowl haircut.
  19. She was. So was Ali during her season, bur JoJo was slightly younger, being 25 and 6 months when her season premiered, Ali being 25 and 8 months. On the other end of the age spectrum, Trista was 30 when she was Bachelorette, and was the oldest until last year, when Rachel was Bachelorette at 32.
  20. That seems to be the consensus, though I for one don't see it. But frankly speaking, saying someone is more mature than the other contestants on The Bachelor is the very definition of damning with faint praise. It's like saying Moe was the smartest of the 3 Stooges. And now that I think about it, that is a rather fitting comparison, considering Bekah's sugar bowl haircut. And I'll tell you, when Arie said Bekah was deeper than the other women he has dated, all I could think was, "JFC, how shallow were these other women? Were they able to see a reflection in the mirror?"
  21. Oh, Bekah fucking wishes she had anything on Leslie Caron. And that goes double for her.
  22. I am guessing she probably did complain, though probably not quite as eloquently as you would have put it, what with her being Miss "Mic Drop" and all. And then what likely happened is that the producers told her that, on the contrary, she did sign up for this, and she should check out her contract. And they then threatened her with the boot. Now I certainly have no idea how well those Bachelor Nation contracts would hold up if someone were to really take it all the way to court, but I imagine they are quite effective as a tool when dealing within the moment. In any case, I imagine this got Bibby Babka quickly back into the fold. As far as what the wrestler said, I really didn't get her trash talk. How does she think "Bibiana" should be spelled? I thought maybe she was trying to suggest Bibiana is a made up name, but in fact it is a pretty old name, deriving from Latin. In fact, there is a St. Bibiana. And needless to say, this Bibiana does in fact spell it correctly. Though on further thought, I shouldn't be surprised at the wrestler's weak trash talk. I was a teenager back when GLOW first aired, and a huge fan. And while I remember the Farmer's Daughter, I do not remember Little Egypt at all. And like I said, I was not a casual fan. I am the type of GLOW fan who still cringes at the mention of the name Suzie Spirit. Other fans like myself know what I am talking about.
  23. I liked that they refrained big time from their usual reliance on the pop culture references, save of course for the ode to chain restaurants. Was the restaurant in this episode real, because I have never heard of it? I am just curious how the Goldberg's were able to take another table's food like that in real life. My guess is the people they took the food from were simply too dumbfounded by the act to protest. I'd certainly be dumbfounded by it too, but if Bev tried to put her hands on my food, she'd be pulling back a couple of nubs.
  24. So glad Bibby Babka is gone. Bad enough she was the type I hate the most on this show, the one who sits on their ass complaining about having no time with the Bachelor, but she talked so much shit. I know she has her share of fans for this trait, but I am most definitely not one. It is a very thin line between witty snark and bitter trash talk, and Bibby Babka did not walk that line well, at all. I felt bad for Annaliese. First her childhood traumas are used for comedic fodder, than she is roundly rejected by Arie. I though she was pretty, and childhood traumas aside, she seemed kind of nice. Hopefully we see more of her on BIP.
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