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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. I did not know that either. If true, then Marcia Clark is an even bigger idiot than I thought. That interview she tries to enter into evidence. The one where OJ turns on the famed OJ charm and almost has you believing it really was all just a big misunderstanding. I am so sure that would have made OJ looks so terrible with the jury comprised of people already sympathetic towards him and decidedly not so with Nicole. Yeah, that would have been a smooth move, ExLax. (apologies for any sarcasm that dripped on to anyone's keyboard) That interview she wants to enter, but not the interview with the police, the one where OJ is fumbling around for answers, cannot keep anything straight, and makes little sense, all indicating a consciousness of guilt. No, that one she made a point to keep out. I shouldn't be surprised, but nothing Clark has said in this doc has changed my mind one bit about how truly and colossally she fucked up.
  2. Probably too numerous to mention. No one is suggesting that OJ was anything but the incorrigible womanizer he was often described as, and certainly no one has ever suggested he was in the right to do so.
  3. I know this opinion will be unpopular, but I couldn't help but think to myself, Jesus Fucking Christ, of all the people for Nicole to fuck around with, she picks Marcus Allen! The one guy she absolutely damn well knows will send OJ through the roof? She knows there will be a reaction, and she knows what the reaction will be! And I cannot stress enough that I don't excuse OJ one bit for any of the violence he inflicted on Nicole, nor do I even consider this a mitigating circumstance from a legal point of view, though defense lawyers no doubt would. But talk about your poor fucking decisions. And yes, that goes for Marcus Allen too.
  4. Regarding the idea of the relevance of Nicole Simpson's drug use, my answer would be, it depends. Is it relevant to the documentary? Seeing as how this is a film that is employing a very wide scope, about the murders, those involved, and society at large, I would say delving into who Nicole Simpson was is relevant. She was the victim, after all. And like it or not, her drug use was part of who she was. If they can bring up Marcus Allen, I don't see why her drug use would be out of bounds. Part of this story is OJ embracing the "Brentwood lifestyle", and if part of that is Nicole Simpson's drug use, or OJ's for that matter, then it is relevant. Is it relevant to the murder? Only if Nicole's drug use was the catalyst for her murder. But except for Johnnie Cochran's pathetic attempts to make it so (what with his hair brained talk of "Columbian neckties" and "the world of Faye Resnick", all of which fell flat), it was not. So the answer is a resounding NO.
  5. From the recap: That threw me for a loop too. But I am going to give that woman the benefit of the doubt, and say that she was not as clueless as that statement made her sound. I am 100% certain she knew exactly what she was referring too. And I think that is why she phrased it that way. I think she was wary of how to proceed with that particular hearing, due to the notoriety of the prisoner, and as a result, she must have decided to treat it no differently than any other hearing for any other prisoner. For her it was business as usual. So we get what is no doubt the strangest sounding question ever asked at a parole hearing. I imagine even she thought her phrasing was weird. And no doubt, she never thought the video would ever be broadcast to the public. Of course, weirder still was OJ's response to the question, which was that he had to think about it for a second, at least with regards to how old he was. As if he was thinking "Oh that? Yeah, I think I was 46 when that happened."
  6. From the recap: I would be concerned, except I am 100% certain that Evan's "kids" are in fact his cats. I get that Chad was cast to do exactly what he is doing, but it got old fast. Just how much more of this dickhead must we endure? You would think a contestant named James Taylor would get one of the mellower dates, you know, a picnic out in a meadow or something. Instead they get to travel back in time to when swing dancing was popular. All the way back to the 90's. ;) I do admit, the 1940's look really suits JoJo, especially the hairstyle.
  7. I know Kal Penn was kind of a joke choice, but I am still vehemently against Penn being cast in anything. His soul sucking presence already killed one of my favorite shows, Deadbeat, no need to go for another. Tom Welling would be my choice. Normally I am against mixing the fictional universes that way, even if it is just casting and not an actual mixing of canon. But I kind of hate the way the film DCU has treated its TV counterpart like a redheaded stepchild. So I can break with policy and embrace Tom Welling being cast, whether he is playing Smallville's version or not.
  8. Well, it was great reading, even if I disagreed with the conclusions.
  9. I am quite dismayed at how easily Quantum Leap is being written off. Certainly a lot of valid points are made in the article, and if you don't like Quantum Leap, there is nothing I could say to change your mind. But for me, it was one of the best shows of it's time, and watching today, I am still very much entertained. Yeah, the production values are dated, and the science is iffy (to say the least), but if that is what one focuses on with Quantum Leap, I daresay they completely missed the point.
  10. I agree that he makes some valid points, particularly about how one really can't be in love with someone they know little about. But he makes those points very poorly. It is a thin line between being honest and being a dick, and Chad couldn't walk that line to save his life. I get the feeling one of his favorite things to say is "just saying", which is a phrase I have found to be favored by assholes. Just saying.
  11. In fairness, no one would expect the real James Taylor or Aaron Rodgers. Or Boyz II Men for that matter. The Bachelor can only get their Mexican, non-union equivalents. If you noticed, the episode was directed by Spielbergo! ;) At first I was surprised at how negative the reaction was from the other guys regarding the kilt. But then I remembered the type of guys who are on this show, so obviously something like the cultural significance of a kilt would totally go over their heads. But then I was shocked that the reaction was essentially the same on social media, with the majority thinking the kilt was a dumb stunt on par with the Santa costume. The dumbing down of America continues unabated. My initial reaction to Pavelka was a simple "Ugh". Thankfully his appearance was brief. JoJo is the first Bachelorette I have liked since Emily. Des was ok, but she was kind of a drip. As for Andi and Kaitlyn, the less said the better. Also, I don't know if anyone made this connection during JoJo's time on The Bachelor, but I just realized who she reminds me of: the actress Fabiana Udenio, best know to you and me as Alotta Fagina from the first Austin Powers movie.
  12. I thought Madonna was, in theory, an appropriate choice to do the Prince tribute. She was a contemporary, and was on his level as a musical star. But good god that was horrible. Why on earth did they choose to pay tribute with Nothing Compares 2 U? Yes, Prince wrote it, but it was made famous by Sinead O'Connor and in everyones eyes, it is her song. My best guess was that it was a song Madonna's limited range could handle. Or at least she thought she could handle it. She was worse than some drunk at a karaoke bar at 4:00 AM. Bringing in Stevie Wonder for Purple Rain could have saved it, but they just rushed right through it. In the end it was just a sing along with the audience. Prince deserved so much better than what the Billboard Awards gave him. As for the rest of the show, it was the usual pat on the back for all the biggest selling stars. I really never understand why they bother with the pretense of nominees. The Billboard Awards are so predictable (they are given out based on sales, after all) that they make the People's Choice Awards seem suspensful.
  13. That's giving that dickhead way too much credit. Serial Killers have something going on underneath. Granted, it is horrible, but it is there. Chad has nothing going on underneath. He is all surface, and that surface is douchy and meatheaded. There is nothing wrong with him a good ass kicking couldn't cure. And frankly, I couldn't care if it cured him or not, just bring on the ass kicking. This guy makes that moron ManCode Dave look like a model of civility, restraint and class in comparison. Aaron Rodgers much less talented brother looks to be the big winner here. Though as much as I do find JoJo to be quite beautiful, it looks like little brother will come in second in yet another category, what with Aaron Rodgers dating Olivia Munn. Harsh, but not untrue.
  14. I would argue that the reason the episode did not go in depth about the differences in the lives of the Evans family and that of the Johnsons is because Black-ish has spent it's two seasons on air (two very successful seasons at that) portraying what life for the Johnsons is like. If Good-ish Times were the first episode of Black-ish one had watched, it would be fair to say that it is disingenuous to suggest the situations on Black-ish and Good Times are similar. But the show is well known enough, certainly to it's regular viewers, that such explanations are not really needed. No one watching is really under the impression that Dre losing his job would relegate the Johnson's to ghetto life. But we are versed enough to know the insecurity Dre has about what he has achieved in life, because we know all too well that Dre started out far closer to the Evanses than to his current situation. He has been there, and no matter how successful one gets, there is always the fear you'll end up right back where you started. So it isn't so out there that he would use Good Times as a signifier of that fear. Although in truth, he would have thought of himself as James, not Keith. But the show has to use the cast as best it can, and utilizing Sir Laurence Fishbourne as James is to be expected. So Dre becomes Keith. If anything, that might be why the larger points didn't exactly hit dead center.
  15. I guess I shouldn't be surprised at the fact that. for a lot of people, Good Times was before their time. The show did go off the air 37 years ago, after all. I do remember when it first aired, and I have watched it in syndication ever since. And while I think Black-ish kind of strained more than a bit to make it work, I enjoyed this episode overall. At first I was amazed Dre wasn't playing James, but then I realized, when you have an actor of Sir Laurence Fishbourne's caliber in the cast, you go with the obvious choice. The nitpicking part of me remembered all too well that Keith and James did not appear on Good Times at the same time, James having died after 3 seasons, whereas Keith did not show up until the end of season 5. For that matter, Penny and James also never were in the cast together. And while Jenifer Lewis is a force of nature, she wasn't going to make anyone forget Esther Rolle, not by a longshot. So I am glad her Florida was far more Ruby-ish.
  16. For me, SNL's Amerida was easily the most nightmarish of all the post-apocalyptic worlds. A world where we punt on third down?! Horrifying, to say the least. ;) Seriously, watching The Day After was as big as "Event Television" got back then. I was 13, and it scared the living crap out of me. Still, I kind of miss those days, when something truly could be watched by seemingly everyone. That type of mass viewing is now relegated to breaking news stories. And even then, only the truly big ones.
  17. I really don't see "Lorelei Gilmore was not a great mom" being put in the crank file. To me that is just a statement of fact, similar to "the sun rises in the east", "the earth is round" and "Buffy the Vampire Slayer was an overrated piece of crap". She not only wasn't a great mom, she was not a great daughter, not a great friend, not a great boss, and not a great neighbor. She pretty much sucked all around. Dare I say, the only thing she was great at was sucking.
  18. I am not positive about King of Queens, but I know Rules of Engagement ended the same way. Although on Rules of Engagement, they had a baby via surrogate ( a pregnancy that lasted 2 years on the show, so you know they were big on continuity) and then it was revealed Megyn Price's character, Audrey, was pregnant.
  19. That live portion must have been a terrible strain on the animators. ;)
  20. I second this wholeheartedly. My eyes nearly rolled completely around inside my head while listening to the entitled one speak. Yeah, maybe she wasn't born to a life of privilege, but she sure took to it very quickly, didn't she? And all this talk about doing it on her own? Who the fuck does that bitch think she's kidding? There is a bus full of dead grand jurors who would disagree about how Mellie did it all by her lonesome. And frankly speaking, while I usually like it when Fitz is on the receiving end of such a rant, the fact remains that the only reason Mellie was ever in a position to become the party's nominee is because her husband (you remember him, the President of the United States) appointed that imbecile Susan Ross as VP specifically to open up a Senate seat that the untested, no record Mellie could win. Did it on her own my ass.
  21. Don't forget pointless. Boring and pointless. This was the episodic equivalent of one of Rowan's speeches. I know the end was supposed to be a portrayal of Liv coming to some sort of revelation about who she is, and how her father shaped, molded and guided her to that point, but was all of that really needed when she is at the exact same place she was 8 years prior, running a Grant Presidential campaign? I feel that could have been achieved without all the loss of life that has been a tragic byproduct of all this Machiavellian scheming.
  22. If they are, they had best keep it secret, or Leslie Jones will kill them both.
  23. The thing I don't understand is, how is Rowan able to exert any power? Previously he had the full might of B613 to back him up. But that organization is dead. Rowan himself dismantled the apparatus, leaving many operatives dead. The only person seemingly on his side is Jake, and we know his loyalty is not set in stone. Also, Rowan can't possibly have any money, certainly not the amount he would need to be such a player. Even if OPA hadn't hacked into B613's finances and drained them dry, Rowan was put away for embezzlement. Any money he could have had on his own is likely gone. So again, why is everyone in DC afraid of a broke, old man? Granted, we've seen Rowan throw down before, so he can be a physical threat, but he isn't Bane for fucks sake. Jake does the heavy lifting when it comes to intimidation. But that just brings up more questions. Like why doesn't Jake just kill the old bastard already?
  24. I would say since day one. Which was way back in 1994, as IMDB lists her first credit as "Heather" in Magical Makeover, which was an ABC Afterschool Special. I have to admit, I kind of want Hollis Doyle to succeed. He is the only candidate on this show I can get behind. By which I mean in entertainment value, not politically. He sure beats the entitled Mellie and milquetoast Susan. On the Dem side of things, all we have is Vargas, who seemingly doesn't even want to be there, and the cardboard cutout Edison. Seriously, are we sure he isn't literally a cardboard cutout? Not that it would matter one way or the other.
  25. There must be something in the air, as there is some more real life Manson Family news. Jane Doe 59 identified after 47 years. Jane Doe 59 was a young woman who was found murdered just off of Mulholland Drive back in November 1969. As the Manson family case got more notorious, authorities naturally tried to see if any unsolved case might be the work of the Family. Jane Doe 59 was one of the first of such cases. Though unidentified (until now), the woman was long believed to be a teenage runaway, of the type that Manson attracted. The manner in which she was murdered (stabbed 150 times), also led the police to think there was a connection. Truth is, this has always been mere speculation. She could have run afoul of the Family, but there is no reason to believe that is any more true than if she ran into some other murdering scumbag. Hopefully this identification leads to the truth, one way or another. One additional note, Manson himself could not have killed her. He was already locked up when this woman was murdered in November 1969. Then again, we all know Manson didn't have the balls to do his own dirty work, but rather was big on delegating, so that shouldn't stop the authorities from delving deeper.
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