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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. Aren't those just tapes of OJ talking? Him saying it happened doesn't mean it's true. The man is a liar and a murderer, yes? Yes, he is a liar and a murderer. Still, while he obviously didn't commit suicide, I don't see why it is so hard to believe OJ was suicidal. I guess we only have OJ's word that he thought of checking out in Kim Kardashian's bedroom, but as the Bronco chase was occurring, the notion that it would end with his suicide was very much on the mind of everyone watching. I know that is how I thought it was going to end. And those who were close to the action (the police, his lawyers, etc) all confirm that was the fear at the time. Analysis of the letter he wrote has time and again been found to indicate that OJ was likely in a suicidal frame of mind. Again, he didn't kill himself, but I can easily believe his mind went there. And I can't help Imagine the differences in the world today if he had ended it all.
  2. Fred Goldman was/is a pillar of strength. Though I don't think I would use the term "serious bad ass" to describe him. I was around for all of this, and I can think of a lot of words to describe Fred Goldman, those particular words have never crossed my mind. And I will have to reserve my judgment on how he is portrayed. Casting from the well of Hollywood's C-list, "gangster", character actor contingent is really not the way I would have gone. But we shall see. Having not seen this yet, I could be mistaken, but I do believe OJ is in Kim Kardashian's room (she would have been 13 at that time), and I am guessing that is Paula Barbieri he is in bed with.
  3. I have to believe that a coincidence is exactly what it is. Of all the things people know about OJ and Nicole, I imagine the date of their anniversary doesn't rate very highly. More likely it is premiering in February due to sweeps. Granted, in today's TV landscape, sweeps don't have the importance they used to, but I do believe they still exist. That no doubt is why the show is premiering in February.
  4. I have only seen the movie. Was Patty Simcox such a B in the Broadway show? It is kind of disappointing because I always liked her in the movie. In the movie she makes a remark about Rizzo, but she is a bit chastened when Rizzo looks her way. Here she is totally being mean.
  5. During the cheerleader tryout scene, Patty Simcox refers to her as Sandy Young. Honestly didn't think they could get anyone less cool than Sha Na Na. But hey, never say never. I was thinking they made a huge mistake casting Mario Lopez, but then I realized he was playing the skeevy Vince Fontaine. So really, it is perfect casting.
  6. Cuba Gooding Jr. does seem an odd choice, but I think he will do fine. He really doesn't look like OJ at all, but from what I have seen, he really seems to have that look of weariness that OJ had throughout the trial down pat. In truth, there are some people who just have a unique look that makes it hard to match when a portrayal is done. OJ is one of them. As for Cuba's height, or lack thereof, discrepancies like that never bother me. Hollywood has always been able to do wonders making people appear taller or shorter (mostly taller) than they are. A milk crate usually does the trick. There have been a couple of OJ movies. There was one produced by Fox that came out in the time between the murder and the beginning of the trial. It was a quickly made film, mostly serving as a biopic, but one that ends with the murder of Nicole Simpson. Though if I remember correctly, they took pains to be ambiguous about OJ’s guilt. They tried to play it off as a mystery, which of course it was not. But of course there was a trial that had yet to commence, so the producers had to tread lightly. Character actor Bobby Hosea played OJ. Then of course there was the 2000 CBS TV movie which was all about the trial. This was very good production, with some heavyweights portraying the Dream Team: Ving Rhames as Johnny Cochran, Ron Silver as Robert Shapiro, Bruno Kirby as Barry Scheck, and Christopher Plummer as F. Lee Bailey. I am guessing these actors cost a pretty penny as the rest of the cast is filled out with some character actors but mostly unknowns. OJ was portrayed, but we never really see him. He is portrayed mostly as a voice. When he is physically present he is always in shadows or just off camera. There were two actors listed as portraying OJ, both unknowns. I am guessing one did his voice, the other was physically OJ.
  7. He's got magical powers, possibly access to a Lazarus Pit, and Neil McDunnough doesn't age. Yeah, the DC universe is lousy with immortals, people living for millennia due to various types of age and death defying means. Makes those long living mutants over at Marvel seem like pikers by comparison. Makes one excited for a possible cameo by The Phantom Stranger. A DC dork can hope.
  8. We will have to wait and see if Becca ends up being Bachelorette this year. But as for why she was not chosen last year, it has nothing to do with the producers opinions of her. Due to the filming schedule of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette, the runner-up (which was Becca last year) is essentially excluded from being named The Bachelorette. I don't think it is technically impossible for the runner up to be The Bachelorette, but the logistics of the filming schedule make naming someone who finished lower than F2 much more favorable. She did not. Jubilee was making comments (rather snide ones IMO) about Becca. Saying she was the perfect one to wear the white dress. And then commenting that nothing would happen on Becca's one-on-one date, saying if she hadn't lost her virginity in 26 years, she wasn't going to lose it in the next 6 hours. Jubilee punctuated these remarks with "just sayin", which is the classic mark of passive aggression, and made me finally come around to the anti-Jubilee side.
  9. In an episode chock full of "what the fuck!" moments, the biggest one was when one of these dingbats, Caila, I believe, stated that she was super excited that Terry Fator was part of the group date because she loved Terry Fator and grew up watching him on TV. All I could think was, did she grow up in some weird town that was isolated from the rest of the world, and Terry Fator happened to be the local TV star? Because seriously, who the fuck is Terry Fator? I have read more than a few comments taking Ben to task for appearing slovenly while officiating those weddings. But considering that the fashion bar was set at "tuxedo t-shirts", I would argue Ben was overdressed, if anything. I can't be the only one who thinks the twins pulled a switcheroo on Ben, and he went back with the one he dumped. I am sure the twins can be told apart, but that requires an interest in doing so, and I can't imagine anyone has any interest in that, least of all Ben. It was funny when Olivia felt that Ben calling her name last was some sort of message to her. Considering the heavy sense of resignation when he did utter "Olivia", I would say the message is "not this weirdo again." Becca seems to have come alive this season. She is coming off much better than last year, where I was certain she was an automaton. If she doesn't win this, she has to be the front runner for Bachelorette.
  10. I will never understand why these women sit around the couch, complaining about how little time they spend with the Bachelor, blaming it on other women who supposedly monopolize the Bachelor's time. It just makes you want to scream into their ear "Hey stupid! If you want time with the Bachelor, get off your ass and go spend time with him!" I know there is an etiquette to "stealing him away for a minute", but as far as I can tell, there is nothing to stop anyone from doing so. Ladies, you are not going to get to know Ben by gabbing away with the other dingbats about what a bitch Olivia is. Speaking of Olivia, any chance she had at Bachelorette have simply died. Between her general bitchery, her wide open mouth, and that unfortunate talk about cankles and fried chicken toes, she is simply getting too brutal an edit to ever be Bachelorette.
  11. Paget Brewster's mere participation dropped her quite a few points in my book. Damn you Bachelor Nation, stick with the scrubs. Of course Lace is going to be on Bachelor in Paradise. There is no doubt about that. I did find her attempts at introspection to be hilarious. Lace, just open your eyes and you will realize the only problem you have is that your head is stuck up your ass. Was I the only one imagining Paul F. Tomkins as his Bojack Horseman character, Mister Peanutbutter? I found it made the show much more enjoyable. You would think that with 20 seasons to choose from, they might dig a bit deeper for Bachelor alums. Jason and Molly yet again? 20 seasons of this show and, except for Trista and Ryan, they only go as far back as Jason Mesnick. By the way, Mesnick is aging into a middle aged dweeb rather nicely.
  12. I no longer have to watch Family Guy. They will never do anything funnier than having Neil deGrasse Tyson reference "Hamburger". My work here is complete.
  13. It turns out his episode was aired out of order, and should have aired prior to the Thanksgiving episode, which is where we the audience learned Gayle was dating Frond. Although, I did notice another continuity error, one that could not be explained away so easily. When Mister Frond shows up for dinner, he is shocked to discover that Gayle's family is the Belcher's. I could certainly see Gayle not telling Frond exactly who her family is, but Frond should not have been surprised. Just who did he think was going to be living above Bob's Burgers? He has visited both the restaurant and the Belcher residence before. And am I wrong, but was this the first time Bob cooked anything besides burgers and Thanksgiving turkeys? I know he cooked spaghetti and meatballs way back in season one, but he did that unwillingly and also Bob doesn't consider making pasta to be "cooking". But seriously, has he ever done anything but burgers, turkey and now rib roast?
  14. I am out if that ever happens. As bad as The Bachelor can be, it need not ever take tips from Flavor of Love, or any of the "of Love" shows. That path only leads to the franchise ending due to a murder/suicide. I am glad he dumped Mandi, the "weird" dentist. Her third rate Ashley S wannabe shtick got old fast. Not to mention it finally dawned on me who she reminded me of, looks wise. At first I was thinking a young, much less attractive, Heather Graham, but that wasn't it. Then it dawned on me. She reminded of that idiot Nicole Arbour, of "Dear Fat People" infamy. I am sure Mandi isn't that bad, but I do think it is best if she shuffles off back to Portlandia. Olivia's habit of opening wide is kind of unfortunate. But in all honesty, I can't imagine her ability to create such an opening with her mouth would be a deal breaker for any guy. Except Ben, who seems more intent on arts and crafts, what with his making barrettes for kids he has never met. And was I the only one who, when LB asked to speak to Ben, thought she was going to tell him that she was not a contestant but had actually wandered into the house by mistake? Because seriously, who the hell is LB? As for Olivia, I understand the need to make her the villain, and it is no surprise that she is so off-putting to both the women in the house and the audience. But I can't fault her for wanting to monopolize Ben's time. At one point, one of the women, Lace I think, said that it was "Olivia versus the rest of the women". But the truth is, on The Bachelor, it is every woman for herself. If you truly want to end up with the Bachelor (and granted, I imagine most really don't), then that is the only way to view it. Any woman who thinks it would behoove Olivia to sit on the couch with the rest of the ladies and yak about Ben, rather than actually trying to take the time to get to know Ben, stands no chance. They will find themselves on The Women Tell All fighting for time (ironically) to trash Olivia.
  15. Perhaps there were licensing issues when it came time to choose a Beastie Boys song, but I also suspect that Shake Your Rump was chosen because it allowed Adam Goldberg to portray his fictional self as being technically proficient enough to create his own fisheye lens effect back in 1980-something. Clever use of Erica's glasses by the way. Strangely, I was ready to call shenanigans on that, as fisheye lens did become so popular it was practically in every hip hop video, but not until the second half of the 90's. But evidently the Shake Your Rump video used it back in 1989. Frankly, I didn't remember that. My appreciation for Paul's Boutique did not come until years later. The Beastie Boys grew tiresome for me sometime in 1988, and I pretty much ignored Paul's Boutique. I wouldn't come back into the Beasties fold until Sabatoge. And by the time I got around to Paul's Boutique, I rarely watched videos anymore. So I totally did not know they used the old fisheye lens. So score one for Adam Goldberg.
  16. Perhaps. But there is also a fine line between a "performance piece" that flies over peoples heads, and simply cashing a check and saying the lackluster effort was all part of the show. After James Franco's legendarily bad stint hosting the Oscars, I heard people try to defend it as just such a performance piece, and it didn't really fly. Just my two cents, but it doesn't really fly for Gervais either. For arguments sake, let's say that is exactly what they did. Then they can chalk it up as being done and knock it off. That goes for all future awards show hosts. Spare us the "performance art" and just do the fucking job. Only Andy Kaufman knew how to do that type of thing, and that was because he was willing to go all the way with it. By which I mean he was willing to actually destroy the show. Suffice it to say, hacks like Franco and Gervais don't have the balls for that.
  17. My problem with Ricky Gervais is that he clearly did not want to be there. I get the problems people generally have with him. His comedy is not for everyone. Personally, I don't like him, but he can make me laugh at times. But last night most of his "comedy" just seemed lazy and bitchy rather than pointed and funny. But beyond that, how in the world was he seriously allowed to just read from cards? Does he have a problem that prevents him from reading the prompter (beyond the problems with the prompter that were occurring throughout the show that is, most notably when Amber Heard and Jamie Alexander came out to present)? If not, that is just fucking lazy on his part. Also, I know the Globes is a much looser event, but could they reign it in a bit? Who approved Jonah Hill's bit? That was going to be brutal no matter what, but then it descended into Hill just swearing. And I get that A-Schu and J-Law are white hot at the moment, particularly as a duo, but their schtick could have been cut down quite a bit, if only for time. As for the awards themselves, I have never felt more out of it. I admit that is certainly on me, as my personal entertainment choices narrow as I get older. I was relieved that The Revenant, Leo and Inarritu won. I saw that movie on Saturday and enjoyed it tremendously. And I also saw The Martian, and enjoyed it, but was flabbergasted that it was in the comedy category, and won. I think the Globes should expand their categories, and perhaps develop a "Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Adventure" set of awards. If they were intent on honoring The Martian, that would have done the trick and kept the comedy category honest. Beyond that, with the rest of the winners, it was mostly "who is (insert actors name)?" and "what is (insert movie or TV show)?". And I'll be honest, except for Brie Larson, none of these people who are unknown to me make me want to learn more about them.
  18. I thought it was kind of strange that they kept referring to Fisher Stevens as being in Short Circuit 2. He was, but he was also in the first movie as well. I liked their take on one of the touchier issue in show business and it was nice to see it portrayed from the point of view of people smack dab in the middle of it, rather than that of a third party that has no tangible investment in it. Which sadly, is how Hollywood often likes to portray issues of race, Think "Cry Freedom", the movie about Steven Biko where the main character was a white journalist. Or the legendary tales of the making of the movie Panther, where studio execs supposedly wanted to insert a fictional white character who would exist to help form the Black Panthers. Those are old examples, but it still happens today, as the recent movie about Stonewall proved.
  19. Was not sure what to expect here. I usually can only take Aziz Ansari in small doses. He was tolerable (barely) in Parks and Rec because he was merely one part of a large and talented ensemble. So a show where he is the lead did not appeal to me. But I heard some good things and decided to give it a chance. I am glad I did. This was not only entertaining but thoughtful as well. Ansari is basically playing himself which, as I always suspected, is just a toned down version of Tom Haverford. Which is good, though I guess it would be too much to expect fewer Ansari-isms. I half expected him to have a discussion about what "the baller move" would be in regards to the kids disgusting sandwiches. I was very glad to see Noel Wells, who I think should never have been let go by SNL. Her Lena Dunham impression alone should have secured her a 5 year stint. In any case, she is a welcome presence, I could do without the giant oaf who I thought at first was Brian Posehn. But it couldn't have been Posehn, as he at least is funny, whereas the dufus on this show is most decidedly not.
  20. I don't doubt that the set had warm places to stay in between filming scenes. And Leo no doubt had a trailer filled with comforts most of us don't have in our homes, let alone at work. But to film this movie he did have to be out in the cold, and being out in the cold is no fun for anyone, whether you are an extremely well paid actor pretending to be turked by a syphilitic bear, or a resident of some town that is covered in snow 11 months out of the year.
  21. I saw this today and, judging from the reactions on this forum, I guess am in a distinct minority because I loved it. It is my pick for best of 2015, and if the movie, Inarritu, and especially DiCaprio don't win at the Oscars, I am calling shenanigans, Oscar trends be damned. At the absolute very least it should win best editing just for the bear attack scene alone. Previous to this, the standard for bear attacks on film was the one in The Edge, which was frightening as hell and well done, but utilized a lot of quick edits. The Revenant, suffice it so say, does not.
  22. Technically, they already had a hot dog enthusiast. Former Bachelorette Jillian Harris, who stood out on the first episode of Jason's season, way back in the Cretaceous era, with her theory on hot dog toppings. Some nonsense about what a guys favorite toppings said about his personality. She even ended up cooking up some hot dogs that night. I ultimately ended up liking Jillian, but at first I hated her over her theory on ketchup on a hot dog. I forget exactly what she said, but it wasn't the only acceptable answer, which is "you are the spawn of Satan, and need to be put down immediately!".
  23. I am with you on the couch gags. Far more effort is put into them than the actual episodes, which lately seemingly revolve around three things: junior hipster Lisa, Marge and Homer marital troubles, and for some strange reason, Elon Musk. I exaggerate of course, but they may as well revolve solely around those three specific topics because nothing else they do is any more memorable. I do have to disagree with you assessment of the latest couch gag. It looks just as long, boring and pointless as any of the other couch gags of recent vintage.
  24. She is 23, and at this point in her career any job is just a stepping stone to something better. She is a weekend anchor in Virginia, I believe. Even if this doesn't work out, she can readily go back to another job of equal value. And at this level of TV news, appearing on The Bachelor won't be considered a mark against her. But of course she is not appearing on the show based on a 4% chance (all things being equal) of being chosen by the Bachelor. In fact, I imagine her real goal is to not be chosen by The Bachelor, but rather that she becomes the Bachelorette. I would say that she would have to be an early favorite for that role. But of course it doesn't always work out that way, just ask Britt, who was last years sure thing.
  25. I missed the first 40 minutes, so I didn't get to see the bulk of the entrances. I did arrive just in time for the twins to show up. I was prepared to dislike them, but so far they seemed alright. Besides the twins, only Mandi, Lace and Olivia stood out. I would add Amber and Becca, but they only stood out because they were returning contestants. But of all the people they could have brought back, they could not have found a duller pair than these two. If they hadn't made a point of setting their arrival apart, I would not have remembered them from last season. Because again, a blander duo you could not find. I am pretty sure Becca's skull is hollow. Amber is just a drip. Either way, I would much rather watch Chris Harrison watch Chris Soules watching paint dry. Mandi is looking to get the Ashley S edit, but unlike Ashley S, her "quirkiness" has little charm. Looks wise, she reminded of a 20-something Heather Graham a bit. But a 20-something Heather Graham whose teenaged good looks quickly took a turn as she grew to womanhood. I want to say her nose is bigger than Heather Graham's, and it may be, but it isn't huge. It just doesn't do her face any favors. Lace looks like Sarah Silverman, if Sarah Silverman were as attractive as people like to say she is. For longtime viewers, I also saw a bit of Trish Schneider, whom you may remember from all the way back from Jesse Palmer's season. And to top it off, I also saw a splash, just a splash, of Paige Turco. Definitely a good looking woman, if no doubt a massive pain in the ass that Ben should have gotten rid of post haste. Right now my favorite is Olivia. Phony as hell, but gorgeous. Though I admit, her Two-Face schtick may extend beyond her personality. I am thinking that the wrong lighting will make her look like hell.
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