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Everything posted by reggiejax

  1. I thought that was Mellie who did that to the VP. And the Senators, or that one Senator in particular, may be assholes, but I really want them to take Fitz to the woodshed. If only for what he said toward the end, about his administration being about doing the right thing. Tony Goldwyn should get an Emmy for saying that with a straight face. Cyrus must have just teleported in from a Douglas Sirk movie, what with all the melodrama he was bringing.
  2. I know I am in the minority here, but frankly Papa Pope's appearance at the end of this episode, and the dark spectre of B-613 that came with it, was practically a breath of fresh air compared to the stale, sappy and pointless quadrangle that is Fitz, Liv, Smellie and Cyrus. Seeing Fitz and Liv making out in the Oval office made me once again wish Rowan had spared a B-613 assassin for just such an occasion. The overrated and talentless Smellie's Presidential aspirations are just ridiculous. She shouldn't be President even if she had 18 years experience in the Senate, let alone 18 months. She is a dope. Though admittedly, being a dope hasn't stopped others. But Mellie wanting the Presidency just reeks of the worst type of entitlement. And Cyrus. Oh, Cyrus. Can't you just accept that Fitz will never love you? Not in any way, shape or form. Many times the show has posited the notion that Olivia is merely "the help". But frankly speaking, that goes double for Cyrus. He should accept it and move on.
  3. Not me. She has me hoping Rowan left at least one B613 assassin alive.
  4. Well, I guess the people who screened applicants at CTU had to go somewhere after they got fired, the FBI is as good a place as any. The show is well made, and the cast is quite pretty, but so far there just isn't anything to compel me to continue watching. This type of show has been done ad infinitum in recent years, and either it will get canceled quickly and any investment will have been for nothing, or it will succeed and the writers will screw it up royally, as they always do. A lot of clichés bandied about, which is to be expected. The only one that bothered me was when it was said that FBI training at Quantico is the toughest boot camp combined with the hardest grad school. I have nothing but respect for the FBI, but that first part couldn't possibly be true. I will give them leeway on the second part, but I don't think it is true either, but it is more true than the first part. But mostly I didn't like it because it made it seem as if the creators believe the audience has no idea about the FBI, and they felt they really had to play it up. They felt they had to play up the FBI. The FB motherfucking I!
  5. I liked it, though it didn't quite hit the heights I was expecting. But I did find something that was unintentionally funny.
  6. I wanted to be sure so I went and watched the episode where all this happened (Y.O.L.O) and Sally had tendered her resignation to Fitz before finding out about Daniel Douglas and before killing him. However, she had not yet publicly announced her resignation. Before she could, Cyrus tried to manipulate her with the photos, which Sally countered with a classic ShondaWorld speech that was a lot of word salad that said nothing of substance, and was in fact quite wrong about what would happen if those photos were leaked. After finding out, she killed Daniel Douglas in the heat of the ensuing argument. She still however went ahead and ran for President, and despite having two incredibly explosive bits of information on her, Cyrus has yet to use any of it. In any case, my point was that Cyrus was not trying to get her to resign via blackmail, but rather to get her to fall in line with the Fitz administration. And being Cyrus, he failed miserably.
  7. The illusion doesn't exactly stand up even when you suspend all disbelief. In any case, I like applying logic to the Scandal universe just as an exercise. But I don't let it interfere with whatever enjoyment I get from the show. Personally, I only watch for the soap silliness that I haven't seen since the glory days of Dynasty. Of course Shonda Rhimes would no doubt take umbrage at such a comparison. But I'll be honest, I keep waiting for someone to threaten to take down Denver Carrington. If it were Mellie, I might actually like the character. Sally was not forced to resign as VP, she voluntarily did so to run for President. Shortly thereafter she killed Daniel Douglas, and Cyrus helped her cover it up. And somehow, rather than using the info to bend her to his will, she still ran for President. And in fact she has still managed to be an annoying thorn in Fitz side ever since.
  8. Having characters be perpetually 17 is par for the course on any show. For a show that has little use for timeline continuity like The Goldbergs, 3 years is but a tick of the clock. And I know it was taken from real life, but you know the show is hitting the bottom of the 80's pop culture well when they are using Martika's "Toy Soldiers". I fear that this season is going to be filled with music from Stacy Q, Pretty Poison and The Jets.
  9. Perhaps Big Pun would get an exemption to say it, but someone should let the writers know that Big Pun hasn't said anything since 2000.
  10. Personally, I think the song was best used in Trainspotting, and they had The Walking Dead and Gotham beat by 19 years. Not that it matters, Hollywood has never been shy about using a song again and again and again, without any regard as to who used it first, or how well one particular film or show used it. Perfect Day in fact has been used in commercials, so any coolness factor was used up long ago.
  11. Killing off Drew Barrymore was itself an ode to Psycho, where the leading lady, Janet Leigh (JLC's mother) was (spoiler alert) killed off very early in the film. But unlike Scream, or this piece of shit, killing off Janet Leigh wasn't just for shock value or to simply up the gore quotient. It was integral to the plot and more importantly served to make the movie switch gears. What we thought the movie was about became something else altogether.
  12. That hoagy joke was funny, even though it seemed as if it took the audience a minute to get the Dagwood reference. Personally, I didn't get what Robert Durst's connection was. In fact, it took me a moment to remember who he was. And someone tell Gaby Hoffman that eyebrows are supposed to come in pairs.
  13. I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Collins get the ax, but I too seriously doubt the veracity of the story. All we have to do is consider the source. Hopefully that is the last we hear from this Nicole Arbour Day woman and she goes back to the obscurity from whence she came, posthaste. As for Raven's Facebook photo, in the cropped version that appears on her home page, it is easy to see why someone would get mixed up about it. But I think Raven should take the advice she gave Trump about PR and apply it to herself. After all, PR is all about appearances more than reality.
  14. I think if your parents are Cory and Topanga, the odds are pretty good that you are in fact "special".
  15. People pay good money to see monologists and spoken word performances, just ask either Spaulding Gray or Henry Rollins (whom I have personally seen as many times doing spoken word as I have seen him perform with the Rollins Band). Obviously telling a story is something we can all do, but it isn't something we tend to do on stage in front of audiences, where we will not be allowed any mistakes, such as starting over again or correcting parts of the story. And you definitely don't want to stumble with a lot of "er"s and "uh"s (unless you are a Kennedy). I wouldn't put Miss Colorado on tour with her storytelling, but she performed admirably and she was definitely a refreshing break from all the dance routines and showtunes. I know Miss America is trying to become relevant again, but contestants singing songs like "Happy Days are Here Again" (performed by one of last nights contestants) are not a step in the right direction. Besides, last years winner did that stupid cup routine, so I don't see what is so wrong with a monologue.
  16. Thank god this is over, and now Mrs. Dick in Pie can slink back to the obscurity from whence she came. And she can take Carly, she of the jacked up eyebrows, with her. So much irritating about Carly but a couple of things stick out: A) Carly, you can't try and blame Kirk for the fact you missed your brother's wedding for this farce. That is all on you, two-tone. You made that choice before you ever knew what was going to happen on BIP. B) And it doesn't matter that you meant "5 years from now" when you were talking about kids. Of course kids are in the future. On the other hand, timetables don't always work out, just ask the many parents who appeared on this show. But still, you had a timetable of 5 years from now with a guy you've been dating for less than a month. Anyway you cut it, you were way ahead of where Kirk was at, even if Kirk wasn't the cowardly, commitment-phobe he clearly is. So I say good riddance to this hag. Which is something, because I really liked her on Chris's season. In retrospect, it was the lack of a Britt filter on BIP that made Carly's flaws standout so much more. I couldn't stand Britt, and Carly was her nemesis, so I was on Carly's side. But right about now I would much rather be subjected to Britt's smelly ass for a week than even one more second of Carly.
  17. All of that plays into the appeal of taking Ashley I's, or anyone's, virginity. But if I may be crass for a moment: I trust we've all heard the phrase "a hot dog down a hallway", well even a dope like Jared knows Ashley I would be the opposite of that.
  18. Was the full quote "You smell like a brewery, I don't like you anymore."? Because if it was, Nick wins at life.
  19. It may not be flattering to the NYPD, but history records this era as a time when the NYPD was rampant with corruption. Just ask Frank Serpico.
  20. No ones face changes appearance like that naturally. Look at photos of her from her time on Ben's season and look at her today. There is no question she has had work done. Which I don't begrudge her, in all honesty. But it is hard to find the bright side when the results are so damn unfortunate.
  21. What the fuck happened to Jaclyn's face? I mean I know she got work done, but did she go to the doctor and say "ok doc, gimme the "Alice the Goon"? I guess she thought it would be an improvement over her previous look, Hatchetface from Crybaby. Well it's not. As for her being a snark queen. There is a thin line between snark and being a miserable bitch and Jaclyn falls well into the miserable bitch side of that line, and always has. She gets no points from me for shooting fish (ie Ashley I) in a barrel.
  22. It takes a special kind of stupid to out-stupid Kanye West the day after an awards show, but damned if Elizabeth Hasselblech didn't make it happen.
  23. They were eating birria tacos. Birria looks about as appetizing as its name sounds. And I have always thought the name sounds too much like diarrhea. But it tastes alright. For the record, the meat in birria is goat. I was more worried about Tenley being on a moderately exotic culinary date because I know from following her on social media that she is gluten free. And not just as a trendy diet. She has celiac disease. So gluten kicks her ass. I don't know what, if anything, she ate that may have been problematic, but she must have been fine or we would have seen her being carted off in an ambulance. Lord knows this franchise loves its ambulance scenes. He was shown leaving, and it was hilarious the way it was portrayed. Chris walked away from Paradise looking dejected, and the soundtrack over the footage was nothing but quotes of the other BIP'ers badmouthing him. It reached such a fever pitch that I thought it was going to end with either Chris jumping off a cliff or going back and killing them all. I kept expecting to hear "They're all going to laugh at you" among the other soundbites. I highly recommend you go back and watch. It is great stuff.
  24. I only caught a little bit of After Paradise, but this was part of it. There was a viewer question and they asked if people managed to work out while in Paradise? They then said that a couple of the BIP'ers essentially ran a boot camp type of workout throughout their stay in Paradise. It was then stated, over some footage of Carly and Ashley I sharing a bag of what looked to be Utz chips, that Carly and Ashley I were the only ones who never participated.
  25. This show is different because it is not a game show. There is no competition, at least not one with quantifiable results or will end with a prize. There really aren't any rules, save for what the producers decide because they are not obligated to be bound by rules. And they can decide what they want, when they want, no matter how ridiculous or unfair seeming, precisely because there is no competition or prize. If this were a competition, and there was a prize, they would have to have some semblance of order. Bachelor Pad, no matter how random seeming, did play by a set of rules, because there was $250,000 at stake. There are people who believe the three seasons of Bachelor Pad were completely scripted and the outcome was pre-determined, but that isn't true, at least not when it came to the competitive aspect. Fleiss couldn't do that because he would get into serious trouble over it. The competition for the prize had to be on the up and up, because if it was rigged, Fleiss wouldn't be able to produce so much as a morning show in Bumfuck, Iowa. In any case, since nothing of value is at stake on BIP, they can bring back Mikey, Samantha can be in contact with whomever she wants before the show for the purposes of strategizing, and Carly can pretend that Kirk isn't big on musical theater. And so on and so forth.
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