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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. The awkward acting between the men was so cringey! Now, They’re doing the ‘let’s move over here with the camera to talk’ thing!? Gross. Stop it. Was the choir really singing 2 feet away from Heather and Lisa’s one on one? Lol Come on, producers! You have to at least Try to make this stuff seem a little real. And I’m with Heather, what is Whitney’s glitch? It seems like Heather’s taken aback that Whitney is using her for a storyline. That’s why Heather ‘runs away’ She’s stopping the camera time Whitney’s getting from making her look like a terrible friend. I don’t blame her. Nothing she says is good enough to make Whitney come down off the cross. When Jen’s not raging or stealing from people, she seems almost fun. Her talking heads anyway…maybe someone’s scripting them for her, too. New people are ‘eh.’ Danna? Is the most naturally pretty, seems she’s had the least fillers done lol
  2. The biggest obstacle for me, as a viewer, is the inconsistency of the characters and plot lines. The original season of Roseanne had characters you really felt you knew, what kind of people they were etc. The situations they’d be in were realistic and relatable. Now, they’re more like stage actors who change with each week’s script. It feels like new people each week, in a way.
  3. Louise would’ve been on anyone’s nerves with her constant new ideas. Felt a bit like Leon undermining Roseanne by getting Jackie & Nancy to agree with his changes by out-voting Roseanne. Id have loved to see Darlene find a clever way to totally blow the interview by acting negligent, but actually knowing what she was doing, somehow exposing the truth and getting fired. Not loving how they’ve changed Ben’s character. Wasn’t he a smart, ambitious man when Darlene met him? Now, he’s just in the background slamming beers and shrugging.
  4. OMG Whitney trying to steer every conversation to talk about her childhood. I’m sorry, but other than your therapist, nobody really wants to hear about anyone else’s childhood-especially, if you’re just going to drone on, talking in circles without actually saying anything. They kept cutting to the kids on their scooters in a weird way that made me think one was going to wipe out, or they’d look up and the kids would be gone.
  5. I usually like Heather, but she does love being the Boss. This choir wasn’t about love of singing and community. It’s was a chance for Heather to hold court and judge others. All that effort into a judging panel larger than the crowd auditioning-how dreadful! Do amateur, community choirs hold auditions? I thought they just take whomever joins.
  6. Yes! I forgot to mention how much I loved that, with the zoom on the black and white photo of John & all the chefs. Perfection.
  7. Zac’s decorations, especially the topper, were embarrassingly bad, but the inside looked like a party. Good season. I liked everyone, Loved the judges costumes each week, and no one was over-the-top obnoxious for camera time. On to Holiday….
  8. I’m so sick of her making fun of how other people dance. It takes A lot for a self-conscious person to get up the nerve to dance in front of other people. Someone who once fancied themselves a dance teacher, should be encouraging them to move and have fun. Instead, she pushes them to participate- then, laughs about how funny they looked or makes faces at their movements. To Buddy’s fiancé “Im sorry you missed Buddy dancing! It was so funny, don’t worry-I got video!” Ugh she’s just mean.
  9. Yes. 💯 Note, Kyle didn’t say “Kathy would Never say those things!” She simply said, “I never heard her say that.” Which to me, means, Kathy is known to go on rage rants, saying vile things about everyone, but only to people she considers beneath her, who arent threat, like family. Kyle is a professional victim, but she’s probably covered for Kathy many times in the past. But Rinna wasn’t scared or shocked. She was lapping it up like the cat that ate the canary.
  10. I hate the mad dash, too. I’d never run up and try to wrestle ingredients out of the other chefs’ hands. Seems degrading to me. There has to be other, more entertaining ways to do that….like, make them throw darts or axes? Lol I don’t know, but I keep waiting for someone to break a finger or take an eye out.
  11. That was so unfair. This is why I hate the surprise ingredients. That wasn’t more exciting or fun, it was aggravating! I also thought they chose fears to coincide with the glazes they already wanted to do. As soon as they said shiny glaze, I knew someone would do space and an ocean.
  12. I still don’t know how they all didn’t bust out laughing til they peed their pants when Rinna started screeching about ‘if I hold this in, I’ll Die l!!….of Cancer!” I was waiting for Rinna, herself, to laugh. That had to be the most absurd thing anyone ever said in this franchise.
  13. I love the UFO ones. I tend to believe them (until they get to abductions. Then, I honestly doubt them.) But you can’t deny the radar guy’s experience. That was wild. I feel bad for him that his reputation took a hit. All he did was report what he saw.
  14. She would be the most exhausting friend in any circle of friends because she Has to control every conversation or action. She just barrels over anyone who is getting attention-whether by insulting them, embarrassing them, being ‘sexier’ or raunchier than them… I get that it’s her show, but I was genuinely shocked she didn’t jump in front of Jess as she walked down the aisle and started twerking or something.
  15. Agree 100%! The flavor twists don’t add suspense for me. They just make me tense and aggravated… Especially, since we can’t Actually taste anything! So, it’s way more fun to see how they decorate.
  16. And not even in a fun to watch way. She’s exhausting and annoying. I don’t care about her or her family, sorry.
  17. Added to my list of things I never want to see on the Housewives again: Past abuse storylines (my deepest sympathies to Anyone who suffered abuse, but these trash shows are my escape from reality.) Twerking. God, I’m old, cuz Ew. Stop. Just, STOP.
  18. Thank you TooMuchRealityTv for posting that info! I thought there had to be more to the story. They really glossed over the story of Tiffany calling her mom to come home from the party. The Mom was like “shrug Ok I’ll come home” Then, quick mentioning of the theft and it was dropped. Seemed strange that she’d drop her phone and walk all that way, when she was actually sober. Committing suicide in such a violent way is usually done when a person is drunk or high. Very odd. Felt awful for the family members gathering up her scattered remains. I can’t imagine.
  19. Whitney is constantly making sexual comments, innuendos, etc. Then, the minute someone, usually a man, plays along, she feigns shock and outrage, like that’s not what she meant at all!…. She did this with Buddy, now Lenny-she flirts and if they say anything remotely flirty back, she instantly starts cutting them down and acting like They’re the ones coming after her, and how unworthy they are compared to her!! Why? Only reason I can think of, is she knows they’re being paid to pretend and she resents it, and resents them for it. Her insecurity makes her mean. It’s the whole ‘reject you before you can reject me’ defense mechanism, but with an added layer of ‘we’re being paid to be here.’ It’s a shame because there are times she seems like she might be fun, but then—here comes the sex talk, and reminders she sooo desirable to bait attention..attention is given…onto publicly embarrassing anyone who’s nice to her. She needs mad therapy.
  20. I didn’t mind Crystal being put on the hot seat about the ‘dark comments.’ She deserved that for implying Sutton said awful, racist things. You can’t just throw accusations like that around and then play the ‘that’s how I felt. It’s my truth!’ And think that absolves you of having to explain what you’re saying. However, Kyle did a similar thing when she went in about the timing of the ‘14 friends.’ Kyle implied she knew the real reason they dumped Crystal. But, of course, she then backed off saying “I don’t talk about stuff like that.” And I was waiting for someone to jump on that, but they didn’t. New band name ‘The 14 Friends’
  21. Heather’s snooty imitation of Meredith was great. That’s all I got. Yawned through this one. Oh wait, I did laugh when Jen realized it stopped being about her, so she started screeching “My husband! my kids!” Lmao
  22. I got so excited when I read Jiya and rematch. Darnit.
  23. Lisa’s look of panic when talking to her son: ‘this is Not what we rehearsed! He’s going off script!’
  24. Also, really tired of these conversations where things are hinted at and implied, but no one really says anything. I think I'm getting over the housewives franchise altogether. Every episode is like deja vu, regardless of location or cast.
  25. Meredith & Whitney's conversation about Lisa was badly acted and so obviously out of the 'throw the rumor out there, then pretend you don't believe it." housewives playbook. Whitney's demon bathrooms scene with her husband, she looked like she was drunk or going to start laughing. Of course, I feel bad for her if she was abused but this is all feeling like bad improv. This cast is just not good at making the storylines appear organic.
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