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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. For sure. Rude and crass-do they get a bonus for every time they say vagina or balls? But as a viewer, yep, I laughed.
  2. This whole Dr Moon scene is like an SNL skit. She basically pays him to call her fat and old and stick his finger in her butt.
  3. His accent was interesting... Canadian obviously but a touch of ....something... They seem fun.
  4. New step sister seems nasty towards Whitney in the previews. Wonder if that’s genuine or produced.
  5. I had to fast forward through most of it. Too real. They obviously love each and are a close family and that’s all that matters. But I can’t watch sad stuff. I take it in too much. I hate wakes/funerals-obviously, everyone does. But to me they feel emotionally abusive because you’re supposed to show emotion, but not too much/like she said ‘get through it with dignity’ which usually means not sobbing, just doing the little tears. Sorry, I can’t do that. Once I’m sad-I’m Very sad. If I cry-I’m Sobbing. Which gets alot of negative looks and that’s so unfair really. You’re dammed I’d you don’t go because you don’t want to make a scene, but also dammed if you go and cry too much. I don’t mean wailing and throwing yourself on the coffin, but I’m just not capable of doing a dignified cry-especially if I see another loved one crying. And forget speaking of singing, anything will open those floodgates.
  6. I did like Whitney's dig that Merediths house is probably wrapped in plastic so she'll get her deposit back. Meow.
  7. Mary's still sour. I thought cult leaders were supposed to be charismatic?
  8. "You'll kill people with your nasty tequila" that's the line of the season already.
  9. Monica's Alot. Angie's struggling to get control of the table back lmao
  10. Lots of distracting face work this season. When is the filler mask look going to end? They look like different people from scene to scene and again in the talking heads. They practically look animated. Just have some wrinkles for Gods sake.
  11. I agree!! Especially when you’re older, or have health challenges..you’re not wanting to romp around in pretty lingerie— on tv yet! You want to wash your face off, put that hair up, get your comfy pjs with the holes in them, etc Not have a camera and drunk , screechy women in your room lol
  12. I find the most popular housewives get boring for me because they're always derailing conversations by being the Loudest, the Angriest, etc. I know that's reality tv's bread and butter, but when its all drama, all the time..I tend to tune out because its almost stressful to me. But I realize, of course, I'm in the minority. And an hour of good manners and 'you're so pretty! You're my bestie' would bore me to tears, as well. Guess Im never happy. lol But I prefer someone who is mostly polite to someone working super hard to create a following.
  13. If Jen gets to watch this in jail, It’s gotta kill her to see Angie so prevalent!
  14. I’d much rather keep getting bags of free products vs everyone being expected to sit through repeated long winded presentations of the tequila you’re selling like Kathy Hilton on Beverly Hills kept doing. Jenna’s got snob tendencies, but she was very chill about those ladies going through her closet and wearing her clothes. She didn’t act obnoxious about only being served caviar at Erin’s. And she may have called the room she was left with ‘charming,’ but she didn’t seem to throw a shrill fit over being stuck in the lower level. So, her brand of snobbery doesn’t seem to bother me as much as the others.
  15. I would love to see more of New York, as well. The vacation locations and antics get repetitive. Show us unique things in the city!
  16. Charles can use a fun girlfriend, but Joy just steamrolls over him like a hurricane. But I doubt she’s guilty. This is like this first 45 minutes of Law & Order, so Joy can’t be the killer
  17. The gift bags Jenna gave them had other items in them that she’s not involved in, right? Who cares if she thinks you might advertise for her? If you don’t want to, just take the gifts, say thanks, and Don’t post about it. -“I get Paid to do that!” I still can’t believe that’s a job that pays enough to live as she does. Im not impressed with Sai’s style or personality at all. I’m surprised she’s so popular online. Jenna is a bit of column A and B. She’s insecure and awkward being in this group of, in her eyes, ‘perfect skin and bodies and teeth’,’ but she’s also a bit uppity about wanting all the comforts her money affords her. I can’t really blame her for that. She just tells too many details, so it comes off insincere. She does that nervous talking thing, where she says too much, too fast. I think it’s mostly her social awkwardness coupled with wanting what she wants and not expecting to compromise. but really, they’re All snobs-that room they all made fun of? There was nothing wrong with it except it didn’t have a huge bathroom attached to it.
  18. So, basically, avant-garde is really large headgear and geometric shaped dresses with ugly makeup? Its entertaining, but I agree its a bad call for a test of whose collection you'd prefer to see in a finale.
  19. Paraphrasing Tamra about the Heather & Terry Disney pics “I mean if you have to do that to prove rumors wrong, then…’ you get naked in the tub on tv with your boyfriend?… Terry would annoy me in real life, but I respect the work he does on Botched. They really help people and even if it’s for money & fame, I respect it. He almost seems like two different people on that show vs this one. Maybe because Heather isn’t handing him the pre-approved script and directing him. As much as I rag on those two, it would be So nice to have that kind of money. I’d be broke quick from sharing with family & friends, but it’d be nice to not to worry about medical bills or any bills for that matter.
  20. I would argue all fashion is a bit referential. Each season just recycles past trends over and over. I often wonder any of the contestants hold something back, just so it won’t get copied by a more famous designer who would claim the accolades.
  21. I couldn’t get past the throwing of the tooth. Maybe because dental care is so expensive, but all I could think about after that scene was-couldn’t he have gotten that put back in!? Or used as a model for a replacement? Was it a plate? Or an implant!? Seriously distracted me for the entire rest of the episode. Tobert (ugh that name) is hard to read, but so easy on the eyes. He can stay. But Joy? She’s way too much. This show is made on the main 3 characters chemistry. So, having them split off in different directions is a bit of a drag. Remember all the tunnels in the hotel? Did they ever address that? Or can people still get back there and spy on all the apartments?
  22. Brittany finale--Get ready for a lot more open mouth reaction shots, bare midriffs, snap pants Laurence black leather tight only fit size zero models Bishme-honestly, not sure. I'm looking forward to what he comes up with.
  23. I like Rami as a person, but his work bores me. It's repetitive. Although, probably the most commercial since I imagine his clothes would fit and compliment a lot more body types than the others.
  24. I never understand what's avant garde, but I liked Laurence's the best. Then, Brittany. Rami's fabric choice was tragic, and the design was a mess.
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