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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. If you can buy a designer bag and still feed your kids & keep your lights on...you're not poor. Loved her mom being honest about not really wanting to watch her kids. I won't be one of those grandmothers raising her grandkids. Hell no. Saying "that's why I don't wear $60,000 rings!" Was bitchy, but I have to agree. You wear that, you take the risk. And Lisa threw that 'it was sentimental' line in After she saw no one was really feeling sorry for her.
  2. I wish they wouldn’t make the contestants ‘act’ aka the reaction shots. It’s painful.
  3. 40 minutes in & I couldn’t tell you a thing that’s happened or been said….except Angie’s husband is better looking than I thought he’d be. oh, & Angie & Heather have completely different faces from that throwback pic.
  4. The producers keep trying to get them to fight, or cry about their childhoods, because they think that’s what makes a good show. But it’s doesn’t. Conflict that occurs naturally is good, but trying to manufacture it always fails. They don’t have any fun together. When they try, it’s too forced and awkward.
  5. "I just love you so much" which is why I calling you a liar in front of everyone. But I feel sooo bad for making you feel exactly how I meant to make you feel. Ugh I can't. If this is the season..snoozer
  6. All these shows-until you cry for the group, you're not 'opening up enough.' That's just sick. And,at the same time, somehow, boring. Having a rough childhood doesn't make you morally superior, or more interesting.
  7. Was a fan of the original Sex and the City so tried to watch this. First episode, they made Miranda seem like she’d never seen a black woman with braids before. Then, Carrie just watched Big die and kisses him instead of calling the Damn Ambulance?! Then, next episode is her saying ‘what do I do now?’ Miranda says they take the body and she replies “No, what do I do now?” Omg I didn’t think she could’ve gotten any more selfish and self-centered!! Can’t watch these people. Much like the Roseanne reboot-these are not the same people.
  8. Long Island Serial Killer/Gilgo Beach—-how high is that hairdresser??
  9. Yes, as a judge, Elaine doesn't add much. She mostly laps up the sob stories. Brandon seems to be over it. There has to be one judge that's a designer who can critique the looks not the backstories. Ever notice once a designer makes it big, they start designing the same normal looks you've seen before? I love Christian and he's done great work for the non size zero celebrities, but a lot of his dresses we saw would've been called out on the show as 'we've seen it before.' I guess you have to be super unique to make it. Then, you can relax and do less flamboyant dresses and mostly normal pants (other than skinny is in or bell bottoms are in etc)
  10. Ah man, no Moms cry alone on my watch. That got me the sniffles.
  11. The models didn't seem to be walking to the beat of the music that was played which made a few look like bad walkers.
  12. Wow, I'm torn. I think Laurence was a slight bit better than Bishme's.
  13. I swear no one knows how to design for plus sized models.
  14. I want a tenth of Mimi's confidence. She controls the room.
  15. A few of Brittany's models are going to pop out of their tops.
  16. Seriously, that was like the part of the show where you go to the bathroom & refill your chip bowl... except there's a Million commercials for that now!
  17. Nobody loves Mimi like Mimi does lol but she can have that crown cuz she's fabulous!
  18. So many wives have podcasts,etc. And now Heather has a whole network..I wonder how much they're allowed to reveal to keep their second jobs (so to speak) juicy enough for people to pay attention. Is that why the shows are getting more boring and stuck on formula? I'm sure Bravo signs them to ironclad contracts, but as I wonder about the Project Runway contestants, too... What's to stop them from holding back on their best work or in this case, juicier tidbits to serve their Own projects vs Bravos?
  19. What’s up with Shannon that she needs so much help pooping? Time to get on a fiber supplement. All that cleaning out can’t be good. She won’t discuss her boyfriend, but she’ll repeatedly tell people she gets enema parts stuck up her ass? I could see if she was advocating for more awareness of Crohns or IBS etc but she never mentioned having a medical issue. Weird. Gina’s pink dress in her talking head was so tacky, but I gotta give her props, her body looked amazing in it, especially sitting down! If I tried that, I’d look like an overstuffed bag of grapefruits straining through the netting.
  20. Jens nice, but I couldn't care less about her and Ryan's relationship.
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