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Everything posted by Pi237

  1. How could you let someone call you inbred and then say 'ok this was fun!' And Meredith's condescending bullshit apology. I'd have told her to stuff it. I loved that Seth cried for their podcast and it wasn't recording. Gold! Who would listen to mush mouth Meredith and her Greasy husband talk about Anything let alone their weirdo marriage?
  2. She’s so annoying with this “Me Me Me I do it All!” Attitude. It’s ALL about her. She’s Exhausting.
  3. He doesn't want Whitney to see the printer because she'll just rag on it the whole time and talk over the tour guide. I wouldn't want her there either.
  4. 'I'm always hungry',,,,,,cuz I never eat. They’re not eating those carbs
  5. I like Justine. Thought she was doomed when she kept saying how her cookies were the best. And she crushed her icing with her finger on the pumpkin one which drew your eye. But she lived up to her own cookie hype. Still forgetting everyone’s names, but quite the mixed bag when it comes to decorating skills. Also, was getting annoyed with “I’m not getting sage!” Then, she finally gets sage and says, “it was perfume-y.” So you want the sage or not?
  6. They're already on ridiculous time constraints....I get tense when Jesse interrupts to ask questions. You have a running list in your head while prepping, etc and here someone comes to put a screeching halt to your thoughts and you have to be nice and upbeat for the camera? I'd fail at that spectacularly. When I see a kid coming at me with an ask on their face and I'm in the middle of djnner, it's Not Now! Lol So, that 'go use the Baker cam!' Nonsense would NOT be getting my best attitude, for sure. 🖕
  7. Lol that’s the first thing I thought-is he going to be like a ‘mom stay at a home Dad’ or a ‘fun Dad’ who only plays and does diapers/lunch. And leaves everything else for Mom when she gets home? His snarky cracks about not working came across grating vs a guy making the joke before it’s made about him by others. I don’t know. She shot him some worrying looks haha
  8. Dorit is a: dish it out, but can’t take it person with Garcelle. You’d think she’d be able to take a joke being married to PK & his ‘British humor’ but the slightest criticism and she acts like a big butt hurt baby with her nose in the air. I like her less each season. I hope Garcelle doesn’t end up apologizing to that stuck up windbag. She Lives to have people kiss her ass.
  9. New episode Lindsey story part two it was on at 7 o’clock. Weird. I missed it.
  10. Same!! I thought maybe she was trying to do a European thing-eating all fancy. I would’ve just dug in. How gauche! 🤣 Dorit was being a bitch. “I’ll withhold” Good-maybe someone else will get a word in.
  11. I’m fascinated by how Sutton uses her eating utensils. She lifts the mashed potatoes onto her knife, then wipes the potatoes onto the flipped over underside of her fork with said knife, Then eats them. Seems like a lot of work when you can just swoop those taters up with your fork & eat them. Have I been using forks wrong all my life!?
  12. Wow, Kyle is Really sticking to that diet! Waved off a whippet from the stripper. That would’ve made an interesting meal photo for her accountability coach, Teddy.
  13. Not liking this tattoo peer pressure. Getting inked should be a joyful or cathartic experience, not a pressured one. On the positive side-good on Whitney for her weight loss. And loving Angie’s open minded and enthusiastic personality.
  14. Shouldn’t Whitney be bonding more with Angie instead of her niece? Aren’t they closer in age?
  15. Baker Cam is ridiculous. Get rid of it asap. It's just going to be repetitive comments like: I'm feeling nervous, I hope my X comes out ok, I'm running out of time....the definition of telling instead of showing which is one of my biggest criticisms of reality tv. The viewers aren't morons. We can deduce what people must be feeling and thinking based on what we See. We don't need a break in the action to have normal human emotions explained to us. I usually hate sob stories, but Jennifer's about surviving 9/11 & baking helping her through was really touching. I can't imagine. But that's enough now. Lol Lets not hear about it every episode. $25,000 is such a weakass prize for a show with ALOT of commercial breaks aka ad revenue! Give them $100,000 at Least.
  16. Every week, I swear they make these episodes more difficult to watch. My ‘murder shows’ used to be must see tv, but they need to stop repeating the same Information, spending entire sections talking about something they can show with a photograph, saying something then interviewing multiple people asking how they felt about this tidbit of information. They’re Dragging the hell out of every story just to add more commercials. I keep falling asleep, fighting to stay interested.
  17. That’s what I thought, too. Under the influence of something. She was a bit meth-like.
  18. Lmao Amen! A lot of camels were breathing a sigh of relief when her trip idea didn’t happen. And she was so jealous of her brother putting on a full act for his presentation. She had to keep interrupting him ‘is that an accent?’, trying to throw him off. “Contempt!” I really liked him in that scene lol Whitneys weight might shorten her list of suitors, but if she’d shut her yap, stop verbally steamrolling over everyone, she might meet someone who falls for her and overlooks her size. She was doing well on her ‘date’ looked pretty, asked him about himself, but soon started talking over him, over sharing…I’m sure some of it’s insecurity, but I imagine she was twice as bad when she was thin and confident. Having to be the star of every event and conversation, sucking all the attention out of the room.
  19. I was cringing so hard at that scene! You’re just right in their face while they’re performing. Ew. Actually, Ew to that whole scene-here, pick out a dress for me to admire you in, and ooh/aah over this borrowed jewelry and roses everywhere. I’m sure many find that romantic, but I’d be cringing my way out the door. Just wash the dishes in the sink, feed the kids and then take the pets out, have my favorite pizza hot & ready and cue up a movie I’ve been wanting to see… Now, that’s my idea of romance.🤣
  20. Dorit Had to, immediately, mention “I’m a designer..” to those people who were just there to roll a rack of clothes out. She really thinks she’s on par with Versace when all she does is look at pictures of clothes Other people designed and says things like, “make that shorter” “make it a different color.”
  21. Ericka’s redemption tour, as predicted last season. It’ll be fun watching her try to hold her true personality from raging out.
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