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Everything posted by vibeology

  1. Katie's headbands must be too tight if she thinks her capris would have kept her out of the bottom. She needs to get a job designing costumes for a kid's show. What do pre-schoolers watch besides Paw Patrol?
  2. One thing that I'm not understanding is the focus on Hodges fabricating DNA. He was never the DNA tech in the lab. He did trace materials. Is the theory that he was faking DNA while also working a different department? Busy man.
  3. She absolutely should have told the truth but even if she did it's smart to appear with a lawyer who can protect you and make sure you don't contradict yourself. There's an episode of The West Wing where Charlie is considering an immunity offer and one of the characters (CJ maybe) points out that without immunity he'd need a lawyer for a hundred hours compared to hiring someone for a few. And I tend to think that fictional situation was in part based on this real event because that's how Sorkin rolls. So even if Betty was honest from the start, she'd still have huge legal bills. Clinton did a bad thing and other people paid the price.
  4. Can someone just shoot Lex? Just shoot him dead the moment he shows up. A new Lex from a new timeline pops up? Shoot him too. Right away. I get that it's murder and I don't care. I am so sick and tired of Lex Luthor and I cannot believe we're spending time on him again! Lena had the right idea. Just shoot him dead. I feel like Kara is barely a character anymore but lets spend time on Lex. I might not make it to the end.
  5. So I was pretty sure last time but with all the talking in this song, I’m certain the Pepper is Natasha Bedingfield. That’s her voice.
  6. If they hadn't also done the skip over covid time jump I probably would be okay with this but this is one time jump too many. I have no clue where we are in time. Bell not calling the cops so they could track down the serial killer was awful. Also, we finally got back to HODAD and now we're jumping past it. I was already on the fence about continuing after losing Mina and Nic but this makes it even harder to be enthusiastic.
  7. Sasha licking the whipped cream off his face during the judges critique was both disgusting and hilarious. Having the plot of Grease slowly explained to me couple after couple was painful. It's a fairly iconic movie and most people know the plot. I really do wish they'd skipped over some of the better known numbers and used the whole soundtrack to match up songs and dance styles better. Suni and Cheryl both looked like they were about to die by the end of their dances. I know why Cheryl is struggling but I don't get Suni. She's a young athlete. Is there no endurance training in gymnastics? Tyra's "he's really singing live, I swear" about Frankie Avalon was borderline disrespectful. I know he's singing because unlike Tyra, his music career was successful. Losing Mel really, really hurts. She's lovely but Gleb does suck and he never gave her any wow moments. And in rehearsal, they had no connection because he can't make that happen. Hard to vote for a couple when one half is Gleb.
  8. If Teddy and Bob were both a bit more like each other, they'd probably be better people. Teddy could benefit from reading a room, being a bit more task focused and respectful of other people's time. Bob could benefit from being more open and helpful with other people and developing a willingness to step out of his bubble from time to time. I bet Bob could have shared interesting insights about owning a small business with Bonnie (I think.) Teddy wasn't wrong about that. So even though that much Teddy usually annoys me, I enjoyed this episode.
  9. When you've got that Big Bang Theory money, you can afford all the glasses you want.
  10. I strongly disagree with this. They are responsible for flirting and the emotional connection they've created. No one else. If the only concern was making sure they had their stories straight, that conversation in the chicken coop would have ended before George started flirting with Brenda and certainly wouldn't have included them clearly sitting down and talking for some time. They are two lonely people who've made a connection and they want to spend time together. Connie snooping is just a convenient excuse. They'd find another one because they want to be together. It fulfills a need they both have. Brenda's self-esteem clearly took a hit with her divorce. She went from a busy house to being alone half of the time. She's lonely and insecure and this whatever it is gives her attention, fills her day and makes her feel wanted. For George, his life has turned out far less exciting than he anticipated. He doesn't have a great connection with Mary, his job isn't the one he dreamed off and his kids have gotten to the age where they challenge him. An affair of any sort, but especially one with Brenda where he can open up about his feelings of disappointment without hurting the people he loves, is an outlet that has been missing in his life. What George really needs is therapy with a professional who could draw appropriate boundaries so that George could work through his feelings without engaging in an emotional (and eventually physical) affair. Instead George gets something that fulfills his need to talk and because it's somewhat illicit brings an excitement to his life that has been missing.
  11. How do they cram so much goodness into such a little package? This episode had so many great subplots along with the very cool mission. Removing the outer hull is such a brilliant idea that would be so hard/expensive to do in live action but perfect for animation. I love this show so much and I don't want to wait for more!
  12. Hands of Death and Destruction. Bell used to kill people with his shaky hands and that was his nickname around the hospital from people in the know.
  13. I remember how Len treated Mario so I'm not so sure about that. Len consistently seems to have a problem with Black men. It's a terrible look.
  14. That Grease soundtrack has 20 songs or something crazy. Some of them are sung in the stage show but are just background songs in the movie, mostly at the dance. If they use all of those songs, they would have more than enough. Those Magic Changes, Freddy My Love, Hound Dog, Born to Hand Jive, Rock n' Roll is Here to Stay are all better songs for dancing than something character heavy like There Are Worse Things I Could Do or Sandra Dee.
  15. If we found out that he broke up with her the minute she tried to instruct him weeks ago and they've just been playing it up for TV this whole time, I wouldn't be surprised. He's looked miserable and completely uninterested in learning any dance this whole time.
  16. Are they trying at all to keep their secret identities from William? Because Brainy referred to Nia right in front of William in that first scene.
  17. In my head, Jackie broke up with Fez, moved to Chicago and got a job.
  18. Raven coming out a darker shade than Ru was shocking. Her blackfishing is out of control at this point.
  19. I think they really did have to hold off on showing us Grissom until the end because otherwise he would have been the star and there wouldn't have been the space to introduce the new team. If this show is going to work long term we need to care about the new characters too and the pacing was better here than if we had to fit in another legacy character.
  20. My guess for the Pepper is Natasha Bedingfield. Unwritten became a Tiktok dance last year and she's got a big voice like the Pepper. Plus, a couple of vowel sounds during her song sounded British and not in a fake-British Baby way. But if it's not her, I'm not going to have a clue because I don't spend much time on tiktok. That Bull is Todrick. I know I guess him every year but I think I'm finally right. Everything about that Britney performance screamed Todrick, right down to him doing the splits. The Skunk is next level and if they're not adding any additional wildcards to this group, I'm hoping the Hamster goes next to leave us with Bull, Skunk and Pepper for this group.
  21. At least Wild Wild West gave us a fun, silly song. Collateral Beauty gave us nothing.
  22. That's when I cried. I couldn't imagine losing both your kids in a period of a few years. That's just too much. The other moment that really hit me was when Devon came into the room and quickly glanced at the brain scans and said that he was sorry. Everyone was appeasing Conrad but that showed that there was zero real chance of her coming out of this. One thing I hated was when they needed to test Nic for any brain function and that was left to Devon because there was no one else to do it according to Bell and Kit. I'm sure somewhere in that hospital there's a neurologist. The idea that the people we see on screen are the only options is so ridiculous. Devon shouldn't even be back at work but apparently he's the only other doctor in the hospital? What? I know they wanted a personal connection but I think that could have been achieved with Nic's nurse friends being in the room. I think considering the off-show circumstances, this was the best way to handle it and I love that Nic saved and changed so many lives by donating her organs. That's so very in character.
  23. Some people had to stretch for sure but Britney is a big deal to many people. The pros mostly kept quiet but I wouldn't be surprised if they pretty much all grew up dancing to her music. They've done other theme nights before. Stevie Wonder Night was in season 16. Cher Night in season 17. They've done multiple country nights and they're out of Disney songs at this point. I'm not looking forward to another Disney week myself but I'm sure I'll still enjoy the dancing. (Very concerned about what Tyra will wear for that!) Not every theme is going to appeal to everyone but Britney is as legitimate a theme as anything else. She sings dance hits and this is a dance show. Makes sense to me.
  24. I agree about Cody. I like him and it's unfortunate that he and Cheryl have covid but that did not work for me. They weren't in synch, their energy levels were wildly different and because of their camera setups, they weren't level which made every issue glaring. This did not work. And that was for a jazz number which you can really do apart. Cody only tested positive last Thursday which means he won't hit two weeks until after the next show. What the hell are they going to do for that? Socially distanced foxtrot? They should have eliminated Cody and invited him to return next season. Now it feels like if this gets them eliminated, there's no way to bring him back. When they were eliminating people, I forgot about them completely because they weren't on screen. It doesn't work. If you're going to have a Britney night, play her songs. Don't let those singers butcher them. Also, Outrageous? The only song in her catalogue written by convicted sex offender R Kelly? We couldn't have picked any other bop? As Cody said, she has nine albums worth. I loved Jojo and Jenna. I thought they popped right off the screen. Melora broke through something mentally and really performed here. I hope she can carry this forward because she's got so much potential. Mel C was great once again. Kenya was wonderful and I hated to see her in the bottom after such a strong dance. I hate the critique that Amanda is too clean and perfect. She was a Rockette, of course that's how she moves. She isn't lighting me on fire but there are so many weaker dancers out there. Olivia Jade is trying and getting good. I'm never going to be a fan but I was expecting Kim Kardashian levels of effort so at the very least she's being a good partner and is game. Suni wasn't good and it's not that it's a suggestive song. She hasn't been good yet. I honestly don't really care about the guys who aren't Cody and I only really care about him because of his circumstances. They're all putting in effort and they're all okay but not great at this point. Maybe one of them will break out of the crowd but it's hard to say who. That will likely come down more to the partnership, good choreography and having a "moment" at the right time. Lindsay is probably the strongest choreographer of Lindsay/Witney/Daniella/Sharna/Emma but I think the Miz has the most potential to connect with the audience so we will see how this turns out. The only thing I'm certain of is that it won't be Brian and Sharna. They tried to have their moment with the Van Gogh/our song and the judges shat all over it.
  25. Ellen comes off looking awful in that story to me. Denzel does have a reputation of being serious and a little prickly but I've never once heard of him "going ham" on someone. All she had to do was explain that she was improvising in character. She didn't have to call him a motherfucker, didn't have to say "you don't even know where the washrooms are" and didn't have to bring it up again to his wife. Ellen is right that she has a leadership role on that set and she chose to swear and and belittle a guest director rather than calmly explaining her intentions. She can set the tone for how guest cast and crew are treated and she made it clear both in her behaviour and in how she retells this story that she thinks its okay to treat them like shit rather than be welcoming and open and treat them like artistic collaborators.
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