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Everything posted by BatmanBeatles

  1. Cherish - The Association Cherish - Madonna Closer - Nine Inch Nails Closer - The Chainsmokers
  2. True, but I didn't think I could dislike Kirk more until I watched that film.
  3. Come Go With Me - Expose Come Go With Me - Del Vikings
  4. I don't care for Disturbed's Sound Of Silence. I think it's too over the top.
  5. Come and Get It - Badfinger Come And Get It - Selena Gomez
  6. Whenever a man sees a woman with a beauty mask on her face, he always screams in terror.
  7. I have a mop that looks like Morgan Freeman's wig.
  8. I do think it's the bad trailers. Unfortunately, good word of mouth couldn't convince people otherwise.
  9. For anyone who watched Arrested Development, he was the Ann Veal of the show. Every time his name was mentioned, I'd ask "Who"?.
  10. In one cartoon, Harley got her degree from an online degree mill and hosted a talk show.
  11. I watched the 1966 film with my kids and two of them thought it was lame. Broke my heart.
  12. Split lost me when it said people with a split personality can change their body chemistry.
  13. Yay, Bat shark repellent!
  14. What I like about the international trailer is that it focuses on the main character.
  15. It's 'Moe-ah-na". It's the name of my neighbor's daughter, who is Samoan.
  16. What is love - Haddaway What Is Love - Howard Jones
  17. I love how some of the SNL cast couldn't hold it together and Kate's deadpan delivery.
  18. Gob: You know, I sorta thought my contribution... could be a magic show! Michael: Hey, that's great! That's perfect, Gob! Oh, wait, I just remembered, Dad's retiring, not turning six.
  19. I had a big smile whenever Leslie appeared. Patty's enthusiasm was so infectious.
  20. Leslie was nowhere near as obnoxious as the trailers made her out to be.
  21. "Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?"
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