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Everything posted by BatmanBeatles

  1. The Yip-Yip aliens from Sesame Street scared me when i was a kid.
  2. Yeah, his voice doesn't help. It's the oposite of Morgan Freeman's.
  3. That was so hard to watch. It's like watching someone make a fool of himself at a talent show.
  4. It's also very contrived how the sad backstories of these people are similar to something that happened to the CEO.
  5. The theme music for Unsolved Mysteries put fear in my heart.
  6. Everytime Ma said something in her gentle way, it was buzzkill time.
  7. Well shoot. I barely got caught up with this show since Nick.com refused to air episodes online. I had to watch it on some other website.
  8. Forrest Gump would have been much better if it wasn't for the horrible dubbing. I wish they would have got actors to play the late presidents and John Lennon.
  9. I think he's still the best parody artist out there. Sure, there are people on youtube that do them all the time, but Al not only writes funny lyrics, but he is great at mimicing the original artist.
  10. Which is why I will never watch this show. Ever.
  11. There's that kid who fakes his Mlineness so his folks don't split up. There's the girl who cuts her hair to buy her mother a new dress. Almonzo's bratty nephews. I think Royal put them in a sack and drowned them when he found out his wife was pregnant. Say, what ever happened to Doctor La Doo Doo?
  12. One thing for sure. The RL characters didn't sport David Cassidy hair-dos.
  13. Aside from the mime mask, the close up of Sylvia's stalker's eye freaked me out. Albert puking up Carnation Instant Breakfast horrified me as a kid. The episode with the wild child frightened me. The idea that someone would lock a child in a cage tramatized me.
  14. There was this episode of The X-Files where a guy could regenerate limbs. The scene where he opens his mouth and another head emerges made me scream out loud.
  15. Don't forget his containers of hair. One episode that made me physically ill was that Hannah person. The way she abused those animals!
  16. Sometimes Skyler talked to Walter like a child, but that wasn't enough to make me hate her.
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