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Everything posted by grandemocha

  1. I think Lemur is referencing what happened in the book and you are focusing on the show, no? Apologies if I am wrong!
  2. I liked the second episode much more than the first. Quentin still mutters and stutters a bit more than I really like, but I think I'm in for the season provided that the third episode continues this way.
  3. Amandla and Tavi. She's essentially parroting their actions, style of dress, interests, etc. She's young though, so who knows what she'll believe or think in a few years.
  4. Uhmm..lol, is this Kat's way of telling us that Bonnie is going to be permanently killed off in the Season 7 finale or she's going to be sent to offscreen land with Jeremy? The show will end when Ian and/or Paul get sick of showing up IMO. I'm probably just reaching here, it's just strange to see Kat be so direct with saying the show should end.
  5. But she didn't say that? None of her tweets have her saying she's somewhat attracted to girls? All she said was that in her life she has only ever been attracted to guys, but it seems like she doesn't want to call herself straight in case she does ever like a girl down the line? Which I don't personally understand, just because she calls herself straight now, she can always state that she is bisexual or lesbian later if that is where her life takes her? No one says labels have to be permanent. ..But then she also had this to say? So, I'm just overall unclear on how she identifies, but I think I'll stop here since it shouldn't matter. Her private life is hers to live and she makes a really good Riley. I do also like that Disney has moved past the "purity ring" era that Demi, Miley, and Selena were in and their stars are now allowed to be more expressive.
  6. Rowan Blanchard maybe came out as bi-sexual/ queer today on twitter? Also, she seems to be 100% for bi-sexual Riley Matthews. IDK if Disney would go for that although they have now had a lesbian couple on GLC. Am I out of touch or is that not what being queer means? Rowan states that she's only ever been attracted to guys and I believe she currently has a boyfriend. Just existing is simply going about your life, but I thought being a queer man or woman means "Queer is an umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities that are not heterosexual or cisgender." I like Rowan alot and think she's become a much better actress over time, but I also kind of think she's very impressionable and has really changed her persona because she's easily influenced by Amandla Stenberg and Tavi Gevinson. Both girls are older than her (and have said some very intelligent things concerning feminism) but it seems sometimes Rowan is just mimicking them and what they believe. Of course that's not really a big issue since she is still young and shaping her personality..it just comes off a bit disingenuous occasionally.
  7. But..why? Why write it this way? I know I'm jumping the gun since it hasn't even been filmed or aired yet, but is it so difficult for Lucas to make a decision? Leading on one of the girls while he "makes a choice" is just going to hurt them more in the end.
  8. LMAO, seriously? I will die laughing if this ends up being true and then I'll probably be frustrated at the non-resolution and the writers determination to string the impressionable audience along for more episodes. My goodness, there are more guys in NYC than just Lucas. Either girl could look for a relationship outside of her immediate friend circle. Just let someone pick ONE other person and move on. Only on Disney I swear..
  9. There was a show a few years ago on ABC Family called "The Nine Lives of Chloe King" and I sort of saw similarities between Clary and Chloe while I watched the pilot last night. Chloe ended up basically "too stupid to live" with occasional displays of bravery & ingenuity but the show was deservedly cancelled after one season.
  10. Was it ever revealed who the father of the twins was/is in the show? Or is it not meant to be important?
  11. The girl who plays Clary needs to have her hair color adjusted. Every time I see a commercial for the show or a still, all I can think is "Why does she have orange hair? They already had the actress dye her hair so I have no clue why in the world they didn't choose a darker red to better match the actress playing Jocelyn, Clary's mother.
  12. We agree on quite a bit when it comes to this show, but Ava just isn't one of them haha :) I'm sure the actress is a cute and bubbly kid in real life, but I just can't stand her character. I think it's the shrieking and bossy nature maybe? I know actual children who watch the show probably love her and Auggie like crazy, lol, so my opinion doesn't matter much at all since the kid age group brings in the ratings ;)
  13. Ava Morgenstern is actually not annoying for once? Haha, well now I'm really looking forward to this episode. If she manages not to shriek all of her lines, I'll consider it a belated Christmas miracle. Hmm..I'm actually kind of impressed by that lesson. I dislike the participation trophies/ribbons that get handed out too often, it diminishes the meaning of the real thing. Riley could have used Ava in "Girl Meets Rah Rah" or one of her friends motivating her by suggesting that she actually should put in the effort to learn the routines during her free time and then try out for the squad the following year instead of just getting in there based on her peppy spirit.
  14. Was the dad in Boyhood like a huge jerk or something? Because Homer seemed especially thoughtless and neglectful toward Bart in this episode.
  15. Can I just say, who gives a shit about his career? I have now heard several times people lament about Mark's career? His career SHOULD be over, but unfortunately it likely won't. I hope he is never again in a position where he has access to children, impressionable teens, or anyone else in a vulnerable position? This isn't this asshole's first brush with the law, and I'm sure it won't be the last. In case people forgot, he was accused of sexual battery by an ex-girlfriend and tried to paint himself as a good "religious" man and his ex-girlfriend as a lying slut. He ended up settling for a large amount of money later. This is more a sad day for the children who were pictured in the 1,000 pictures the police said they found on his computer. Boo hoo to the glee fandom that one of the actors on the show turned out to be a criminal who did a heinous act. No roommate mentioned in any of the reports. Multiple phones found though..
  16. Just heard. Mark is a fucking creep. I know BI are rarely ever true, but there have been plenty concerning him and his gross, sleazy behavior with younger women & girls. I hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and his "celebrity status" does not save his pathetic ass.
  17. It's good for SyFy in my opinion, but then again I probably have lowered standards after years and years of watching CW shows. I have a three episode rule for the majority of new shows, so if I'm still uninterested or irritated by a show at that point, then I'll stop watching and move on. I have no time for "hate watching" personally. I have now seen the pilot twice and I really didn't think it was that bad. A few characters are cliched but overall, I found things to enjoy and I'll continue to tune in.
  18. I'm looking to pick up a new show, so hopefully this is it. I liked Eliot, Alice, Julia, and I even found Quentin far more tolerable than I did in the book. I despised his whiny ass in the book. Julia's story looks like it could get dark, and she seems slightly depressed now so I'm curious as to where it's going to lead her next. I did not immediately warm up to Penny and I had zero interest in the girl he screwed, she can be killed by the beast next as far as I'm concerned. I hope Dean Fogg isn't dead forever because I actually liked him. The ending of the first episode has me intrigued enough to tune in for the second.
  19. Hah, give it time. Season finale cliffhanger surprise, perhaps?
  20. Haha, you know how it is. It's unavoidable with certain sections of the ex-Glee viewers. The first season of SQ certainly had its highs and lows, but characters like Hester, Chad, and Denise among others made it enjoyable and entertaining for me to watch.
  21. I liked it, Lea did unhinged and hilarious really well. I don't ask for much honestly, it made me laugh a decent amount so I was pleased. Lea Michele will probably be criticized with people coming for her saying "Of course she was the killer. Ryan Murphy's fave always gets what she wants" but screw it, she was good. I didn't see a hint of Rachel Berry personally, so good for her.
  22. That's what happens when Disney airs episodes out of order. I don't work in television/ the media/ Hollywood, but does anyone know why so many episodes have been aired out of order? What's the point? If the current order is what they wanted, why not film it that way in the first place and adjust dates accordingly? It just causes issues later and leads the audience to wonder if they missed a plot point or two, or why random character a, b, or c is acting ooc.
  23. He's fine with defending Riley, but screw Maya's feelings pretty much? She gets a "Oh Maya doesn't know what she feels" which is a bullshit dismissal and just him disregarding her at the moment. Why are Riley's feelings so much more important to Farkle? What's the difference? I rolled my damn eyes when he blurted out that "Riley still loves Lucas". Let's get one thing straight: I sincerely doubt Riley knows the true meaning of romantic love. She's simply infatuated with Lucas, she likes him but I doubt it's love. He was her first crush, he's cute, nice, polite, and her friend. Nothing more. Has anyone actually been upfront with each other and asked how Maya or Riley or Lucas feel and what they want? At this point n their lives, I'd say both girls LIKE Lucas, definitely not LOVE. Maya is free to have a crush on Lucas if she wants. He's not Riley's property and it's not like they dated for years. It was one date, one awkward kiss, and then they returned to being friends and appeared to be more comfortable with each other again because Riley wasn't mooning over him and putting him on a pedestal. Acting like Maya ripped Riley's soulmate away from her and all..they're only in middle school. None of these relationships are remotely close to love. Yes, I am disregarding Riley and Lucas's half assed "relationship". Nothing and nobody stood in their way for a good 40 episodes, so why did their relationship never truly take off? Riley and Lucas broke up on their own and remained friends. Maya had nothing to do with that. Basically, the girls have to make a choice. Either one will date Lucas and the other will stay the friend, or neither will and they'll continue on like normal. IDK how the writers will handle it, but I'm 90% sure they're going to drag this out into Season 3. We might get a Riley & Lucas kiss in the graduation episode w/ Maya acting like she's cool with it and then little hints here & there in Season 3 that she's not but she stays silent because Riley's happiness means more to her than Lucas. I don't understand what the end goal is here. So, supposedly Maya is "hurting" Riley now by outwardly expressing her feelings toward Lucas. Should things return to the status quo with Riley and Lucas awkwardly dating again while Maya just keeps her feelings hidden? How is that not then Riley hurting Maya? Is it a "I had first dibs therefore you can never ever like him in public" situation?
  24. The creator of the show actually spoke about Riley and Lucas vs. Cory & Topanga this past summer and basically said Rucas are not meant to be Cory and Topanga 2.0 So, who knows where these characters end up (or with who), but they are not necessarily meant to be a retread of Riley's parents.
  25. My original thoughts on the episode: First off, I laughed so damn much when after Farkle thoughtlessly interjected that Riley still loves Lucas, that short kid from their class said "Thank you for a wonderful evening" and all the unnamed kids ran off of the rooftop to get away from their drama, LMAO. Too good. IDK. I feel like this story (the whole three way relationship confusion) would have more weight to it if the characters were 16 or so? Since they're supposed to be 14 (although Peyton looks 18) it just feels silly. Like I can't take it seriously. I just roll my eyes at the declarations of love because quite frankly, they're young. They'll love 100 more guys and girls by the time they're 25. Just saw the episode. Liked Riley and I can respect the fact that she was upfront with Charlie in a way that was believable for a 14 year old girl would let a guy down. Farkle...tsk tsk. Farkle was awful! "I did the right thing. I hope you can forgive me"??? Really? Uh, no. You did the selfish thing. He exhibited the same behavior I absolutely hated in Riley when she did the same thing to Maya. Lucas certainly seems confused about his feelings, and why wouldn't he? Two smart, beautiful, friendly, and unique girls like him and they were all friends first. There's probably going to be hurt feelings no matter how it ends (or at least there would be away from Disney) so I get the hesitancy. Holy hell Farkle, butt out! It is literally none of his business if Riley wants to keep things to herself for a little longer. He had no right to blurt any of that out. Just like I thought Riley needed to stay out of it and let Maya work through her own feelings toward Lucas, he should've stayed with Smackle and minded his own business. Things are getting a tad bit too serious on the relationship front for these kids. I understand that they're young and things are confusing, but let's be real: none of these relationships would likely last past high school in the real world. Riley and Lucas barely had a boyfriend/ girlfriend situation going on, it was awkward and tentative and lacking in emotion or chemistry (in my opinion of course). The actor who plays Lucas does come alive when he shares scenes with Maya, but they too would probably go their separate ways after graduation. Riley and Lucas are not married to each other, it's not true love or destiny or any of the things I foolishly believed about other TV couples when I was young. Cory and Topanga are the exception, definitely not the rule. Overall, I liked the moments of levity in the episode: Smackle still thinking Lucas wants her, Charlie being like a terminator of knowledge during the Couples game, and other bits. Not that it's a competiton, but I feel like Maya is so tentative when it comes to this situation because she doesn't think she'll really end up with Lucas, or she's naturally pessimistic, or whatever. But that's the impression I got from the episode.
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