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Everything posted by SomeJabroni

  1. LOL...well that makes sense why noone has been recently rejoicing! I just found out about it on Sunday and it was like finding an extra Christmas present behind the couch. Bless her heart, she is just NOT a good actress.
  2. I found out yesterday and cannot believe there hasn't been tossing of confetti and drinking of champagne: I read this in SOD whilst in the checkout line yesterday; it's under spoiler tags 'cuz I haven't seen anyone else bring it up. (Mods - will remove tags if needed.) I may start watching again.
  3. I had this exact thought and actually turned to Mr.Jabroni and said, "Hocus pocus, you're fucked." What a delight NPH has turned into! I wasn't terribly excited at the thought of him in a Ryan Murphy production - because I lurve me some NPH and, well, ya know, it's Ryan Murphy... - but after years of enjoying him as a suited-up cad on a sitcom, this turn for the psychotic dramatic shows his range as an actor that I was heretofore unaware existed. He is knocking this role out of the proverbial park. And his conversation with Dandy and his man-fur, plus Dandy's exclamation that, "He's a sicko!" made my night. Is it wrong that I want Chester and Dandy to play croquet and drink mai tais and live happily ever after? Que sera sera. I don't wanna be right.
  4. I just saw a very young Epiphany (ca. 1993) as a particularly adamant cashier on Seinfeld. George was trying to return the "marked" book and she was having no part of it.
  5. While the attitude change toward Lisa did become more pronounced, I remember thinking at the time (Season 1) that Kyle was rather unpleasant to Lisa with her fake giggling and holding hands with Taylor, then asking Lisa (on more than one occasion) if she was "jelly." There were other instances that my just-getting-caffeinated brain cannot conjure up right now, but my overall feeling was that she (Kyle) was very immature and had more than a streak of middle school mean girl. I agree with those posting about Lisa posturing for the camera and being different when the cameras aren't rolling. Though Marisa Zanuck can have a seat. Her snide remarks to/about her husband gave me severe secondhand embarassment for her poor husband. I wouldn't talk to her if I weren't get paid to, either. Slightly OT - Lisa's cameo on "The Comeback" last week was hilarious! If some PTB decide to remake "Dynasty," she is a shoo-in for the HBIC and, thus, her dreams of acting reborn. haha
  6. Dennis explaining about the implication never fails to creep me out, in the best possible way. As does the scene during the high school reunion when he retrieves his tools. I really like how they've slowly rolled out Dennis' psychopathy over the seasons. The scene of Dennis and Sweet Dee trying to purchase a gun and finding out he was merely a "person of interest" in those cases and Dee's line reading of "You try to burn ONE bitch..." are dark, lovely things of beauty. As a denizen of the City of Brotherly Love, I am grateful these guys have channeled their darkness into comedy. islandgal140, my sentiments exactly.
  7. This episode made me laugh out loud several times. I'm always partial to a Butters-centric episode, and this one did not disappoint. Though not a fan myself, many of 'the boys' in our family love movies like "The Matrix," "Total Recall," et al., which means I "get" to watch them, too. Combined with the fact the makers of the "Oculus Rift" game released a kickstarter fundraiser a couple of weeks ago...the whole thing just cracked me up. I love that Trey and Matt's social commentary gets so layered that many of the jokes go over my head until I hit Google or the kids explain it to me. And count me in on the Stotches' desperate need for comeuppance! Maybe Cartman needs to make another batch of chili.
  8. That was also my impression. Not being able to see ten feet in front of me without my spectamacles, I recognized that squint. And while I agree with the posters stating that she was something of a double-dipping scammer, I actually kinda felt bad for her. Once upon a time, I was employed by the DCF in a predominantly black, low-income area and met folks like her everyday. Education is NOT a high priority (among the folks I personally worked with) and level of bleak hopelessness that pervades every corner of their lives is like something out of a Theodore Dreiser novel. Anyway...before I go off on some completely OT tangent, my point is that she touched a nerve inside me that made me want to sign her up for remedial English or JTPA or some shit. Mr. Kinky Boots? Bless his superhero needin' heart. Something tells me that there was a LOT more to that story than we saw on JJ. Super relieved that JJ tossed out the case and we were spared the gory details of their Dan Savagery.
  9. RIP, Mickey Doyle. He started out as such an obnoxious twit and approached something resembling an actual adult; I was actually liking him at the end of the last episode. Not not-disliking him, but actually liking him and even gave him a "Go Mickey!" when he showed up with his shotgun toting army of brigands. I wonder if the insurance policy that AR sold to Nucky is current on payments. Speaking of... I don't think Nucky is going to get of here alive. Someone above mentioned how seedy the boardwalk is now compared to Babette's Supper Club as a parallel to the downward spiral of Nucky's life/empire and I completely agree. The scene where Sheriff Lindsay took off his badge and gave it to Nucky was extremely well done and, once again, that kid playing 'Young Nucky' is superb. I had a feeling that was what he (Lindsay) was referring to - Commodore's proclivity toward minors - but the way that scene played out at the Commodore's house was chilling. And knowing what's in store for Nucky and Gillian makes it all the more chilling. I don't have a good feeling about her prospects for a 'happily ever after' either. Damn you, show! You're really pulling at the heartstrings this season. I'm gonna go ahead and say that I don't think that kid is Tommy anymore. I hadn't completely discounted the idea of him just being a parallel of Nucky - a poor kid trying to 'make something of himself' - him being the exiled son of the 'exiled' next in line just seemed like such a good idea. Having the story come full circle, as it were. But since Nucky no longer has an empire to bequeath to the next in line... Plus the handing him all that cash and advising him (not!Tommy) to do something other than aspire to Nuckydom; I am now disavowed of the notion. (But I do still secretly hope it turns out to be true, with some kind of scene with Gillian before the show ends.) Edited because spelling is your friend. Second edit... Regarding the scene where Nucky shows up at the Commodore's house, after Sheriff Lindsay had ridden off in the carriage - was Leander telling Nucky to kill that child? His words to Nucky were, "There will be no further compensation; there will be no further inquiry," as he was handing Nucky a thick envelope. Now that I've had time to digest that a little, am I to understand that the girl's mother had been receiving compensation for pimping out her daughter? And now that she's "no longer able to be helped" they're going to leave her like a hog under the boardwalk??!? I guess I was too relieved that there wasn't a dead child in that room when I first watched this scene, that the dialogue didn't hit me until the rewatch. That's some sick shit. And Nucky's going to carry out his task with discretion and "honor." Egads. Also - and this may be my imagination running away with me a bit - but given how grim the future looks for Nucky, if gawd damned Margaret ends up with the money from Chekhov's Insurance Policy, I am washing my hands of Terence Winter. I have an irrational dislike of Margaret and her mealy-mouthed, selectively Catholic ways.
  10. Is that who he sounded like? Mr.Jabroni and I were actually talking about how different his voice seemed, but just figured that the person whom originally did the voice wasn't available or whatever. As for the episode itself, I agree with others in that it was an okay episode with only bits of hilarity. I had totally forgotten about MMc's car commercials and was trying like hell to figure out the joke/reference to "True Detective" - he was driving a yellow car, he had on a yellow outfit at one point. Crikey. The Saturday morning cartoon thing may have been a riff or reference to this article I recently read about how the last broadcast network still showing Saturday morning cartoons had officially stopped showing them on September 27th or so. (I'll try to find the source again to be sure.) Anyway, great bit. And Timmy's HandiCar with the tablecloths and candle/flower on the table was excellent! Timmeh is the best added-on character since Butters, IMO. Overall, I'd give it a 7/10. Edit: Link to the aforementioned article. http://flavorwire.com/480093/a-requiem-for-saturday-morning-cartoons
  11. Gotta pop up for a moment and thank your beautiful people for taking one for the proverbial team. I only worked a half day today but was able to get home while the show was still on and...wow. This is some poorly written, low rent fecal matter.
  12. Prefacing my comment with the fact that I really dislike all things Jackass, I just saw Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa and I have to say that was the funniest movie I have seen since the South Park movie. I won't spoil any of the pranks - which again, I am normally NOT a fan of - but this raunchy, poignant little gem made me snort-laugh a couple of times. The kid playing the grandson practically steals the movie with what I can only call a genius performance and actually reveals a lot about humanity without seeming to mean to. Definitely give this one a chance if you come across it!
  13. This. Also, please get out of my head. Along with having a damn near identical sentiment regarding the buildup and inevitable letdown this show delivers, Mr. Jabroni & I were remarking on the terribly annoying background "music" that overrode almost every bloody scene. Sometimes I feel like Ryan Murphy identifies a little too closesly with "Twin Peaks" but lacks the vision/talent/taste/intellectual fortitude to successfully pull it off. I've been cursing him and saying that I've "learned my lesson" since "Nip/Tuck" - yet here I am, not only watching this dreck, but commenting upon it as well. Another echoed sentiment! By the second appearance of Teefs da Clown, my head hurt from rolling my eyes so far back. And my exact comment was, "This guy (meaning RM creating this character and assaulting our intelligence with his 'creepiness') is trying waaaay too hard." I am embarassed to say that I had sortof been looking forward to this show since the promos started, especially with the addition of Vic Mackie and Denis O'Hare. But given how utterly frustrated I felt by the hackery of the premiere, I fear that I may never get to see their freakiness. Thousands of struggling writers out there and this... THIS is who gets to keep a job writing this fuckery. Well, he and Kurt Sutter. I'm not sure who is in charge of programming at FX, but as my crazy aunt used to say, "That boy's got splinters in the windmills of his mind." ETA: I forgot to mention Kathy Bates' accent. Totally from Hollandtown in Bawlmer. http://www.baltimorehon.com/
  14. Basically a repost of something I'd mentioned on another thread: While (re)watching "Breaking Bad" recently, our own dear Nate Mooney (Ryan McPoyle) was the guy selling kevlar vests to les cousines dangereaux in the episode "One Minute."
  15. My apologies if this isn't the proper place for posting this, but I just realized it and had to share: On the Breaking Bad episode called "One Minute," no other than Ryan McPoyle was selling kevlar vests to les cousines dangereaux. It took me a second to recognize him, then I laughed and laughed.
  16. I'm almost positive he was. The way that waiter mentioned what a great actress Billie Kent was, then the camera panned directly to a picture of her on the wall, made me think that was what they were going for in that scene.
  17. Wow. After what I thought was a rather lackluster previous season, I am really enjoying this season a lot. The writing itself seems better - no daughters (capitalized or no) wasting precious screen time, and I'm also really liking the pacing of each person's story as well as its actual content. As to the flashbacks; I generally consider flashbacks the sign of hack writing or simply an overused trope, but I think these flashbacks of Nucky's childhood are excellent. My only nitpick would be that they should have been shown around the time Jimmy got whacked; either interspersed with Jimmy's scenes of conspiring against Nucky or perhaps shortly thereafter. And I'd really REALLY like to see some background on Gillian & how she got involved with Nucky & the Commodore. ETA: The 'special delivery' to Meyer Lansky at the end! I knew he was gonna get got as soon as he sat down with Nucks, but did not even place him as the guy who killed Billie Kent. Revenge served cold, indeed! I'm still processing Eli & Van Alden...
  18. Great thread! So many levels of agreement (i.e., Maggie Gyllenhaal (sp?), Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, to name but a few) and disagreement (i.e., Leo DiCaprio and Matt Damon in particular), that I had to throw in my two cents. I have such a visceral reaction to Renee Zellweger - I'm not sure why, but something about her makes me stabby. Keanu Reeves, too. Maybe it's something about the squinty eyes lack of anything resembling charisma. Who else? Let me see... The obvious: Tom Cruise Julia Roberts Johnny Depp, but only since he became a pirate Gwyneth Paltrow, because she just seems like such a pretentious ass In no particular order: Molly Ringwald - basically the same character in every movie she's ever done. Even that 'horror' movie w/ Carol Kane. Jennifer Anniston, for pretty much the same reason, though her last couple of movies have been pretty NOT Rachel. She's also excellent in "Office Space." I reserve the right to remove her from this list if she continues to be NOT Rachel. Jason Sudekis (sp?) Elizabeth Banks Melissa McCarthy Leah Remini (yeah, I like Kevin James more than her) Several actors on "General Hospital" but y'all probably wouldn't know them, except for James Franco Seth Rogen Katherine Heigl (does she still count as an actress?) More to come, I'm sure...
  19. Ned or Mac? Mac or Ned? Let's consider the pros and cons here: PROS Ned: Ned is one of the last remaining Q's that Guza didn't completely destroy. He's incredibly easy on the eye and generally has decent taste in women. Eddie Mayne. (sp?) Cute, though MIA, daughter with no spawn of Corinthii. Mac: Brother of Robert Fucking!Scorpio. Solid, long standing patriarch of show; caretaker of wayward and foundling children. He's damn near Ellis Island. Utter contempt for all things mobular, Sonny in particular. (Technically could be said of Ned, too.) While he may be considered an old geezer in some circles, I still find Mac a very fine silver fox, if a tad too vanilla. CONS Can't really think of any, though some may consider Eddie Mayne a con. (I kinda do, but Wally in leather pants is a gift horse that should not be kicked in the mouth, despite the drivel that came out of it in the name of music. But I digress...) Decision: Mac by TKO. With Robby off in Genoa City, hopefully working undercover to disarm the borg and bring Dillon Q back to town, Ned squeaks by by the skin of his leather. I mean teeth. Yeah. Definitely teeth. Edited for clarity: I meant to relay that the bell of death has tolled for Mac.
  20. This is really hard. (that's what she said, ba dum DUM) I'm gonna go with Alexis because she procreated with Sonny and, as a Cassadine, she should know better.
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