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Everything posted by SomeJabroni

  1. Rye - That's funny; my 'buddy' not only likes Brandi, but Theresa G. from NJ. But she makes great lemon bars, so I let it slide. :) OT - I agree with the idea that Heather and Carole are 'in on the joke' and I rather like that, especially the way Carole pulls it off. Heather - eh, she grates a little with the name dropping and such, but if I actually knew famous people and was on a TV show to showcase my fabulous life, I'd probably be obnoxious that way too. Overall, they're my favorites right now. But then again, I used to like Ramona and Sonja. Aviva. Wow. That bundle of neurojoy makes me wish I were still in grad school, looking for a case study.
  2. EB - oh yes there was! Liev has been to the gym in the off-season. Gluteus maximus, indeed. Rawr! So that was the premier. Damn, I hate this show. On paper, it should be an excellent, compelling story - and it certainly stars the talent to pull it off - but, gaaaawwwwd daaaaaamn, could the writing be any more ham-fisted or the action be any more screamingly telegraphed before it actually occurs? The only Boston-Irish stereotype missing is Denis Leary putting out the fire in the gym after Bunchy leaves his crack pipe unattended. And poor Bunchy. He's so gonna get molested/something grossly sexual by that guy from the support group by the end of episode 3.
  3. Having come back to this show after loving the first 2 seasons, despising the third, and quitting altogether sometime a couple of years ago, I find myself pleasantly surprised by how much I am enjoying it all. Caveat: Suckie and Beel are the worst. Quite frankly, I hope they do end up together. They deserve each other. Do I care one whit about Sylvie? lol...Sylvie who? But I care plenty about nekkid Eric. Jason...Sylvie....it's all pink in the dark. But seriously, given the absolute silliness of the plotlines, I am grateful for the fanservice provided by nekkid Eric. His actual storyline doesn't particularly interest me, but I am glad that he & Pam have teamed up again. For some reason, I really like those two. Too bad Pam and Nan couldn't have been "friends." That's an Authoritah (tm Eric Cartman) that would've commanded my attention! I can't remember how the books went (I power read them when the series first started), so the TV plotline deviating from the books doesn't really bother me, unlike with Game of Thrones. We wouldn't have had Lafayette otherwise. But Tara. Poor, poor Tara. I never really cared much for her character - which isn't the same as disliking the character, more that I just didn't care one way or the other - but, really, Alcide gets a better death scene than her??!? Alcide, bringer of the Debbie Pelt/werepanther storylines? Alcide, the only man prettier AND dumber than Jason? Alcide? Really??!? Without the beauty of his perfectly sculpted abs, nekkid Eric becomes all the more important, n'est-ce pas? Then there's Sarah Newlin. That crazy beeyotch has become one of my favorite characters. Again - not sure how/if she was in the books, but her character on the show really makes me laugh. I especially laughed when, after she and the Yogi have sex, she says in that post-coital breathless voice, "Namaste." Come to think of it, I find myself laughing about a lot of the storylines/actions of characters on this show. Perhaps I've been going about it all wrong. Instead of this being a drama about vampires and the fae who love them, it's a comedy. Hmmmm. Maybe I should go back and watch the previous couple of seasons in *that* mindset.
  4. I was coming here to post that exact same thought. As others have pointed out, Jackie and drug boy's ejection from the wedding was pretty public - it was damn near a 'walk of shame' - unless there was/is some retconning or camera trickery, I'm totally going with Grace as the guilty culprit on this one too. Re: the money purse. I'm related to some 'old school' Italians and as recently as last summer, the money purse was alive and well present at the wedding of one of their daughters. On the Irish side, we still do 'hope chests' for the girls, too.
  5. My apologies if this isn't the proper place to share this little tidbit; if not, just let me know and I'll move it. While perusing the usual trashy websites, I came upon this piece. (Using the link so as not to spoil anyone that doesn't wish to be spoiled.) http://thestir.cafemom.com/entertainment/174159/only_1_rhony_star_remains#comments If this is true, I am almost assuredly done with this franchise. Anyone know how accurate/full of shyte this site is?
  6. Nope, not the only one. I disliked that storyline/character almost as much as I dreaded Tyrion's "where the whores go" monologues. I'm still processing all of the events of last night, but so far: THE GOOD *Ciaran Hinds as Mance Rayder. While I felt that Stannis' appearance at the NW was done a couple of episodes too late, I really enjoyed the scenes between Mance and Stannis (and Jon too, for that matter). Full disclosure: I've been in luuurve with CH since his days in "Rome." But seriously, I thought that the dark fight from the penultimate episode would've played better as long scene about 3 episodes prior, as it happened in the book - with the burning of the stairs and all - and have the 2nd battle in the finale and *that's* where Stannis shows up. But overall, I liked it, and I even kinda like holding off electing Jon Snow as commander until next season. SOOOO looking forward to Janos Slynt's head rolling. *Arya and Brienne. I almost put this under the "bad" because it's so far removed from the book, but I totally ship them as a caretaker/ward couple. Though...if Dead!Cat is actually going to make an appearance, Brienne having met Arya and gotten the tea on Sansa puts a huge wrench in the Brienne/Dead!Cat storyline. Eh, whatever. I read somewhere that the lady playing Brienne is going to be in some new Star Wars(?) movie, so.... it may just be a moot point anyway. Love Arya and the way she coldly stared down the Hound as he tried to goad her into giving him a quick death, then stole his money. He taught her well, didn't he? lol *Tyrion killing Shae and Tywin. While I agree to a certain point that the showrunners are trying to 'whitewash' Tyrion a little (or a lot, depending on your POV), I am totally TeamTyrion on this one. IIRC, in the book, Shae's motivations vis a vis Tywin/Cersei aren't revealed either, so we don't know if she actually loved Tyrion (as she appeared to on the show) or was a pawn or agent of Tywin the whole time. In any event, Tyrion believed she loved him and, whether she did or didn't, she totally betrayed him at that farce of a trial. And Tywin - lawd, I'll miss his badassery - Tywin hated his own son, basically sent him to his death in Blackwater, then condemned him to actual death. So, yeah, I can get behind Tyrion putting a couple of arrows in him. It's almost a shame he didn't have the time to give him the "Reek" treatment. THE BAD and THE UGLY Basically everything having to do with the Lannisters right now. Show!Cersei throwing her incest in her father's face, feigning love and affection for her children as opposed to the potential power they can bestow upon her, then telling Jamie about it. The lack of a very crucial scene between Tyrion & Jamie regarding Tysha (though the softie in me wants those two crazy kids to make it after all). That, combined with what I thought was a very lackluster couple of death scenes....well, I just thought the execution was rather underwhelming. I also thought the Arya/Brienne meeting was wrong, too. Yes, I liked the actual scene, but only because I like those characters and feel like they 'belong' together. But it, and the fight between Brienne & the Hound, was so far removed from anything in the books (and I'm not a super-purist about these kinds of things), that it really took me out of the show for a few minutes. Jojen's death by zombie skeleton. IIRC, he is presumed dead in the books, but I don't recall it happening like that and I really could've done without yet another zombie skeleton battle. But, alas, winter is coming. Overall, I've enjoyed this season more than the last, book-changing nitpicks aside. I'm looking forward to Arya's adventures in Braavos, Cersei's machinations with the Small Council and Bank of Braavos and the shit about to befall her, and the stuff going down with Boltons, specifically the marriage of Ramsay and "Arya." Haven't quite decided how I feel about Tyrion's upcoming adventure(s) or the lost Targaryen. Definitely do not want to see Dead!Cat/Lady Stoneheart. lol...I didn't care much for Catelyn when she was alive, so D&D are safe from the wrath of my keyboard if they decide to change that too. Thoughts on Dany, et al, later. Gotta get some work done today. :)
  7. I was replying to some spoilers and kinda proceeded to go past that topic and get into opinion, so I thought I'd move that part of the post over here. JASON While I kinda like Billy Miller, I have absolutely no use for the character of Jason whatsoever. The only possible way that bringing Jason back will interest me (besides being written by someone other than RC) is if AJ is only actually "dead." After so many years of rejecting everything and everyone Quartermaine, the unholy alliances with Mumbles and Snarly, all the killing in the name of the righteous shipper of COFFEE... I just don't feel that the dead-eyed sociopath with a heart of gold has anything left to mine on this show, especially given that the only two remaining Quartermaines are either, (a) Tracy, i.e., floundering in the quagmire of Puke, or (b) Monica, who wasn't even given a script for her own son's funeral. I care less about the newly found regret and remorse buried in his Box of Pain than I care about Sabrina's trip to crazytown or how it will affect Sonny or cockblock Franco. And since I'm already on the barge and only get my details about tfgh from you lovely peeps, I'm gonna have to see the hbic about an upgrade to Platinum Class or some such. There isn't enough Riesling in the world to blot out the fuckery that RC would bring to a "Jason Returns and Changes EVERYTHING in Port Charles FOREVAH!!!!111!!" I'm thinkin' more of a Glenmorangie kind of blotto. PATRICK I actually made the mistake of tuning in to tfgh one day this week while working from home and caught part of the scene where Sobby was regressing back to Wedding, Interrupted and I don't think my reaction was what RC was going for. First, I just cackled at the stepford way TC recites her lines/interprets her character. That faraway look was straight out the grocery store scene after Joanna is indoctrinated. Then, I thought, "Isn't she supposed to be on maternity leave? Leave!" After that, I promptly turned the channel. But back to Patrick... I get that he's something of a legacy character, and he's a decent actor (at least by the standards of tfgh), but his character has been seriously adrift since KMc's exit. And needlessly so. He's a hot, single doctor with a dead/not dead/gone again wife, connections to other decent characters (yet, he has no friends?), and a semi-interesting father. There's tons of story to be mined from him, yet he gets a 48-hour pill addiction and a disney stepford barnacle child anchored to his loins. Does. not. compute. SONNY I don't really have much to say about Sonny that hasn't already been said, but I just wanted to add my $.02 to the karma surrounding MB's [supposed] upcoming absence. I want so badly for it to be true, but the cynic in me just doesn't believe it. And the pessimist in me fears that not only will he be gone for maybe 3-4 days, but it will be frickin' Jason that rescues him/nurses him back to health/escorts him back to town. And probably takes out Puke in the interim, to ensure that Sonny's coffee remains righteous and supreme. Nothing to say about The Nina or Potato Head Kiki or any of that sicko kiddie quad. That's the kind of shit that put me on the barge to begin with.
  8. I'm hoping that this means she's actually going into menopause rather than being pregnant. Unless this surgery consists of about a dozen intramuscular HRIG injections to cure her rabies, no fucks to give. Other musings: JASON While I kinda like Billy Miller, I have absolutely no use for the character of Jason whatsoever. The only possible way that bringing Jason back will interest me (besides being written by someone other than RC) is if AJ is only actually "dead." After so many years of rejecting everything and everyone Quartermaine, the unholy alliances with Mumbles and Snarly, all the killing in the name of the righteous shipper of COFFEE... I just don't feel that the dead-eyed sociopath with a heart of gold has anything left to mine on this show, especially given that the only two remaining Quartermaines are either, (a) Tracy, i.e., floundering in the quagmire of Puke, or (b) Monica, who wasn't even given a script for her own son's funeral. I care less about the newly found regret and remorse buried in his Box of Pain than I care about Sabrina's trip to crazytown or how it will affect Sonny or cockblock Franco. And since I'm already on the barge and only get my details about tfgh from you lovely peeps, I'm gonna have to see the hbic about an upgrade to Platinum Class or some such. There isn't enough Riesling in the world to blot out the fuckery that RC would bring to a "Jason Returns and Changes EVERYTHING in Port Charles FOREVAH!!!!111!!" I'm thinkin' more of a Glenmorangie kind of blotto. PATRICK I actually made the mistake of tuning in to tfgh one day this week while working from home and caught part of the scene where Sobby was regressing back to Wedding, Interrupted and I don't think my reaction was what RC was going for. First, I just cackled at the stepford way TC recites her lines/interprets her character. That faraway look was straight out the grocery store scene after Joanna is indoctrinated. Then, I thought, "Isn't she supposed to be on maternity leave? Leave!" After that, I promptly turned the channel. But back to Patrick... I get that he's something of a legacy character, and he's a decent actor (at least by the standards of tfgh), but his character has been seriously adrift since KMc's exit. And needlessly so. He's a hot, single doctor with a dead/not dead/gone again wife, connections to other decent characters (yet, he has no friends?), and a semi-interesting father. There's tons of story to be mined from him, yet he gets a 48-hour pill addiction and a disney stepford barnacle child anchored to his loins. Does. not. compute. SONNY I don't really have much to say about Sonny that hasn't already been said, but I just wanted to add my $.02 to the karma surrounding MB's [supposed] upcoming absence. I want so badly for it to be true, but the cynic in me just doesn't believe it. And the pessimist in me fears that not only will he be gone for maybe 3-4 days, but it will be frickin' Jason that rescues him/nurses him back to health/escorts him back to town. And probably takes out Puke in the interim, to ensure that Sonny's coffee remains righteous and supreme. Nothing to say about The Nina or Potato Head Kiki or any of that sicko kiddie quad. That's the kind of shit that put me on the barge to begin with.
  9. Greetings, all. TWOP refugee here, lookin' to get my Beverly Hillbilly fix on. Actually used to watch pretty much all the RH shows, but seem to have dropped them all for one reason or another, except this one. Given how disappointing this season and the subsequent reunion were, I fear this may be my last season of the Hillbillies as well. That being said, I love TV and I love to obsess over the minutiae of various programs. And snark, of course. I snark, therefore I am. Greatly looking forward to rejoining the world of snarky, civilized folk without fear of being dinged for "boards on boards" - whatever that means. Thanks so much to you folks at PreviouslyTV for welcoming us refugees so kindly. Of course, when y'all ran TWOP, it was a much nicer place to post, too, so the kind reception really came as no surprise. Thanks again and Vive la PTV!
  10. Local Philly talk guy (MrJabroni listens to him) - mentioned that he and his wife were talking about the complete inappropriateness and just grossness of that whole storyline. He (MrJ) mentioned it to me b/c we had had almost that exact conversation a day or so earlier. For the life of me, I don't see how *any* writer, let alone a team of writers, backed by their EP and I imagine a line of other producers/suits, watches the 'dailies' of the story on film and .... whatever. I'm sure I'm preaching to the choir. For the record, I, too, was still in the "boys had cooties" stage at age 8. I've been on the barge and lurking over at TWOP (RIP) so I missed the beauty of actually seeing the crypt fucking and Fluke and Nulu's babyrabies and Carly/Franco, et al, but I made the mistake of watching it Friday and I see that I won't be disembarking the barge anytime soon. But I am curious... how does Julian's naming Ric as his 'boss' serve Fluke's plan to bring down the House Corinthii? After Jerry Jax/Dr. O/Faison shenanigans, I know that expecting a plan to have some sort of expected outcome that at least some of the participants are aware of/in agreement with is like that unicorn farm I keep dreaming of, but really. No comprende. And while I'm of the opinion that Fluke is gonna end up being Bill Eckert (not a spoiler - totally my spec), how does that even make sense? Was Bill even still on the canvas when the Orange Moobster made his jazz handed, tiny dancer, entrance to PC?
  11. If only we could have such nice things under Cartini! In other possibly OT news, there was a radio announcer talking about the absolute disgust he felt when watching the juice-box love triangle. While I do feel that Spencer (the actor) is cute as a bug's ear, lisp notwithstanding, this whole prepubescent love triangle thingie is making me sick. Like I should call in Benson and Stabler sick. Speaking of sick, how typical of greasy Sonny to retreive Ava's pregnancy test from the garbage then proceed to touch himself all over his mouth and face? If Fluke can manage to acheive his vendetta and wipe out Sonny, then all previous fuckery is forgiven, IMO. Tracy, macking on potato head Kiki, running over Cameron, the whole nine yards. Don't care if he's Bill Eckert or Joe Scully or Mikkos Cassadine. The enemy of my enemy and all that... Why in the name of ALL that is holy do Julian and Ric appear in a scene (with Alexis, no less) where every single person is fully clothed? And Spencer is mincing around like Hugh Hefner? The stoopid. It burns.
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