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Everything posted by SparklesBitch

  1. I don’t know why Jack playing the piano on top of the dead guy at the crime scene cracked me up as much as it did (and how bonkers is it that this is a show where that’s a thing that happens?), but that was the funniest moment of the episode for me. Also, Will saying that his handicap was that he hated golf. I actually teared up there near the end where Grace was telling her dad how much she missed her mom, and the scene where Will knew exactly what was going on in Grace’s head about the house felt like old times. They really do know each other inside and out.
  2. Iain is just the cutest, he’s clearly in his element singing and dancing and acting. I love how younger Sheldon has the same confidence in his ability to master acting as older Sheldon did when Penny offered to teach him. Well, at least until the stage fright set in for younger Sheldon, anyway. I cracked up at Georgie’s science fair project, about which soda made him burp the loudest. It was perfectly him. I’m with Missy and Meemaw, nobody appreciates their sense of humor! lol! The biggest laugh for me, though, was the expressions on George and Mary’s faces after Sheldon said the play they were doing was Annie. I laughed out loud.
  3. Love to you and your brave teen! I hope it gets easier for them as time marches ahead. Representation is crucial and I’m so glad that we’re seeing more of these kinds of topics handled on TV and in movies and such. Life is hard enough sometimes for my adult gender nonconforming friends, so I definitely feel for the kids.
  4. Same! Jackie has always been my favorite and I want her to have something else going on besides her job and the Conner household. Just having Andy around (or mentioned) would give them some material for her. Not going to lie, I was hoping they’d run with the “Jackie’s a lesbian” storyline reveal from the finale. Not that being gay would make her automatically have a fulfilled life or anything, but it would be something different than the norm and maybe she could have a successful relationship with a woman since her relationships with men never worked out long term. Also, I think Laurie would rock it.
  5. Like I said in the live thread, I’m in! It still feels like the underlying feeling among the family is love, and that’s all I really needed. I think they pulled off the political stuff pretty well, it felt natural to me. Love that Jackie is a life coach....perfect choice. She’s still wacky, but at a level of wacky I can deal with. Laurie Metcalf’s comedy timing is on point! Darlene seems like a great mom and Mark is the cutest. Harris cracks me up, she’s like a young Darlene clone. I’m surprised we didn’t see more of DJ and Mary, though. Roseanne and John are still wonderfully, perfectly Roseanne and Dan. Lecy’s deeper voice is throwing me off, and I was a lot less interested in Becky’s life than everyone else’s but I’ll give it time. Overall, I think they nailed it. :)
  6. I’m utterly charmed. The underlying feeling with this family is still love, and that’s really all I wanted.
  7. I thought that was her! Hopefully she gets along better with Mark than she did Darlene! :)
  8. Connie Britton on Late Night With Seth Meyers. She’s on starting about 15 minutes in. They mostly banter back and forth about the tiger, the tapeworm (the best part of Oliver Stark’s acting life!) and her super cute little boy. :)
  9. My thoughts exactly! Yes, please! I think that’s exactly what it means, and that makes me sad. You guys, I have loved this show since I first caught a glimpse at 9 years old back in the first season. Tonight I struggled to even care about any of it. William, this whole stupid conspiracy, even Mulder and Scully. I know that really, this is CC’s show, but I feel like after being a fan for so long, it’s MY show too, and I’m so mad at him for running it into the ground. The season finale of 9-1-1 was on right after this one tonight. I only started watching that bonkers show because I was too lazy to change the channel after X-Files weeks ago. It made me sad to realize that I was SO much more excited about 9-1-1 and that I was so much more invested in what happened to those characters than what happened to Mulder and Scully and William and company tonight. No wonder Gillian is done. She doesn’t seem to have any trouble getting work lately, so I hope she finds a project that’s much more fulfilling and worth her time than CC’s endless flowery, awful dreck.
  10. I really liked this episode, except that my heart is broken over how sad Buck looked when Abby walked through those doors. I get why she needs to travel and why she needs to find herself, I do. I’m just so sad!! I’m not even sure why I’m so invested in them, but I am. Ugh. ;) Karen coming back to Hen made me so happy, though. Yay for them! Hopefully Hen doesn’t screw it up again. I enjoyed the Athena/Bobby bonding and that Chim provided a bunch of comic relief tonight. Lastly, how amazing did Athena look in that dress at the end? Wow.
  11. Me too! As much as I love the whole show, the Abby/Buck storyline is my favorite, which is weird because I thought I was going to hate it. And I’m particularly fond of Abby. I hope Connie at least comes back as a guest star. The mention that she really loves the cast and crew gives me hope. I can totally see not wanting to sign a multiple year contract, especially if she’s done that before. I’ve never seen Nashville and now I’m curious. :) I’m intrigued about the Bobby/Athena storyline. My one wish for season two, other than Abby sticking around, is that we get more Athena/Hen friendship. I really enjoy those two.
  12. Same here! The Conners had more room in their house than we had in ours while I was growing up and we had the same size family. That second full bath and finished basement would have been great to have, along with a kitchen that big. My parents weren’t even struggling financially like Roseanne and Dan were, so I was super jealous of the size of the Conner house.
  13. Good for them! Yay, show! Me too! That was the only thing I liked about the Karen and Grace subplot in this episode. Well, that and Vanessa Bayer. She was perfectly cast for that role! My thoughts exactly! I did too! I’m so glad they didn’t go there. I loved the Will and Jack plot in this episode in general, though. Long lasting friendships are every bit as important as romantic relationships and I really liked seeing that acknowledged. Jack knew exactly what Michael was up to, and when he was right, I loved him quietly comforting Will without gloating, and just simply placing a sympathetic hand on his leg. Also, their little chat on the couch about Will thinking for a just a moment that Jack’s was a face he could love when Jack was all vulnerable over coming out to his mom was the sweetest. My favorite part was the whole (I’m paraphrasing) “this is a person who could either be a boyfriend for a while or a life long friend but not both”. Will and Jack pick at each other a lot, but it’s nice to be reminded how much they actually care about each other. It all gave me warm fuzzies.
  14. Not horrible! I was thinking the same thing, mostly because Abby’s mom was making me think about my grandfather who died a few years ago after a long fight with dementia.....and ugh, it’s just so sad and frustrating all at once.
  15. Oh god, yes!! I don’t know the actress from anything else, so I was wondering if she’s always that bad or what, but wow. I feel like Roseanne is knocking it out of the park in that scene and she’s unfortunately stuck working with a loud, screechy, non-blinking brick wall. The actress shows no real emotion, she just yells. Oy.
  16. I like that Mulder and I have the same expectation of bursting into flame when we cross the threshold of a church. :) I’m still trying to figure out what was actually going on with the cult and the organs and what exactly the surgical attachment was supposed to do. I did enjoy the cult leader Barbara, though. I thought she was delightfully crazy. I loved all the Mulder and Scully interactions in this one, especially the ones at the church, so I’m happy. The mental image of a four year old Scully praying for a puppy instead of her sick brother is too cute for words. And her “you did that on purpose” to Mulder after he chased away the other agents or cops or whatever with his talk of evil and crucifixes cracked me up. Mulder saying “You think?” was just icing on the cake. I want to know what she whispered to him at the end, and I really love the idea of them taking that leap of faith forward together. Oh, these two. They make me melt, and I’m not normally a melty sort of person.
  17. I knew the situation with the hoarder brothers sounded familiar!! Them not wanting to leave each other broke my heart a little. Athena’s handcuff situation cracked me up and I loved Hen coming to her rescue and just flat out enjoying the whole thing. The selfie bit at the end before she left was the best. And I have to agree with Athena’s man....there’s just something about beautiful women in police uniforms. :) Poor Abby losing her mom! I hope she takes off somewhere fun and does something for herself now that she’s able, maybe as part of her grieving process. Girl deserves it. I liked Bobby’s wise words to Buck. Abby’s Mom may not be an issue any longer and so I’m sure other problems will arise, but I can’t help it, I’m rooting for Abby and Buck. I was so proud of Hen for standing her ground and walking away from her ex!! Hen and Athena talking over their lunch was great too. I feel like a broken record, but I really like their friendship. Also, it was a little thing, but there was something about Buck hurrying away from the first garbage man when they had the wrong truck and saying something like “Thank you! Carry on, you’re doing a great job!” that made me chuckle. Such fantastic encouragement! ;)
  18. One little thing that I just love because I feel like every kid has said something like it at least once in their school career: Darlene (about Betsy Ross): “She was born, she sewed a flag, and then she died. I can’t write five pages about that!!”
  19. Same here!! Loved them both laughing and I’m also glad they went with the table credits. It feels so much more homey and warm.
  20. I love them too!! I think Roseanne licking the breadstick (or whatever it is) that Mary tried to snatch is my favorite part, along with Darlene taking Harris’ phone. I agree about the chicken sweater and that awful sweater that Jackie is wearing. Such nostalgia!! It reminds me that one of the little things I always liked about this show was the repeat clothing....I feel like that never happens on TV, but they had clothes that they wore regularly. And I liked that every so often when either Roseanne or Jackie would be folding their laundry, you could see in the piles some of the more distinctive clothes they’d worn in other episodes. Jackie’s denim shirt with the long sleeves that were different colors (green and orange?) comes to mind. I only remember that one because I thought it was so ugly at the time. :)
  21. I can’t think of anything more Karen than using child labor in the office. Her very own sweatshop!! I loved everything about Will discussing dating problems with the teen girls at the baby shower. “I deep liked him so hard!!” and “I literally hate it (dating) so much!!” made me literally laugh out loud. The baby shower resolution was cheesy, but I liked it because it’s so true. Women need to make their own choices that are right for them and stop judging each other!! That being said, I still don’t like Ellen. Ugh. I’ve always found her annoying. She and Rob both, actually. My favorite Jack quote of the night: “tap it again, Insta-grandma!” Lol! Also, I loved JLo chewing him out. “This is how you do it, jackass!” and him being excited she knew his name. And.....Michael. Again? Really? Ugh. I feel like we heard enough about Michael in the first two (or so) years of the show.
  22. Poor Sheldon! “Babysitting” At least now we know why he hates geology so much. I swear that they couldn’t have cast little Sheldon any better if they tried. Iain is so believable and utterly adorable. I loved how taken Sheldon was with Libby’s brain and cracked up at his angry cleaning. I bet any parents out there watching this were jealous! George Sr. and Jr.’s scenes together are pure gold. Georgie needling his dad over not mentioning Libby being black was perfect. “They’ve got some books in there about Martin Luther King, maybe you should read one.” Lol! Mary consoling Sheldon was the sweetest.....she’s so overprotective, but I like that she tries to be honest with him....i.e: different kinds of maturity. Meemaw was pretty awesome too....her wanting Mary to send Sheldon to her house before he ran out of angry cleaning steam and her teasing George about his “manly physique” and Mary about how nobody ever asked her out so it didn’t matter if she would have let her get into a car with a teenager. Loved Mary’s comment about how it wasn’t George’s brain that made her fall for him, but that it was “your motorcycle and you know it.” It reminded me of Mary in The Big Bang Theory telling Penny “when I was your age, you could have me for a car ride and a bottle of strawberry wine.” I like the idea that young Mary might have been a bit “wild”! Also, I’m almost certain I had Libby’s pink belt at one point in my young life.
  23. Agreed!! She cracked me up and I loved that she was doing something that I could see original Becky doing. Roseanne’s response (“that’s the only time we were happy!”) felt like it was straight out of the original series too. Lecy Goranson does look great. SO much better than she did in some of the special features on the show DVDs. I hope she’s over the substances too. She certainly looks healthier. I hope she’s found some peace. :)
  24. Agreed about Chimney! I like him and was glad he finally got something to do. And the karma cases were SO good! I was cheering for the employee that saved the dog and loved seeing the assole dude get all crispy in the tanning bed. Oh, the wife beater made my blood boil too. I swear I’ve never watched TV with such a sense of delicious schadenfreude as when that guy took a bulllet to the chest. Karma’s a bitch indeed. Yes!!! Agreed about Athena. That exchange in the bar cracked me up. Angela Bassett is perfection! Yeah, I don’t get how the jailbird ex could even have a leg to stand on as far as custody is concerned. Hen made one mistake (albeit a really stupid, hurtful and kind of huge one). How does that mean their home is unstable? Like you said, the kid is loved and well cared for. Also, cheating between partners has absolutely nothing to do with how well the kid is cared for. I agree with this 100%!! I’m gayer then an LGBT pride flag and therefore totally get how exciting it is to finally come out and start your life as your authentic self, but yeah. Dude, slow your roll. He definitely would never expect Athena to accept a new woman into their kids’ lives (and hers!) so quickly. A new man shouldn’t be any different. I totally understand that he’s eager to start this new chapter of his life and integrate all the people he loves together. But I feel like this is a respect thing. He’s had this life with Athena and the kids for years.....he at least owes her a little bit of time to adjust. I liked that she asked him to slow down. She’s not being a homophobic psycho about it, the poor woman just needs a minute. They obviously still care deeply about each other. I liked that she (basically) said that she didn’t want to end up hating him, and that’s exactly what would happen if they continued to live together. They’re making the best decision for themselves and their kids by separating. I’m proud of them for that. I admittedly missed Abby, but didn’t really realize it until the end of the episode. One thing that made me smile was the look on her face when she heard the tiger roar during the 911 call. Like “what the hell is this?!” Admittedly, that may be my affection for Connie Britton talking. :) Oh, and Athena and Hen’s friendship continues to be one of my favorite things about this show.
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