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Everything posted by SparklesBitch

  1. Now THIS was the kind of old-school creepy X-Files I’ve missed. That clown guy was incredibly creepy. Holy crap. I didn’t see the gunshot to the head coming. I thought they’d successfully talked the cop down. I literally jumped out of my chair. The mob justice thing was so disturbing. Kudos to the one good cop for trying to protect the guy. Two random things: - What is it with specifying that Scully’s a medical doctor? What other kind of doctor are people going to assume she is under the circumstances? - Cracked up at Scully’s comment about their guy sitting in his car at the park “stirring something other than his cauldron”. Lol!
  2. She posted a picture of the two of them on the red carpet on her Instagram too. Between things like that and interviews, it’s very sweet how genuinely supportive she and her parents are of each other’s success. =)
  3. Will do! Right?! I figured Allison Janney would take it, but it’s fantastic that Laurie was recognized with a nomination.
  4. You guys. The trailer that just aired during The Oscars has me so excited!!! It’s only a little over 3 weeks away!!! Sorry for all of the exclamation points, but it looks like nothing has changed....they were all warm and snarky, just like I like them. I’m feeling all nostalgic.
  5. Same here. Also, the football coach at my school taught, among other things, my Pre-Law class, which (surprisingly) ended up being one of the best classes of my entire high school experience.
  6. This episode was so completely ridiculous and I loved it! I love any episode with Will and Karen hanging out together, and them watching the servants like a soap opera was hilarious. Loved Karen’s comment about Niles and Fraiser and Will saying they were brothers and her disappointed “I know...” Grace’s plot was super funny too, and I just want to say that her knocking those nuts off the table while being flirted with by the waiter was something I would do. Lol! I cracked up at her exasperated “Oy Gevalt!” while dealing with all three of the men. Oh, and loved that the Statue of Liberty is the only woman that Jack’s ever been inside of!
  7. Missy and Sheldon were the most entertaining part of the episode for me. I’d gladly watch more of just them. Meemaw not wanting to watch the kids cracked me up. Her snapping her fingers in the air as she’s talking about all of her afternoon plans was the best. Meemaw is a busy woman, Mary! Loved her saying how responsible Sheldon is and so on, then moving onto “and Missy is.....his sister.” Lol! And poor Mary, so excited about her job and ending up the pastor’s marriage counselor. I got a kick out of her praying for strength not to spread the juicy gossip around. Also, I loved how excited she was about getting to be in charge of the church signs....”What’s the best vitamin for a Christian? B1!” So freaking cute. I was so happy that good old George was so supportive of her! Yay for George. I was expecting him to have some resistance to the idea of her job because “the man provides” and gender roles and blah blah blah, but I was pleasantly surprised that wasn’t the case. Other thoughts: - Missy swaying to the music at the church despite the pastor discouraging her was pretty cute - I cracked up at Georgie’s comment that leaving the twins home alone after school was “a brave choice” - I feel like maybe I’m reading too much into this, but what was going on with Mary’s look at George when the whole “I wouldn’t worry” joke (about the pastor borrowing Mary to talk to her) between him and the pastor was going on? She looked kinda mad for a second. - Sheldon knowing what the pastor’s wife was saying and him of course assuming that the pastor’s Spanish was terrible rather than that he just lied about what she said. So Sheldon!
  8. Thank you!!! I texted the same thing to my dad during the show.
  9. Every week, I’m surprised at just how much I’m thoroughly enjoying this show. Loved Buck and Abby flirting and bantering about gravity and moving it to the bedroom. They’re so dreamily cute. Normally I’d be totally annoyed by someone saving the day as much as Abby has, but I really like her character, she cares so very much about what she does, and Connie Britton is so lovely and fun to watch that I don’t even care. Plus, at least one domestic abuser got what was coming to him, so what’s not to like? Buck removing the tape worm cracked me up (as well as Bobby being grossed out) and I haven’t seen Sean Maher in anything since Firefly, so that was a great treat. The actors playing the couple had great lived-in chemistry. Athena and Hen’s friendship is one of my favorite things, and I’m enjoying Tracie Thoms popping in as Hen’s wife. I groaned out loud when Hen showed up at her jailbird ex’s place. So, so stupid. Why??? Just go home to Tracie (I forget the character’s name lol) and fix your Lesbian Bed Death issue!! Next week looks intriguing!
  10. I love how much he hated leaving that tip! And even better, at the last possible second he leaves the least amount he can. And I completely agree! I was incredibly creeped out during the whole episode, mostly because it didn’t seem so far fetched. Also, I’m such a sucker for how cute Mulder and Scully are in their little moments when they’re just hanging out together. GA’s laugh when Scully cracks up at Mulder’s fish is SO charming. Oh, and Scully’s vibrator made me laugh out loud.
  11. Agreed!! This is exactly why I will always, always choose the theater over movies and TV. There’s just something SO exciting and energizing about seeing people whose work (acting, sports, music, etc) you really love perform live.
  12. OMG, she is?! Now I’m even more excited!! Somehow I keep missing all of these articles until I see them here.
  13. Just now finished the show, and wow, what a wonderful finale. I feel as though I’ve said goodbye to old friends. I loved them all coming together to deal with the fire as a team. When Ron came around that corner shirtless while carrying Jenna, I giggled liked an idiot. So well done. I was happy to see Dawn finally appreciating the people in her life, and that Didi was the last face we saw at the door. I was hoping that Richard would show up to see Jenna off, though. And Jenna’s last words to Dawn made me tear up: “There is no justice, but there is mercy. Because that’s what we can give to each other.” Just beautiful. I’m going to miss this show so much!
  14. Just got around to finishing this episode....what an ending! But also, the biggest punch in the gut of the episode for me: “What I’m afraid of Jenna, is I think you’ve lost a piece of your soul.” So heartbreaking and beautifully acted, and then Jenna’s reaction....Laurie Metcalf has the most expressive face. Just wow.
  15. Great article on Laurie Metcalf in The NY Times discussing her many roles and her approach to her craft. I caved and bought a ticket to go see her in Three Tall Women (the referenced play) in NYC in April, so I’m super excited! Laurie Metcalf, the Chronicler of the American Working Woman
  16. A little off topic, but I’m watching Five of a Kind right now, the one where Arnie kisses Roseanne and she (understandably, I think) freaks out and spends all night in the bedroom analyzing it with Jackie. I’ve always really liked their sisterly moments, and this is one of my favorites. I love the whole re-enactment of what happened and how genuine it all feels. Especially when they’re hanging out on the bed next to each other with their feet on the pillows, biting their nails and discussing whether or not to tell Dan. Their relationship is one of the big reasons why I love this show so much because watching them really feels like they grew up together. Maybe I just don’t watch enough TV now to find it, but I feel like this kind of thing never happens anymore.
  17. Yes! My parents are from Dan and Roseanne’s generation and it took them forever to get cellphones. Them having them has it’s downsides, though. For instance, even though I’m in my thirties, it terrifies my mom that I live in Philadelphia and it makes her feel better to be able to get ahold of me whenever anything negative happens within 30 square miles of the city. =) They still have their landline though, and I doubt they’ll ever get rid of it even though the only people who call that line are telemarketers. Yay!!! So excited to see Chuck and Anne Marie again!! James Pickens Jr. reprised his old role on the new X-Files season as well, and since I was unspoiled it was a great surprise.
  18. I don’t know how they kept it together with him on set! I feel like all three of them would have been fun to hang out with as a group back in the day. And the scene really does work on multiple levels! And more on quotes, since I’m now watching Nightmare on Oak Street: Dan on Darlene getting her period: “Good goin’!” I just love his delivery and the look on Darlene’s face. I also have always liked the little touch of Roseanne telling both girls that they’re her favorite daughter. Very cute.
  19. Watching “Father’s Day” while doing housework. I forgot how much I loved the scene of Roseanne and Dan in bed after Ed leaves. The way Roseanne just keeps laughing while Dan imitates his dad cracks me up. Dan: “Blankets, let me tell you something about blankets....” And then when she yells “shut up!” and he’s all “shut up? I was shut up in a cave once...” Just awesome. lol!
  20. I don’t think any of these questions got answered because I was left wondering about them too. Still, I enjoyed this glimpse into Skinner’s background. I’ve always had a soft spot for him.
  21. I agree 100%. The fatal attraction plot was a blast, and the actress playing the crazy chick nailed it. I’m not watching this show for anything but pure fun entertainment, so I’m totally willing to go with the flow. I’m glad I stuck with it after the first week when I was too lazy to get up off my couch and change the channel after X-Files. This show is absolutely ridiculous, but so much fun. Also, Abby was gorgeous in that dress! She’s got such a good heart that I can’t help but to root for her, and I like the blossoming relationship between her and Buck. Watching Athena speed through the city to deliver the kidney was pretty awesome. That scene must have been fun to film! The last scene with the cookies and wine left for her by her family was super sweet.
  22. I didn’t like this one quite as much as some of the other episodes, but I really liked the lady from QVC. “God, you turn me on.” Lol! Also, Will’s exasperation with her was pretty great. “My penis has done nothing to hurt you!” So funny! After all this time, I’m still a sucker for Will and Grace saying the same thing at the same time. They crack me up. I enjoyed Jack and his closeted boyfriend if only for the “this is a monologue” line. So perfectly Jack. Lol
  23. This is one of my all time favorite episodes. Will being all obsessed with the puppy and arguing with Grace about it is hilarious enough (in part because I see this happen in my LGBT circle a lot), but even after seeing this episode a million times, the “may I bite your snoots from loves” line kills me every single time.
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