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Everything posted by Morrigan2575

  1. I hope this is an appropriate thread, found this online and it amused me. Series of shorts, not finished yet so it hasn't been compiled into 1 YouTube video yet. I only embedded the first video because I didn't want to bog down the forumn. https://youtube.com/shorts/8LVxkJYqh3w?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/1PvYVvzDXLI?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/D8MDb9wPK1Y?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/1bMmeTzxxYs?feature=share
  2. I really enjoyed this episode. I ave to admit when mama was killed my first thought was oh those poor babies will starve to death. I was ridiculously happy that the brought the babies back to camp. I don't think Grogu will follow the Way of The Mandalore, I think he's going to walk his own path.
  3. Jeremy Jahns gave it an Awesumtacular! I'm very hyped for this movie, I just don't know how I'll last 3 hours (including trailers) without a bathroom break
  4. With the exception of The Jungle Book, all the Live Action remakes have been lacking. Disney won't get my money for this, anymore than the last batch of crap movies.
  5. 15 min into this show about missing Rita. They said she went out at night with her half brother and never came home. Yet mom calls hospitals, ex boyfriend, cops but not the person Rita went out with? Can't tell if he did it or giant misdirection
  6. Did he pilot the ship? I kind of thought he just pointed to Bo's planet and RD5 did the rest of the work? He does seem able to pilot his bassinet which surprised me at first. I don't know why because I remember last season he was closing the lid on his own when scared/in danger but him actually driving it shocked me.
  7. I have no idea if it's popular or unpopular. I hated Karen in early S1 Daredevil but, she really grew on me and, by the end of S1 I loved her. I really enjoyed the Frank/Karen relationship/scenes in Daredevil S2. To be honest, The Punisher/Frank was my favorite part of Daredevil S2 (which might be unpopular). The actors have mad chemistry and, the characters work really well together IMO. So yeah, I'm a little bummed that we're getting Netflix Daredevil, Punisher and Frisk added to the MCU/D+ but, not Karen/Woll.
  8. If that was platonic, those 2 getting together would set the world on fire...serious chemistry between the actors
  9. Not sure if it's OK to discuss here. I'm really happy that Jon B is returning as Punisher/Frank Castle. I am worried with what D+ will do to Frank Castle. I'm very sad that it appears that Deborah Ann Woll is not coming back as Karen, I loved her on Daredevil and Punisher
  10. It's pretty much all Filoni, he's the guy behind Clone Wars and Rebels where the Mandalorian Culture was explored. Now, I do remember bits and, pieces of Mandalorian culture was explained in Knights of the Old Republic by Canderous Ordo so I assume Filoni (a huge Star Wars nerd) pulled from all available media and wove together the current understanding of New Republic Mandalorians. The Mandalorian is just really building on Rebels and Clone Wars.
  11. Earlier, he removed his helmet in front of Bill Burr.
  12. When Greef said he needed a Marshall, I immediately thought of him.
  13. Yay! The show is back. I yelled Ezra when I saw the Space Whale...I don't care it was a sign 😀 It's odd, we had so much of Mando and Grogu in Book of Boba Fett that I keep thinking of those episodes as S2.5 of The Mandalorian. I couldn't understand why they were explaining about Grogu being back...like yeah we saw that last season...oh wait. 😁 I look forward to more Mandalorians, hopefully Sabine will pop up somewhere.
  14. I'm surprised I liked this episode as much as I did considering there was no Doom Patrol.
  15. This was probably the best episode they've done and they still managed to ruin it with the ending. These writers need an intervention 🙄
  16. I generally listen to Jeremy Jahns and Angry Joe (mostly Alex). Jeremy Jahns gave it a poorish review (good time if you're drunk). He did say that Kang was the best part but, it's Jonathan Majors, I'd expect nothing less. Angry Joe hasn't reviewed yet so I don't know Alex's opinion. I'm in wait and see mode, unless I'm super bored on Sunday and feel like going to see it.
  17. Reviews seem to be all over the place. Going to wait and see what people here have to say before buying tickets
  18. As much as I love Keaton's Batman I refuse to see this because of Miller.
  19. Sort of the same. It was the second time she popped up that I realized it had to be her husband. I'm left wondering at the chain of events? Like I assume he was telling the truth about seeing her with the laundry Basket helping her bring it back to her apartment but, how it went from that to her dead escapes me. Was it really an angry outburst or realization? I mean he had to know there was no way to leave her alive that close to home?
  20. More like Na'vi are hairless Wookies.
  21. Ah, thanks. Thought if it wasn't mentioned it was scrapped
  22. Keanu's Constantine got scrapped? Bummer, I was looking forward to it.
  23. DA is always on the side near the jury.
  24. Was that Little Lyanna Mormont? I didn't realize it until I just read your post 😁
  25. I really like the Cop half, the law half just doesn't work.
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