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  1. Not so much as "lied," but "told you your greatest fear." No one wants to be the Dragon Reborn: they're supposed to break the world.
  2. Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walters. I loved it; I’m a sucker for books where everything wraps up and neatly comes together. And everyone gets what they need. The American actress even learns Italian, for crying out loud 😭
  3. I’m so excited! The last few seasons have been great; really looking forward to this one 😊
  4. I'm not so sure about that! But I'm still interested in seeing how this guy does.
  5. He's also indecisive! Worst trait ever for a player.
  6. Gabrielle Zevin's Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is amazing. Full stop.
  7. I just did a re-read, of LOTR, probably my 10th? 11th? Who knows. And … it was a struggle. I skipped Bombadil. I found myself taking in pages with a glance—“Okay, yep”—and flipping to the next. Forget about singing the songs to myself! Places where the books diverged from the movies where jarring. I’m not sure I’ll ever re-read the books again. I know them too well. I still love them. I just love the movies more, particularly their brevity (compared to the books!!).
  8. I’m on The Colour Scheme right now, and it’s a definite slog. But I thought Ngaio Marsh wrote 35+ Allyen books? My library seems to have more than 13. Did I get that wrong?
  9. My mom, who grew up in northwestern OH, did that for us too. My youngest has the Friends cookbook (I don't know which; we bought more than one), and we made it once. Trashy as hell, which is right up my alley, but not as good as it was when I was a kid. I would have liked Nick to win the Fan Favorite, but I guess he had enough bread!
  10. It’s the bottle shake that makes me laugh.
  11. You did a great job, @SVNBob, condensing a LOT of information into a single post. Using spoilers and quotes to hide information, but still making it available, was key. Not having to scroll back up to figure out "what does this emoji mean??" made it so much better. I also appreciated the links to the player pages.
  12. What seals the deal, for me, in favor of MaryAnne, is that Omar was getting the strategic moves, Omar was pulling the strings, Omar Omar Omar, all season long. And MaryAnne took him out!
  13. Possibly new website: https://www.tolkienestate.com/. See the Painting section, among others.
  14. Two articles (one about the other, but with additional info): https://www.vulture.com/article/lee-pace-pushing-daisies-ned-role-call.html https://www.tor.com/2022/03/08/lee-pace-vulture-role-call-pushing-daisies/ Oh, and Peter Jackson cast Pace as King Thanduil, the Elven king, because of seeing him in Pushing Daisies. Awesome!
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