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Everything posted by Lsk02

  1. Haleigh tweeted yesterday that Nicole has major baggage from last season and should not have gone back in the house so soon. Most I’ve seen are feeling like everyone else, that Janelle is the best and the unfounded irrational hatred for her is ridiculous. But they’re definitely pushing “be kind.” I think Haleigh is genuinely worried for Nicole when she gets out.
  2. Isn’t Chris a producer? I have a hard time believing that he didn’t know he’d have to quarantine after making the decision to take his son to college...which, by the way, go Dad! I feel like that’s probably just gossip and this was already planned.
  3. It would have been interesting to see how Tommy and Nicole A played together since she and his brother recently broke up. And Tommy would’ve been stuck in the house with his siblings’ exes twice! Although their relationship seemed very brief, so it probably would’ve been fine.
  4. I’m very curious to see how they’re going to handle this in the episodes. Will they be honest about Clare starting the relationship before the show began filming? If not, how are they going to sell the “love at first sight” story leading to an engagement in 2 weeks? It’s going to be interesting.
  5. One of the 144,000 present and accounted for! I’m pretty sure I’m not a zombie, but how can you really know these things?
  6. Coming in late to gush. I loved this show so much. I was just about the babysitters’ age when the books first came out (my copy of Claudia and the Phantom Phone Calls was confiscated when I tried to sneakily read it during 6th grade music class and came back to me months later with the cover defaced with my name IN INK), so I’m really old now. I aged out and into Christopher Pike, VC Andrews, and Danielle Steel long before Dawn moved away permanently. But I would spend my high school work breaks at the mall reading the back covers in Waldenbooks to try and keep up. Once I went to college I finally lost touch with these girls for good, but having them back in my life now is the most welcome surprise. My 13 year old read the graphic novels a few years ago and I’m forcing her to watch it, too. She thinks she’s too old. And so it goes!
  7. Yep, checking in. Still alive here. Wonder how niece Melani handled living past July 22, 2020.
  8. Today is the big day for Lori and Chad. Guessing their followers already have excuses prepared for when we all wake up tomorrow.
  9. I totally would have watched a third season with Brad. He looks so good, quarin-beard and all. Glad he’s found happiness though. He definitely seems like one of the nicest, and most real, of the bunch.
  10. It’s sounded like that’s pretty much what the police did, though. The family was told it had turned from a missing person case to a murder investigation shortly after the car was searched. I knew right away that must mean there was a lot of blood in that car, then later it was revealed there was also a pool of blood in the parking garage where her car was parked. I think the family was upset that they weren’t told the details, but they were told early on it was suspected murder. They chose to keep hoping she was alive, but they had to know the volunteer searchers weren’t looking for a live person in that canyon.
  11. I think Melani’s post screams Damage Control. Her lawyer helped her write to try to erase the way she came off in Keith’s interview.
  12. Is that a Happy Father’s Day post?
  13. Good god. They’re going to pin this whole thing on the dead brother. I want to know how they caused his heart attack. I will never believe he died of “natural causes.” Unless the guilt finally took its toll.
  14. I investigated (because that’s what we do) and it appears Raven’s boyfriend is a bounty hunter with Shaundra. Shaundra seems to have a different “bae” as they say. So I don’t think there’s any Poly going on there. Not that I’m judging if it were. At least, not for that. Because, Raven.
  15. Annie’s Facebook page is very eye-opening. She is the sister of Tylee’s biological father, Lori’s third husband who also died under mysterious circumstances. She seems to question Colby, Lori’s adult son who was interviewed on the last Dateline episode and came across as pretty sympathetic. She’s also not a big fan of JJ’s grandparents. She is not happy that that leaked that the bodies were Tylee and J.J. before it was confirmed. She also wondered what took them and Colby so long to report the kids as missing. There are a lot of crazy extended family dynamics here.
  16. Is that the delusional sister who did the interview with Lori’s mom?
  17. Someone definitely spilled, it looks like they knew exactly where to search. I hope her idiot mother and sister keep their mouths shut with their defenses of her now.
  18. W What the actual F? Are they in the cult too?! “She can’t tell us where they are, she’s in jail being recorded.” So did you just not ask in the months before she was arrested when this was all over the National news? Including a Dateline episode? You didn’t think to ask her where the kids are once before she was arrested? Goodness, they made me more angry than the stupid niece. At least with her she was evasive enough to make it obvious she was full of shit. These people are either in the cult and completely brainwashed, or afraid if they say the wrong thing they’ll be the next to die under mysterious circumstances.
  19. I mean, it’s a Dateline forum, so obviously many of us are fascinated/interested in true crime. I agree that this one interests me despite the children being part of it, too, although that’s really the heart of the whole thing. The fact that a two children have disappeared without a trace and the parent is giving absolutely no information about them is intriguing, to me at least. Not so much because they were likely killed, but the back story of it. Even without the kids, it could be an episode all on its own with the two spouses’ and the brother’s mysterious deaths. I think this one focused a lot more on Lori’s adult son, who was barely mentioned in the first airing. Their spiral into estrangement was interesting, too, because I had wondered if he was part of it like the niece. And seeing her, too, really cemented her involvement. Seeing her husband’s outline and hearing the former cult member explained a lot I didn’t know, too.
  20. I thought it was interesting when Keith asked Angela if she had been brainwashed, and she said no, I’d call it “groomed.” She seemed to have done a lot of self-reflection and research and it made me wonder what all she’d been through with the cult. At the beginning they said her boss, husband, and other family members were involved. Did she leave all of them? Or did they leave with her? Lots of curiosity about her, and I’d imagine she’s in fear of her own life since they think her body has been taken over by evil spirits, too.
  21. The niece’s deer in the headlights look and giggle at the end when Keith asked her “when the hell is eventually?” (go Keith!) convinced me she’s totally wrapped up in all of this. I’m guessing she thinks “eventually” is July 22nd, when all except her and her 144k friends are apparently going to die. Crazy cult. It’s so messed up. She has no concern at all for the kids she used to nanny. And somehow dragged a guy she married after knowing for 2 weeks into it. That dude better make his own food and drinks, spouses of these people seem to get possessed by zombies frequently and I doubt he’s immune.
  22. Weren’t they arm hairs pulled out by the roots found near Jesse’s neck, though? That seems like more than just random hair shedding while at the scene to me. I don’t know how long DNA typically stays on someone’s body after they’ve been close. Would it be possible for the DNA to still be under his nails a week after they had gotten together?
  23. ...being in the same vicinity as Pam ...
  24. But man, did he get irritated when it was hinted that she paid for her own engagement ring. They seem great together. I don’t think finances will be an issue for them either. She may be the breadwinner, but he still works hard (Hollywood “hard”) with his hosting gigs, BIP, podcasts, and more. He’s done well as an ex-bachelorette contestant.
  25. I wondered how much DNA they pulled from that disgusting van, and if they’re testing it against any similar missing person reports.
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