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Everything posted by jsm1125

  1. Wouldn't it make more sense for Dan to use his extra vote next week, giving himself, Sierra, Mike and Shirin the majority?
  2. You may be thinking of Christina from One World. I don't even think that Alicia or Colton (the two biggest bullies from that season) themselves know why they were so relentless with her.
  3. IIRC, she sort of liked Mimi before she kept her abortion from Rex and wanted Belle with Phillip (when he was played by Kyle Brandt).
  4. Most of the women currently on this show make me miss for characters like Carly, Vivian, Chloe, Chelsea and even Nicole during her scheming and gold-digging days.
  5. When did Jenn become the goat of the season, even more so than Shirin (who I do like)? Rodney's impersonation of Mike was dead-on. I was impressed! Dan just gets worse with every episode, doesn't he? I did love him blanching at his getting a vote at tribal council and him just assuming that Shirin would be on the jury, when the votes had not yet been cast. I wonder why Sierra has been MIA since the merge or why Tyler, despite winning immunity, and Carolyn barely got airtime this episode.
  6. I so wish that Chad and Theresa would be allowed to interact. They would make quite snarky and attractive children.
  7. In addition, Vivian once said to Ivan that one should "never underestimate Miss Samantha. She is like a cat with nine lives, a wily creature who always lands on her feet."
  8. Is the newscaster in question Mary Hart from Entertainment Tonight?
  9. I also hate when people assume that others immediately know everything about an individual right away. Daniel claimed that Eve knew about Jennifer's relationship with him while she was being nice to him, which is such a presumptuously arrogant thought. Don't tell her what she does or doesn't know!
  10. Does anybody else think that Mike, at least at some angles, looks like Johnny Bananas from RW Key West/The Challenge?
  11. I usually roll my eyes at the overuse of the word 'blindside,' but I think Hali (and Jenn for some reason) was genuinely shocked at her boot, probably because she had assumed Jenn was a bigger target and Shirin was more likely to be voted out for being annoying?
  12. I don't think anybody actually flipped, correct? When they showed the vote tally at the end of the episode, over Hali giving her exit interview, I think only Hali, Jenn, Joe and Shirin voted for Dan.
  13. I think Dan is at this point actively trying to be the goat that people want to be dragged to the end. His conversation with Shirin was absurdly laughable. "Your game is done." The votes haven't been cast at this point, Dan. Why was Joe apologizing once Hali was voted out? Did he flip to the majority alliance? While Shirin is growing me, I was wondering why nobody mentioned that she choked on the puzzle in the first immunity challenge of the season.
  14. I'm pleasantly surprised to see Peih-Gee, Stephanie Valencia (who seemed to have a decent mind for the game, despite having poor taste in allies and being annoying) and Mikayla. I'm not sure why Woo is in consideration, as I don't think he brought much to the game at all.
  15. I actually liked the original Blood vs. Water, which came on the heels of Caramoan/Fans vs. Favorites II.
  16. I recall Survivor having the jury start at 12 from the Samoa through the One World era, even in seasons with only 18 players. Does anybody know why the jury now starts at 11, beginning with the Philippines?
  17. I wonder if one of Freddie's reasons for leaving has to do with being on the backburner. Even his storyline with Paul seems to be more about Will's nuttiness and insecurity than about how Sonny is coping with being cheated on. Is James Read (Clyde's portrayer) still taping?
  18. Has the merge ever happened in episode 6? I know that, numbers-wise, it's somewhat normal these days to merge at 12, but it seemed so early from an episode standpoint to merge. I'm surprised that Sierra slipped in the challenge so early.
  19. I also appreciate how Wes can admit when he is wrong or when he falters in the game. I wasn't a huge fan of him or Evelyn in Fresh Meat II, but I recall him giving Evelyn all the credit for being the brains behind the operation when their alliance was dominating in the first part of the game.
  20. I'm so happy that Rodney throwing the challenge bit him in the ass, and though I am by no means a fan of his, I was just as ready for Joaquin to go when he confessionalized that "Sierra owes me." Nobody owes one another a damn thing in Survivor! I know Sierra herself admits that she plays the game partly with her heart, but I am still rooting for her, as I thought she was spot on when she said at tribal that she couldn't trust people who attacked her personally for no reason. I'm surprised that we didn't see any hint of Joe wondering if Mike threw the challenge, because it seemed pretty clear that he and Kelly were talking during their second and third rounds.
  21. Candice Coleman (S2 semifinalist) sang it for her audition. Hollie Cavanagh (S11, 4th place) sang it for her first audition back in S10, when she was a shakier singer. Katie Stevens (S9, tied for 8th) sang it for her audition as well. I'm probably missing a LOT of people.
  22. Johnny doesn't shut up, even when questions completely unrelated to him are asked to the other challengers. It gets really irritating. Also, I'm of the (probably minority) opinion that Jay, pre-finale, played a better game than him. As callous as this sounds, I'm not the least bit surprised that Nia made her tribute to Diem and Knight all about her. Unless I missed something in the screech-fest between Nany and Theresa, Theresa never did quite say why she dislikes Nany so much. "Being promiscuous," especially when the guys she hooks up have nothing to do with Theresa, hardly seems like a reason. Sarah, Jordan, Wes, Jonna, Jenna (and arguably Jay) seemed to be the only ones at the reunion with their heads on straight.
  23. I wanted to like Theresa tonight, but she annoyed the snot out of me when she told Jenna, as she was passing her, "know your place." However, I did appreciate her slamming Leroy for inexplicably trusting Johnny so much. Sarah had the million dollar quote when she had a confessional along the lines of "I used to be 200 pounds and Jordan was born with one hand. We have a lot to prove." So glad to see her finally get a win!
  24. I don't recall who Lumily is, but I believe that Toothy is Melanie
  25. Don't forget Marlena appearing from the curtain while wearing an outfit that showed quite a bit of cleavage.
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