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Everything posted by jsm1125

  1. Sami confronted Abigail about the affair in Jennifer's home in an episode that aired in July. Jennifer happened to be there and found out about the affair for the first time during that scene. IIRC, Abigail barely said or did anything but cry poorly and stare at nothing in that scene, while Jennifer tried to defend Abigail, kick Sami out of her house, and looked like she aged 5 years every couple of minutes during the scene. I especially liked the pained look on her face when she asked "You thought you were pregnant with EJ Dimera?"
  2. I wish more of a tribute or mention had been made about Rosa, though I do like that Red and Anita miss and respect her. Are we supposed to assume that the crash in the quarry killed her, or that she passed away from cancer? I like how each character at Litchfield got a relatively equal amount of airtime this episode. Was the woman who was panicking during Gloria's ritual the same woman who cried constantly on the phone in Season 1? Caputo mentioned two names that I had never heard of to Healy as he was explaining why Rodgers is at Litchfield. Have we ever seen Callahan or Bailey before?
  3. What ever happened to Mary Beth, Paige's other friend?
  4. I'm a bit surprised that Melanie hasn't interacted with Kate since coming back to Salem six months ago. I recall them being some sort of frenemies around the time she was married to Phillip, with a common goal of taking Parker away from Chloe?
  5. This is a minor point, but why was essentially the whole town pissed at Chad for exposing Rafe's shady cover-ups while he was on the force? Is it because Chad is a Dimera?
  6. Totally random note, but I didn't think we needed a separate thread for this. Any time we get despondent over Nicole's sad portrayal these days in pining over Daniel, it might be a good idea to flash back to these videos from 11 years ago, titled "Who Killed My Wife." I miss this scheming, gold-digging version of Nicole!
  7. Francesca, Andrea, and Phillip (all from Redemption Island), as well as Dawn, Cochran and Brandon (all from South Pacific) were on the Favorites tribe in Caramoan.
  8. It doesn't help that EJ (at least in my book) looked considerably aged and older once his escapades with Abigail started. He aged 10 years in 10 months.
  9. San Juan Del Sur has 3 reps (Keith, Jeremy, Kelly), though it doesn't seem likely that all of them will align with each other.
  10. jsm1125

    S31: Voting

    I'm hoping that either Terry is less obsessed with people's ages this time or is out early. I'm puzzled as to how Shane didn't make it over Terry, who I think is a similar archetype to Savage, yet the latter two made it on the show. I couldn't agree more about wanting to see Twila return and make it far again. IIRC, Chris didn't fully realize the usefulness of getting Eliza's vote during the LeAnn boot until she spelled it out for him.
  11. Dan had such a smug look on his face during the entire party that I almost wanted Paige to call him out for that. Not to mention that he, too, knew about JJ sleeping with Eve.
  12. I think it came out that EJ was Susan's child at Kristen and John's "renewing their vows" ceremony after John saved Marlena and Kristen from the Secret Room. I put that ceremony in quotes, because, unbeknownst to John and most others (with the exception of Marlena, Susan, Kristen, Vivian and Ivan), John had married Susan instead of Kristen in the delivery room, as Susan was disguised as Kristen. Right before John and Kristen were about to start the ceremony, Marlena came to (she and Kristen had passed out from toxic fumes in the secret room) and divulged Susan disguising herself as Kristen and Kristen losing her baby in Paris. I don't know when it came out that Stefano was the father, however.
  13. His jury speech annoyed the hell out of me. Mike had good reason to be paranoid.
  14. I'm not sure Shirin was ever after an apology, so much as she was after a somewhat cogent rationale for Will telling her that she has no soul.
  15. Minor point, but I think Kelley Wentworth was in that group of 4, while Stephanie was in a group with Theresa and Peih-Gee.
  16. I don't think Mike danced around it. He answered it how I would have: he regrets going back on making the move he was about to make, but doesn't regret making the move by itself.
  17. I didn't think Stephanie had much of a shot, but her reaction to not getting selected broke my heart. After seeming genuinely shocked that Teresa didn't make it, she looked heartbroken at her own exclusion for half a second and then seemed like she thought she had to immediately compose herself.
  18. I can see why one would feel this way, but I think that had CBS interfered, Natalie (connected to producers via other Survivors, especially Rob) would have made it and Monica (originally from a season where we are supposed to only remember Shambo and Russell) would never have made it.
  19. Jeremy is in. The men who didn't make it are Shane, Troyzan, Jim, Brad, and Max (Mike was ineligible).
  20. I'm (pleasantly) surprised that Peih-Gee, Kimmi, Monica and Kelley Wentworth made it on the next season! I'm really irritated that Terry made it over Shane.
  21. I think this season tied with Caramoan for the least number of players to speak at a reunion. Caramoan: Cochran, Dawn, Brenda, Andrea, Reynold, Malcolm, Phillip Worlds Apart: Mike, Carolyn (barely), Will, Rodney, Dan, Shirin, Joe I so wish Jen had gotten airtime!
  22. Is it just me, or did anybody else see Jenn's eyes bulge when Probst said that the S30 portion of the reunion has to end with Rodney?
  23. Probst handled the Dan portion of this reunion very well, for the amount of time that he got. Having said that, I cringe at the possibility of nobody else not named Mike, Dan, Will, Rodney, or Joe getting to speak at the reunion. How about Shirin for her reaction to the comments? Or Jenn for comedic value?
  24. Jen and Hali would have voted for Rodney in a F3 scenario? Color me shocked.
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