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Everything posted by AnalyzeAndCritique

  1. I love the reviewers are seeing more than a distraction from Oliver and Laurel or a behind the desk IT girl. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I can't lie. I'm seeing the slow wooing of viewers to the Ray and Felicity side. So they can throw Olicity fans a few bones while they wait and see what plays out as Ray and Felicity "date." I don't think they'll commit to Olicity or Raylicity anytime soon. They are going to drag it out as long as they can. Assuming they don't strop dropping viewers like flies, I imagine Olicity moments will be few and far between. Which I think will create the problem of the fans actually being split. Should Ray become a more viable love interest, the fracture of TA will get worse. Unless Oliver gets a LI. Then you have a greater problem. I don't see how they write themselves out of it.
  3. I finally figured out one of the reasons I dislike Ray. He is the guy who walks into a room talking. He doesn't take stock of what is happening in the room. He barges in like what he says is the most important thing. I used to work for a woman like this. She was a fake Southern belle. She might have been from the South but her bitch streak was anything but southern charm and her narcissism was choke-inducing. She entered a room speaking because whatever she had to say was more important in her mind than anything anyone else had to say. Even in meetings she'd listen to others because she had to corporate manners dictated it. The social ineptness did work for Barry because he was geeky and nerdy, but endearing. Ray is as far as I can tell supposed to be true LI potential. He is trying for 007 but it isn't coming out like that. He isn't charismatic enough nor suave enough for a female to ignore his social faux pas. He isn't nerdy enough for it to be a quirk. He needs a Booth belt buckle thing or something to give him a unique attribute. The emphasis seems to be on well-dressed successful billionaire.
  4. Ausiello's brain must have exploded. Steve asked the question but Brian got the reply.
  5. Definitely not arguing with you. There is always room for improvement. I thought last night's episode was strong. There wasn't clear OOC behavior. Laurel is consistent in not telling her father. I was waiting for her to tell him in the middle of a city-wide crisis so it would be about her. Oh wait! OOC moment. Only slightly kidding. I thought Felicity's story was on point. I think she dressed goth to be the opposite of her mother who clearly there is a divide between. Dark hair, dark lipstick, piercings, etc. I imagine Felicity's hair isn't naturally that dark. She's probably darker than a blonde and lighter than her MIT color. She went through something tragic and made a life choice. She changed her appearance as a result. She is a bit closer to her mother in her hair color. She could have gone red but the blonde I think is an ode to her mother's strength. I think it reflects how she ended up at QC in the IT department. She probably needed time to mourn and a corporate IT job wasn't hacking. It didn't carry the potential for tragedy. Oliver's presence brought out the hacktivist in her. This time though with a clear goal of good and not just playing and wreaking havoc. I think it was a great origins story.
  6. I don't have time to read the reviews (work beckons). To your point isn't Arrow a series of missed opportunities whether in the storytelling or the editing? One consistency with Arrow is their mediocrity. Arrow isn't an amazing show. It is a decent to good show with strength in casting and stunts. It is good enough for entertainment purposes but it isn't trailblazing TV. This episode had far less WTF moments and need to hand wave or fill in missing points. Honestly it was a stronger episode writing wise. They even managed to make it appear as though Laurel's barking orders has a purpose and isn't just bad acting.
  7. I hate the alternative love interest for Felicity sees her the exact opposite of how Oliver sees her. Oliver sees a woman strong enough to go up against Slade. Ray sees someone who needs a drink and probably a hug. If they played Felicity running out all the time for TA tasks, it could be construed as she's a quirky nerd. I found all the interactions with Ray a bit off. Why would Felicity sit in her office to be found by Ray? I'd be hiding in a bathroom. No one at work would ever see me cry.
  8. I agree. I am not seeing alternate love interest. He actually steam rolls her. He walks in on her crying and rather than ask if she is ok, he's all we need a drink to commiserate the terrorism. Wouldn't a normal person ask "is Mom ok?" seeing as there was a terrorism attack going on and mom wasn't with her? Sure it is cyber, but transformers were popping off all over the city. I'm not seeing the opposite of Oliver in Ray is aware of Felicity and not focused on the crusade. Ray was so concerned with his alternative energy, he blew into Felicity's apartment first thing in the AM unannounced. I missed the final few minutes of the show, but I think as long as Felicity and Oliver are on the same TV show they aren't ever going to bring in viable alternatives.
  9. Adored this episode. If I was ever to introduce someone to Arrow I would use this episode. However, I am not sure what they want me to see in Ray. I watched hoping for a good reason for him to be at Felicity's apartment. I could only come up with he doesn't sleep because of drugs and therefore makes bad decisions. Like not recognizing he shouldn't be at an employee's house so early in the morning. Was it a weekday? Regardless of if he could have just waited until she arrived at work or it was a weekend; call first. BR is too mature looking to be pulling off the socially awkward which might have made his appearance at her apartment a comedic moment. Instead it was a bit more cringe-worthy. Also Felicity disappears to her office to cry? He just shows up? How many times are these writers going to use the word "stalker?" At least it worked for Mama Smoak as she is supposed to be a bit rough around the edges. That is all. Almost everything else was sheer perfection. Apparently Laurel barking orders is a thing and not just Cassidy's acting choice? Either that or they wrote it in to turn down the criticism.
  10. They should pull a Devil Wears Prada and send the assistant. No executive is bothered to do the mundane tasks themselves. I say this as an EA with ten years experience. They can't use a copier themselves let alone run their own errands. The reasoning will need to be damn good.
  11. This was a page or two back. I think it is more spec as to why but SA clearly has a diminished role for a bit. I'm sure he will make up for it in later eps. However it will be three or four arrow lite episodes this season? It is part of what promoted my Mini novel in the Laurel thread.
  12. Laurel Lance is quite the conundrum (a confusing and difficult problem or question) for which I don't think there is a clear answer. What we see on the screen would tell us there is no love for the character. She's not given the care and consideration other characters are to further her development nor endear herself to the audience. Behind the scenes and through interviews, we would think Arrow is the love letter to Laurel they intended the episode "Sara" to be to Lotz. What is the audience supposed to take from this puzzling situation. I think the only real answer is TPTB are in love with BC. They are holding on tightly to their original vision for BC which was Laurel Lance and her journey to becoming a partner to Arrow. If TPTB were in love as much with GA they'd be dropping Laurel/BC like it's hot. If their priority was the GA story, they'd be concentrating so hard on making Oliver and GA work we'd have a completely different show. If I had to guess I'd say they are 70% invested in the BC story and 30% in the GA story. On Arrow Laurel and her potential version of BC aren't working. Laurel hasn't worked in any portion of the story they've attempted to work her into. In S1 we had the crappiest of love stories/triangles to suffer through. I couldn't cheer for Laurel as a LI for either Tommy or Oliver. Tommy deserved better than a wishy-washy girlfriend. Oliver had distanced himself and it was only then Laurel wanted anything to do with him. Oliver wasn't a viable choice because besides the sister-swapping we didn't need brother-bartering. I couldn't cheer on Oliver and Laurel because it hurt Tommy who clearly adored her. As a lawyer she wasn't believable. Her selfishness was more subtle than S2, but it was there. In S2 we didn't suffer through the love story because it was shut down pretty much in E1. However, everything else was ramped up. Her selfishness skyrocketed. Her suckage as a lawyer became immeasurable. Her characterization flopped back and forth so the only reasonable explanation was bipolar disorder. Sara was introduced as a conduit to Laurel's story. Although clearly the stronger BC with a better back story, Sara wasn't anything more than a device which meant we had to further Laurel's story. Cue Lance family dinners and an uptick of selfish behavior. The critics and fans for two seasons have panned Laurel. They've been vocal about her being the weakest link on the show. She's affected ratings. I know it isn't proven scientifically, but there is a reason S2b had a decrease in viewership and S3 is on a rollercoaster. The strain of making the square peg of Laurel fit into the round hole on Arrow took its toll. If TPTB were truly presenting Arrow, Laurel would disappear for a while to begin her journey to BC and then return to organically integrate into his story.Arrow is less about Oliver Queen and more about Laurel Lance. They are shoehorning Laurel into Oliver's life when his life would be better without her. The show would be better without her. Is this because Cassidy is earning too much money? I'd say it is a rather large gamble to increase her presence in a show where she is clearly not welcome by most fans. So the show gets their money out of her. What happens if they lose too many viewers? They are almost a lock for syndication, but the CW isn't guaranteed. Who picks up Arrow if the CW goes under? Would a cable network or streaming service be willing to pay to keep Arrow alive? I'd bet a month's paycheck if S3 continues on its current course there wouldn't be any buyers. My issues with the show have less to do with Cassidy than the writing. While I don't think she was the right actress for the Laurel Lance they envisioned, they could have played to her strengths and chosen a narrative which would have been far less awkward. Cassidy held her own in Harper's Island. She played a spoiled daddy's girl who is madly in love with her childhood sweetheart. She It wasn't Emmy winning, but it had more moments in the positive column than negative. She can act when the script is leaning towards the acting chops she has. Cassidy doesn't do warm and empathetic well which Arrow's Laurel needs. Why the writers couldn't adapt to Cassidy's strength after S1 when they realized Laurel wasn't working is beyond me. The tenacity with which they cling to Laurel Lance as BC and making it happen would be admirable if it wasn't such a train wreck. They can't persevere through this mess. I'm anticipating more Laurel and BC trajecotry. It would be a huge mistake IMO. There is a good chance they might not recover because Laurel isn't on course to be welcome in working with TA. Sara was because she'd been welcomed by Diggle and Felicity. We might not have seen her receive her TA membership card, but nothing showed us she wasn't wanted. i'm rambling and avoiding first NaNoWriMo day. Mostly because I have a character in mind which will be as hard to write as Laurel. She needs to be sympathetic, but she's a mess. How I get her from word 1 to word 50k is my conundrum. I'm analyzing Laurel to avoid the Laurel mistakes. So thanks for that Arrow.
  13. Bitter: S3 might have one moment worth rewatching and it may the Origins of Felicity Smoak. At this point it looks vintage Arrow. I'm in for one episode because they can choke on the rest of the story they are shoveling. Maybe this doesn't belong in the bitter thread because those photos of EBR and Mama Smoak put the first smile on my face due to something Arrow related since S3E1. BUT I'm bitter cease usually Felicity and TA always make me smile. So this doesn't get moved. All the other Arrow shit we've endured has sucked thus far and I'm extremely bitter about it!
  14. With a few photos they have convinced me I need to watch. I'm in.
  15. Because they will never get a green light on a BC show so they play with her on Arrow. If they truly wanted to do Arrow, the show wouldn't have the problems it does. 2B and 3A to this point is a free fall because of the BC expectations. Sara and Laurel have created narrative problems. Had Laurel never been written in for S1 and a potential BC (Sara?) showed up in S2 the narrative would have been stronger and perhaps the character integrated organically. Sara and Laurel both have horrible characterizations due to sister-swapping and their lack of familial bond on the show. Laurel could have cared less about her sister except for when she was angry at Oliver for her death and then when she realized Oliver and Sara were bumping uglies again. Had Laurel never existed and Sara showed up, the show would have been ten times better. Instead we are stuck with this pathetic attempt at entertainment because the writers have a boner for BC and are using Arrow as a vessel to being her to life.
  16. I have to rec Anthfan on A03. Her stories are long but her tropes standalones are killer.
  17. OMG I must be living under a rock. Bloom tweets? I remember during the height of the LOTR days the Hobbits mocking him for not being able to email.
  18. Where do I sign up for my membership? I have three and just added a puppy to the mix.
  19. So in other words if you want to keep him happy, smile and agree with him and never offer an opinion which differs from his. As a writer, you don't ever want to hear something negative about your work. As a photographer, you don't want to hear about what would improve your image. As a perfectionist, you don't want to hear about your shortcomings because it reinforces what is in your head. I'm all three. My creative process is torture. I get an idea and it consumes me. A lot of energy is expelled and at the end there is relief and accomplishment. Of course since it is my "baby" I am protective. However, if I don't ever listen to criticism I won't grow. If I don't see room for improvement, I remain on a plateau. Side note: It is a bit interesting fans offered the same criticism and made note of the same writing weakness the actors themselves voiced. I'm not sure why it is ok for the actors but not the fans or critics.
  20. Small observation. He made the comparison to NSYNC. Justin wouldn't be where he is now if it weren't for his NSYNC days. He had the talent but needed the exposure. I doubt without NSYNC's success he would be where he is now. If you want to be famous you can't just take the good and ignore the negative. Otherwise you end up increasing the role of a polarizing character. I've seen a lot of people say they are impressed with his personality and his interacting with the fans. I believe it helped keep Arrow endeared to a lot of fans during the tumultuous episodes. He might want to remember it. IMO
  21. It wouldn't be like having Ken without Barbie. I think both should stand on their own. If they used Arrow to launch a BC show, it might have worked since Felicity has assumed the romantic interest role on Arrow. However, they tied both hands begin their back as Sara could have carried a BC hour on her own. Laurel to this point can't and needs Arrow. She has the platform to launch from but lacks the oomph to leave the ground.To remain in topic. I'm bitter we won't see a BC show with Sara and Nyssa and their adventures. Sara could have benefited from not being attached to Oliver and her family's drama. She was a good character overwhelmed by her sister's destiny.
  22. Actually there is one reason. It's been stated many times over the past few weeks as to why Sara had to die. "because comics!" I don't pay much attention to what KC says. Honestly her interviews never line up with what is actually happening on screen. Next she'll tell us Laurel is going to suggest Oliver wear a purple suit. Her fans will latch on and the rest of us will roll our eyes while the internet explodes. Strictly from a storytelling standpoint (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong as I've only seen the episodes once) At the end of S2 Oliver became a single man. Laurel finds out his secret which drops many barriers between them. Suddenly she knows more about him although it still isn't enough to know him better than anyone else. Yet she was given multiple lines of dialogue to reinforce she knows him better than anyone else. Which these writers have proven is how they convey their message. Hit us with ridiculous dialogue which contradicts what we see on our screen. Oliver professes his love for Felicity, except he doesn't. Interviews tell us "they've never been able to lie to each other BUT we'll explore that it means in S3." Translation: we know the audience is responding to them since they've been telling us since S1E3. We'll keep this card up our sleeve. S3 begins and Sara dies a cruel and heartless death. AND OMG! Oliver and Felicity kiss but it is really a good-bye kiss (and not the "familiar 100th kiss" which was speculated around here). Olicity was paraded around and kept the press interested. They lead with and then buried us with Olicity... and a kiss... and date... and a fern. The death of Sara wasn't publicized in any way. Even though most shows use the potential for death as a hook to drag in and keep an audience (Ie Chicago Fire weekly). Why wasn't the death of a character teased? Because from a marketing standpoint it was a shot to the foot. After the S2 death watch for Sara, giving the audience better odds it would be Sara probably would have kept more than a few eyeballs away. Ray trots into town as the "charming" billionaire which is the polar opposite to Oliver. Since Oliver is doing his damn best to keep Felicity but not-so-much, let's bring his personality opposite and see how Felicity reacts. Oh look! They have "chemistry." Same was said of Barry and Felicity when they needed to slow the Olicity train down last year. Unless I'm remembering my timeline wrong, Sara and Oliver had an "adult" conversation which more than a few thought put to rest Oliver's penis and a Lance vagina uniting when she stayed in the mansion. Barry showed up and the chemistry wasn't as off the charts as they claimed it to be. Suddenly Oliver and Sara are using the Arrow Cave as their own personal sex den. Completely out of the blue for the characters, actors, and audience. Most are still scratching their heads. Sara is dead so there will be no more sister-swapping. Therefore Laurel can safely cozy up to Oliver without fear he'll cheat with her sister. In other words if Oliver is destined to be with a Lance because GA & BC 4eva! By elimination Laurel is left. It cures most of the sister-swapping complaints and fulfills the "because comics!" Felicity won't wait to die with Oliver. Which could have been motivation enough to get a life outside TA. Oliver doesn't need a romantic rival. I don't buy Oliver needs some competition to realize the depth of his feelings anymore than Felicity isn't all in with Oliver and therefore would consider a relationship with Ray. Felicity has proven she's patient with Oliver. I think her feelings are real enough (despite her lack of returning his ILYs) and also deep enough she won't wilt in the darkness with Oliver but she isn't going to become someone she isn't. Felicity is loyal if nothing else. I don't see it being part of her character to love a man, but date another. Laurel didn't have to become BC. And she definitely did not have to become BC in Season 3. The character isn't working; revenge and a mask won't fix it. Sara could have remained BC for another season or two. Sara could have trained Laurel and we could have watched them bond so Laurel's grief at Sara's death would have been believable instead of cringe-inducing. However "because comics!" Laurel must be BC and we rushed it to get it done (and try and fix a character there is really no hope for). I don't read the comics. I only know GA&BC 4eva from the internet. If I had watched the show and not visited forums and gotten an education, I might have believed we'd never see Lauriver again. However, I probably would have wondered how the show could kill the BC and why I'm expected to believe Laurel could fill her boots. The backlash of completely ending Olicity might destroy the show faster, but killing Sara is giving the show a beating. A few pages ago, I broke down the issue with Laurel and laid the blame equally at the feet of KC, the writers/EPs, and the director. If they don't make Laurel tone it back when Then I shift more blame to the writers/EPs and director. Because if KC is allowed to make the acting choice of being Oliver's lady love while SA endures scenes with her, they really have no motivation for success with their show.
  23. Word. Basis of my fear since Ray appeared and Sara died. They are forging a path to O/L or BC/GA. Whether they take the path or not remains to be seen.They had a perfectly good BC and killed her to make room for Laurel and her attempts at being BC. They have a perfectly good romantic interest in Felicity. They just wounded Olicity. Olicity might not be dead yet, but internal bleeding isn't always evident right away. Hey, it could happen. TIIC have shown they are not smart enough to avoid really dumb decisions. ETA: I'm bitter I attempted to edit this post and I lost it because it had been moved. I'm bitter about the direction most of Arrow is going. Don't follow the writer's anvils. It is their subtle signs you need to watch for.
  24. Definitely not just you. This supposed string character made herself a damsel in emotional distress to throw herself at him. She stood poised when Oliver, Felicity, and Roy walked in but then turned all saddened southern belle. I would have believed it more if she'd been sitting on the floor bawling uncontrollably and he had moved to console her.
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