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Everything posted by AnalyzeAndCritique

  1. There is nothing in this season worth forking over a dime for. The good stuff will live on YouTube. The extras will eventually get a YouTube address. Why spend hard earned money on this pile of poo? I'm in the red with Arrow s3. I've already wasted too much time. Why work a few hours in order to afford to buy this crap that I will never want to take the plastic off of. It needs to stay wrapped up. I don't want it to contaminate any other tv seasons on my shelves.
  2. Good call! Two separate and uninterrupted 10/11 episode segments? I might be tempted to stick around. A three and four week break with depressing spoilers makes it easy to forget about Arrow.
  3. Bwahahahahahahha Buckles looks even more ridiculous in daylight. The outfit isn't a good fashion statement nor does it add to her fighting. It is a bad episode of America's Next Top Vigilante.
  4. A TV show should through the course of its life provide a narrative which makes sense for an episode in season 1 and season 3. It doesn't have to be predictable but everything shouldn't come out of left field either - unless it is a drug-induced trip. It is a fine line to walk to be consistent and unpredictable. A show's shocking reveal shouldn't be the cconvoluted mess of 20 episodes suddenly makes sense with a final three episodes. An audience shouldn't wonder as to the purpose of episode 3-19. As much as I love TA, Arrow would benefit from a 12 episode season. They need to trim the fat and tell a cohesive story. They are writing for moments and not a 23 episode season. I haven't enjoyed Arrow since early s2.
  5. Is it possible the angst comes from Oliver marrying Felicity in NP and Diggle being upset his friends are being manipulated into marriage. It is overdone fan fic I know butI can see Diggle arguing against a marriage between the two. Diggle is the show 's shipper. Most of the shipper fan base thinks an O/F marriage is quick. Diggle could come around after a summer of offscreen relationship growth.
  6. The one thing this show hasn't done well is deal with Oliver's love interests in the will-they-won't-they aspect. When the concept of Ray was floated pre-S3, I knew he wasn't going to be a viable option for Felicity. He was another speed bump to keep Olicity apart. Raylicity has been a massive waste of time. As far as I am concerned, Olicity has a solid foundation for a relationship. A marriage wouldn't be out of left field simply because they are practically married without the perks. Oliver overcoming his current state of asshat-ery to accept life has been an overplayed but more realistic stumbling block than Ray. Given how S3 went I wouldn't have minded if the first date had been blown to bits, but Olicity overcame mid-season. Felicity couldn't fight for her man because Ray needed to throw his hat into the ring. If S3 ends with an Olicity wedding, I wish I could have seen happier times before the marriage. However, I'd take an Olicity marriage any day over more will-they-won't-they angst. Marry them. Allow them to have married people angst, but leave cheating out of it. They can be together and have angst. While I think Willa would do great with a dark character, I would much rather she not. Oliver needs someone from his bloodline to be alive and well in his world. If she is going dark, I hope Olicity is married. I want lots of deep talks in bed with Olicity cuddling. Give Oliver a slice of happiness for pity's sake. He needs something in his life to make it worth living and fighting for otherwise he should just let the next VOTW kill him.
  7. From a grammatical standpoint, the way the tweet is written it was said to someone not Stephen. The person is to react to SA not that it is to be SA's reaction.
  8. Oh man now I need to go find a dark corner to watch,
  9. ... Spoiled what? The suspense is killing me and I can't watch the promos.
  10. This. Plus Dawson as a badass FBI/former military muscle doesn't do it for me. At. All. I'm waiting for years after he gets his ass handed to him ala DC.
  11. I'm hoping alarm clocks around the world are ringing and waking Muses out of their winter hibernation.
  12. I've been mulling over The Carry (S3's The Lunge) all afternoon. It is about damn time! Back before S3 began there was all sorts of talk about how Felicity and Oliver couldn't get together and stay together in S3. At the time I was all for it. I didn't think Felicity needed options. She had plenty. She chose to stay on TA even as her feelings grew and she watched Oliver screw every other vagina. I think it was inevitable they get to Olicity at some point. The pain of S3 could have been avoided or at least lessened if they hadn't gone for will-they-won't-they or the dreaded vigilante triangle of suck. Olicity could have been a thing without the angst and the drama. If they had to intro Ray they should have done so sooner and allowed Felicity some freedom before her inevitable gravitating to Oliver. Maybe S3 starts with Oliver loving Felicity but rather than asking for a date he asks for time. Felicity says "things have never been better. If now isn't the time will there ever be a time?" Enter Ray and Felicity's dilemma in the one who pursues her and the one who she loves, but may never be ready. I'm hoping the marriage is Oliver and Felicity for whatever convoluted reason TIIC can come up with. Let's avoid S4 and S5 of will-they-won't-they. There is plenty to be mined from Olicity being married and making it all work. Fanfic writers have been doing it for nearly two years. I'd pay for a running gag of Olicity sexy times being interrupted and the reactions from Oliver and Felicity. We can't have sexy times all the time so make it a thing. I'd rather they marry Olicity for craziness reasonings and do away with the contrived angst than Oliver marry some LOA chic for hurdles sake.
  13. Quarks, You probably spent more time thinking about Olicity while composing the above masterpiece than the writers have all season. I believe they see the amazing chemistry and it translates to $ signs. I sinceriously doubt they have a plan. They just need them apart. Bravo for unwinding the jumbled mess and giving us twinkle lights for mood lighting for when the next Olicity kiss does happen.
  14. I YT watched some Chloe and Oliver moments. God it was painful. The dialogue was atrocious. The directing was rough. The jokes were weak. The actors were good-looking, but Chloe lost me when Oliver asked if she was tracking their emails. His "the emails to Canary were platonic" sucked. Her superiority didn't give me much sympathy for the character. There was another scene where she smugly sat schooling Oliver in her awesomeness. I guess because I had no prior fondness for the character I had no patience for it. I hadn't witnessed her earning her right to be a know-it-all with him. Smallville might not have relied on Comic canon, but it's attempts at wink-wink-nudge were painful for my poor eyeballs. All that rolling was too much without warming up.
  15. Let me see if I understand. I'm blonde but not a genius blonde like Felicity. Ray kept a secret from Felicity. Ray believes Felicity to be untrustworthy. Felicity apologizes. Reason there is no room for you on Arrow.
  16. If Felicity dies and comes back, it will further strengthen the endgame of Olicity. After all they will have shared a life-altering experience of dying, but their love being strong enough to keep them together even by overcoming death. Felicity will finally be a woman strong enough to be with Oliver as she endures her crucible. /sarcasm Game changing for Arrow writers would be not killing anyone at the end of a season. It'd be something new at least. I'd place money though this time they are going for killing a male. Although I'm willing to place a bit of money it isn't Roy or Quentin.
  17. I've been hearing since Dawn O left about how the CW wants to appeal to a wider demographic than the tween and teen girls. Most of their programming was directed at the girls who wanted to date the male stars and have access to the female's closets. However, since Dawn O's departure, I haven't seen a shift to draw a larger audience. Yes, the CW is airing comic book shows, but they really are just tween soaps with superpowers. The underlying drama is still the intellectually anorexic drivel it has always been. These days I am watching Hart of Dixie's swan song. I stopped HOD cold turkey when Wade cheated on Zoe because it was ridiculous. I only returned because I knew they had ten episodes to wrap it all up. I'm hoping for fun and frivolous to end the show. I watched Arrow up until 3.01. Sara took a nose dive off a roof and into the dumpster and I began separating myself. I was hoping Arrow would be fun like The Avengers or Iron Man. Even Arrow ticked off entirely too many boxes on the CW checklist of brain cell killing crap. The show gave the lead a romantic history only conceivable in a village of two dozen with six people being under the age of 55. The show didn't learn and has continued to swim in the shallow end of the pool. Leather and abs don't make up for the complete crapfest the show is. I was loyal to SPN for years, but they are on a path in which we've been there and done that. At least SPN didn't completely cave to Dawn O's demands for love interests back in the day. I don't know if they did once Kripke left. I personally thought SPN had enough to draw attention without needing mostly naked girls. The actors were head and shoulders talented compared to the rest of the network's talent. The premise was interesting. The writing was always decent, but dipped its toes in to the "good" waters more often than not. I think it is part of the reason it has lasted so long. Nikita was an enjoyable run. However, every time they cut to the underground bunker where Nikita and Alex were running around in skin tight dresses and six inch heels I laughed. If ever there was a good reason to wear jeans and shoes with a good tread it would be when you are a quarter mile underground. Most of the other shows on the network are completely interchangeable. Switch around the cast's names and faces and its still the same thing. One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, Melrose Place, etc embodied the motto "pretty people, pretty messed up." If the show was losing ground, take some clothes off a few of the actors and create some buzz. usually this was done by increasing the drama in a love triangle when two of the parties threw down in a fit of passion. Perhaps the only way for the CW to overcome its reputation is to die and be resurrected with a completely new identity. A fresh start with a clean slate. This time they can stop taking turns with the love triangle story lines. If the CW is relying on Arrow, The Flash, and its newly announced addition to turn things around, they need to bring in some adults to contribute in the creative process for these shows. They might claim to be different, but AK, MG, and Co are cut from the same cloth the CW has been modeling for years.
  18. I thought I was the only one who has seen both versions of the dress.
  19. I watched Agents of Shield s1. I managed to stick with it to the end. I never returned for s2. It suffered from being tied to the movie franchise and having to buy time until the movies had their premieres and furthered the stories. Is this new show why Artow s3 has sucked donkey balls? They were held down by this not so amazing development?
  20. I don't normally visit celebrity's social media, but I cruised by Amell's. He seems to have a running theme "wait..what?" I feel like we started Arrow anxiously waiting to see how it all played out and now we are asking what the hell just happened and we need to add in why. And not in the good way Amell seems to be thinking a "wait...what" response is meant to be. I'm bitter because I can't give up everything Arrow. I've given up the show, but I still hit this forum and I'm still enjoying fanvids and fanfic. I need to quit cold turkey and forget Arrow ever appeared on my screen.
  21. Every company I have ever worked for had rules against dating your boss. Never have I seen it acceptable to be in a romantic relationship with someone who does your review or has a say in your pay.
  22. I'm not saying it is new. However, 50 Shades is the hottest example right now. I hate Twilight also. We can keep trying to find the first instance but it isn't the point. I also wasn't referring to the original poster. It causes me concern the number of women who will give a guy free reign because he is hot and says he cares when his behavior is proof it isn't true. I know women like this. "He is cute/rich/smart/irresistible." usually in the argument is "I never thought I would land a guy like him I am ugly/plain/fat/poor." Thank you for making one of my points from when this behavior started. It doesn't matter if it is romantic or if we are meant to see it that way. Ray not respecting boundaries whether romantic or not isn't the point. Much like many entertainment choices he didn't respect her and we are expected to respond by saying "he didn't give up, look how much he cares...." whether we are too root for them or not isn't the point. His behavior is only acceptable if Felicity is learning to stand up for herself or its about to be saved by the hero. I will give her a standing ovation if she calls Ray on his shit and chooses herself. Otherwise I'm of the belief she had accepted him because Oliver refused to make himself available.
  23. There is no such thing as creepy cute. Palmer might have had the best intentions but he performed unacceptable acts which any woman in their right mind should have shut down. He needed to apologize for that shit and show Felicity he isn't really 50 Shades before she considered working for him or dating him. I blame the 50 Shades books and movies for people accepting this behavior. "He is hot and really cares for her in his own way..." no, it isn't respect and caring starts with respect. Oliver returned from an island where he was tortured and stopped killing people eventually. He learned and grew. What is Ray 's history that pinging people's phones and showing up at their house is his norm? When does he learn his lesson? When Felicity's break up speech says "the next girl might not be a doormat like I am." It scares me the behavior women will accept from a hot guy just because he has abs and a smile. My apologies to whomever will read this and get pissed off. I've been studying the effects the 50 Shades books and movies have on people. They introduce behavior which is at first appalling but soon accepted because *fill in your reasons.*
  24. I had the same thought. I keep seeing arguments TIIC are willing to adapt and aren't sticking to the comics. I believe they want to and fall into the excuses of "lots of hate mail" to justify their positions. The overwhelming online community support was for Sara as BC and Olicity as a couple. Are the comic book purists old school and only use snail mail?
  25. I would love to see how TIIC would react too someone not watching Arrow not liking Laurel especially since those who are not fans of Laurel are simply upset Olicity supporters. The other student doesn't have va horse in this race. An unbiased opinion would be fascinating.
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