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Everything posted by AnalyzeAndCritique

  1. The amazing part is how often he says things weren't "intentional." As a writer everything they do should be intentional. They are telling a story. You need to map it all out. It tells me they have a limited bag of tricks to pull from. Their creative juices must be mostly water.
  2. This! Also time is a precious commodity. I don't have the patience to wait five years for the "slow burn." Find the balance between falling into bed ten seconds after you meet and years later getting together and regretting the time you missed. Many have said Oliver wasn't ready for a relationship. In the real world maybe that was true, in the world of Arrow I would argue it wasn't true. A deepening relationship with Felicity might have healed some of those broken pieces. Instead because these writers are as creative as a paint by numbers kit, he has more broken pieces and apparently Felicity's gonna stomp on his heart.
  3. I hit the parental jackpot. My parents raised me to be independent and have opinions, but also to allow others to be themselves. SA is entitled to raise his daughter as he sees fit. I find it hypocritical that his daughter has two parents who use their bodies to make a living. A better choice would have been (when she is old enough to understand) to explain a woman doesn't need to flaunt het body to be confident. There is no shame in wearing more than a bandana for a shirt. However, we shouldn't judge the girl who does.
  4. He anticipates a Pavlov's dogs response to Olicity spoilers. Best thing to do is not take the bait. He isn't delivering on what he keeps promising.
  5. Look on the bright side it took 12 episodes to tell Lance his daughter was dead. You are a quarter of the way there.
  6. Except TIIC don't do anything with a plan. They write episodes and scenes for what looks cool. Oliver looking at Felicity could be SA not the direction. Nuanced details are not TIIC strong suit. Any Olicity scene was probably meant to be competition in the epic romance scene category. These morons probably don't have a plan past the end of their nose.
  7. It would take more effort than the writers put into this show to go back and find the post, but I mentioned months ago there was always the threat of Lauriver again. The subtle signs we there. I guess the anvil came out.
  8. The definition of insanity- watching Arrow and believing it will make sense.
  9. Reminds me of TIIC of One Tree Hill. His favorite quote about the show was "writing gold." OTH was anything but good writing. Apparently to be a TV writer you must have an over-inflated ego. A true creative personality balances criticisms and praise in order to better their work. Otherwise you come off like an eccentric fool. I'd rather be remembered for my work than my antics.
  10. I've been thinking about this all afternoon since I read MG's tweet. I haven't let completely go of Arrow because this forum, some really good fanfic, and elements of the show keep drawing me in like the faintest light of a lighthouse barely visible through the densest fog. However, I do believe it is time to cut ties with all things Arrow. The TV industry is a fickle one. Viewers are sensitive. There are multiple factions of the fandom who support or decry different elements of a show. Viewers provide feedback easily with increased access to showrunners, actors, and critics. TV sponsors are concerned with numbers and how those numbers increase the pennies in their pockets. It's a fascinating machine. I have tolerated many story lines on TV shows I am not 100% on board with. I've endured couples being kept apart and wasting time before we get those happily ever after moments which may or may not come to an end. I've envisioned shows going other ways than what I've watched play out on my screen. I've never been disrespected as a viewer before. MG is probably just suffering some undiagnosed social malady. Perhaps he suffers from over exposure to technology and not enough interaction with real life humans. He might have paid someone to follow him around and boost his ego and now it is an uncontrollable beast. I should just say "it's MG being MG." In this instance though I feel completely disrespected. While my one pair of eyes glued to the TV won't make or break MG's career, I won't tolerate his attitude towards the viewers. My hope for the show might not be what happens. However, whatever element of the show I enjoy or dislike shouldn't place me in a tweet, tumblr, Facebook post, or whatever other medium MG spots off on. His tweet about those throwing shade wasn't directed at me. Personally I am of the camp who wants to see Laurel off training for a decade in some remote village where there is no cell service, internet, or hope of being heard from again. I'm annoyed on behalf of those who have waited 2.5 seasons only to be given LL as BC in the shittiest way possible and then mocked because their dreams came true. The tweets might actually be epic if he does allow Olicity more than two seconds of happiness. I hope the largest faction of the fandom is ready to be virtually bitch slapped. MG needs a good dose of reality. He may have been gifted a season 4 (I personally don't think they earned it), but S5 won't happen if you keep treating your viewers like second class citizens. Your viewers are your bread and butter and mocking them isn't the wisest of decisions. You need to appreciate them even if they aren't kissing your ass. You can't write for all of them, but you damn well better behave better than a toddler throwing a fit.
  11. I'd make an appointment with reality for him, but I doubt he could follow his GPS to find the office. He doesn't take direction well.
  12. After every episode I show up here and hope for something which will tell me it is ok to look forward to an episode of Arrow again. After episode I realize today wasn't the day. I'm apathetic to the show now. It saddens me the potential for this show is continually not meant. You have a lead in Amell who is balancing pre-island, island, and post-island Oliver really well. I questioned his casting, but he's proved me wrong. David Ramsey and EBR are gold mines they stumbled upon and elevated the show. Team Arrow is the heart of the show and could carry five or six seasons easily. The fringe players for the most part hold their own. Haynes and Cassidy are the weakest links, but if the characters are written to their acting strengths it isn't blatantly obvious they are in over their heads. They are left in the dust by the guest stars of Barrowman, Thompson, and Blackthorne. My bitterness is directed to TIIC. The fact they didn't realize they would get blowback on Laurel keeping Sara's death a secret for months shows a complete lack of intelligence. You don't build a hero on lies, deceit, selfishness, and bitchiness. Sara was a hero forged in adversity. Laurel chose to become a hero because the sister she couldn't give two shits about was killed. Then you take a poorly crafted motivation for characterization and throw on top the manipulation and deceit. I call BS. Can S3 end with Oliver waking up from a coma caused by the explosion in E1?
  13. Smart woman. She was freed from this monstrosity. No need to chain yourself to it again.
  14. I enjoyed Anthfan for a long time. Although it is easier to enjoy them when they are being updated regularly. Waiting makes me lose interest. Whether it is TV, movies, or books; I find most don't have a high enough quality for me to anxiously wait. I also don't have the time to commit if it isn't going to be finished.
  15. Imagine the glee when the initial forms showed up and someone wanted to hear my thoughts on TV. I might be on a power trip. Lol.
  16. I refuse to support their stupidity of acting like they have the balls to kill their title character. They don't have the balls to scrap the Black Canary plans or move forward with Olicity. Therefore my Nielsen house is dark to Arrow for the next month or so.
  17. Ya know what could have worked with carrying the photo of Laurel around? *I think we can all agree the sister swapping was a bad precedent to set. They never should have gone that direction. We need to erase that narrative. I can see Oliver using the photo of Laurel as a talisman of sorts. She represented the sins he needed to atone for and his goal in S1 was to atone for his father's sins. He should have come back and realized they were two different people than the ones who knew each other five years before. It would have been good if they had this epiphany before they screwed in plain sight to break Tommy's heart. Coming back from the island with his father's notebook and Laurel's photo would have made sense to me. I wouldn't have minded if Laurel spent most of S1 mad at Oliver for living while Sara died. It would have made an interesting triangle with Tommy being thrilled and Laurel wanting to kill him. Removes the romantic love triangle but brings an interesting twist. Reuniting Laurel and Oliver might have stood a chance if Tommy had died without them betraying him. It also would have been interesting because Felicity challenged Oliver to look beyond the book. Imagine if he was looking beyond Laurel and the book. What a great parallel! Switching beats for a moment. The most adult moment on Arrow was when Sara was staying at the mansion. She inquired about Oliver and Laurel and he replied "we tried it didn't work." It wasn't drama. It didn't look like they were going the Oliver and Sara route. Oliver and Laurel were vocally acknowledged as defective. Then they had S/O hook up to speed bump Olicity and all maturity went out the window.
  18. The photo of KC as BC is horrible and a representation of what I feel Arrow is. A black costume on a black background is crap. Any good photographer/marketing person knows you'd have to properly light a setting. I feel they purposely keep it in the shadows so the magnificent flaws aren't glaringly obvious. They do it with their show all the time. I think they are hoping at the end of their run the audience will look back and eat crow for criticising them and then bow at their brilliance. I don't see it happening. Audiences are to smart and connected now.
  19. This would be the smartest move. Give the fans a slice of what they want. If you insist on force feeding viewers Laurel as BC, let us swallow it with large gulps of Olicity.
  20. I can't get back any of the time I invested in this shit show. I adore EBR and SA and DR and Team Arrow Will never be what it should be. TPTB are complete asswipes and the CW won't reign then in. Arrow ended for me with Oliver's death.
  21. Hell yes. Having just received renewal for season 4 they are kids in a candy store.they don't have to earn viewers. They can play in the sludge they write without consequence. Leaving EBR off the TCA panel is a neon sign to me. They are backpedaling but I am sure it was intentional. Laurel and BC are their girl. Felicity and Sara and the fans be damned.
  22. Soulfire's spoiler which was just posted is begging for a giant duck you from the largest portion of Arrow fans to the producers. Emily, Felicity, and Olicity fans are being played.
  23. From the little I've seen giving a synopsis of the panel. A) you want a mature audience, you need mature writers. The mature members of your cast are throwing shade your way at the show. They are thinking and voicing what your mature audience feels. B) Laurel's BC arc and Ray's Atom arc won't make up for Oliver's absence. C) Oliver's death couldn't be a more idiotic story line. The show is called Arrow. Oliver doesn't have a sufficient sidekick to carry his mantle. Therefore why pretend like you killed him? We all know you don't have the balls. D) Shame on TPTB for not realizing Laurel is a failure and adjusting their trajectory. They don't have balls for sticking with her. They have narrow vision.
  24. I was disappointed with When Calls The Heart. Oke's books were the first series I was given as a ten year old (after I had gone through all the Nancy Drew books) so I have a fondness for then and haven't missed a movie. I actually thought the initial feelings on Amell's acting from Arrow S1 were correct based on his WCTH character. However, having now seen more of Arrow I blame it on the script abd director's of WCTH. It definitely wasn't their best movie adaptation.
  25. Why can we move at warp speed as Laurel takes Sara's place, but all other storylines move at a snail's pace?
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