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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. In German, a th is pronounced as a hard "t". There is no corresponding "th" sound like in English. Native Germans have a very hard time making that sound, which is why it usually comes out like "zee".
  2. The people have spoken. Frank. You. Are. A. Douche. Pinching Nana's butt? Ewww. Has anybody else ever heard of such a thing? I'm glad Da' sees through his phony apology and is still gunning for him. Now Bridget needs to find out he put Bronte up, but he'll probably sweet talk his way out of it.
  3. It's like this strange herd mentality takes over and they collectively fear the dominant predator so much, they are afraid to pro-actively do anything about it, while whining about it, but yet feel safe in their herd while getting picked off or sacrificing one of their own so the dominator doesn't get angrier. It's crazy. I've watched every season and this always seems to happen.
  4. I remember most of college. There were a whole lot of better things to do than conjure up a fake BF to make the other girls jealous. That really is creepy. Lots of time and energy spent on something totally pointless. Fat-shaming nutritionist makes a little more sense. She could maybe use a little help.
  5. It's easier to leave them alone with their delusions. Trying to have a logical discussion is impossible. I yes them to death and quickly wander off.......
  6. This RoadKill twist has the potential to really mess up lots of well laid plans. I enjoy the uncertainty. Being it's BB though, it will probably just fizzle out.
  7. Well that was anti-climactic. I wanted Jozea to freak out, but no, he knew it was coming. Clueless as always talking to Julie. This Battle Back set-up is really unfair. Poor Glenn would have to win 4 straight competitions to get back in while the last boot only has to win once to go right back in. I probably doesn't matter. I don't recall a returnee ever really changing the momentum of the game, Day must stay! We need the comedy.
  8. 'He look like he about to barf up his whole life' Too funny. Paul is dumb and Jozea is dumber. "CEO in my mind" Wow. Frank played the "Messiah" like the idiot that he is. Tiff and Paulie are natural allies based on their relatives. Could be interesting. That meeting was hilarious. Jozea is comedy gold. Too bad Paul won Veto. Jozea might be worth keeping a little while. Paul has total "Little Man Syndrome". He needs to be pounded into the dirt. Entertainment potential. Frank played that well, Michelle could still easily be the Road Killer. This "messiah" better not rise from the dead tomorrow or any time this season. His disciples can follow him right out the door.
  9. Please please can Nicole go away tomorrow. The fat kid was right! haha! Another undercover cop that has to go. Sister V is doomed, but Clueless Corey could last. Da'Vonne is clueless. You can not play this game by your self. You've been here, you should know better. A generic mix of newbies. I hope they can stick together long enough to kick out the vets, then rip each other apart. This bunch doesn't seem StarStruck, yet. ETA: This team thing can't last long, can it?
  10. Thanks in advance to all of the feed watchers! All I'm hearing is Alvin and the chipmunks screeching on my TV. My ears hurt already.
  11. I wanted Shaw to shoot him in the balls first, but, well, it's network TV.
  12. Survivors of the Donner "party".
  13. Hashtag. Look out kids. Experience usually wins this game.
  14. When Tai said NO! I hope this is good...
  15. Caleb always brings the pretty....
  16. There ya go. Under the radar plus key victories equals a win. Well played.
  17. Looks like Scot stumbled across somebody's cocaine stash. Idiot.
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