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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Varner uses Spencer and Shirin to take out Vitas, then turns on them. Well done, but don't get too comfortable. Pinky swear with Woo. He might give you $900K. He should know a swap is coming. Enough of the crying already! It's only the first week.
  2. Great interview. He seemed very honest and humble. Thanks for posting it.
  3. Vanessa couldn't do it all alone and in the end lost by one crapshoot question.
  4. Men usually stick together. Women cat fight among themselves over the men and get wiped out. Vanessa and Lizlia had no problem taking out Jackie, Becky and Meg while keeping JMac, Steve and Austin. The few women who win these things don't do that.
  5. James has been leading the Jokers fan favorite poll since day 47 so his winning was no surprise. Jmac and Meg went back and forth for second place.
  6. "Who is shocked that Vanessa is bitter? I can't wait for her to justify her vote." Not me. She shouldn't even try to justify it. He beat her in the F3 and booted her or she would have booted him. And it pissed her off. She whacked anybody she perceived as a threat. She can cry in her $4.6 million. Good for James winning FF. I voted for JMac, but i'm not bitter. It's only a game show. On to TAR!
  7. Day kills Judas. Now the scumbag runs away from it like the (insert your insult here) that he is. Vanessa comes clean. Good for her. Go Jason!! Keep it together Audrey. OK that was enough. so the others just get shut out. typical
  8. Liz is pathetic. Steve is going to hyper ventilate.
  9. Indeed. Unless Vanessa has a little mist left.
  10. Running impressions............ I'm surprised they set up only 2 tribes instead of three tribes of seven. I always liked that dynamic Original Kelly looks determined. I want her post merge. Keith?? They win the challenge in spite of him. Shirin is still annoying as hell. Woo is still clueless. Perfect dumb goat, again. Terry is still a dick. Spencer too, but smart thinking to ride Terry Abi and her bracelet. She wasn't going to be this way. As if she could cork that volcano. Jeremy overplaying again. Andrew is still a dick Joe is still pretty Fishback looks ill. He should have learned to weave. Tasha is still crazy Vitas ugh I like Aussie Jeff and his attitude. PG is doomed. Whatever it is, she doesn't have it. Stay away from her Jeff. Kass is still Kass . A total wildcard in it to win it, playing hard. I always liked Kimmi. The editors don't seem to. Wow ! New Kelly finds this crazy idol clue. I like the twist. Nice move snagging it when attention was diverted. Keep it to yourself! Vitas, you think everybody should be into your yoga like you are. They're not. He's hot in those shorts and panting women seems to be a thing so far. Snap Tribal Council! I love it! Woo, you should have broke Tony's heart. Hahahahahahahaha. Adios Vytas. Not only did you not beat Terry, you got booted first. Very rare for a dude. You are Aras' bitch forever. Ouch! Good move Spencer. Can he parlay this "alliance" with the women through the merge??
  11. Ain't that the truth!! Thanks again everybody. Onward to Survivor Cambodia.
  12. After seeing the husband I'm not surprised. Good luck to them. I don't have to watch.
  13. Maybe it took more tries for Johnny to get his lines right. Or production just enjoyed his company the most. I often wonder what it's like for the grunts behind the scenes. None of that stuff ever leaks out.
  14. I think anybody who signs up for this thing, knowing they will be trapped in a windowless house, cut off from ALL external reality while subject to any sort of humiliation on national TV for 3 months deserves to win $500K (while making CBS $millions$) if they get to F2. Julie hasn't used the term "pressure cooker" in a while, but it's so true. No music alone would make me insane. Edit: Except Evil Dick
  15. Just to throw this in, sometimes the "Big Move" isn't the smart move to keep yourself in the game. If Steve wins this final crapshoot and doesn't boot Vanessa, he's an idiot like Cody. Derrick: "Cody, thanks for putting the steak and lobster in my daughter's mouth and buying me a new house.. Drop by for a hot dog any time!" Cody: "Thanks bro!!" (pants like a puppydog) It's also hard from our position up here in the helicopter watching what is going on down there in the jungle to see things as the houseguests see them from their 2-dimensional world. It is hard to see the forest for the trees when you're stuck in the middle of it.
  16. I remember way back one season there was lots of phony moral outrage about underage drinking being flaunted and glorified and destroying America or something. They may have quietly changed the policy to avoid this in the future. But of course on BB the policy can change back in an instant.
  17. I'm not a superstitious person, but that is just tempting Karma. Especially when it's all on tape and people will mock you for years if it doesn't go your way. Don't count your chickens and all that. Looks like it's Vanessa's game to lose, but I think she'll win this HOH outright and then the game.
  18. Indeed, the jury house was awesome. Sorry. "Judas". You do not have any ability to turn the jury against Vanessa and your attempts are very childish. Production slammed him pretty good with the editing. JMac finally saw the light. He should have cut Steve when he had the chance. Good exit. He knows it really is just a game. Vanessa made her best move. I hope she wins
  19. I loved Jun and her abrasive fuck you-ness. The way she played her love-starved ex-husband was awesome.
  20. "It's time for some blood people!" All the angels sing!!! Great blindside! Greater reactions by Liz and Austin! I can understand Vanessa's "reason" to target John, but she's a big target next regardless. Good job on that Veto Johnny. Even thinking of throwing it was a really bad idea. Or was he misting? Who the hell knows! "I want to show Vanessa I trust her" What?? Like you had a choice to go on the block. BTW, how did she just lose the game if nobody is going to vote for her?? I like Johnny's chaos act. Keep them all guessing. Including yourself. I am so happy Austin is gone. That eviction speech was disgusting. Something tells me he and Steve won't be friends for 5 minutes, much less life. "Pride goeth before the fall"?? He is just too full of himself. I think Vanessa beats anybody if she makes F2 and owns her game. Just don't forget to flatter them. I hope Liz drops Austin like the hot, smelly turd that he is. I hope they are reunited tomorrow night. Those are the feeds I want to watch. The HOH was hilarious. Good job Steve. The veto now rules. No Julie, I really, really, really, really, don't want to see Brenchel again and I don't care if they are breeding or whatever. Bleh.
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