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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. "We got a show to put on Wednesday night, Damn it! Let's poke 'em with a stick! This bunch is too damn stupid to figure it out themselves."
  2. I think I may be alone here, but I loved season 4 when Jun beat Alison. The way Jun navigated the BB mess and used her stupid ex-husband was impressive. Many were unhappy she won, but everybody hated Alison more. http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/jun-song-wins-500000-but-no-one-respect-in-cbs-big-brother-4-finale-1798.php
  3. Yep, the truth at the bottom of the stereotype. I'll hope for Bronte to win BBack too. We've hit a serious lull
  4. That would be fun. Or just 2's, 3's and 4's. Bigger player pool with the hook "They all made Final 4. And lost!"
  5. That is like the definition of chickenshit. How exactly will they "kick his ass"? He has 450,000 ways to tell Cody to go screw himself. And we all saw how Cody followed through on his big, manly threats. My sister would laugh at me every day if I pulled what Cody did, with good reason.
  6. It's a Cootie Taw!* The dictator takes a hit. The peasants are revolting! That was quite a speech by Tiffany. I hope it doesn't bite her in the ass. Calling Bridget a Cabbage Patch Kid was hilarious. Who knew Michelle would morph into a mastermind?? Classy exit, Bronte. So Paulie wins. Ugh. All the turds are safe. *coup d'etat for English speakers
  7. Like when Jean Stapleton wasn't Edith Bunker.
  8. These women are going to follow that well-worn path into showmance oblivion. They need to get the guys out and THEN let the cat-fighting begin.
  9. That whole episode was cringeworthy. From the Frank/Bridget pillow talk to the Paul and Paulie smug idiocy just blech. Maybe if he was on fire??
  10. King Moonves has already said that trump is making the $$$$ just roll in, so it's not like they're hurting for bucks.
  11. I think it's a fairy tale people have made up so the poor crappee will feel better. For Frank, I'll go with Omen of Doom :)
  12. So giving Frank a "stern talking to" really did the trick. Right. He's just a funny guy.
  13. In German, a th is pronounced as a hard "t". There is no corresponding "th" sound like in English. Native Germans have a very hard time making that sound, which is why it usually comes out like "zee".
  14. The people have spoken. Frank. You. Are. A. Douche. Pinching Nana's butt? Ewww. Has anybody else ever heard of such a thing? I'm glad Da' sees through his phony apology and is still gunning for him. Now Bridget needs to find out he put Bronte up, but he'll probably sweet talk his way out of it.
  15. It's like this strange herd mentality takes over and they collectively fear the dominant predator so much, they are afraid to pro-actively do anything about it, while whining about it, but yet feel safe in their herd while getting picked off or sacrificing one of their own so the dominator doesn't get angrier. It's crazy. I've watched every season and this always seems to happen.
  16. I remember most of college. There were a whole lot of better things to do than conjure up a fake BF to make the other girls jealous. That really is creepy. Lots of time and energy spent on something totally pointless. Fat-shaming nutritionist makes a little more sense. She could maybe use a little help.
  17. It's easier to leave them alone with their delusions. Trying to have a logical discussion is impossible. I yes them to death and quickly wander off.......
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