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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. When he said that, I immediately thought: "Missiles explode Tony, whether or not they hit their target."
  2. I enjoy a veteran season from time to time. It saves the trouble of remembering all the new players names are and what they're all about. I also find the dynamic between the players more interesting. Watching Tony get spanked washed away the stench that was his season. It felt good :) I despise when they mix newbies and vets.
  3. Hey ya'all, it's good to be back! This season has potential. I like some, I hate some, and some I just can't remember :) So Jeff's definition of "Game Changers" is about as broad as Texas. Tony goes idol chasing, of course. Take the starz out of your eyes Zeke. Ozzy wants Cirie out. "There will be blood either way" Caleb falling on his ass was excellent! Culpepper is still scum. The knives come out. Ciera is right to want Tony out. I had almost forgotten how much I hate him. New tiebreaker rule! Changes the game. Is Telegraphing Ciera's demise a distraction? I vote yes at 8:48. The Hali shot may be a diversion, too. Why did they send her and not Malcolm on that swimming leg? Now is Mikh getting whacked? Boom! Not the first time I've been wrong. Bye Ciera. Sandra rocks. The unknown. lol. She can ride Tony a long way and cut his heart out at the end. She's no Woo. Then we get all flippy. Why on Earth are these Einsteins are so afraid of Cirie? She has never come close to winning in spite of getting to F5 (?) Use her to take out bigger threats. Ozzy's male ego is so fragile. The Dudebros line up against Queen Sandra. Snakes on the beach. OOPS! Somehow I'm not buying this very dramatic almost come from behind win. Caleb doesn't have a brain to be eaten at. He so pretty, but lights on, nobody home. "That's what you get, take your ass home!!" Bye Tony. Don't (bleep) with the Queen. Will this move up a swap??
  4. Maybe Paul has a Santa Clause gig at the local strip mall.
  5. No Jeff, we are not curled up IN FRONT OF our couches. Bret is annoying me. Be strong Hannah Phony Idol suckers J lol Wow! big advantage secret immunity. Jess is going to feel even worse. Tough puzzle. J totally screwed himself not covering up the combo. Uses the reward steal the best way possible. Bret is annoying me again. He's gotta go. Sunday still looks like hell. Tribal #1 was pretty mellow, then WHAM! phony idol, legacy advantage. Poor Jessica! J went out classy. Ken pulls immunity again. Adam stumbles on an idol. I smell a winner. Bret is annoying me again. Girl Power! Go Hannah! She's right about Bret's friends on the jury Looks like J stayed out of Michelle's Barber Shop of Horrors. YES! Bye bye Bret! He could have pulled out a win at FTC so booting him was not a bad move. I don't see David as a lock on the win, but never good at predicting these things. So now David and Adam will battle like two scorpions. This could be fun. Hannah is smart not back-stabbing Ken. Stop whining Adam, stop it! Tough IC. Since when is there a time limit on these things? Boo! Killer wind. Ken the immunity beast. Oh my! Tough call for FTC, I don't think Ken has a chance to win. My feeling is Adam beats David who beats Hannah. She was tough in that challenge. A little too slow..... Loyalty is all well and good, but the objective is to WIN THE GAME. Ken surprised me booting David. Nice of TPTB to tell them a tie would be a fire making challenge. So many seasons I can't remember, Are they always told what the tiebreaker is? My vote is Hannah, Ken, Adam. FTC Adam is annoying the hell out of me. Screw you Chris! Ken should be insulted. Adam wins.....meh... I think they rigged the votes to make it unanimous. It's good for the story. Do Hannah and Ken each get $100K since they both finished in second place?? One of the rare times Bret didn't annoy me. I've really come to love Hannah. I still think she played the best game, overall. Mikayla was cool. Jessica was right. Right decision, wrong rock. Will looks really good with his new haircut. Figgy was cool. Own it and move on. Taylor is still an idiot, now with a kid - ugh. NO TONY! The rest of the retreads are OK. I always loved Sandra! A 3-peat would be amazing.
  6. To me, it is the editors/producer playing this "card". I didn't like it, but I suppose we will find out if this "moment" has any impact on the game.
  7. Cool! A double. I have a bad premonition J is going to win this whole thing..... Boom! Will goes down. One big move too many, kid. Adam acting smart again knowing J needs to go, while telling him what he wants to hear. Brett/Sunday. David/Ken. Adam/Hannah. and Jay in between. I like this challenge concept. Klunk! Adam helping Ken is going to screw himself. "The Tempting Goat" Perfect defination of Sunday. Baaaa. NO. Not the cancer Mom card! WTF editors! (Since everybody with an internet connection knows the sad truth) Tribal. Is perception reality??? Always so hard to tell the difference. The last idol emerges... and the goat goes home! Yippee! Hannah is the last woman standing. Can she navigate to the final and win? In spite of her neurotic outbreaks, (editors), I think she may get to the finals. Maybe it's the Vodka talking....I really enjoy the uncertainty this season.
  8. I have always hated these "loved one" episodes and this one was especially cringe-worthy. Adam handing over the toxic advantage was smart. Winner's edit?? I didn't know Will was from Jersey. Pulling a bit for the home-state baby. Tony is the stereotypical Jersey asshole, but he's not the majority. This is painful. Ken does an idiot move and pisses off the child. Show me respect!! Respect my authoritai! waah! The adults will play this kid, for better or worse. Adam plays his idol for Hannah OMG! Badda Bing, Badda Boom!! Well played! Bye Zeke. I liked you for a while but you follow a long line of legends in your own mind. How many idols get re-planted?
  9. I think Sunday was just looking for anybody to help her get Jess out. Jay is desperate for a lifeline. Not sure how tight they really are. Does anyone know where I can find the broadcast schedule for the rest of the season?
  10. Excellent memory! I had totally forgotten. That was grande.
  11. Richard Hatch; the Original sneaky, conniving liar, drew the blueprint.
  12. Now that Sunday has gotten her wish, I hope it bites her in the ass. She does have great goat potential though, so that may increase her paycheck. I think I started despising her around the time of her first TH.
  13. That was a fun ride. I was taking notes: I had no idea there was so much Jess hate. I don't remember what she did to piss everyone off. (edit Paul? good job!) Smart move by Will to bail on Jay, big time Nice plan to flush the idol. They can get Jay anytime later. (edit - major fail) David being endearing before the challenge. Why is he moving the blocks?? Get a stronger dude!! Hannah continues to grow on me. Bret is just a bigger asshole every week. Surprise letters from home. Wow! The David Ken bromance is so cute! Go David! Banish those fears. Nice strategizing at the anti-reward. Jay becomes the swing vote? Interesting we have three factions now, with the Millennials controlling this inevitable Gen-X split. "Don't lose your concentration" STFU Peachy! Well done David. Sad he's doomed by F5. Way too lovable to the jury. I hate you, Sunday. Zeke moves into the power position. King of the nerdy Millennials. But in this game your "army" will turn on you in a heartbeat. Oh! Jess got rid of that pig Paul and Chris is still butthurt about it. "Trustcluster" I love it! She grows on me more. Excellente! Bye chris! Smart of Jay saving his idol. Bret tossing bullshit. Zeke may be overthinking this, but there it is. I forgot David has an idol. Neurotics Unite!! Amazing challenge. I'm really growing a dislike for Sunday. Did they have to crawl on their bellies? I'm thinking on your back might be easier, but I'm too lazy to get down on the floor and try right now :) OMG! The first Rainbow Survivor alliance! If Bret comes out of the closet now they are both probably doomed. An interesting wrinkle to an interesting season. Now Hannah wants to whack Zeke. How cool is that! (edit - swing and a big miss) Interesting maze challenge thingy. Thank you peachy for not calling leaders. Jay keeps hanging around........... DANGER WILL ROBINSON!! You're being stupid here Hannah! Just agree with Zeke! Now in damage control. Uh oh! Every vote is a "turning point" Jeffy. WTF Bret? OK Let's get this over with... A Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (I loved Fear Factor) joins the fun! Luvs him some Tayls. Wow. Adam screws it up again! David would still have the idol, or maybe have properly played it for Jessica. aaaand, Bada bing, bada boom! Jessica, the original target of half the gang, gets whacked. Should be an interesting arrival at Ponderosa. She got Chris and bad luck (karma? not a believer) got her. Somebody was getting that black rock. Happy Turkey Day everybody! I am thankful to be one of a family of three, so I don't have the stress many must endure. No political arguments anymore, but we still find stupid things to fight about :)
  14. Crash and burn Taylor. I thought Adam had more leverage in this "MAD" theory. I like Hannah. Careful about overconfidence. Jay is sneaky as well as obnoxious. Legal drinking age in Fiji is 18. Not letting him drink is BS. I happily and legally drank beer in Germany when I was 16. Nice reward! I smell piggy Taylor getting whacked. Sunday speaks!! And goes all catty woman on us. She really needs better numbers first. Stupid "plan". Rubbed it in my face? Really Jay? What a special snowflake you are. He just acknowledged the obvious truth, genius. Of course, Adam didn't know about Sunday's plan to "take control" of the game. I'm happy Ken won and Taylor didn't get to eat more. I hope the moldy pretzels make him sick. So Taylor goes nuclear with The Toxic Advantage. Adam, throw that thing in the fire right now! Pretty sleazy to lie about Adam helping in the burial and that he ate some too. That was good. I would rather Jay had gone, but I'll take it.
  15. I didn't mean to bash Michelle on the dragon thing. Just was intrigued by the quirkiness of it compared to her mostly rational behavior in the game. Saving Figgy put her on everybody's radar, including the audience's. I thought she had F4 potential. She says in the interview her gang told her to lay low. However it happened, she became complacent enough to just slide with it and, Boom!
  16. Michelle is a missionary who believes "dragons" once lived among us. "When I say dragon, I don’t mean this large, flying, fire-breathing animal. I mean a large reptilian creature that in some cases was in the swamps and some cases ate large livestock, and so forth." OK then... http://www.cbs.com/shows/survivor/news/1006152/michelle-schubert-reflects-on-her-survivor-millennials-vs-gen-x-experience/
  17. I like that kind of devious thinking. Since they never tell us the rules, would it be possible to steal the reward from an ally, then take said ally on the reward?
  18. I didn't think that was very smart, but I suppose she is trying to cover all sides. It won't work and if it gets out it could get her targeted. There are many bigger targets, she needs to chill.
  19. The Millennials all seem to be outplaying themselves so far. I find it hilarious!
  20. Throw in Jessica and Ken with those 6 and one of Jay, Will or Taylor could easily go see Mikaela.
  21. To me, she seems to read the room well, adjusting her strategy as things change around her. Telling people what they want to hear and getting them to believe she is sincere. Her "big play" that was aired was saving FigTayls from editing doom a while back.
  22. I was hoping Mikaela would whack Jay upside the head with her torch. F him.
  23. I like David too. He and Zeke in a nerd alliance is fun. Michelle is still killer smart. Mikaela going I think hurts her long term.
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