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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. At this point, I would like to see Natalie win just to enrage Nicole. That being nearly impossible, I have to go with "relatively" honest Victor. My Mom is from Nowhere, LA, so what the hell. They can put the rest of them in Pandora's Box and set it out for the trash.
  2. And that rat's nest on top of her head.
  3. Then Paul had to whine about it. He and his ego get worse every week. Like Victor's. Vic is totally right about James/Natalie loyalty, not that Nicorey are to be trusted. They get more disgusting every week. Crotch itch indeed. Fuck you, Nicole! You get what you deserve. James is just pathetic. I want him gone. Enough of this showmance. Pictor should realize Natalie would help them get Nicorey. James is useless, but would probably be a vote for Nicorey.
  4. If P/V really want James gone, Nat has to come off the block. N or C would vote James out, Nat votes to keep him and Paul has the deciding vote. Do they realize N/C want Nat out more or do they not care which one goes?
  5. Once James or Nat is gone, the HOH winning pair can use the survivor to break up the other pair, if they choose. If J/N somehow then wins HOH; anything could happen. It will be tedious until then.....
  6. My dad thought he was from a "small town" of 75,000. Right across the Hudson River from Grant's Tomb. It's all relative. I've seen Amarillo, TX and they think it's a real city. I imagine WF to be similar.
  7. That isn't like any "sex doll" I've ever seen. I guess you can get anything in West Hollywood. The obscure message will certainly turn up the paranoia machine!
  8. The whole concept of Paulie constantly mocked by the women he totally disrespects just makes me smile. But he'll take one for "the brotherhood" and never walk away from the jury $$$$ and claim he's "winning". Idiot.
  9. Paulie cheerfully displays his most disgusting attributes, arrogantly convinced of his own awesomeness.
  10. So now James is officially the deciding vote and gets the old "blood on his hands" after spending all season trying to hide.
  11. I love that HOH. So Paulie poisons the well on his way out to save Nicole and Corey. Ugh. No Nat! Nicole is still a snake! Take out Corey! Yet Victor or Paul would be tough to get out later. Tough point in the game when all of your options could have bad consequences. Friendship Times with Paul. I'll change the channel. I'm surprised Michelle won the Care Package. I thought Paul or Vic would win it. "See Oh HOH what does that mean?" Wow! Tough choices on the nominations. This returning juror will wrench any plans that get made this week. I'm rooting for Bridgette!
  12. I know it's probably a fantasy, but Bridget winning JBB would be great.
  13. 33 more days. We're going to have to pace ourselves. Waiting for veto results... (tap tap tap)
  14. I learned at a young age that the only bad thing about lying was getting caught, so be very careful when you do it.
  15. Paul is on the block and Nicole is one of the only two votes needed to evict him, right? So why is he attacking her, especially with her joined at the hip to Coooorrreeeeey? He must expect to win Veto. Is that not played until Monday?
  16. If somebody takes this "bribe", are they under any obligation to follow with what the briber wants? Bribe HOH on noms or somebody else for a vote. Can the bribee change his/her mind? I assume there will be some clarification. The whole concept seems kind of murky and silly to me.
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