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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. The best example of bad jury management ever. I was so happy that scumbag lost!
  2. That was a good HOH. I'm so sorry Nat didn't win, but Bridgette would probably go home. Now little miss clingy is going to attach to Paul? Uggh. Clueless Corey is a have not. lol Meech puking was great! Karma for the fat-shamer. Paul is such a creep. So Day manages to continue screwing up on her way out. Vic totally believes "they" are the girls. Not that it matters since he was targeting girls anyway. "The Executives" meeting was gross. Looks like douchebros to the end. Nicole is such a fraud. Meech is an idiot. Then there's Zak. Just uggh. Sorry, you are a dumb girl. Paulie has her totally conned. Pathetic James gets the care package, Nothing will change. He'll do what he's told. Victor is delusional. the Piss Boys will be done with him soon enough. That nomination speech was really a poor show. You're not going to see F5. Too stupid to see how disposable he really is. They should cut their losses and just give Paulie the check now.
  3. So Day gets a clue way too late, then she loses it again. No Round Trip. Now she's stuck in the jury house, but at least gets more $$$. Her interview shows she still really doesn't get it. James is pitiful. He has no business being in this game. The rest of that gang are annoying and dull. Natalie is the only likable one and she is attached to James' sinking ship. No Julie. Paul is not "my boy". Thanks for giving us another family to despise. My Bentley? Smoke was coming out of my ears. I like this HOH. I'm kind of rooting for Michelle? Meh.
  4. Don't the DE episodes always get the best ratings so they ramp up the promotion ahead of them?
  5. First a shout out thanks to all the feed watchers for keeping me up to date on this slow rolling wreck of a season. The episodes make a whole lot more sense. Thank you BB for showing the world the scumbag Paulie I have only read about. He's like a poor DJ Trump Jr. wannabe, with better hair. ick. Victor, we have all come to some level of acceptance of the man-bun type thing (tm), but those pigtails aren't going to get you the friends you're looking for. No surprise on that veto outcome. Totally built for a tall guy to win. Sorry James. You're a wimpy loser. Zak looks like she might be getting a clue, but will be blinded by her Paulie crush, while he throws her UTB. Paul. Lose the robe. You are not my boy. Oh, and get your head out of Paulie's ass! Stellar job of BS ing Day though. She really is clueless. The women catfight while the boyz kick their asses. They all hate each other, while thinking the big strong men will some how protect them. Amazing how introverted little Bridgette is such a huge threat now that Frank is gone.. This testosterone alliance will devolve into a "who has the biggest dick contest" while they try and get a female goat to the F2. It's like a traffic accident. I have to watch....
  6. Paul is such an obnoxious jerk. And little Paulie too. The "twinsie" thing is truly vomit inducing. Thanks BB for ruining my dinner. Aww Natalie. How did you screw that up? Paul does look better without the beard. Let's set it on fire. Nobody wants to be a "pawn". Shocker! I'm glad Natalie is off slop, but this will make her easy target. Corey - go Cheney yourself. Nicole gets more annoying every scene she's in. PP. Yeah; call yourselves another name for urine. You are just so damned clever. D'avonne needs to get a clue. Ugh. Every year it's the same thing. I end up hating almost all the HG's, just for different reasons. (sigh)
  7. Oh, and Michelle looked really fat
  8. Blech! This whole cast. Michelle and D'av competing for cattiest. Paul being obnoxious. Frank, of all people was the least annoying. What did "your boy" (gag) expect to accomplish with that and that ridiculous meeting. Niclueless and Corey. Blech! King Paulie lording over his idiot kingdom. James is just dumb. Blech! Victor or Natalie FTW! They were invisible tonight. One of these idiots will be crowned the winner. (sigh)
  9. "We got a show to put on Wednesday night, Damn it! Let's poke 'em with a stick! This bunch is too damn stupid to figure it out themselves."
  10. I think I may be alone here, but I loved season 4 when Jun beat Alison. The way Jun navigated the BB mess and used her stupid ex-husband was impressive. Many were unhappy she won, but everybody hated Alison more. http://www.realitytvworld.com/news/jun-song-wins-500000-but-no-one-respect-in-cbs-big-brother-4-finale-1798.php
  11. Yep, the truth at the bottom of the stereotype. I'll hope for Bronte to win BBack too. We've hit a serious lull
  12. That would be fun. Or just 2's, 3's and 4's. Bigger player pool with the hook "They all made Final 4. And lost!"
  13. That is like the definition of chickenshit. How exactly will they "kick his ass"? He has 450,000 ways to tell Cody to go screw himself. And we all saw how Cody followed through on his big, manly threats. My sister would laugh at me every day if I pulled what Cody did, with good reason.
  14. It's a Cootie Taw!* The dictator takes a hit. The peasants are revolting! That was quite a speech by Tiffany. I hope it doesn't bite her in the ass. Calling Bridget a Cabbage Patch Kid was hilarious. Who knew Michelle would morph into a mastermind?? Classy exit, Bronte. So Paulie wins. Ugh. All the turds are safe. *coup d'etat for English speakers
  15. Like when Jean Stapleton wasn't Edith Bunker.
  16. These women are going to follow that well-worn path into showmance oblivion. They need to get the guys out and THEN let the cat-fighting begin.
  17. That whole episode was cringeworthy. From the Frank/Bridget pillow talk to the Paul and Paulie smug idiocy just blech. Maybe if he was on fire??
  18. King Moonves has already said that trump is making the $$$$ just roll in, so it's not like they're hurting for bucks.
  19. I think it's a fairy tale people have made up so the poor crappee will feel better. For Frank, I'll go with Omen of Doom :)
  20. So giving Frank a "stern talking to" really did the trick. Right. He's just a funny guy.
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