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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. This show is such a pile of crap, but I can't help watching it. (sigh) The scenery is awesome. Fun memories of a cruise 25 yrs ago. The never-ending string of calamities of their own making have been well discussed here. For a "tribe" who has supposedly lived out in the bush together for 30 odd years, they don't seem very good at it.
  2. Excellent!! Take your phony feathers and fly away, dude. Did not see that coming. "Black man's kryptonite" LOL
  3. I like it so far. Good job No Collar. I like them all except creepy Steve. Blue Collar. Too catty and juvenile. Plus Rob wannabe. White Collar. LOL Too bad. So sad. Joachin should be next. Carolyn is a hoot!! She may go far. This season has potential. Nobody to really root for yet. Let the backstabbing begin!
  4. Finally found time to watch the whole show and was very satisfied. Maya's leap onto Phil was so cute! Amy's toughness really impressed me. It was fun watching the wrestlers crumble. They may be remembered, just not how they would like to be remembered. Did they film that on a Sunday? The LA traffic looked pretty light. Jim and Misti grew on me too. I can give Bethany a pass on the firehouse thing. I don't think her sweetness is an act. Either she just had a thoughtless moment, being that close to the million bucks, or a "thank you" is on the cutting room floor so TPTB can stir up some buzz. If she didn't before, I'm sure after seeing the episode she will make it right. I agree the Save has to go. A great season in spite of that. Happy New Year all!
  5. I missed the show (holiday company) but very happy to read that the scientists won and Brooke was a total bitch. I hope all her wrestling buddies never let her forget she got beat by nerds. Ha ha ha ! Stupid seems to win too often these days.
  6. Excellent!! 5 - 2 - 1 Solid win. I'll guess Alec voted for "Jack"
  7. Go Reed!! Captured the pure essence of Missy. That was unexpected!
  8. I don't expect any fireworks. Everybody is just too mellow.
  9. With any luck, Amy and Maya will get a chance to lead the wrestlers astray and at least finish ahead of them. I hope they pull off an unlikely win. I hate the wrestler's attitude that non-athletes are somehow worthless losers because they are not athletic. Amy just proved you don't have to be a jock (or jockette) to be tough. Really Brooke, beating short people at basketball is not some big great accomplishment.
  10. Well played Natalie! When it looked as if Missy might go out, I thought that would secure J or J going, since Missy might be tough to get on board, but this is better. I hope the HII doesn't return. Keith could just win this thing. If he gets to the Final the guys will all vote for him.
  11. Yep. It's all about the numbers. Natalie whacking Jon last week put her at the bottom of Reed and the fart alliance.
  12. If you couldn't take out Jon, you should have taken out Jaklyn and deal with Jon next, Natalie. Missy and her brat will not save you. eat that rat!! Keith survives and the gang of 5 is pissed. JJ voted wrong. Hmmmm.
  13. Yes. It looked suspicious, which breeds suspicion. I don't know, and it's not that big of a deal to me either. As long as the fake wrestlers lose.
  14. Spitting is an art form in Keith's neck of the piney woods, but it's still gross.
  15. I agree. Lying and leading astray are fine. It's their nasty denigration of another's profession while engaging in one most people think of as lame and cheesey while celebrating their own imagined superiority.
  16. There have been plenty of obnoxious racers in the past, but Brooke And Robbie shot into my top 5 tonight. I hope it foreshadows their elimination. Brooke is evil and deserves to be treated like the piece of crap that she is. But, every show needs a villain. I know they are too stupid to win, just hope they don't get lucky. I've worked in food R&D. It's not nearly as easy as Brooke thinks it is. I call shenanigans on that Fast Forward! Why not a timed bicycle trial? What's next - tooth cleaning? Ugh. Bummer for the cyclists. I was hoping for NEL, but , alas. May the scientists get revenge. Singapore didn't do much for me. Standard chaotic Asian megacity. Now I know to never get a massage there. The building is very cool. I didn't see any cool shots from the swimming pool on top.
  17. It looks like a Final 2 this year. There are now 3 jurors and 8 remaining castaways. I think there was one stray even jury once. So being a single with a couple at F3 is more dangerous. Alec is the perfect goat for any single to take.
  18. I think Natalie's plan was to keep Jon so next week she could use the remaining guys to go after Jon, thus making her queen bee of a girls alliance. The flaw is thinking she can later get Missy or Baylor out once the guys are gone. I wish Wes had taken the idol. Keith deserved to go for being such an idiot and blowing up a great plan. Alec, mouth open and thousand yard stare, I think that's just his default position
  19. Damn you Natalie! I so wanted Jon gone.
  20. Sad to see Tim and TJ go. I really thought he could get to that red flag. Then they almost pulled it out with the polishing. I hope the wrestlers go next. I'm on the Scientist's team, but anybody than the dentists.
  21. I certainly hope so. She and Baylor bug the crap out of me.
  22. WTF Missy?? Whoa! Did not see that coming. Keith, Wes and Alec (Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest) turn on Reed, while nasty Missy, Bitchylar and "Power Couple" JJ turn on Jeremy and BOOM - gone. Yet no idols are flushed. Huge geo-political shift. I really dislike Missy and Baylor, but they may have thrown away any chance of winning. The 3 D's outnumber them now.
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