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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Spitting is an art form in Keith's neck of the piney woods, but it's still gross.
  2. I agree. Lying and leading astray are fine. It's their nasty denigration of another's profession while engaging in one most people think of as lame and cheesey while celebrating their own imagined superiority.
  3. There have been plenty of obnoxious racers in the past, but Brooke And Robbie shot into my top 5 tonight. I hope it foreshadows their elimination. Brooke is evil and deserves to be treated like the piece of crap that she is. But, every show needs a villain. I know they are too stupid to win, just hope they don't get lucky. I've worked in food R&D. It's not nearly as easy as Brooke thinks it is. I call shenanigans on that Fast Forward! Why not a timed bicycle trial? What's next - tooth cleaning? Ugh. Bummer for the cyclists. I was hoping for NEL, but , alas. May the scientists get revenge. Singapore didn't do much for me. Standard chaotic Asian megacity. Now I know to never get a massage there. The building is very cool. I didn't see any cool shots from the swimming pool on top.
  4. It looks like a Final 2 this year. There are now 3 jurors and 8 remaining castaways. I think there was one stray even jury once. So being a single with a couple at F3 is more dangerous. Alec is the perfect goat for any single to take.
  5. I think Natalie's plan was to keep Jon so next week she could use the remaining guys to go after Jon, thus making her queen bee of a girls alliance. The flaw is thinking she can later get Missy or Baylor out once the guys are gone. I wish Wes had taken the idol. Keith deserved to go for being such an idiot and blowing up a great plan. Alec, mouth open and thousand yard stare, I think that's just his default position
  6. Damn you Natalie! I so wanted Jon gone.
  7. Sad to see Tim and TJ go. I really thought he could get to that red flag. Then they almost pulled it out with the polishing. I hope the wrestlers go next. I'm on the Scientist's team, but anybody than the dentists.
  8. I certainly hope so. She and Baylor bug the crap out of me.
  9. WTF Missy?? Whoa! Did not see that coming. Keith, Wes and Alec (Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest) turn on Reed, while nasty Missy, Bitchylar and "Power Couple" JJ turn on Jeremy and BOOM - gone. Yet no idols are flushed. Huge geo-political shift. I really dislike Missy and Baylor, but they may have thrown away any chance of winning. The 3 D's outnumber them now.
  10. Thank you Julie! It appears you have sent us onto the couples train and Jeremy may go next. Missy is like a creepy grandma. Baylor can go anytime too.
  11. Based on the brilliance already shown by Alec, my guess is "meat collector" simply means he eats a lot of meat. I'm sure he's a "beer collector" too. Interesting idea on the "life list" of critters eaten. I had some guinea pig in Ecuador. A local delicacy fried up like a fritter. Go figure.
  12. I was really hoping for Coyopa to win immunity and Hunapu would vote Julie out. I don't like the way the post-merge situation is looking at the moment. Missy and Baylor bug the hell out of me, along with Jeremy. I really don't mind Natalie without Twinnie, but she's aligned with people I like least. It didn't look to me like they tried to reinforce the shelter before the rains. The foliage all looked pretty brown. I'll have to watch it again. They still had a machete. The smart thing to do was freshen that thing up and also stock up on some firewood. eta: Dale. Whatever.
  13. I don't think Matt was weak. Forgiving her cost him nothing and made good TV. He just seems like one of those people who aren't bothered by most of the BS in the world. Most guys would have been seething to slap her upside the head in their talking heads. I liked that he had his strategy and wasn't going to let her mess it up. Once he discovered he could drink the water he was in good shape. Conserve energy. He seemed to have had enough to eat, but still lost 30 lbs. She always wanted to "do something" when there wasn't much to do. They didn't need firewood. lol I hate to defend her - even a little - but the water could have made her sick. You never know. Shouldn't there have been more coconuts around? One rogue coconut in the swampy reeds? What happened to the ants and grasshoppers? The crying for magnesium was epic. Her pals back home have had fun with this.
  14. I'm wondering how they will recycle Rocker's idol. I forget who went searching for one and who was whining about it. Will Exile Island reappear for this purpose? Or just wait until the merge. Total fantasy; but if Dale somehow found it, he would decide who went home next TC, since he would probably get all the votes.
  15. "I think, no, 3 men made mistakes." Brilliant!! I couldn't agree more. Missy is just obnoxious and I can't stand her little bitch daughter. Sadly, I think the merge is too close for the rice issue to bite her. She does have goat potential if she stays. I remember when one tribe ran out of food and Jeff took their whole camp except the fire/flint (maybe). Everything. They had to start from scratch. Can't for the life of me remember how it worked out for them. JJ's PDA were over the top. Go get water. For an hour. I think they picked the wrong couple to work with. Would Baylor cut Missy as quickly as Kelly would cut Dale? Hard to say. Josh & Reed's little kissies were fine, A little TMI on the whole celibate thing. I really don't care and I'm not really buying it either. Maybe it's for the family back home. FB can degenerate to stupid and sick very quickly. Jeremy and Natalie could go far, dragging idiot Alec along for votes. I can't decide if he's dumber than his brother or he's just younger and it's a tie. eta: "There are a lot of snails out there, which is protein even if it is gross to eat." After eating the snails on Exile, you would think they would be gathering them around camp too. I would miss the garlic and butter sauce.
  16. It's nice to finally know the truth about Evil Dick's departure from that season. I don't recall anyone guessing that one. I was so glad when he left. He can stay off my TV forever.
  17. Ha Ha Ha Bye bye Mr. Kingpin. You and Rocker will have a great time if they can find a place big enough to hold both your egos. I know challenges have been thrown many times, but is this the first time somebody threw one single-handed with no apparent discussion? Then gets booted to boot! Too funny Good intro. I was wondering if this is foreshadowing Drew's demise or if they need a new villain now that Rocker is gone. Jeff was good. No returns, dumbass. Of course blue wins reward. I like this non-existant couple. Good attitudes. Not all that mushy, weepy crap. It must not be an option to join your "loved one" - I hate that term, too - at Exile. Drew really is a piece of work. Nice job sending him to EI. Now they don't have to feed him. Stupid move Keith, but at least you found it. Lots of cracking up on the blue tribe. Nice to see different people. A smart player would have just went along booting Julie. There was no reason to push for Kelly so hard. Alec you are an idiot. So was your dad. You and your douche-bag brother deserve each other. Fun tribal council. Nice to see that smug wiped off of Drew's face.
  18. At this point, I really can't tell if Owen is pissed because he was blindsided by his partner's "activities", the fact that he was spied upon by Alicia, even though she didn't knowingly initiate it, the disgust at her running for office, or just a big crap burrito of it all rolled up together. I loved his reaction. Yes. Zach didn't have an abortion. Nissa did. Alicia's reaction was totally selfish.
  19. I wouldn't have told my parents either. Especially if the girl's parents were consenting and I didn't need to ask them for money. I think Alicia would have totally supported it at the time, but from Zach's pov; don't go there if you don't have too. I always hated household drama. My folks would have been really pissed at first when they found out; but I think they would have gotten over it pretty quickly. The "I'm an adult and I dealt with it, but I knew you were there if I needed you" card is the one to play.
  20. Yes!! That slimeball Rocker gets blindsided. Another unplayed Idol. lol They did have me worried at the TC. Natalie won't last long though. Too much loud in too small an area. I wanted Jaclyn to say "John, you told us to vote out Dale and we agreed!" Jeremy, you must feel kinda silly now. Your dumb wife got herself voted out. eta: I think the Pagonging was well underway. Time for a tribe swap thing.
  21. That was a fun episode until the tear fest at the end. I felt bad for both of them, but that was a bit much Mr. Editor. Two English speaking legs up front is too easy on them. Nici needs to improve her technique. Do what you need to do and don't make a big deal out of it. If somebody catches you, call them a pervert and deny everything. I wouldn't worry about the water. Between the fish and the birds, dogs and other critters, her little squirt won't make much of a difference. Just keep her out of the fountains. I most enjoyed the guys in the other boat! Looks like the firemen are in trouble. They never seem to do well on these shows. Nice to not see any silly "alliances" . . . yet.
  22. Ha Ha John Rocker got beat by a gurrl. Julie should have sent Natalie with him. I really can't stand her. All that silly whining. It's not like twinnie got sent to a death camp or something, She's at least at Ponderosa or maybe a nice hotel, but the rest of the women seemed to eat it up. So everybody knows who Rocker is. Good. Sucks he found that idol. I understand Josh's thinking, but it could easily backfire on him. Same for Jeremy. Sometimes you can ride the tiger, sometimes the tiger eats you. Jeremy was really dumb sharing that clue with "Johnny Rock" ugh. "dude she's big" LOL Then Rocker loses to Mr. Fratboy. LOL Missy freaks out hurting her baby. Drew really is an asshole. I hope Alec gets to kick his "model" butt at some point. Fun challenge, good match-ups. Yellow team goes down again. Good tribal. I love it when they get all bitchy with each other. Good on Baylor standing up to Val. Bye Val. I took a big dislike to you tonight. Looks like that phony idol story bit you in the butt,
  23. Twinnie B should be safe since she is now a single. As soon as the merge happens, the remaining pairs should be the first targets. But we have seen the castaways behave in totally irrational ways many times before so anything is possible.
  24. " because I would have just taken a nap under the sink and then watched Bella claim to be able to tell the difference." LOL She won't be able to tell when the cartridge is spent either, if she lasts that long. Does a new loser come in to replace the evicted one?
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