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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. With Scot out and Jason scrambling, it looks like a 3-way struggle between Julia-Aubrey-Tai.
  2. The harder they come, the harder they fall. One and all.
  3. BANG! Tai sees the light. For now at least. Epic. Let the gloating begin.......
  4. Julia, honey, but if you get to F3 with Scot and Jason you will win 3rd place.
  5. Well editors, I'm infuriated by Scot and his bros in less than a minute. I would take the food. HaHa! Good job Michelle. Darth Tai may have just won it all.
  6. Yes, Blair is pathetic. I was stunned when she made daddy dance. And he was a trooper as always. Stunning country as well. The language barrier is tougher off the beaten path.
  7. OMG! Fighting breaks out between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh enclave. There's been an uneasy cease-fire for 22 years. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35949991
  8. He didn't seem to realize that helping Sherri was strategically good for him if T&K were taken out, since they seem to be better overall racers. He was just being nice because she's sweet. Oy.
  9. I knew it!! A NEL. Rightie tightey, lefty loosie!! That was painful to watch. I was worried about Tyler and Korey Good episode, interesting tasks and location. The clue in the theater was very sneaky. I liked it.
  10. "Sometimes you get dysentery and you die". Well there ya go.... Too bad for Neal, but his side was in trouble tonight anyway. Debbie is just such a pill. I'm done with her. I understand hanging with Brawn for the goat factor, I would just rather not watch it. Things can always shift.....
  11. I agree!! This whole season is dull without her. I want to see a rampage that takes out the alpha males. I noticed bounty boy was almost invisible tonight.
  12. Debbie for Queen Bee! Dr. Dumbass is gone!! As unlikable as the whole cast is, I enjoy none of them trusting each other.
  13. LOL. Beer up the nose, but saved the keyboard!
  14. Thought it was time for a swap. Cool how it turned out. I like the twist. An Exile Island on the fly. I didn't even know there was a julia. Famous last words, Doctor. Smart move using your doctoring skills though, finally. "I tossed him up the tree" lol Debbie is like a screwball Tony. Always on all the time. She has a good strategy, for now. Only the editors know how it works. I am enjoying all of these machinations. Backstabbing, misery and the unknown. It's what makes Survivor great, I didn't realize Julia was only 18. Hope she pulls it together. I was fearless at 18; not so much today. I love Tai. That was cool.
  15. She went down tough and should be proud. The bullies looked bad in the process.
  16. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. It will not disappoint anybody. I wish we could get past this. The brawn squabble. Ugh. Boot Alecia and the rest of you are toast in a merge. They won't lose tonight. (sez the magic 8 ball)
  17. "....the harder they come, the harder they fall, one and all....." Sorry to see beast mode go down like that.
  18. "Don't you wish that when Jeff says something like, "Who knew it would be so hard to find three little bags in the sand" that someone would turn to him and snap, "Why don't you try it?" Either that or hurl one of the bags at him" Oh yeah!
  19. Brawn. Blech. Alecia is the only likeable one. wow. Cydnyey "Act normal" LOL. Then pulls a backstab move. And an ugly scrum. Pride goeth before the fall. Tai is ingenious. How does he hide that idol in those teensy boy shorts?? Interesting circular firing squad going on at brains. Nick showing his pretty boy stupid. He can go anytime. I still never understand the attachment to these chickens. It's Survivor people. Americans are so divorced from the facts of where their food comes from. Those chickens were destined to be some critter's dinner, might as well be me. Killing is never pretty, but we all like to eat and it's so much easier when somebody else does it. Oh Liz, so smug, so wrong. Peter is even more smug and more wrong. He's next if these tribes hold together. That was great. Ka-ching for beauty. Pretty Caleb kicked ass. Big time merge target. Debbie blows it. Damn. At least it keeps Alecia around.
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