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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. I miss the past seasons where the audience, guests and Chris actually talked about theories and questions the viewers want to know about. Obviously Chad couldn't give spoilers, but in the past the other guests and Chris and callers/audience would venture opinions. No one asked whether Bob was bit or why else he could be crying or spent any time on wondering who/what Father Gabriel was. Instead we get a lot of useful polls and questions about who would be eaten first, Walter White etc.
  2. Another good episode. I also think Bob was crying because he was bit, but how could the termites not notice it? He also looked too awake for having lost his leg. I think Father Gabriel is somehow related to the hearse that took Beth, but not sure how. Times like this I am glad I didn't read the comics, so I can be surprised each week (I know the show is not following exactly). Loved seeing Judith looking so adorable with Rick, but when the group is walking you can tell she is not there with them. I didn't think Carol was leaving, just that she is turned into some kind of loner now and likes to do her own thing. Of course, none of them should ever be alone in the woods. Daryl dropping the water was just odd.
  3. Whatever else, I'm convinced Dandy will end up being turned into a freak like the movie. They already mirrored the dinner scene and Dandy just wants it so bad.
  4. Jax will never kill his mother. At the most, he will leave or banish her from the club. Sadly, I'm convinced Jax will die at the end leaving Gemma in charge of both the club (with Nero as her puppet) and the boys. Sutter will insist on some kind of spectacular end for his wife. The only other thing that might happen is for her to kill herself with remorse in the last episode. I really hope Unser dies too, but unlike you braver posters, the only one I'm willing to have sex with is Nero.
  5. Yes, but this show already has a huge cast and I feel that guest stars have to make sense to the overall story. We already know Gemma's backstory and her feelings for Jax, and they also revisited that story when Tara became the new "old lady to the king", so nothing new there. It was just Sutter trying to be clever with the "Gert" name. I'm not sure she was even good in the part, I never see actual waitresses get that involved with new patrons to their diners, so it was just a distraction to me.
  6. I enjoy different types of horror and even some absurd types of entertainment, but it has to be interesting. Twisty and Dandy are the only interesting thing so far, the freaks are just dull. I love Jessica, but every season she plays a variation of her role as an aging ingenue who is bitter and jealous of younger women. Even when she was Sister Jude, she was this same person in different clothes. Jessica is a talented actress and too good to be typecast. The mosh pit containing workers from the 1950's was just silly; people in those days were scared of freaks, they wouldn't interact with them. And the police came and searched the place but quickly left after only finding a badge. Wouldn't they be interested in actually finding the officer that went with it? And with the Strong Man and Lobster boy they, they really thought little Meep murdered the officer himself?
  7. I don't mind CJ and his food looked interesting. I didn't think Love had to mean about a relative. I would think Love could mean a dish you love, Honor, a dish you learned from someone and Pride a dish you feel you are good at making. I don't have a problem with him not making a dessert either; on most cooking competition shows, three and four course meals don't often serve a dessert. In real life, I would want a dessert, but the judges rarely find desserts as intricate or "win-worthy" as main course type dishes.
  8. There was no reason for Lea Michelle to be in this episode. I get it that people think its cool to guest star, but it has to make sense. Along those lines I don't buy Marilyn Manson as a Nazi either-he just doesn't have the look. And if Sutter is still trying to push the Hamlet/Queen Gertrude stuff on us, less is more Kurt. I used to really like Juice, but he has become a killing machine like Jax. I just want him to rat out Gemma then he can die. I still hate and don't trust Unser and every time I see him in the cop's hospital room I think he is going to kill her.
  9. So happy my favorite show is back but I always wish the premieres were 2 hours long. I loved everything except the trough scene since I was counting in my head 3, 2, 1 when it was Glen's turn at the bat (so to speak). I do have to say that since I'm a vegetarian since age 8, all this talk of human meat makes me a bit queasy. Would have preferred if the Termites were just some crazy cult without the back story. People who have been raped and tortured have been known to turn on their attackers, but to murder and eat little kids, no way. I also don't believe they were ever hungry enough to make them lure people to their place. Also don't know why they were keeping the teddy bears; to remind themselves the kids were bad somehow? Little Judith was adorable and I don't have a problem with a baby in the group. Real groups would include babies, kids, old people etc. Obviously many of the weaker would be eaten early on, but those within a group might survive. I also think there would still be many more good people than bad. Of course the world is chaos and people have lost their loved ones, but they still have many homes and buildings to take shelter in, canned food would still be available as well as animals to hunt, and people will also strive for the normal versus the abnormal when given a chance. Agree that Carol was awesome and loved her reunion with Daryl. On a funny note, My older sister just moved into a 55 and older building and the residents all call it Terminus!
  10. I'm trying to hang with the show but it is starting to bore me. I guess things are happening, but they don't seem to relate to each other and their not providing any answers. I do like some of the characters but I just can't see this story drawing out any further. I read the book it was based on, and the book had a boring ending, don't know where they are going here. I really wish Marty hadn't died, the whole sub-plot of his wanting to see his body went nowhere and it is taking things away from the story at large. I agree that Jacob and Tom look like father and son, I notice it every week. I can't help but compare this show to The Returned; no real answers there either but it has a spooky factor which keeps it interesting.
  11. PR has done city street challenges before and it also seemed to mean get inspiration from the city itself which could include buildings, gutter water (™ Andre) or people I suppose. I don't remember Tim saying that were to ignore architecture and concentrate on what people where wearing, but I could be wrong. Loved Kini's coat and the red dress redo was beautiful. I was very annoyed that Tim did not step up and admit Kini tried to do a simpler dress and Tim not only talked him out of it but was insistent Kini would not make it to fashion week if he didn't amp up the dress/skirt. I have to assume Tim did not tell the judges this because I didn't see him do it, I never make allowances for things that may or may not have happened off air. Neither Amanda's gunny sack nor Sean's white outfit said city outfit or city inspired to me. I never like Amanda's look, but in this case it was neither wearable nor couture. I live in Chicago but recently spent time in NY and saw only sleek maxi's not Caftans. Sean's outfit could possibly be called Couture, but this was a city challenge and it didn't read as something to wear for a day in the city. I didn't mind Emily's too much but she should have realized you can find fleece or wool basic hoodies in every store and her outfit did read pajamas. Char's outfit was unattractive and she made little effort in the redone design. Kini was the only one who seemed to care about showing the judges his talent. I am fearful that Amanda will win because her clothes come the closest to Gretchen's horrid retro style, though Amanda seems a lot nicer. I never get too upset at the finales because my favorite never wins (sometimes they change their style at the last minute so it is their fault) but I will throw things at my TV if sweet, talented Kini doesn't win.
  12. I thought the clown was scary but the rest of show was kind of dull. I already somehow knew about both Sarah and Evan's characters so no surprises. The strongest scene for me was the clown throwing things at the cage, and the terror on the faces of his captives. I'm glad I'm not the only one who felt the music drowned out the conversation. The movie was very grainy but I had the feeling peppermint girl was kidnapped, drugged and raped. She was drugged so Jessica could get at the Siamese twins (their wording), and then raped for fun. I'm guessing we are not supposed to like anyone yet (except for perhaps some of the freaks who we don't know much about), and it might be a problem for me. I also don't believe for a minute these 50's suburban housewives would have anything to do with Lobster boy. Maybe an underground sex club, but not at a faux Tupperware party. I also don't see how he could do anything a normal person couldn't do, but I admit I'm not up on my perversions like I should be (joke).
  13. This episode should have been titled: New gal for every guy. It seemed kind of silly, especially with Gunnar who already has Zoe and Scarlett. Luke continues to be annoying but so far he really hasn't done anything horrid. People disagree with things all the time and yes sometimes people have to suck it up and compromise. I remain confident Rayna will come to her senses. I don't agree with the idea that Rayna's girls should dictate how, where and when her proposal should have taken place. Divorced parents have an obligation to choose someone who will be loving to their kids and introduce them before an engagement takes place, but no child should decide when, where or how their parent gets married. Luke has been around Maddie and Daphne for awhile and he appears to care about them. We are also seeing things about him that may not yet be apparent to Rayna, but will come out. Also don't think she needs to bend over backwards for Deacon. Most people don't give a second thought to their exes when they date/remarry. I also don't like the trend in shows now (Looking at Grey's Anatomy) where someone seeks out a birth parent and the person (or in this case Rayna) is vilified for making a good choice. Women have the right to control their own body whether that means the right to terminate a pregnancy, give a child up for adoption or choose to marry a kind, stable man and make him the legal father or her child. She also doesn't have to go around explaining and apologizing to people about her choice. She probably should have told Deacon, but perhaps she didn't want to be pressured into having an abortion or marrying a violent alcoholic. I just don't like the idea that Teddy is no longer the real parent, when he is the one who raised Maddie and loved her all her life. There also are many cases in real life, where birth parents prove to be incapable of love, don't want contact, or prove to have good reasons for not raising their child. I like Juliette too and feel that her story has to evolve organically and I can't count how many times things go wrong for her versus Rayna; people are all different and have different things happen to them. Individual choices factor in a great deal too. None of us are promised a specific set of circumstances and I don't need to see that played out on TV. I'm sure Avery will come around and he and Juliette will end up together. I also laughed at the idea that Scarlett could write about having fun. I love her voice, love her and Gunnar as singer-songwriters together, but no one could call her fun. Layla and Zoe continue to be boring, but at least Layla is getting some guts. WIsh they could should Gunnar and WIll as friends more.
  14. I was also yelling at my TV "Kill her now Juice", of course that couldn't happen. If nothing else, Juice is realizing he cannot trust Gemma or anyone connected to SAMCRO. So Nero is just going to forgive Gemma that his son is in danger and must now live in a porn factory where his care will be given by porn actresses and Chucky rather than by qualified people? Sure, he loves Gemma that much. Don't understand Lin not just blowing Jax away, Jax is taking everything away from him and he lets him walk. OK. And poor little Abel always looks traumatized. I guess it's because the actor is really young and is a little scared, but that kid really looks out of it.
  15. Kelly Cutrone seems so awkward when she has to speak to the models. I really can't stand her, she is ugly inside and out. And of course she can't change her face, but she could choose to wear an attractive hairstyle and clothing. She continues to mope around with greasy hair and awful clothes and then takes it out on the models because they are pretty and she is not. Kari's looks were ruined and I was not surprised she went home. I also never understand the benefit of telling them after the shoot what they should have done. The next shoot will be completely different so they can never learn enough to make a difference. It's obvious that Tyra chooses either the worst or best shot based on who she wants to go home. I adore Miss J, but she is useless in this cycle. I would love to see some runway instruction or on set instruction. Getting yelled at because you "aren't using your face right' doesn't really count.
  16. I don't like Maggie at all and she should be fired for letting the woman die. Yes, of course the woman wanted to die, but you have to follow hospital protocol, you don't just get to decide for yourself who should live or die. I also didn't like the comments about her finding things out that Christina didn't do-Chistina was working on saving their lives, she was not primarily a researcher and I call BS on her finding this out so quickly. I still like Owen (and yes I know it is unpopular and I was always shouted down at TWOP) and I hope he can have a more positive storyline for this season. Also think April and Jackson are cute together and I no longer mind Amelia. Both Meredith and Derek have always seemed standoffish and selfish to me from day one, but a lot of doctors are like that so at least it realistic. If Maggie continues I hope Richard at least tells her he is her father so we don't keep seeing him gazing at her in a fatherly way but not saying anything.
  17. I now think the sole purpose of the show is so Gemma can be the badest bad ass that ever lived. I was just so pissed off that she can walk up to a car at Abel's school and make her stupid threats. That everyone in the world is just so scared of her is just annoying me. Yes of course if the mother reported her, Gemma would send Jax to beat her up. Can't imagine the new Sheriff having any interest in Chibs. To us, I guess he is one of the least objectional of the morons, but to her he would be a greasy, criminal. Also can't see him having any interest in her. Tired of seeing endless scenes of Juice hiding out I actually liked Juice up until last season, and I still wish he could drop the dime on Gemma and disappear.. Of course, Gemma is going to kill him, she is all powerful. I'm also thinking the club will have Unser take out the cop who was shot and in the hospital. I didn't feel a thing for the whore house murders, cause anyone who is involved with the sons must be complete idiots. Are the only working businesses in Charming the whore house and the drug trade? You would think they would make national news for the sheer body count and the fact that there appear to be very few everyday citizens. And why is Courtney Love at Able's school? I get it that people what to make cameos (or more) in the last season, but are we supposed to think she is a new love interest for Jax? Yes, I am bitter about this show. The only people I hope stay alive are Abel and Thomas and Nero, maybe Wendy.
  18. I would be fine with both Zoe and Layla gone. We already have Rayna, Juliette and Scarlett to care about. I was happy to see the little bit of Scarlett and Gunnar singing together. They are amazing together and I have downloaded all of their songs from season one. Zoe is just forgettable and serves no real purpose. I knew the baby would be Avery's . No way would Juliette keep a baby fathered by Jeff. And yes, Jeff has turned into a mustache twirling villain. I wish they would dial that back just a bit. Part of working in the music business in getting along with the talent and I can't imagine anyone wanting to work with Jeff. Will works with him because he is desperate. I still like and have always liked Rayna. I'm sure her kids would be happier with a stay at home mom, but then again Maddie at least is a teenager and probably doesn't care if her mom is around all the time. Rayna is trying to get her new record label going and it is hard work. I like the fact she discussed what this would take with her daughters. Not all moms are stay at home moms and this show is about the music business. If Rayna were to quit, it would take away the music aspect which wouldn't make sense. I still don't like or trust Luke and I'm not sure why. He just seems so fake.
  19. Loved Kini's soccer ball dress and he always has a great attitude. Really hope he wins. Amanda did a good job this episode, but I didn't like her appearance on Nashville last night which makes me think she is more interested in fame than fashion. Didn't like any of the other looks and Sean should have been in on the make a last minute dress challenge. Making clothes where the model can't walk is ridiculous. My DVR cut out at the very end but wasn't Korina eliminated? Why are people talking about her coming back. Char is not as good as Korina, but she made a better dress in the last minute challenge. Korina was too mad that she had to actually compete in a competition.
  20. This episode just reinforced my belief that having two days rather than one isn't that much of an advantage. i have watched every season of PR, and the outfits made in two days are usually no better or worse than the one day unless they are doing a couture gown. Obviously a really good outfit would take weeks, but I would be bored to tears watching them work over a period of weeks, so I am ok with how it is structured. Kini seems so sweet and I hope he wins it all. I wouldn't personally wear the dress he made, but it looked cute on his model and was more forward thinking then Korina's 1980's jacket. I did agree with the judges that Emily's was a bit costume like. I understand that many of the challenges don't have to translate to real life wear, but this one clearly did. I notice that no matter who the real woman is, the designers seem to have a hard time making the outfits. I think it is a combination of not being able to sew to more real measurements, their worry over what the judges will say, and their desire to please their real woman. I can't imagine Amanda's real women being happy with a dress I'm sure I wore in 6th grade. She has serious taste level (™ Nina). I don't think it has to do with Lifetime, but there seems to be a bigger disconnect this year between what the judges like among themselves and with Tim. If you design to please one judge, the others may feel differently. Add in the random celeb judges and you never know what they want. I continue to like Heidi and she has been both a model and a producer on this show long enough that her opinion is legitimate. I don't mind that she sometimes judges on whether she would wear it; she is a woman who has a nice figure, is not 18 years old and who appreciates fashion. It is just a valid opinion as the opinions of Nina who herself doesn't wear particularly fashionable clothes, and Zac who measures things against his own fashion line. Tim is more classically trained and looks for clean lines and proper seam work, which is also a valid point of view, but not always in line with the judges.
  21. I don't think that Rayna is different than any other singer/celebrity. Very few of them stay in one place for a long period of time. The girls did have a stable one home life with Teddy for many years, but most kids of celebs are sent away to boarding schools, live with nannies full time or yes, move around. One move won't be the ending of their lives. I also think Rayna has been a good mother. She had a husband who was able to be there for the kids (and still is) while she was on tour. There are many characters on this show and the focus is on music and relationships, so we don't see her sitting down and doing homework etc. that much. I don't see her doing anything to Maddie besides trying her best to understand where she is coming from. Teenagers are hard to deal with under the best of circumstances. I don't like Luke at all and don't think she will be happy with him; but I can understand why she keeps trying to find the safe path. Marrying Teddy was safe, and when she is scared of falling back into the spell of Deacon, she will always seeks a safe alternative. Yes, in real life she should probably take some time for herself, but that would be boring TV. The show is borderline soap, so every character will have some love interest, like it or not. I don't mind it myself since I'm sure she will come to her senses on Luke. As for Juliette, I think the writers are trying to show how a young star is coming up, complete with many mistakes. At some point, she will calm down and things will look up for her. She already has (had) someone who loves her for herself; she just needs to stop self-destructing. I like the contrast between her, Scarlett and Rayna as they represent women in different places on the same journey.
  22. All I live for at this point is child services taking Abel and Thomas away. Take your grandsons to a whore house, check. Tell a public masturbator he is on the pick-up list at the kid's school and suggest he keep his hands out of his pants while picking up the kid, check, exposing your previously traumatized grandson to more violence, check. And shouldn't Abel and Thomas be older by know? I understand TV time works different, but they have looked the exact same ages for many seasons and I'm sure more time has passed. Mr. MaddingCrowd is in law enforcement and he says every year that if one more corrupt cop comes along he is going to shoot our TV, so I hope this is something else. i can't follow Jax's dealing or killings any longer and no longer try. I assume Juice will die soon and then Jax will start shooting the hookers just for some variety (not really, but wouldn't surprise me). I think Charming should be on the national news for the most killings per week, they even beat out us here in Chicago!
  23. I liked the road trip scenes and the live music was fun too. I never know if we are supposed to dislike Luke or not, but there is something shady about him that I can't put my finger on. I do wonder why they are going down this road instead of seeing how Rayna and Deacon plus Teddy could raise their family. I assume Juliette is pregnant because Hayden is in real life but it seems like the timing is really dumb since of course she won't know who the father is, but it will no doubt be Avery.
  24. I liked Josh in his season and still like him now. His Geisha was beautiful. I remember the other contestants ragging on him before because his free style drawing isn't' strong; but I don't care about that if he makes beautiful tattoos. Most of the other people don't have great artistic skills either. Most of the tattoos I see on people I know are specific designs that are mostly traced, not free hand creations (although I know there are people who would want this). I also appreciate that Josh knows how long a good tattoo will take and advises his client accordingly. I don't think he has any kind of real beef with Jason. Please send Bette Page/Booberalla home. I can't stand the constant shots of her smirking.
  25. I like the food Middle Feast serves and hope they win. I do wish they wouldn't go around looking like someone died though. They are the saddest group of contestants ever. I was worried that Bacon guy was going to collapse; it seems to be too much stress for him. I have never liked the Chuck wagon folks and still don't.
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