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Madding crowd

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Everything posted by Madding crowd

  1. I've always been convinced the "gowns" are brought in by the producers. When you see the luggage of the booted girl, it is always one or two smallish suitcases. No way would they be able to bring in 20 or so dresses plus numerous bikinis, shorts, tanks, boots, heavy coats and gloves etc. I think the girls provide some basic pieces and then they choose from the prom like offerings. When you think about it, in some cases the girls wear two different dresses in one day (one group date dress and one cocktail party dress). I just never believed any of them owned or went out and bought 30 cocktail dresses with matching shoes and bags. All of that would require huge amounts of luggage and we never see anything like that. I think off screen there is a dressing room with all of that stuff to choose from.
  2. I like Kathy, but it is obvious she doesn't know anything about fashion or care. about fashion. Joan could be very crude and I know a lot of people didn't' like her, but she understood fashion enough to talk about it. Kathy could only say "she likes stuff that looks crazy". Since Kelly does nothing but say she would "die for" every dress and Guilana often seems too reticent to speak up, we are only left with Brad to actually discuss fashion. I don't think Kathy is going to go over as host.
  3. I wondered why Chris didn't give Kimberly a rose. She is very pretty and seemed nice, and he barely knows the other girls, so it just struck me as odd. If they had some kind of bad conversation, I didn't hear it. I can't believe MacKenzie would leave a 1 year old to come on this show. At that age, a baby is still bonding with his/her parent. And that doesn't mean I don't think a mom shouldn't have a life, but there is a difference between going out for a night with a friend and leaving your baby for weeks. Megan seemed kind of off to me. She was talking about her dad dying and her immediately coming on the show and a minute later she was giggling. It just seemed liked a weird reaction. If a family member dies suddenly, you really need time to grieve. I loved the zombie date but Ashley was pretty scary and there is no way Chris would want to keep her. At this point I only like Britt, the girl with short dark hair and that's about it. I haven't seen enough of some of the girls. And what was with the first group date? Why didn't he get to talk to each of the girls before handing out the rose? They drove a tractor and that was it for the date? They used to have dinner or at least an evening event of some kind.
  4. I think both Kody and Christine acted childish. Kody's comments along the lines of "her wanting to put his balls in a vice" just highlights how he doesn't feel he is much of a man. He seems to view any differing of opinion as taking something away from his manhood. I think this ties into the general feeling of some polygamous marriages and it is kind of sickening. As for Christine: she is not very bright but she must know that their friends who are mainstream Mormon are not going to be in favor of their lifestyle. I get the idea that Ken is very religious and honestly views Kody as not in keeping with the Mormon doctrine. Of course, Kody being so terribly angry at Christine's reaction was inappropriate, but so was expecting some guy to apologize to Christine. If she is going to be upset at every person who doesn't agree with monogamy, she is going to be upset a lot. I thought the fooling around at Maddie's dorm was kind of silly; but then I have to realize these people are deeply religious and don't do things like go out to bars with friends, watch a lot of tv or movies etc, and they probably have a less sophisticated way of thinking than some of us. i don't mean that to sound patronizing, I just think their religion doesn't offer a lot of entertainment so they think of light hearted ways to have fun. I think Christine's mom is moving in to help her with the kids. I don't have a clue as to why she can't care for 4 kids on her own, but she seems to be having a hard time with things in general. And no, I don't see why Christine's mother would move in with Meri. I'm sure she would be more comfortable living with her own daughter, and all of the houses are huge, their is plenty of room.
  5. Justin had the only cover up and swimsuit combo that I liked. His dress wasn't anything earth shattering, but the material had some subtle striping to it that was attractive and I loved the swimsuit. Dimitry's swimsuit was the best (IMO), but his cover up had tacky sequins along the top that brought down the taste level. I didn't like either Michelle's dress or swimsuit and I thought the suit was very unflattering on the model. Also thought Sonjie's pantsuit made the model look pregnant and her suit made the model look very flat chested. Samantha was the one to go though, that Bay Watch suit was horrid.
  6. I enjoyed the addition of NPH and his creepy doll. I have always found dummies really creepy and this was a fun storyline. I still am annoyed at yet another person receiving injuries which would or should probably kill him or her. Wouldn't the prison be checking up on Jimmy and wondering what happened to his hands? And why in the world would Jimmy trust Stanley of all people? Loved Dandy saying "what a sicko".
  7. I think Janelle may be the most religious of all of them, and I haven't seen any indication she no longer believes in their religion or practices. If she no longer believes in polygamy, maybe she would understand that Kody is legally married to Meri and that her addition to the family caused natural jealousies and insecurities. If Janelle has had conversations with her kids in which she tells them she no longer believes, it has not been shown on the show. It would be speculation until we hear her say it. I do think all of the Browns are supportive of their children having their own identities, but that is not unique to Janelle.
  8. I thought Maddie was just going away to college like Mariah and Logan did. I didn't see any indication that she was told to run by Janelle or that she was choosing to go to college to escape Meri or the other wives. Of course she said she wouldn't move back home, I said that when I went to college. Most kids don't move back home unless they can't find a job or have some financial difficulties. I think it is good that she is embracing her independence, but to me she seemed like every other kid going away to school.
  9. i thought Britt was very pretty and I liked what she said to Chris about a wife having a shoulder for her husband to lean on, or cry on or seek comfort on as well as her leaning on him. After twenty years of marriage, I agree that most men want someone who they can lean on too. It sounded a bit cheesy, but genuine. I also liked the widow with the short dark hair. Being in Illinois, I paid attention to the too from the Chicago area, but the Minnie Mouse voiced one was so annoying I couldn't believe he kept her. I always wonder how the bachelor can remember all of the names or even remember who he talked to. I can only guess he goes back into the room and just chooses from the pictures (with the help of production), and the names are somehow on the roses. I looked really close though and couldn't see any names last night. Chris is good looking and seems pleasant, but right now there is something a little off about him to me. Of course, I actually like Sean and thought he was a nice guy so I might have a different world view.
  10. Everyone on earth has 'value'. A woman (or man) doesn't lose their value because their child or children are in college or have left the home. Meri is my favorite of the wives and I don't believe she was all that mean to Janelle, or that Janelle was some helpless waif who was abused. I hope Meri does go to school and become a counselor or whatever it is she wants to study. She needs to find a life for herself beyond just being part of the group. Janelle should find a job too, instead of spending her time moping and complaining. She obviously has a different personality that the rest, but she just needs to accept it and move on. And I make fun of Kody a lot, but I think he is a kind person and has a genuine love for his kids. He may not spend as much time as Brady from My Five Wives does with each child, but he seems more genuine and more like a real person. As for the other wives: Robyn annoys me because it seems like she doesn't want to do any of the work but wants to be the creative force behind her so called jewelry. Christine looks great and seems like a nice person but not too smart. I know Janelle had a long term clerical job of some sort, but I have never seen her as seeming overly intelligent. If anything she seems very sheltered, and odd and aloof. And all of the concerns she has raised about the business have been raised by Meri and Kody as well.
  11. I don't know much about the Jonas brothers, but I thought Kevin did a good job as PM and acted professional. Too bad the executives from Neat didn't tell Donald that Geraldo was purposely talking loudly during their meeting and trying to screw things up. On top of that, Trump decides ahead of time who he is going to fire, so it wouldn't have mattered if Kevin brought Lorenzo in. The executives didn't have a problem with the direction, it was the script itself I would say. The second episode was edited a bit oddly, I never felt I got a good idea of how the presentations went beyond the part we saw. I can understand the execs not wanting to use a line like Live Long because some moron would sue them over it as a 'claim'. I like Shawn and hope she continues to stand up for herself. She seems pretty competent. I really dislike Geraldo and I hope the rest of the men band together and try to get him fired. He will clearly attempt to take over everything. Mr. Maddingcrowd said Terrell is known for being very outspoken, so I am surprised he appears so meek here.
  12. Happy to see the return of this train wreck. Some comments: Kody and his wives (minus Janelle), seem to have fun sometimes which is better than the non stop moping of the Williams clan. Janelle needs to stop living in the past though. You have to forgive and forget the past in order to move on. Endlessly whining about how she and Meri were mean with each other doesn't accomplish anything. I actually think Janelle is just not suited to this life. She reminds of the Northern Wisconsin women who lived near my aunt. They were all plaid shirt wearing pioneer types who liked to cut wood and make applesauce, but didn't like being around people much. Mykelti's portfolio was very unprofessional looking and bringing her parents to the interview was nuts. The 13 year olds on Project Runway threads can sew a pretty dress in a few hours, Mykelti could have sewn some dresses and photographed them for the portfolio. I could draw the dresses she designed and I'm far from an artist. Obviously the designer wanted to be on TV. I felt bad for Dayton for his accident, but don't remember ever hearing about it or noticing his eyelid of scar. He already struggles with being different, now he has to struggle with the scars. I found most of the graduation stuff to be boring. It's very personal and probably fun for them, but I'm sure if they filmed a party at my house it would seem very boring to other people too. Finally: I really think Kody is a frustrated actor or performer that got caught up in religion instead. He seems to have a crazy need to dance, sing whatever. And he is not very good. And whenever I see Robyn I want to just say Shut the hell up.
  13. It depends on the type of bar and the area. Some bars that cater to a young drinker crowd make way more than some that serve dinners. It's always up to the owners if you want to over serve and that can happen whether or not you serve food. I have had friends and family members who owned bars and the location and general features ( TV's for sports, music) have made the biggest impact.
  14. Yeah I know Irish bars without food. On some episodes Taffer says you can't have a bar without food, on other ones it isn't mentioned. Not everyone goes to bars to eat. I usually go to meet friends to have a few drinks, we may or may not eat.
  15. I think it is kind of sad that all of the women seem to have children sleeping with them every night. If that is their parenting philosophy it is one thing, but I get the idea they sleep with the kids because they are lonely for Brady. I'm not surprised Brady is having panic attacks and I do wonder what is in his head sometimes. He seems to project the "everything is great" thing, but I wonder if he is truly happy with having so many wives and children. I hope baby Huck is doing well. The scene where Paulie was talking to Carlie outside of the hospital seemed so stilted and staged. I'm guessing Paulie is having a hard time with the cameras around. I continue to think Nonie is the only one who seems like a real person to me, although I know she is not popular with the rest of you. Rosemary seems to use joking to hide her pain, Robin seems to really be emotionally fragile and Rhonda just acts too girly and fake for my taste. Somehow, the Browns seem more real to me even though they don't show or discuss their sex lives. I can't explain it, but at least we don't have to hear the women talking about how hot they find their mutual husband and making jokes about sharing his manly parts.
  16. This was such a boring episode. Both Chilli and Jeff seemed like the dullest people on earth, maybe they should date each other. Jeff had a very unfortunate nose and no personality. And Patti seemed to really pounce on the having kids idea, but isn't Chilli at least 40 years old? It doesn't mean she can't have a kid, but it's not likely she is going to get married and have a few years to settle down before having more children. They need to bring back Patti meeting the guys and girls in her office, it was more fun.
  17. I would have chosen Emily's Hope is a Thing with Feathers and made a bird of some kind. I'm a teacher and a literary geek, but Padma's claim that you should be able to look at the plate and instantly tell what author it invoked is just foolishness. As beautiful as Doug's soup and Mei's garden dish was, they could have represented many different authors. All of the dishes needed an explanation (although I could have guessed Katsujis). I often find Padma's comment unnecessarily bitchy and she seems to get annoyed by the littlest things sometimes. I think it would have been interesting if the judges were not given the names of the authors ahead of time and had to guess which one each dish represented. It would have been impossible in every case, except for the guy they sent packing and even his could be interpreted as belonging to other authors.
  18. I can't imagine Stanley and Maggie making enough money by selling off the dead freaks to make this worthwhile. It seems like it would be more profitable to 'fleece the customers' of the freak show as Maggie stated. In general, people don't pay huge amounts of money to go to museums, and the the dead are not going to look recognizable after a time. I also don't see how looking at Jimmy's dismembered hands would even remotely compare to seeing the freak in person. Pepper's story was strongly hinted at in Asylum so it wasn't surprising, but I agree it was sad. I have a hard time seeing or hearing about babies or children being hurt, so I was uncomfortable with that killing scene. So, in general, everyone but the freaks is a horrible person (the one doctor was nice).
  19. I thought all the women's outfits were terrible, and all the men's were at least OK. I thought Justin did a great job at making a well tailored shirt and pants and it wasn't all that boring to me. I would rather see that on a date then a uniform from the Starship Enterprise (as background noise just said). Michelle, Jay and Fabio made very young looking outfits for men who were not 20 years old. I didn't get why all the women had to have hootchy mama clothes. Can't a woman look pretty and elegant for a first date? And it was awkward how the couples probably didn't have much time to get to know each other and had to appear as a 'couple' on the runway. When the one woman said "We will probably get married" I had to cringe. Poor guy. I must be boring because I would have given the win to Dimitry or Justin based on how nicely the clothes fit and the nice fabrics they chose.
  20. It annoyed me that Padma was complaining because Gregory didn't have a literal raven in his dish. While is certainly didn't compare visually to Mai's dish, he thought about the meaning behind the poem and tried to replicate it on the plate. And as a lover of both fine literature and Stephen King, I got a kick out of Katsuji's splatter. Too bad George had immunity.
  21. Brady does look like a low rent Peter Sarsgaard, only without the charm. I continue to like Nonie and she seems the most real to me along with Rosemary. Robin and Paulie seem very fragile, and Rhonda does the little girl giggling all the time which seem to be covering something up. I didn't have a problem with Nonie not liking the idea of the 2 night rotation but trying it anyhow. These women can't be clones of each other and you feel what you feel. It was likely that the other women weren't that keen on it either which is why they scrapped it. I'm not sure why these woman are so hot for Brady though. He is ok looking, but seems really low energy. I'm thinking he does just the right amount of paying and then withholding attention to get the reaction he wants. What is curious, is that the Brown women don't seem quite so desperate to have their time with Kody, although they live in different houses and probably don't see him every night even for a kiss. I almost feel like these women are brainwashed into living and dying for this man's attention which is kind of gross overall.
  22. I miss the show too. Of course Jax had to die to fulfill Sutters vision. But he also could have left the club and washed dishes, worked in a bar or even worked as a porn actor ( he has a great ass). Instead, Abel and Thomas are growing up with a struggling recovered addict and no dad, which is still probably a step up.
  23. This was my favorite show of the season. I swear the St. Joseph skit was exactly like my church, and I even have a teen son named Devin. Loved Bobby as the Priest. Taran is always great and I loved his appearance as Roman in the lounge act skit, which was oddly funny to me. I can't think of anything I disliked which is rare. Bravo SNL!
  24. I was right that the two year mission was connected to the Mormon church and not a typical teenage service project. I felt really sorry for Paulie; I would be beyond devastated if my son left me for two years. I understand the idea that they have to do majority rule with everything, but it would be hard to be in a marriage where you had no say in something important. Spending so little time with your husband is roughly equivalent to being a single mom with an occasional boyfriend who visits. That has to be difficult. The Vegas trip seemed kind of forced. Brady and Rhonda were giggling a lot, but I don't know if they were having a lot of fun. The hotel looked "interesting". Robin continues to seem kind of depressed and very needy, I wish she could have some kind of therapy to determine what is really going on. I wonder if the wives getting together for drinks and the girls night is producer planned. It just doesn't seem like something this brood would do. In some ways they seem close, but they also seem nervous around each other. I'm not sure you can really be close to someone who is sleeping with your husband. They make little jokes about their sex lives, but you can see they struggle with wanting more attention than they are getting. On another note: Sister Wives is coming back. Yeah! Crazy Kody has more energy and personality than Brady (in my opinion), and the wives don't have that annoying giggle.
  25. Erin's teapot was pretty, but nothing about it said Holiday to me. Bill at least attempted a holiday design and all of his baked goods were delicious. How could they give the win to someone who had dry scones, candy that was too full of lime and her other dessert was dry too. Naylet was obviously not a professional and her design job was sloppy, but she at least had a Christmas theme. I am disappointed this show was so much about decorating versus baking.
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