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Everything posted by snakenax

  1. Thank goodness Romeo is gone, I actually like a fair number of his photos and his look wasn't bad but he was just dry and boring to watch. And I know i'm supposed to cry about misfortunes of the generic skinny long haired white girl of the season, but i'm just so over them entirely. They just blend together into one generic mass, the show has to remind me Lenox is there for me to remember her existence. The whole teaching experience thing was a good illustration of the issues of the boy-girl season concept. You have a female model teaching male models how to look sexy using techniques for female models. It reminds me of how last season several of the photoshoots were clearly made only for female models, including one for a clothing line without any men's wear so the guys were disqualified from winning despite taking the best photo.
  2. Right now I feel the top 3 is a bit of anyone's game. Everyone there has put out good make ups, everyone there has put out bad make ups. George, Cig, Rachael and Keaghlan are the most consistent so far, but Dina, Stella and Sasha can knock it out of the park when they get it right and Drew's ability to coast in the safe zone could get him in the top 3 like Wayne, Ian and Sam. It's kind of exciting, the last three seasons by the second episode I knew exactly who the top three were going to be and made a good guess on the the winner and runner up, but this season feels a bit like the first three seasons where there was a lot more question to who would win.
  3. The tighty whities are just weird. Designer men's underwear is actually at a boom level currently, she couldn't get them put in 2(x)ist or Andrew Christian or Ginch Gonch or any of the other innumerable labels that do flattering men's underwear? Or would they all be too embarrassed to have their products on the show, since it's less socially credible and acceptable than the softcore porn most of them use for advertisement.;)
  4. Escorts generally are older to begin with. The functional difference between a high end escort and a prostitute(besides that escorts have legal gray areas they work in that means it generally isn't illegal) is that a escort is expected to be able to hold up their side of a date/conversation/not make a embarrassment of themselves at a party. Having worked some jobs in clubs/hotels that exposed me to a lot of escorts and Angelea's brand of stank attitude and pretty-but-gaudy(verging on fishy drag queen) looks fit right in. A lot of the guys who buy time with escorts want a bitchy girl from what I gathered.
  5. I think the obvious answer for the blood/gore is that the challenge was doing make ups for campy slasher movie posters. The base concept wasn't doing The Entity or The Exorcist etc, it was doing Jason, Freddy, the Leprechaun, Wishmaster etc. Campy slasher villains are in general not meant to be directly scary or horrifying.
  6. Yeah, isn't platinum blond less yellow and more white, verging on silvery?
  7. What i'm not fond of with the new catchphrases is they seem to replace actually telling the models, in no uncertain terms, what they need to do. Like Mr Jay if he was working with the male models would have no problem saying 'suck in your gut and tighten your core', which is what 'you aren't giving me that boomboomboom' is trying to communicate and utterly failing at.
  8. Maybe we'll be lucky and his manic 'look at me i'm a GEEEEEENIUS' stuff will be toned down and he'll just be the typical minor judge who barely gets any screentime... more likely he'll be even worse.
  9. I'd say the average for season 4 was pretty close to the worst of this season, like last week's Cowardly Lion, this week's reindeer and poison lady, the half finished alien Gwen got sent home for, the peanut gangster.. still better than pretty much everything Autumn, Meagan, House and Eric Z touched. And none of the episodes have had quite as uniformly bad results as the insect challenge, super hero challenge, Defiance challenge, Giant challenge and possible the worst of the worst for show's history, the space werewolf challenge(the only other challenge I can think of that competes for results that bad is last season's anime challenge). And I think Dina's nymph from the first episode, the flying monkey and tin woodsman from the last episode, Sasha and Stella's aliens, the Big Tuna gangster and the Pine tree are about as good as anything from season 4. Though I might just have a different view of what constitutes good or original as well, since I find Roy wildly overrated and really didn't like anything he made in two seasons(I didn't like the Rook he made for Ve either).
  10. I've actually been rewatching season 4 and overall it reminds me this season's talent level could be much, much worse.
  11. Technically it's not a weave. A weave is interwoven into existing hair. It's just a standard lace front wig.. well a really low quality one. But not terrible different than a halloween costume wig.
  12. From what I gather a lot of Crystal's issue with staying on as Allison was playing 16 at 29. Though honestly her look is so youthful i'm not really sure there are a lot of roles for her outside of the teen character set.
  13. I think they are allowed access to reference stuff. It's a bit weird in that sometimes it seems they don't have any access to such, and then other times you see them flipping through huge dictionaries of reference images or referencing stuff on their tablets. Though I think her real problem wasn't not knowing what a reindeer head should look like, but having difficulty trying to pull off a non-hybrid reindeer on the anatomy of the human head. Though once she figured the problem out(which seemed to be mid-day 1) she should have just wiped the face off and started over on a new concept or just done a hybrid so that should bring deer into the face without dealing with the fact that the human head doesn't want to be a deer head.
  14. If any of them leave, it would probably be Derek i'd guess. Which I wouldn't mind that much, he's hot but there are a lot of hot guys the show can bring in. Though i'm probably in the minority in that I never much liked Allison from a character or actress standpoint outside of very specific scenes so she was kind of a giant millstone dragging the cast down to me and find Malia/Kira to be a huge improvement over her on pretty much every level. I'd be disappointed if Holland left, Lydia has been my favorite since season 2, though I don't see it as too likely given she openly acknowledges her disadvantages in finding gigs as a actor. I'd be really surprised if Dylan O'Brian left, since he's so enthusiastic about the show and it leaves him plenty of time to pursue other projects(and from a career perspective, he needs something to keep him in work until he ages out of teen roles to adult roles)..
  15. I think she just did it because she needs at least two or three shocking makeovers because shocking makeover drama is a big part of the show. Kari is mediocre enough that she was always going to be a early game loser, this isn't one of those cases where she took a strong contestant and killed them with the makeover.
  16. Well I said one of, not the most.;) But her behavior feels very high school.. which probably isn't that surprising from someone who either recently graduated or is still in high school.
  17. Yeah, Mirijana has a boyfriend, they showed a photo of her and him at some point this episode. It's kind of basic pretty teen girl drama, in that as soon as she's away from her boyfriend for five seconds she's flirting with a new guy to be her boyfriend. While the show has had 18 year olds on it before, I think she might be one of the most.. 18 year oldy of them they've had.
  18. I actually think working the most afterwards probably means she doesn't win(Phil from last season is the busiest worker of that crop, for example). But the current assumptions have the winner being Keith, Adam or Shei. Though I hope that theory is wrong since it has Ben and Matt as the next eliminations and i'm not sure how watchable the season would be after they left.
  19. Well on the one hand, when they did a 'mix different cultural appearances together' photoshoot in a previous season it turned out really amazing and tasteful. On the other hand, that was back when the show's photoshoots overall edged more towards tasteful and not ridiculous.
  20. I find it funny how they make it seem like a surprise Keith got no makeover. He's completely hairless and while I wouldn't put it past Tyra to put a wig so thirsty even Drag Race wouldn't accept it on a bald man, i'd still err on the side that if someone has nothing to makeover they probably won't get one. Which isn't to say they won't force a makeover, like last season how Cory's bald makeover was entirely because with a already buzzed head that was the only makeover they could do. What is with the headscarf on Tyra? It's just really unflattering. The makeovers were actually mostly good. I like the shorter hair on Mirijana, it makes her look more severe and less dopehead than before. Kari's was just plain awful, but she's like the fillerest filler ever so she should just feel lucky that eventually she can pawn that weave for ten bucks(eight more than Tyra paid for it!). The beardweave isn't a bad idea, but I found in execution it looks really obvious and fake, especially when you see the bottom because real beards don't work that way. Chantelle's weave actually looks good.. right now, in two episodes it will probably have possums nesting in it. I think Romeo's went the opposite direction it should have, ice blond hair makes him look more young and twinky like a porn star, while dying his hair jet black would have really brought the whole alternative look together. I like Raelia's in look, though I think if they're worried about her looking too mens magazine that look pushes her much more in that direction. I can't tell a lick of difference with Lenox and Matthew outside of standard beauty salon primping. Ben and Adam look much, much better with their hair buzzed, especially Adam who really needed it. Shei's makeover is.. stupid, but it doesn't look terrible on her, but it's the kind of hairstyle you get temporarily for a specific shoot rather than a general style. I don't like Will's, he has such a strong Nordic face that putting him in a more traditional modely hair style would have been far better, the more alt buzzed sides look removes the versatility his look had. Overall this group of dysfunctional creatures is turning out much less loathsome than I thought they would be. Even Adam's dbagness leans less towards active dislike and more towards 'I think this person is so socially confident they wrap around to socially awkward'. I can't say I actively like any of them in the way I did Adrienne, Else, Mercedes, April or Naima but I only find Romeo truly dislikable, and he's so cartoonish I just can't take him seriously. I liked the shoot and overall liked the results. Ben definitely deserved to win, that was actually a shockingly good photo for ANTM(I could actually see it breaking into the top 20 overall for the show). I still find it funny that Romeo, without people seeing his personality, is getting by far the worst fan vote. Sad to see Chantelle go since I really liked her look/attitude, especially since she has a lot more potential than Kari.
  21. Generally speaking, tattoos aren't a huge issue for male models as long as they aren't outside the lines cut off by clothing. Romeo's neck tattoo does that. I'm kind of surprised they didn't mention his gauged ears, since it's impossible to hide big gauges like that even if you take them out.
  22. 2 and Texas are definitely the worst from a 'these people are just awful' perspective, though I have to give season 11 the prize for worst season in that it was so outright boring I quit halfway through(and then when I found out who won I was like 'Really?'). My favorite seasons are probably All Stars, 4, 5 and 7. Though out of those only in season 4 did I think the winner was much to talk about. Season 10 really was made Kristen winning, since otherwise it's a bit of a quiet and uninteresting one.
  23. As oogy as I find his personality, I do think Adam could do pretty well in underwear/fitness/swimwear modeling if that photo is anything to go by. As would Keith. Though I think that would be about it for them(well I could maybe see Adam modeling for A&F.. well assuming they're okay with mixed race models now). Yeah that seemed like photographer fail to me, the pose and motion was great but captured at the wrong moment. Maybe they did and just wanted to keep him with a low-moderate score. Though given Ben actually has some nice post show work, I wonder if this will be a case of 'good newcomer goes home early because of complete lack of coaching into how to model'.
  24. He wasn't that memorable(outside of being a hottie), he was basically the season's bridesmaid as he got second place in 6 out of 12 episodes and only got in bottom once. Though season 4 was a bit of a odd one of a season since Kris and Anthony won all but one episode and it had probably the most obvious talent gap between the finalists(Anthony, Kris and Wayne) and the rest of any season(I mean the top 8 included Autumn, Meagan, Eric Z and House). His specialty was making big impressive sculpts/fabrications with tons of cool little details that he would then run out of time to detail in paint.
  25. I'd agree except they haven't called it Wicca or something else that suggests a actual religious concept. Instead they've just mentioned 'practicing witchcraft' and showing what looks like a book of spells from a table top game store and talk about casting spells on people. If I were to assume he's serious, and i'm not, it honestly sounds more like a case of someone who is a Satanist than a Wiccan.. but without the irony Satanism is supposed to have.
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