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Everything posted by FurryFury

  1. Really loved the dig at Trump by making him the President in "the darkest timeline". Lovely episode otherwise, although I'm really annoyed by Snart not interacting with ANY of the Legends except for Mick. It's like he wasn't part of the team. Why the hell would they bring him back at all only to treat like that?
  2. I was always partial to Rip/Sara (last season's finale pretty much made me ship it), and this season does nothing to dissuade this, especially with their counterparts being King Arthur and Guinevere (even if it was implied their marriage was more political). And the show actually remembered Sara isn't only into girls, so well, maybe there's hope yet. I do think they have good chemistry (not off the charts, but certainly good enough), but it depends on whether they'll really make Rip/Gideon a thing or if it was just an homage to Doctor Who (which is entirely possible). And, of course, whether Rip survives the season (although it would be a shame to get rid of him now, he has a lot more going on after the brainwashing thing, and AD clearly showed his chops).
  3. Interesting, I had the same impression as you. However, Veronica/Logan were never supposed to be endgame. Duncan was her intended love interest, and only actor's leaving (with a dose of fan response) changed that. I've binged all episodes available, and I'm definitely on "Bughead" (this portmanteau makes me laugh so much) train. I cannot stand Archie. It feels like he's in a different show, and the narrative would flow so much better were he to just disappear, really. His connection to the murder plot is tenuous at best, he's not proactive and really, he has basically zero characterization. The whole music subplot is boring as hell and I mostly FF through his scenes. Hell, even Duncan Kane was more interesting - and I hated Duncan Kane. That is so PLL.
  4. That may be it, thank you! Too bad the pilot was so horribly boring... not to mention no memorable female characters...
  5. I watched 2 episodes of Riverdale and it didn't really connect with me a lot, but I do think that I like Betty, and Veronica, too. Thus far, Veronica is a somewhat stronger character, but from what I gather, Betty comes into her own a bit later (although I already saw the spark when she threatened Cheryl). Jughead's a bit of a mystery, but certainly a character type I dig: an intelligent snarky outsider who provides commentary. Archie is just the worst, absolutely bland. I started FF-ing through his scenes because I just don't care. I REALLY like the looks of Cheryl character. The actress is simply stunning. Do I know her from somewhere or does she remind me of somebody else? Idk. I did dig the twincest-y vibes between her and Jason. Very PLL-esque (the show does remind me of season 1 PLL, only with worse characterization and acting - there's nobody of Spencer's caliber, yet). I will continue watching on the weekend.
  6. But... Electric kettles are awesome... You don't need to turn them off manually and they boil the water REALLY fast... I just can't imagine not owning one. It feels weird to me.
  7. I guess I'll check Riverdale out. This Betty/Jughead thing, from all the descriptions, is exactly my jam, and Betty herself sounds awesome. As for the main character being a dud, I rarely like male leads, so not a big problem.
  8. The 100 is much, much better and smarter than Arrow. Season 1 sucks though, you need to give it time. But later, it turns into something BSG-esque.
  9. Evil is cool, dontcha know? Just google "Draco in leather pants" trope and be enlightened. Regina is a great example, as even the writers soon started forgetting all the bad things she's done. However, I wouldn't say Swan Queen is more popular. It has very vocal fans, but overall, I had the impression Captain Swan was well-received and popular both among (non-SQ) fans and general audience. As for Supergirl and its ships, eh, I quit because I just stopped caring at some point when it became clear the writing wouldn't improve. Legends is the only DCTV show I'm following ATM.
  10. After female King Arthur from Fate/Stay Night, female Lancelot would be expected. And I totally call her seducing Guinevere.
  11. Sara should totally be the one to rehabilitate Rip after he's back. Would make lots of sense, considering both her League past and the stuff she's done after she was resurrected. That was a fun episode, and I liked the Rip/Sara/Jax interplay a lot. Nate continues to be the weakest link, however. He just rubs me the wrong way and the writers like him way too much. He's the Wesley Crusher of this show.
  12. I've finally got around to watching LoT season 2, I'm on episode 5 (i think?) ATM, and it's basically the same as last season, minus horrible Vandal Savage and the Hawks (replaced by a pretty annoying Nate, however). Otherwise, not much improvement, and I kinda feel like Sara doesn't get enough screen time for her issues, it's all her being a captain, which is cool, but something's missing. Her relationships with Cold and Rip were pretty developed, and she just doesn't click with any other character the same way. Maybe with Mick, but there aren't enough scenes with just them. I do like Amaya a lot, and I like Mick/Amaya, could be a cool pairing (not necessarily romantic, mind you - hard to imagine Mick in love with anyone).
  13. I'm probably going to, but I have too much on my plate ATM. Westworld is so dull. I am at episode 4, and I just don't. Care. I do love Jonathan Nolan, so I'm willing to wait if it gets better, but right now, zero emotional investment. Don't exactly care about any of the actors, too, although James Marsden sure is nice to watch (even if they kill him like 10 times per episode). The black dude with glasses is just annoying with his dead son sob story and by how much less cool he is than Finch from Person of Interest. As for TVD, holy shit, did I hate Klaus. Especially Klaroline. Maybe it's because I liked Caroline way more than I even liked Elena, it felt like Klaroline was a 1000 times worse than Delena. It also made Klaus a weeping pony-drawing defanged loser instead of a (former) Big Bad. That said, I always felt like he had some serious unresolved feelings for Rebekah, thus his interest in Stefan (her former squeeze) and Caroline (who resembled her in some ways). I'd probably watch The Originals just for this crack ship if Claire Hoyt didn't leave in s1.
  14. Karen is Matt's LI in the comics, but so is Elektra . I hope it doesn't mean they're committed to the "endgame LI" trope... At least I hope not. Considering how Matt has been treating Karen, I kinda think she deserves better. I'm also pretty much shipping her and Frank hard by this point, but that's not even the reason I'm not on board Karen/Matt, it just isn't very appealing.
  15. You're all joking, but some of the stuff with Spike in s7 wasn't much better than Regina's or Rumple's woobifying on Once.
  16. *Shrugs* I just don't have the same sensitivity as you, guys. For me, race is just something I don't even notice unless there's something seriously wrong and obvious about its handling (like I noticed on TVD - not here, I think they have a very diverse cast, gender- and race-wise). Maybe that's just me not being from US or anywhere close. Our understanding and handling of race issues is quite different from yours. Honestly, I'm just tired I cannot go into this forum's The 100 board without reading endless repetitive complaints that aren't even about the story itself (mostly). I still liked s3 and it's still probably one of my favorite shows out there.
  17. Loved the movie. It didn't start out strong, but gradually, I got more and more invested, and at the end, wow. I was flabbergasted they had the balls to actually kill off the whole main cast, and this is a Disney movie! I think this movie redeemed Empire and Vader as antagonists to me while also nicely expanding on the Rebels and the things they had to go through while trying to organize resistance (loved Cassian's arc). Nitpicks: not sure Felicity Jones was the right choice. At times, it felt like she just didn't have enough sheer charisma her character was clearly meant to have (see: those inspiring speeches about hope). She did have really great chemistry with the dude playing Cassian, I actually found myself shipping them throughout the movie and that almost never happens to me so fast. They did go out together in a very sweet (but tragic) scene, though. Also, Saw Guerrera. What the hell was that? Bizarre acting choices by Forest Whitaker aside, the character felt like he was transplanted from some second-rate comic book. And we never learn his actual deal. I was expecting for him to somehow survive that bombing, but nope.
  18. I personally don't notice problematic stuff on The 100. I did notice it on TVD, so it's not like I'm just 100% insensitive. I just applaud the show on thinking about Lexa as character first, lesbian second. Everybody dies on that show, Lexa's death was heavily foreshadowed like a season before it happened on screen. And she got to be a badass in the finale, too. As for Lincoln, eh, personally I was glad to see him gone, never liked him in the first place. Re: Rogue One, I've just seen it yesterday, and it is honestly the best Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back. There were some flaws, of course (Saw Guerrera character, wasn't too impressed with Felicity Jones' acting, the CGI faces), but I was VERY impressed overall. Heartily recommend it to everyone.
  19. It was pretty forgettable in S1, but S2 is a huge improvement. It's actually the only ongoing show I really enjoy without any reservations. Well, I'm not terribly fond of the idea of Luci/Chloe romance, but we'll see.
  20. Oh, I'm SURE there's a supernatural explanation. It just reeks of an arc going throughout the whole show. My completely off the wall theory: you know how "Charlotte" aka Mom is the "Goddess of Creation"? Well, Chloe is a "Goddess of Destruction", her counterpart sealed in a human vessel (maybe like Ben and Glory, or a bit different). I've always noticed how similar Lauren German and Tricia Helfer look like and I guess this casting may have been intentional. And, of course, Chloe's status will make her something akin to this trope. I'm probably wrong.
  21. That would be disappointing. I'm actually liking the Four turning into Ryo arc and I think it has potential. Finally, a villain with a personal relationship with the heroes.
  22. Ugh, I probably won't be watching. I never liked Logan (and I didn't watch s7 so I didn't even see his "redemption arc" anyway), and the idea of Rory and Logan in an unhealthy on-and-off relationship puts me off (and her being pregnant with his kid is a 1000 times worse). I always had a torch for Jess/Rory and I'd probably watch if there was more of him in the revival, but it doesn't seem so. I guess I'll wait for the probable renewal and see if they'll actually get together at some point. Otherwise, meh. I won't bother watching just to be disgusted with Rory.
  23. Buffy will always be relevant. None of these new superhero shows can hold a candle to BtVS. And yeah, that was probably one of my favorite TV moments, ever.
  24. Considering they've made Alex lesbian on Supergirl (not bi, but outright lesbian) and will probably avoid having Clarke of The 100 romance men at all, like Sara (that's my guess, I hope to be wrong), there definitely feels like something of a direction for the network.
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