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Everything posted by FurryFury

  1. Wow, that is SO GROSS about Sara, I had no idea. Hope it will be changed, after all, nothing really explicit has been said or done yet. Can you imagine the outcry if they made a canonically bisexual character only have relationships with the opposite gender? This isn't any better.
  2. Thanks. I guess I'd rather opt out.
  3. Fuck, that was just awesome. I was close to crying, then I was crying (out of happiness), and then I was crying (out of heartbreak). But it all felt true. Really true to the show and the characters. Well done, show. Great job, all around, both writers and actors. Kudos. PS On a deeper level, I always felt like the theme song ("I'm gonna leave you anyway"...) was bound to become true eventually. Not yet, though - they'll probably circle back to wedding, and only then it turns out they still won't happen. But it wouldn't matter, because hey, existentialism (featured in 3x12, by the way, extensively). Because choice. They both knew at some level it wasn't likely they'd make it, but they still tried. And Lindsey kept harping on about "my choice". That's the point, really. Choice. You may profess you don't believe in love, or relationship, or family, but you still choose to keep trying, to keep failing. And maybe, at some point, you'll make it. And even if you don't, it still makes you you. Makes you human. I think ultimately, Gretchen will be the one to reject Jimmy. He did have his issues this season, but so did she - and she was trying, she was really trying. He was just too immature, too much of a coward to take the leap. And eventually, it's going to come back to bite him. That's how I'd end up the story.
  4. God, show, just DO SOMETHING. How much longer can you put off changing the status quo? I'm so tired.
  5. That's true. But there are some tough times ahead before that, unfortunately. Very tough for me, personally (I don't like s3 mostly because of Cordy's development - but it's pretty great otherwise, and features the beginning of my favorite character development arc in Buffyverse and probably all of TV, ever.) As for Cordy/Angel, well, I'm sorry for kinda spoiling you, but it's not THAT big of a deal to stop watching, trust me. I also feel like the latter half of Angel, s5 (and parts of 4) especially, are overall stronger than the first one. There's lots of great stuff to come! I think I only truly became engaged with the show in the middle of s4.
  6. Absolutely. I always felt like making Angel/Cordy into an epic romance was an ass pull influenced by Kate's actress leaving (I was convinced she was set up to become Angel's next LI) and Doyle's actor, well, you know. Never bought it. As for Pylea, well, there were two reasons why it happened the way it happened. AFAIK, there was supposed to be a huge epic season finale tying up some loose ends with Darla, Drusilla, Wolfram and Hart, etc. But some of the actors were unavailable, so the TPTB had to scrap it. Second, they needed to get Angel and the gang away so they couldn't interfere with the events in Sunnydale (the fight against Glory when Buffy dies). Thus, Pylea. I also didn't care for it AT ALL when I saw it first, but it fared surprisingly better on the rewatch. It's actually quite fun when you know what to expect. Plus, amazing foreshadowing regarding a certain character. I never became a fan of Fred until s5, but I grew to appreciate more Lorne, plus, well, this was the first time I've seen Amy Acker (love her A LOT... but not that much as Fred, with some caveats), so I'm a bit nostalgic.
  7. Yeah thanks... I've just decided to watch the episodes I've missed and now I'm back to doubting :/
  8. Yeah, that was the same Anne. She was kinda forgettable, so I don't blame you for wondering. Totally with you on Cordy as a character. And her hair. UGH. Reprise is one of my favorite episodes of the show, and that existentialist speech of Angel's kills me every time, almost as much as some of the dialogue in "Becoming part 2" (they are probably the Buffyverse episodes containing my favorite speeches and exchanges, with Anya's monologue in "The Body" being right behind them). As for Darla, nope, she's not gone for good. I won't spoil you about her, but don't worry.
  9. Oh yes, Fringe and PoI are REALLY similar when it comes to quality between seasons, slow and boring s1, then s2 happens, and it gradually becomes better and better. In s3, it's your favorite and you can't wait for the next episode... then s4, and it feels like a reboot and you're starting to get bored to death. I didn't get to s5 Fringe (losing AltLincoln hurt too much), but in PoI, I just yawned through much of it and dropped after my favorite character got killed (even if I figured they'd be resurrected in another way eventually... probably).
  10. All right :) It's in Russian. It's "Первый блин комом" (pronounced like "Perviy blin komom") which is literally translated as "The first pancake is always lumpy/a blob/botched/spoiled" and means something like "The first try always fails", or "The first try is bound to be a flop".
  11. That was heartbreaking. Fuck you, Jimmy, seriously. I really felt for Gretchen this ep. She may be horrible, but nobody in a relationship deserves to be treated this way. And really, Jimmy? You can't see yourself having children with her? Can you see YOURSELF having children, at all? Because I definitely don't. Gretchen's issue was a bit more grounded, I think. Made sense and didn't feel as personal and stupid as his. Kinda hope Paul will be gone for good after this season. Just tired of the horribleness of his marriage to Lindsey.
  12. I do watch 12 Monkeys, but I'm disappointed in s2. s1 was pretty much perfect, though. I really shipped Cole and Cassie, but I just didn't care for them in s2 as much as I used to. As for PoI, that's actually one of the shows I've dropped 3 episodes before the series finale :) It had a great s3, but since s4, has been gradually declining. Kinda like Fringe, which I also couldn't finish. All right, I'll give it a shot.
  13. Wow, I didn't know much of this stuff, thanks. And ewww, really. Although I don't think they had sex in Chosen?
  14. Unfortunately I can't watch SPN because female characters are usually the most important draw to me. I too dropped Tru Blood before the last season, and after learning how it ended, I was glad I did. I also had the good fortune to put off watching the last 3 or 4 episodes of HIMYM, although simply learning about THAT ending still hurt like whoa.
  15. It's the opposite for me - pretty sure I binged all of my absolute favorites :) Although for Veronica Mars, I was around when the movie happened, but that's it. I also drop shows all. the. time, even last season or 3 episodes before the series finale, even if I really loved them at some point. It's weird. And then there's shipping, which is a huge factor - lately, I tend to ship pairings that aren't very popular or too telegraphed so I inevitably get disappointed (although I mostly anti-ship these days... only to get disappointed as well, naturally).
  16. Well, if anybody finds out if Rory ends up with Logan, just PM me and tell me not to watch, because I seriously dislike him and I'm depressed enough lately already. I don't care about Luke and Lorelai enough for me to overcome my dislike for Rory/Logan.
  17. I've seen a lot of examples of shipping influencing writing (and some did make for better shows - but not every time), so I'm just too afraid of investing into something only to be crushed yet again. I mean, I still hurt after Bates Motel killed off Norma last season, and I *knew* she was supposed to die from the very beginning (and yeah, there was shipping involved there as well. The shot of Romero cradling her dead body just killed me). I'm starting to think I should only binge shows while being spoiled on most major developments, lol.
  18. I don't really care about that. I just feel like I'm losing everybody, all over the place.
  19. It just... feels really static. I binged the previous seasons, though, so maybe it's always been like that, but I kinda expected more developments from this year. And I'm seriously tired of Josh. Either develop him or get rid of him, show. As it is, it just frustrates me to no end. He continues to be way too shallow for me to care about him or the romance. Just the idea of that terrifies me too much to watch the show. I already wrote about my hatred for mentor/mentee romances, esp. with age difference. I don't actually mind the idea of her dating somebody from the same team, it could be interesting. Just not Mike.
  20. In my language, there's a really well-known saying about the first pancake, even :)
  21. Getting tired of this show. Josh/Lisa especially is a snoozefest. And really, no actual development and I'm getting second-hand embarrassment over their portrayal of GRR Martin expy.
  22. That's a different character played by the same actor, if I understand correctly. I loved E2 Wells and I was on the fence re: watching the show, but him being written out sealed the deal. I will watch the crossover though. And really, new Cisco are Caitlyn are also new characters, esp. Caitlyn. I liked all three of them (guess I would have dropped the show way earlier otherwise), but Flashpoint took care of that.
  23. I dunno, it just doesn't sound especially appealing, tbh. It's harder for me to relate to older characters.
  24. I hate this TV year. That's it, really. But seriously, I'm tired of losing characters I care about, about stupid story lines that make me quit shows (yeah, goodbye, Supergirl and The Flash, and I'm about to say the same to Younger) or just generally lackluster writing. I didn't like any of the new shows as well (The Good Place started off well enough, actually, but I just lost interest somewhere around episode 5 or 6, and for some reason the idea of Chidi as a romantic interest doesn't appeal to me at all, although I'm tempted to get back to the show because Adam Scott... and speaking about love interest, I loved the premiere of Pitch and then I read the comments and everybody was shipping her with the mentor dude, and I was like PLZ NO). Jeez. I really want for Homeland to come back, and I was all but done with that show after the end of the previous season. PS That was provoked by the news about CEG, which I'm SERIOUSLY upset about. That was my favorite show, and I understand everything, but I can't help but be crushed.
  25. I dunno, at this point I expect for Rip to appear in 1/2 episodes, give Sara his blessings and then disappear for good. Or maybe I'm just too bitter over Santino Fontana leaving CEG (my currently favorite show featuring my favorite ship... well, not anymore, that is). At this point, I'm fed up with CW shows losing male characters I like. I hear even The Flash lost Wells (I don't watch it anymore, but I freaking love Wells).
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