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Everything posted by FurryFury

  1. TV is geared to females far more than movies, unfortunately. I was so disappointed with Rachel McAdams' character being a generic love interest. Feels like MCU movies are going backwards - Pepper was much more competent and proactive, and a bigger part of the first Iron Man movie (this feels like the most appropriate comparison because Dr Strange REALLY reminded me of Tony character-wise).
  2. Dr. Strange was formulaic as hell. I thought it was greatly overrated and kinda boring TBH. I was pissed at their treatment of female characters, too. Such a waste. Stinger with Thor and a mention of Loki was the best part for me.
  3. But it wasn't drinking blood that made Angel do that. It was despair. You could say it was something akin to real-life depression, in the way that BtVS always used supernatural metaphors to show IRL issues. Angel wasn't prepared to such a drastic turn in his life as becoming a hero, pracically a messianic figure, and his friends just didn't provide a stable and strong enough support structure for him initially (and they probably couldn't). Remember, Buffy struggled with her destiny as well, it just wasn't THAT hard for her. And Angel, as he states later at one point (sorry, spoiler, but a minor enough you probably wouldn't mind) that he's far closer to Angelus the monster than Liam the human. Makes sense.
  4. I also laughed because it was really similar to the actual plot of that show with Rachel Bilson a few years ago... Hart of Dixie, I think? Well, that hotshot New Yorker didn't move to a backwater town for a guy, but other than that, it fits 100%. Her eventual LI was even a bartender, IIRC, and her first LI - a dude with with a high school sweetheart who moved back home after spending a few years in New York.
  5. Yeah, I would prefer Alex/Lena so much more. Maggie just doesn't do anything for me. She's so annoying and pushy, ugh.
  6. They really don't, which makes sense. The show insists (wisely) that Rebecca shouldn't be in a relationship at all for quite a while, but at least her and Greg were often played somewhat sympathetically - their scenes felt earnest and touching in the way that Josh/Rebecca never did. I have no idea if Greg and Rebecca could ever end up together, but I can't imagine Josh and Rebecca actually being endgame.
  7. That was awesome, but I'm seriously worried about Greg's future on the show. I mean, he already was sidelined in the middle of last season, so it would make sense if he were to drop out altogether, but Greg is one of the strongest character of the show and I would lose a lot of my enthusiasm for CEG if it happened. Loved everything about the episode otherwise, although it's weird Paula didn't even think about abortion and nobody mentioned it to her. Hope she won't have to give up on her dreams because of the baby.
  8. Yeah, unfortunately, this is the direction they've decided to take Cordelia in. I'm... not a fan, to put it mildly. S1 Cordelia is my favorite Cordelia by far. And's going to get much worse in s3, sadly. I don't mind her voice (and I don't mind Fred's either, and a lot of people dislike hers). And I love Dru. As for Darla's character, she... varies, let's just say. But overall, I think I like her too.
  9. Karen does fine on Daredevil as a reporter, though, and she didn't even start as a reporter. Well, she does fine as a character (although some disagree), not as a love interest, but that's beside the point. She has her own storyline and she'll even get to be on other Marvel Netflix shows. While I'm definitely tired of the reporter trope, it's still possible to make it work. The Flash writers just never try. As for Supergirl, I'm probably the only person in the world who didn't like Maggie, at all (her actress REALLY grates). I'm not sure I want to continue watching. I guess it depends on Mon-El and what they do with him. I miss Max Lord, Jimmy being sidelined is something I like, Cat was fun and the show lost something without her (can't believe I hated her in the pilot), I don't care about Winn, he's dead weight, and while I love Alex and Hank, I definitely don't care about Alex/Maggie and not sure I'll care about Hank and M'gann, or the whole aliens integration plotline. I didn't form an opinion on Mon-El in the previous episode, and I haven't seen this one, but I guess they could create something interesting with him. We'll see. As it is, I kinda stopped watching all Arrowverse shows this season, although I'll probably catch up on LoT at some point, because Sara (but I'm still pissed about loss of Rip and Cold - that's just unforgivable, show).
  10. Because Timeless sucks balls. Sorry, but it does. If you want a time travel show with a better take on history (but not time travel itself, sadly), go check El Ministerio Del Tiempo. Trust me, it's awesome. Yeah, it's Spanish history, but Spanish history is pretty great, so why not? It's also likely the basis for Timeless, at least that's a theory which I'm subscribing to. As for redeeming villains in Flarrowverse, really, Slade was the only one who would make sense. He had an actual legitimate reason to go evil: Mirakuru. Plus he had a long history with Oliver and Sara and an established (and interesting) pre-villanization personality. I actually still suspect it would have happened if not for problems with Manu and his bitterness over Slade's development.
  11. I hated the episode, it was just WAY too anvilicious and preachy. Horrible all around. Didn't care about Maggie's actress, she was just trying too hard and really, really generic-acting. The bar reminded me of Angel SO MUCH. I half-expected to see Lorne among all these aliens. The President being an alien was the only interesting thing. I don't have an opinion on Mon-El yet, there was too little of him, but I agree that making Kara's new LI Lex's son would have been a much better idea in general. Or they could have set up Daxam earlier so it wouldn't feel like a retcon (I do know it exists in the comics but it's weird its existence hasn't even been alluded to).
  12. It still is pretty intimate and not often done in public, if at all - at least that's what I get from watching tons of anime :) I'm a linguist, and don't compare English with other languages, please. The circumstances are completely different, and languages change at their own pace.
  13. I never really warmed up to Kate, unfortunately. Part of that was the actress, part of that was me expecting a romance between her and Angel and having an instinctual dislike for that, plus I never felt like cops or law enforcement fit well into Buffyverse in general. Still, I grew to appreciate her eventually, but later, during one of the best episode stretches on the show in s2. As for actors who grew up to be famous, yes, it was Josh Holloway in the pilot. Also, Jennifer Garner of Alias fame had an uncredited role as one of the pregnant ladies in "Expecting". Interestingly, I don't remember Jeremy Renner at all. The theme music is amazeballs. Probably my favorite TV opening tune ever. I didn't fall in love with the show until my second viewing, but this was the first episode that I really liked when I watched in the first time. Although this idea may seem trite on the current TV landscape, back then it felt really original and shocking.
  14. I still think he's great, but his ego was probably boosted way too much after The Avengers. Like many, many good writers he needs great editors and lots of critical feedback from different sources to keep up the quality. As for Buffy/Spike, well, he still gets (barely) a pass for not being the one to actually write them for a long while. Still, reading something like that disgusts me as a person who thinks this "ship" destroyed a good part of Buffy's characterization.
  15. I heartily second (or third... or whatever) the praise for your comments, peaceout! Glad you loved the show, and it definitely warms me that you loved Angel/Buffy romance as much as I did :) It was probably one of my first ships ever, and it has managed to stay with me a decade and a half afterwards, so it's great to see it still manages to pull in viewers. Angel the Series is a different beast from BtVS, but no less great. I plan to participate in the discussion more because I have lots more to say about Angel (on the objective level - most of my opinions on Buffy are very subjective, but no less divisive).
  16. Um...both? She certainly has mental health problems, and the show acknowledges this, let's put it this way. It's the opposite. These things are symptoms, the reasons are much more complicated (and probably not 100% clear, like it often is with real-life mental health issues). This may very well be one of the points, yes. Rachel Bloom didn't call Rebecca a "bubbly Walter White" for nothing. But I do think that, no matter her problems, she's never going to descend into boiling bunnies.
  17. I think Kara, like many classic heroes, becomes a bit more interesting and dynamic when she's antagonized by something or someone... so bring it on, I guess. As long as the writing's not too stupid (which I realize is something I shouldn't expect from this show, unfortunately).
  18. So Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is back, and it's as awesome as ever. I strongly recommend this show to everybody put off by the premise or the title. It's one of the best shows I've seen last year, and it seems to be no less great.
  19. Still awesome. Still shipping Rebecca and Greg like whoa. I mean, it's so sad. I love the show and I totally 100% get it, it's not about guys and not about shipping, I just can't help myself. That scene when she watches him at an AA meeting was just so gripping. Aw... Also aww: Paula applying for law school. As somebody who wasted years of my life on a failed relationships (well, Paula's not failed... yet... but let's not kid ourselves, it's getting there anyway) and only now starting to work full-time and realize the joys of having an actual career, it's something I empathized with a lot. P.S. Interesting that despite all the focus on Josh and Rebecca, her scenes with Paula and Greg ended up the most earnest and moving (YMMV). That said, they would probably make for great friends... eventually. P.S.S. White Josh and Darryl are the sweetest. Still, I'm expecting for the hammer to fall. This is not the show for sickening sweethearts, and reality's bound to kick in eventually.
  20. I do think these writers generally suck at romances, but really, avoiding a romance for Kara would look really weird if we take other superhero shows into account. I mean, both Oliver (a playboy gradually moving on to something different) and Barry (having a long-standing crush on his pseudo-sister) have been repeatedly shown to participate in relationships. Showing Kara as an independent woman who's fine without that, on paper, would be OK - but not when you consider other shows. It would certainly imply that male superheroes are okay with romancing other people, while the female one isn't. (Yeah, Kara's not the only female superhero in the 'verse, but it's not like others have much luck in that department, and she's the only female protagonist).
  21. I still haven't seen the LOT premiere because even the idea of Ray and Sara is abhorrent to me. Plus, I'm still upset about Rip. I guess I'll wait a bit to see what happens. Cold's return would certainly bring me back they don't mess it up.
  22. IIRC you're from Chicago, Sakura12, so it should be especially fun for you :) Still no news about Rip... yeah, if they didn't include him for the cross over at all, there's probably no hope for him :/
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