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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. And June has convinced herself somehow that Anna MADE THAT UP??? An 8-year-old child??? There is no excusing her behavior. None. Good on Anna's grandmother for calling the police. I'm not sure if mandatory reporting laws would have been in effect then in Georgia, so if she hadn't, would the school have done so? I hope TLC goes after every dime they paid June and they give it all to Sugar Bear when he gets custody.
  2. If it's only June's word for it where the money was going, I say piffle. Of course she's going to say in an interview that it's going toward the girls...it's good wholesome family values time. In a way, I give TLC some begrudging credit for pulling the plug so quickly on this show. It must have been a pretty big financial hit to cancel a show that had already been filmed and scheduled.
  3. Okay, but here's the thing...that "one cast member" is her mother and Alana is a minor. How do you possibly create a show that doesn't continue to enrich Mama June and her new...hobby? Maybe if SB is given full custody of Alana, but I don't see that happening without a drawn-out legal battle and I'm sure that's one of the reasons June has lawyered up. She's also possibly delusional enough to think she can sue TLC and win.
  4. Bringing this over here, because it's not actually about a specific media mention? I feel really quite sorry for Alana. She's so used to soaking up all of the attention from everyone and being in the spotlight and overnight it's just...gone. June is no doubt lying to her about why it happened and why all of her television friends are gone. Her dad is out of the house. I'd doubt Anna is in her life at all at this point. Overnight, it's all gone and she's left with her pissed-off mom, Pumpkin, and this new guy she doesn't know and his son. The money will soon be gone. She'll be confused, lonely and craving attention...perfect fodder for abuse of all kinds. Mama June has a lot to answer for.
  5. Wow. So I'm hoping that those articles are wrong because the state of Georgia isn't looking so good right now. Isn't it pretty much standard practice to include provisions to stay away from children after serving a prison term for child molestation? Of course, I can't really fault anyone for not thinking that they needed a rule that said, "Oh and you can't shack up with the mother of the child you were convicted of molesting." SMDH. This is going to be tabloid fodder for a long time..
  6. I don't get those heavy maxi things either, mostly because I remember those long dresses the first time they were a thing and wearing them in winter weather was a giant PITA. They got dragged through puddles, got caught in car doors, and it was a constant battle to keep them up out of the mud/salt/slush and not looking like crap. To me, the only place they make sense is in warm-weather climes, so I do not get what Amanda's going for here at all.
  7. He went to jail for ten years. You don't go to jail for ten years based on just one little girl saying something happened...there must have been evidence.ETA: I thought I read yesterday that he wasn't tried for abusing Anna due to lack of evidence, it was another girl, but has it been clarified that it was Anna? I thought it was TMZ that said it was a different child, but now I can't find that report. And I've been on TMZ today. Twice. Now I really feel dirty...
  8. Well, since Radar's source for their information is Parade magazine, I remain skeptical that they're making that much. But if they are, that's what, a million plus per season in addition to whatever HBB crap is being licensed out there? So she throws it all away just for...THAT guy? Man, there's dumb and then there's WTH. There aren't enough exclamation points in the world...
  9. How did these crimes come to light? If June was possibly complicit, did Anna go to someone else for help? I can't even. It's not as if June's desperate for money or a place to live. She wants HIM. SMDH.
  10. I can hear it now..."Well, she only said he did that to her to get him in trouble and the cops were always out to get him because he isn't scared of them and then the stupid judge believed her not him..." Do child molesters or their apologists EVER do anything but claim they were framed? Ever? I always thought June had some street smarts, if no other kind, but clearly...no.
  11. But maybe there's a third option, which is to make no comparisons at all? After all, every parents learns to praise one child without having it be at the expense of another. Why not, "You're all very talented, we've very much enjoyed this season and we believe in your ability to succeed in this competitive field," rather than spew out some clearly bullshit OTT hyperbole?
  12. It's been gnawing at me for nearly 24 hours, but it finally dawned on me what Amanda's collection reminded me of... http://www.gibbins.co.uk/blacksmith2.html She has a career ahead of her designing for welders and blacksmiths everywhere. Seriously...meh. All of it. As for "best designers ever," they dish out that crap every single season of American Idol, too, and it's almost always clearly a Big Fat Lie. I have no idea why they think this works, because the universal response to it is always, "Oh the hell you say." It just screams, "We think our audience is blindingly stupid," which is not a terrific strategy to draw in viewers. Julia, this was one of the most brilliantly sardonic things I've ever read: "I think Sean's Caesar story was a purely cynical exercise. All season the judges have been handing over treats to anyone who says "My girl is an anime character pondering the role of feminism in the abolitionist movement from her ringside seat at the Disney Princess remake of Antigone on Ice while snacking on smartfood" no matter what shit they send down the runway. So, fine, his flapper drag is about regime change. Wevs." The only thing that would make it even more so would be to substitute "Endless Fries TM" for "smartfood," but seriously, standing ovation from me. Bravo.
  13. Thanks. I hope they'll bring him back...they were hilarious together.
  14. Does this mean no more Andre? I loved Andre...could have seen lots more that dynamic with Phil.
  15. Problem is that she wasn't funny as a hard-drinking loser, either...she hasn't been funny really since she and Sheldon used to lock horns so well in the first few seasons. I do prefer Successful Penny over Boozer Yoga Pants Penny. I guess in my version of the BBT Universe I like the idea that a person with innate intelligence could learn to do that pharmaceutical rep job well, even without much formal education. Oh, and I also credit hanging around with the smart people all these years with helping bring that out in her.
  16. Maybe if it had been a nice car I'd feel differently about it, but as I recall, it was pretty much just a way for Leonard to give her reliable transportation and a way for him to show he was supporting her acting career less than anything special about the car itself. It's credible to me that Penny would want to give him the money back as a gift back to him and tangibly demonstrate that she doesn't need to be with him just for the hand-outs, she's there because she wants to be. The relationship was pretty one-sided financially for a long time and I seem to recall that paying her debts (at least to her friends) was important to her. He surprised her with the car and she wanted to surprise him with her "gift," is how I read it. As for the cash...yes, euewwww to touching it, let alone having sex on it, but it's visually a much cooler gift than "Here! I got you a really nice cashier's check!"
  17. Thanks for all of the replies...I'll check them out. I don't have any problem paying for this content, but want it to live in the Cloud rather than in my DVD-stuffed entertainment unit that I still have to clear out of VHS Friends tapes...hate to add future landfill content to my collection if I can avoid it!
  18. Actually, the plotline that Howard has essentially turned Bernadette into his Mother 2.0 is one of the few that kind of makes sense to me. Many people tend to try unconciously to recreate the patterns they grew up with and Howard's relationship with his mother was all kinds of codependent. It's been those incidents when he has acted like a child (avoided chores, lied, spent extravagantly without telling her, etc.) that in turn caused Bernie to behave more like his mother. It's no wonder he gets an "allowance," especially since last episode she reminded them they're saving for a house.
  19. I've been thinking that for some time. Miracle started her down that path already, IMHO.
  20. She has a missing muscle in her back that means she can't pick up a spatula. Who are we kidding? When they run out of female J'Slaves the female Grandslaves will be required to go fill in at the patriarchal home.
  21. Does anyone know where you can stream the Bravo seasons? I don't really want to end up DVDs but I can't find them to buy as a download anywhere. After this season's gently steaming pile of lukewarm mediocrity, I really want to watch the early years again!
  22. So essentially JimBob is pimping his children out one by one for ratings. That's some Godly parenting.
  23. Wouldn't surprise me a bit if those parts were JimBob's and because it's always the woman's fault, evil Eve temptresses that we all are, he's been holding that over her head for their entire marriage. That's a line I should rewrite because it gave me a mental image that I truly regret.
  24. It just goes to show how subjective it all can be, but I hate clothing that people read. Okay, I realize it's partly from spending my younger years trying to get men to look at my face instead of my chest when conversing with me anyway, but seriously...just no to Sandhya's wordy collection on multiple levels. Although kudos to her for using next year's sponsor's lipsticks--Wet 'N Wild's Glitter Ball Lip Collection. The beating up of Kini is either setting Amanda up for a win or setting him up for the redemption arc--see? The judges aren't in fact useless and completely baffling! They know stuff! Really! Fringe. Do any of these people actually do, well, anything? I can hardly deal with a long scarf when I'm trying to get through my day. Third time the fringe catches in car door the scissors are coming out. Such a shitty little season. It's like if Anya's season and Gretchen's season had a baby.
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