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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Simon and Kunal are being robbed...in television terms, anyway...maybe they have less airtime than the other three but I have never noticed it and I used to watch this show like it was my religion.
  2. He is just such a shameless famewhore, I can't even...So there are two possibilities here. First, someone/Robyn IS pregnant, so he's going to dangle that in front of TLC for another season of this dreckfest. Second, no one is pregnant, but he's desperately trying to whip up the "is she/isn't she" drama to get another season of this dreckfest. I cannot WAIT until they get cancelled...or at least bumped down to four "special where are they now" episodes a year. I feel bad for the kids but the adults are just so incredibly hate-able.
  3. If in fact Christine had a miscarriage and they have decided to keep that private, I will have to give them some respect, no matter how begrudgingly. Unlike some other large TLC families who would turn it into a Very Special Episode circus, and I'm looking at you, Duggars.
  4. I find it difficult to believe that if Robyn were pregnant that they would not have shouted that out sixteen different ways, Christine's feelings be damned. They're so desperate for anything that resembles content at this point I have to think they would have jumped on it--"So, (insert family member name here) what do you think about Robyn's pregnancy?" times 21 people...not to mention hours of couch WH (can't call them Talking Heads, they're Weeping Heads). They got nothin'.
  5. With this hot mess of boredom, it's entirely possible Christine just had to go to the bathroom and they were so desperate for a drama moment they just used the footage to IMPLY a drama moment. And that was the most interesting part. Are they really going to renew this dreck?
  6. In what universe does Kody have it "rough," other than the Land of People Who Have Hair?
  7. Someday I would like to put in place a Universal Law that requires the phrase "my dream"* to be applied only to something, you know, WORTHWHILE, or useful, or at least, something that contributes something, ANYTHING to humankind.** Because, seriously, Robyn, "your dream" was to run a crappy online joolry store? * And that law is now my dream. ** This Law will also cover the phrase "my journey," which will be restricted upon pain of death to describing only an actual physical movement from one place to another.
  8. Tell all = say nothing. It pains me how stupid they think the SW's audience must be. So we'll show them...we'll only snark about it afterward!
  9. Can you imagine what a giant PITA he must be during filming? "We should do this! No, wait, what about that? Or we could...wait!! Christine looks pretty today! Need more Christine...no, wait!!! What's that shiny object? What about over there instead?" Or he disappears completely. "Where's Kody? It's time for his scene...Kody? Kody? KODY???? Can somebody put a freaking bell on him or something? (TM Dr. Evil) That film crew is sooooooo underpaid.
  10. Well, Michelle Duggar is right up there...she's more interested in birthing them than caring for them, so actually, it might be pretty much the same thing.
  11. Oh, no. Just no. He looks like My Little Pony on crack. I wouldn't follow that guy to the corner, let alone to a planet he rules.
  12. Actually, I find myself always mentally adding, "So she didn't get either" to, "She Wanted a Family, Not Just the Man."
  13. The changes they're hinting at may make the show worth watching again--I happened to surf past a bunch of old episodes last night and was a little sad at how obsessed I once was with this show and how last season just murdered it for me. They were so locked into tired story lines and the characters were caricatures of all their worst qualities. So if they're finally making some big changes--that can only help.
  14. It finally occurred to me why Clown Car/Jim Boob really majorly piss me off...they aren't real parents. Real parents constantly worry about their kids. They worry whether they're raising them right, whether they're getting enough attention or too much attention, enough education or too much education, whether they're happy, or depressed, or just going through a phase...in short, they worry. They worry because they adore their children and actually give a good goddamn if those children turn out as happy, stable, productive adults. If either one of the Duggar parents has EVER had an honest moment in which they worried whether being one of a litter of a thousand or being in the public eye so much was a problem for any of their kids--I've never heard about it. In their world, everything's golden because God said so and that's why He keeps sending "blessings" and that's enough for them.
  15. Not really. He's got four great alibis. He could just say he's on his way to see Wife-of-the-moment and then disappear for a while. Who's going to question him? They've been trained out of requiring him to have any accountability. FWIW, I think Kody is much too much of a flaming narcissist to be an introvert. He needs other people around if he's going to get that constant attention he seems to crave.
  16. Kody just wanted some bait for a reality television show and it didn't hurt that it gave him someone new to have sex with; plus since he gets to make up the rules in the quasi-religion known as What Kody Wants Kody Gets, she came complete with ready-made kids to add to his celestial planet scoresheet PLUS she could still churn out babies. It's my opinion that Kody is about as religious as my cat, although at least my cat is more honest about it. I'm still not convinced that they "won't" talk about the religious rationalization for their shtick as much as "can't," because he's making it up as he goes along.
  17. Oh, please. "Shocking" will turn out to be something utterly pathetic like, "Robyn had cold feet the night before the marriage!" or "Janelle wasn't sure she wanted a fourth sister wife!" or something else that will completely smoothed over by some sentimental bullshit about how all is peachy now. "Insightful," "extraordinary," are bad enough...but when the word "deep" in any form is in a sentence that has the Brown "family" as the subject...something has broken in the world.
  18. I keep waiting for the moment when one of the wives watches the show and suddenly it dawns on her..."Oh my GOD. Kody is an IDIOT!!!!!"
  19. The problem is that JimBoob and Michelle view every additional pregnancy as some kind of celestial merit badge that validates their wonderfulness and their wonderfulness as parents, in particular. So God's good with their parenting, so why bother to actually do anything more? Now that the factory is shutting down...it's going to be interesting (although not interesting enough to actually, say, have a television show about it) to see if they're at all able to shift gears into other ways of getting their Celestial Smug on.
  20. Exactly. You have to wonder why TLC ever thought this would make a series, because they should know by now that once you get past the inherent curiosity for whatever singularity there is--little people, polygamy, 8 kids, 19 kids--most of the reality television families are inherently boring. I can only think that they were hoping for a whole lot more DRAMA and open warfare with adding Robyn to the family, or maybe they were hoping for some hints of freaky sex, but they're just another bunch of yawners. I'd hate to be the producer on this show, desperately trying to make this interesting.
  21. Um hmmm....and everyone in LA is "writing a screenplay "or "in talks about several exciting projects" or is a "life coach/spokesperson/actress/model." They call VCers "sharks" for a reason. A real potential investor would never bother being on a reality TV show that has nothing to do with making real money, let alone have a big old wounded public case of the butt hurts on Facebook. Nor would they hand over $250k for 8% of a business that has had 500 sales of less than a hundred bucks each, and I'm being generous.
  22. Hey, Louboutin sells men's shoes, too!
  23. All they have to do is have Kody heavy up on the gob-mint persecution, the Bible, and maybe wave a flag and an automatic around---then he can say he's forming a PAC to "explore the possibility of running for office" and then sit back and watch the donations roll in. Then to keep the money coming, he could actually run for office, say something amazingly offensive, lose decisively, and become a news "commentator."
  24. According to former posters over at TWOP, there are actually women who regularly come up to the SW coven in public and volunteer, yes VOLUNTEER to be wife #5. In front of witnesses. While sober (allegedly). This disturbs me on so many levels...not least because one can only assume they have driver's licenses and also vote. Back to the main point, which is...if the SWs constantly see people who are stupid/delusional/famewhorish enough to do THAT, why wouldn't they think all of those same women and their slightly-less-certifiable equivalents wouldn't at least plunk down a hundred bucks to buy the ugly jewelry?
  25. There's a reason all of the episodes blend together and we get confused--it's been essentially the same show over and over. It's tears + eye goo + Kody + $$$ + houses + Vegas + Kody + FAMBLY + FAKE DRAMA + JOOLRY + My DREAM + Kody + Random party + $$$ + Kody. Oh, and also Kody. Blech.
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