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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. Okay, I looked at the dress. This guy did it sooooooo much better... http://www.dogbreedstandards.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/Komondor.jpg
  2. I will see your piece of musical dreck and ante up with "Horse With No Name."
  3. You mean did Gretchen win that season? Horrifically, yes. Many of us are not over it and that was five season ago!
  4. Yep. Amanda = Gretchen 2.0 Sandhya = Anya 2.0 (although to be fair, seems as if Sandhya can actually, you know, sew, but she's getting a very, very familiar producer fawnathon)
  5. I have watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation every holiday season since it first came out...literally. It's a family tradition. Until someone mentioned it on TWOP, I never would have realized that Russ was Galecki...but now, having realized it, it's hilarious, because even as a kid, he was still squinty and a little whiny!
  6. Once again I have such a case of the WTFs that my head hurts and I may have to lie down until it passes. Amanda's thing was hideous--that black fringe looked like it fell from the sky and happened to land on her model. Kini was robbed. Oh this SHOW. SMDH.
  7. Too lazy to hunt down that website, but DH is a realtor, and he alone has five times that many listings and turns down more than he takes because it's too busy. I call bullshit. I suppose it's possible that they're mostly just working with buyers but in this market, sellers are outnumbering buyers 20 to 1.
  8. The judges seem unusually susceptible to a glib back story, which Sandyha does quite well. She's quite articulate and gives good speech--again, reminds me of Anya. I'm all on board with the idea of women in the future not worrying so much about sex appeal in their clothing--but it kinda negates her shtick when she has the model wearing 5-inch stilettos.
  9. Sandhya is rapidly becoming Anya 2.0 at this point. I didn't see the episode last night because I completely forgot about it, which tells me something about this season, but I looked at "Rate The Runway" this morning and was WTF-ing all over the place for the third week in a row. The dress was a pink sack--too long (which is usually the kiss of death with Heidi), too shapeless, and the hose thingie? Unless it's serving up martinis, just no. It would be really nice if they actually had a designer with a more international viewpoint win this for a change, but I am not feeling the Sandhya love AT ALL.
  10. I am a fool for really well-tailored clothing and Jillian's clothes were, for the most part, just stunning in that respect. I was on board with Christian for a while but I thought his final collection was the one-notiest of one-notes--if I remember correctly, wasn't the entire collection black or some variation of black+? One of my favorite PR moments ever was when Jillian's model opened that stunning coat and revealed that metallic gold LINING and Nina actually whimpered. I did too. With those time constraints she LINED the coat. Fantastically beautiful. Sorry, but most of the designers in the past few years aren't fit to thread her needles.
  11. Was he the guy who was in real danger of drowning in a puddle of his own drool every time Heidi walked into the room? IIRC, it was exactly halfway between pathetic and creepy.
  12. How Kenley to say screw it, I'm going to do my dress my way. She was about the most stubborn contestant ever--she made Santino look like a team player.
  13. Another consideration is that for most of these actors, they will forever be associated with their BBT characters from here on out. It happened with "Friends"---none of them has really done much since the show's end in part, I believe, because we can't stop seeing "Rachel" or "Monica" when we see them in other roles. I know Jim Parsons has done some live theatre during the show's hiatus, and maybe Kunal, Mayim, and Melissa won't be quite as completely identified with their BBT characters, but it's a funny thing how a really successful show like this can be both a career maker and a career ender that way. So their current salaries may be their one chance to really stash away money for the rest of their careers.
  14. I would hope that they would also start to get some of the syndication money--IIRC the show didn't really take off until it started appearing in reruns on TBS, so I doubt the actors were getting any of it. On some nights here in Maine for about a year you could watch BBT reruns on three different channels, so CBS did rather well on these deals.
  15. Blayne. Sigh. Quelle tool. ETA: I blame Santino and Jeffrey What-the-hell-is-on-your-neck? Syphilis or whatever his name was for both Blayne and Suede's shtick--I read some interview with Sibelius (I guess I do know his name!) where he said he had talked to Santino prior to his PR stint about their strategy to be as obnoxious and arrogant as possible because the producers would keep them around just to be the villain. It worked all too well, although I don't think being obnoxious was that much of a stretch for either of them.
  16. It pains me deeply that I know this...and knew it instantly...but I believe that it was Blayne aka "Ridiculicious," who was trying to teach Tim Street Speak.
  17. Oh, Suede. SUEDE. Always talking about himself in the third person? He actually said, "I never thought, " instead of "Suede never thought?" Hated that pretentious little shit. Although Blayne with his "-licious" suffix was equally annoying. I actually liked Stella because she was quite authentic, especially compared to the others that season. But you're right, it was gonna be LEATHA no matter what. It's all coming back to me...Kenley's voice. Gawdamighty. You're one brave soul to be able to handle re-watching that season--although Leanne's designs actually gave me goosebumps, they were so gorgeous.
  18. You wouldn't need SCISSORS to make an Anya style dress. Just a swathe of fabric and a stapler. Or possibly a glue gun. (I really, really should let this go...I just can't believe they went from the stunning complexities of designers like Jillian, Chris March, and Rami to this Home Economics 101 shit Anya threw down in five short seasons.)
  19. Honestly, I don't think they give a rat's ass about making a social statement about bullying--not least because if they wanted to do so, they would never be that subtle about it. They would be hitting us over the head with it in every possible way, possibly including flash cards and After School Special music. FWIW, I don't think anyone was being bullied, at least not from what we were shown. "Bullying" isn't disagreeing with a team mate, having two out of three team members disagree with a third, or having someone criticize what a designer is making. If anything, Heidi calling out Angela on the runway comes the closest--she's a person in authority singling out an individual for a public and negative critique--but isn't that what the designers are there for? To have their work evaluated? It's going to be a looong season if every time someone has a verbal cat fight in the sewing room a contestant is going to play the "I'm getting picked on" card. I worked for a NYC fashion magazine publishing house early in my career--overt bitchiness is the currency. These designers need to suck it up a tad if they want to succeed in the fashion industry.
  20. Given the Kody Brown School of Finance, wouldn't surprise me if he's magically including their TLC income when pitching the "investors," while Robyn, assuming she can "minus" correctly, is more accurately portraying the actual income from just the Closet. Given Kody's preference for the grandiose over the truth, this makes the most sense. Or he's just a flaming liar and is pulling numbers out of his ass.
  21. I'm still a bit baffled as to how the DVDs fit into the theme...or the VHS cassettes. Is that theoretically because you'd watch movies at home that way? Pretty farfetched...although I guess they could claim they could be a prop in a movie. But then...what couldn't be?
  22. While I'm being all Mean Girl...Amanda, please get that thing on your face removed. You're a beautiful woman, you have money...you don't have to live with it, right?
  23. The show has to be an hour long just to give Heidi time to explain where the $300k (apparently in 5k bits) is all coming from--half of which makes zero sense. A "year's worth of make-up from Mary Kay?" Is that for models or for the winner, because for most of the guys, that's like one eyebrow pencil. I so don't get this show. I hated last week's winner and hated this week's. Amanda acting like our tour guide to PR is on my last nerve and I thought Jefferson provided the only eye candy PLUS his outfit was far from the worst so WTF with his auffing. I haven't really paid much attention since the year of the Winning Muumuu and that pretty girl who couldn't sew, but then every season I try again. And then wander away shaking my head. ETA: It really clobbers whatever remaining credibility the show has when the judges and most of the designers look like hell. That fashion blogger was wearing what looked like a wrinkled LLBean shirt dress with white heels, Heidi's weird see-through top made it look like she's had her implants removed, and WTF with Amanda's gray onesie with the drop crotch? So, so bad...
  24. The inherent problem with dividing up the money the way they do is that it's completely antithetical to what they claim--that they're all just one big wonderful happy family and all of the wives' children are everybody's children. If that were true, they wouldn't even be talking about dividing it up "fairly," because they would decide as a family who needed what most, particularly for the wellbeing of the children. Apparently, love may or may not be multiplied, but the money sure as hell is being divided. And it's the hypocrisy that grinds, especially since they continually claim polygamy is soooo much better than that boring monogamy thing.
  25. God, I'm so CONFLICTED about this show. On the one hand, I love dance, I studied dance extensively as a child/teen, I recognize that there are so very few venues for great dancers to perform at all, let alone on television...so I'm all on board with that stuff. The dancers are so incredibly talented and most of the numbers are stellar. And then the ferkockta judges start talking and I want to claw my own eyes out. Nigel is everyone's pervy Uncle and Mary's voice should be put to sleep. And then there's whatever semi-coherent guest judge they've dredged out of the career back waters. I try. I try again. Even with the sound off, I fail and surf on.
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