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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. From Wiki: "Bear is a gay slang term. It describes a hairy, heavy-set (sometimes muscular) gay or bisexual man. A bear typically projects an image of rugged masculinity. "
  2. Seconding your truckload, but it seems like Penny is more a typical attention whore who really enjoys having everything focus on her. For all of her talk, I didn't really get the impression that I often have with some of the others where you can almost see the real person who's miserable trapped in there and can't find their way out. In contrast, Penny seems like just a giant spoiled toddler who has everyone dancing attendance on her...and she likes it just fine.
  3. I believe it was during the fake presentation to the fake potential investors fake episode. Fiesta del Fake.
  4. Well, except you're neglecting the multiplier effect of Brownian math. One item becomes at least ten, and probably more when the Kodian Hyperbole factor is applied "We've had hundreds of new orders pouring in. Everything we touch turns to gold!"
  5. I wonder about fast food... I rarely eat it, because the nearest McD's is 45 minutes from my house, but a few months back I was in civilization and ravenous so I got an actual Wendy's single and a small order of fries. I ate most of it, tossed the rest and expected to be good to go for the rest of the afternoon. Instead, I never felt satiated or even fed and two hours later I was hungry again. Maybe with all of the additives and artificial crap in there it affects your body the way diet soda does? The big chemical surge and then a drastic blood sugar drop? Maybe people who eat vast amounts of this stuff really don't ever feel satiated and they end up in this vicious circle?
  6. This. I was horrified. Talent or none, in or not a chance, these kids are sweating blood up there. They deserve the judges' attention and some eye contact. It's just arrogant to converse over them. WTF was Ms. Eye Candy wearing and where was the lower half of her outfit? She looked a hundred times better and five years younger wearing that simple shirt and jeans in her mythical low-rent 'hood.
  7. I watched the original Christina episode today...holy hell she was 22!!!! The people in their late 30s you can sort of understand because the years and the pounds add up, but 22!!!??? Yikes! And her sisters were a healthy weight. There's more going on with some of these patients than current medical science can explain. At that age and with two healthy weight siblings, a thin husband, thin father, and even her mother wasn't super obese, and since there are only 24 hours in a day...even if she ate every day all day it still doesn't seem like someone could get to 600+ pounds that fast. I didn't see the WATN episode so I'm glad to hear she continues to do well.
  8. I think I remember reading somewhere that requiring the patient to lose some amount of weight to qualify for surgery is also a test to see if they will follow instructions and how much they really want to change. I always wonder where the money comes from. I have health insurance and still had to pay thousands last year just for outpatient surgery. I can't imagine what months in the hospital costs.
  9. Yeah, what the hell was that? Now cosmetics are politics? Didn't help that Country Barbie is not exactly my favorite... I was pleasantly surprised tonight. Haven't watched in years because I got tired of the bland always winning and the bitchy freak show audition segments. But in general it felt pretty grown-up tonight and there were some really interesting performers and voices. But that guy who butchered the Show Must Go On...sorry, Adam, but you of all people know what that song is supposed to sound like. However, I will forgive you because now you're so pretty.
  10. There is no doubt some major joint damage for some of them. As a runner, the running docs say that every pound gained adds the impact of three pounds to your knees, ankles, and feet. So with 400 pounds of extra weight, that's 1200 pounds. Do that for a while and joint damage would be inevitable.
  11. I can't back this up without watching it again, but IIRC Olivia was 46 when her episode was taped? ETA: I checked and yes, she was 46. Now why I can remember this when I can't remember anything pertinent to my own actual life without writing it down? A mystery...
  12. I watched that episode on the treadmill yesterday, because if these people can do THAT I should be able to do some running, even at my age, so the show is a great excuse-zapper, and Olivia was a pleasant surprise. Since she had had two previous weight-loss procedures and failed, I didn't have much hope for her but she did really well and I hope she continues to do well. Oh, and her brother (or BIL) walking her down the street every day was just as kind as he could be. Nice man.
  13. Or her other five children don't have a reality show that's scraping bottom trying desperately to find actual...content. Enter stereotypical mother-in-law drahmaz. Yawning...
  14. I have the perfect match for Gareth...Penny. That way they could torture each other and Edgar and Zsalynn could be a sweet, loving couple. Win/win.
  15. Getting those five brain cells lined up takes time. Dude has a 286 processor chip.Snarklepuss, "Crabs In a barrel" is all kinds of genius and it needs to be a thread title...or an episode name...ASAP.
  16. So why didn't the other two auxiliary wives blow a gasket? These people...anything for a crappy little plot point, I guess.
  17. Gareth made me want to slap my television and I am not a violent person. So, to review, his wife was supposed to remain fat and happy about it while slowly dying just so that his "physical needs" would be met? Then there's not being there before surgery, showing up late to pick her up afterwards, taking her through a drivethru and taunting her with the crap he was eating, and last but not least, snarking about why she hadn't lost more weight while simultaneously bitching that he didn't want her to lose too much. What a truly loathesome waste of air.
  18. Why spend money refilming when it's just going to be same three storylines they've been recycling for the past three seasons? Take one segment from Column Ancient Resentments, one segment from Column Joory Bidness, and one from Column The Kids, mix and match and no one will ever know the difference. TLC may well be stupid, but they think the viewers are, too...
  19. Eh, you're probably right. Other than Robyn, who is pretty easy to pick out, the rest just blend into a blur of bottle blondeness and running mascara to me.
  20. The inherent problem is that none of the wives is ever going to be in a position to call him on his shit because he always has an alternative, and if by some miracle the four wives actually banded together to do it, you know someone would sneak off and kiss his ass just to gain Most Favored Wife status for a day and a half. When someone has all of the power and is a raving narcissist to start with, you have the perfect recipe for tyrant. I bet things have gotten pretty disturbing when the cameras weren't around. Oh, and does anyone else snort when that new promo comes on and Kody is bitching about how he's pissed because Janelle (i think it's her, I get them mixed up) is making a stink because "it's all just about her pride"? Apparently, having pride is solely his privilege. God he's such an ass.
  21. I think about what it would be like to pick up ten thirty pound bags of dog kibble and then try to clean my house...not much would get done, that's for sure. Add in the inevitable depression? Rough.
  22. I watch these while I'm on the treadmill...quite motivating! Here's my theory: these people have eaten such vast quantities for so long they haven't a clue what normal food is, let alone in amounts that might help them lose weight. I don't remember seeing an episode where the enabler was thin. So over time, they gradually sat more and more and move less and less and none of them seems able to grasp what a healthy portion size is. I was watching the Chuck episode tonight and he and his wife went out to dinner and if I ate a twentieth of what they had in front of each of them I would be sick as a dog.
  23. I admire the guy. He's taking on patients knowing there's an extremely high rate of failure and that they often have significant mental and emotional dysfunction and addiction problems. The fact that he seems to stay calm with even the bitchiest of them is impressive. The trailer says there's only a 5% likelihood of long-term success. There aren't many people, let alone surgeons, who are generally pretty arrogant by necessity, who could handle that stress.
  24. Well, and at least theoretically, their religion or "culture" or whatever they're calling it at this point to rationalize their Baby-Mama + high-maintenance-sperm-donor set up doesn't allow her to bail, because, you know, Planet Kody and all.
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