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Everything posted by gesundheit

  1. Any episode that can work in the question "Can you get a butt pregnant?" works for me.
  2. Since the entirety of seasons 1 and 2 took place in 2012, I believe, I wonder if the third season will jump ahead to present day. How did Jimmy not know that Paul was a serial killer? According to Katie's friend, all the information was very public. It seemed a little off to me that he and the reporter were out of the loop on that one.
  3. The actor she bumped into in the coffee shop was definitely a familiar actor, so I was immediately curious. Agreed with those above who wonder why Joan had to be so dumb in this episode. Sometimes it's necessary to ask questions to make exposition feel more natural, but really: who the hell in the audience needed "debt collector" explained to them? "Huh? A credit card doesn't just keep the debt forever and ever???!! Why I never!" Otherwise, fabulous episode, and excellent use of Clyde. Also, c'mon recapper, don't threaten me with the good time of the "Joan is a lesbian" theory. I will get my hopes up too high. I don't deserve anything that wonderful.
  4. Fin: "THIS IS WHY I DON'T TRUST DENTISTS." The episode could've been just that and it would've been worth it.
  5. They just need to skip these silly hypothetical questions. They take up too much time and don't add to the discussion. I enjoyed that pastor hanging himself. What a fool. Larry didn't even answer his Keep it 100 question last night. Lame! If you're going to stick with this silly game, you have to play.
  6. Was that the first we'd seen of Cox's new 'do or did it just fly past me in the first few episodes of the season? I like this cut on her a lot. It looks like a cute 'do on a hot middle-aged lady instead of a 50-year-old trying desperately not to be (the too-long hair was starting to grate). So here's my confusion. Travis is just going to be a booze delivery guy, as if this is a new thing? What's the angle again? That it's only wine?
  7. STEF'S ABS. Holy crap. I would like to have them. And be near them. I agree completely. This really bugs me. I assume it's because he's the weak link, acting-wise, but they just don't give his perspective on anything. Everyone's response to all his scenes is "Ha, Jesus is so dumb!" but that's because every time anything happens that he would react to, they don't give him any dialogue, they just hold a 3-second close-up of him with his mouth slightly ajar and then cut to the next scene. At some point they're going to need to give him some agency. Yes, yes, that cracked me up! And I can see how it would happen since the one apparently interpreting things heteronormatively is the one who was previously in a het marriage (though on the other "side"). Absolutely. I watch this show for the family first and foremost. I know they have to keep their teen audience with those isolated subplots, but it's always miles more effective when it's still anchored by the family as the primary story. Note to Mariana: consider yourself lucky that you can no longer use your Dystopian Robot Future dance or whatever it was.
  8. At first I read this and wondered what on earth you were talking about and then I realized -- she really does look a lot like her but it's hard to tell because of one key distinction: Grobglas actually moves her face and makes expressions! Good call. Well, except he is completely wrong about her in this case because he believed Rose. We've known that Terri Alden/Magda can walk for a while now, but that was a cool way to reveal it to Petra -- I only hope that as we find out more about it, now that we know it's not a Sin Rostro thing. I just hope it's not something as lame as emotional manipulation. That'll be dull. What a fabulous episode. Jane and Rafael bore me as a couple still (they kind of act like a long-term couple even though they barely know each other -- I don't need to see every date but I feel like I need to see more of the development of the relationship beyond just the early butterflies and now jumping straight to the established rapport). But regardless, my disinterest in the pairing does nothing to make the show less awesome for me!
  9. I agree with those above who found the Cosby episode and the NFL episode to be the best ones so far. And frankly, I like that Wilmore gives us 3 people on his side and 1 dissenting opinion on each panel. Typically 4 against 1. I know, I know, it's not fair, but it's not like "the other side" is tuning in, and at least it's not ALL people he agrees with. That said, it drives me nuts that we spend so much time every night getting another explanation of what the Keep It 100 segment is, and then another explanation of what his personal Keep It 100 segment is. I mean by the time we got to the segment last night, we'd heard the phrase 40 times already. They should either stop explaining it (what "100" refers to AND how you win/lose and what you get for it), or just cut the segment. I'm not entertained by watching four people get a sticker or a tea bag. I hope Wilmore gets a little more self-assured. He still seems very nervous and excited. Hopefully he'll settle down soon.
  10. That was the best acting I've seen Washington do this whole series. I think I'd be even worse than Olivia at making jam because when Abby asked about an oven, I thought, "Why would you need an oven to make jam? It's just fruit! It's cold!"
  11. It's an adjustment, to be sure. But it gets there. While each season has new major characters, I think the S1-S2 transition is the most jarring. Less so after that, thankfully.
  12. It's so frustrating that this whole "Ezra tries to set Aria free so she can enjoy her youth" thing is being presented as some sort of selfless wisdom on his part. He might have tried that when he was stalking teenage girls for years and then being a statutory rapist. Such a good guy. It did crack me up, however, that Aria's photo in the yearbook had no activities listed under it (regardless of the fact that we actually saw her participating in school activities more than once) and she assumed it was because she was dating, and not because multiple murderers had been terrorizing her and her friends the whole time. That'll keep a girl busy.
  13. Alpha House is also a terrific Prime show, and it has about a jillion streaming shows produced elsewhere. It's so worth it for me. I think also during this freebie, if you do sign up for Prime, it's at a discounted price of $75. (Now I feel like I work for them. I don't, I just really, really find Prime to be worth it for so many reasons.) But regardless of any of that, Transparent is so damn good and everyone on the planet who can watch it tomorrow should do it. It definitely has its tearjerking moments but it is also hilarious.
  14. Man, this most recent episode was a downer. I watched with a friend last night and she hasn't seen much of the show and I assured her that most episodes have at least one really happy ending. Not this one! I mean they did save the one Travelers' dog, but it seems like that process had only just begun, so we didn't really get to see him all cleaned up and getting adopted or anything. And then that sibling adoption got returned! I was crying, she looked so sad to be back in a kennel. Earl's son looked adorable in his tux, though. That was sweet.
  15. I'm glad they covered it, but boy was I uncomfortable during Trevor Noah's segment. Honestly I kind of figured the only reason they hadn't covered it already is that it's just really hard to find any way to find humor there. And even the "safe" humor that they used -- mocking the media for ignoring it -- was hardly a laugh riot. Which is okay! I'm glad it got attention. I'd recently been thinking how weird it was that I'd seen more complaints on social media about the lack of coverage for the Kosher market killings the day after the Hedbo attacks, but none of those people made a peep about the BH massacre. (Though in general one of my biggest pet peeves about social media is how often people use it to play the tragedy olympics and shame everyone else for not playing it better. My personal feeling is that if you feel like people aren't talking enough about something, then you should talk about it as much as an often as possible rather than scolding everyone else for not doing so.) In lighter news, Jennifer Aniston seemed really uncomfortable, didn't she? Also, when she was talking about the cast, I feel like she kept leaving out Adriana Barraza, which is odd because that was her primary scene partner. And was an Oscar nominee. Am I just looking for reasons to be more worried about the fact that the only nonwhite person in the movie is the long-suffering but tremendously patient and wise maid? Maybe she did mention her name and it flew past me.
  16. I really wasn't bothered by the gun -- it wasn't a real-time continuous scene, there were dozens of reloading opportunities, I would have been bored watching them and also distracted by always knowing how many bullets were left. I do think they rushed the finale while dragging out some earlier plots; I wish this material could have been stretched over two episodes. I hope some of the newbies cast just for their physicality for the freakshow will continue on to do more acting in the regular AHS ensemble. Especially Mat Fraser and Erika Ervin. I'd love room to be made for them on the payroll by jettisoning Roberts and Sidibe for good.
  17. I enjoyed the ending. Obviously horror isn't supposed to end with all the good guys being rewarded and the bad guys getting punished, that's not horror, that's... I don't know, romantic comedy? But I thought there were some good compromises here: the requisite unsatisfying endings for some and then very satisfying endings for others. Plus we got a glimpse of a happy afterlife even for several of the victims, so that was lovely. And I loved seeing Mordrake and Twisty again. The silence of the fairgrounds massacre was pretty chilling. That, too. That one was the hardest one for me to watch. Ultimately this season hovers around my 2nd or 3rd favorite of the series so far. Still miles better than last season. I do think it opens up things a little for improvements next year that Jessica Lange, while possibly present in some capacity, will not be the anchor of the season anymore. She's been fantastic (especially in Asylum) but the showrunners rely too much on what has worked with her in the past rather than reinventing.
  18. I'm never going to be okay with the Travis/Laurie thing, it's just too weird that she was an adult friend of his mother who was his first crush during puberty and she watched him grow up. It's one thing to have a decade age difference when both players are already adults, but I've tried and I can't get past it in this situation. It'll never not be creepy to me. I envy those who enjoy them! So did everyone but Grayson quit their jobs? I mean I know it's a comedy and half the joke is that these people never have any real responsibilities (and can drink wine all day long and never get drunk or get purple teeth, dammit!), but they used to at least toss their individual jobs some occasional lip service every few episodes. Did I miss some plot point where everyone retired, including the new young parents? Ellie giving Jules the boob graze was hot, I'm not going to lie.
  19. They often are, though -- most MBAs aren't also mechanics. But it doesn't matter. When I say "car trouble" I'm not talking about his insane flat tire argument, that's ridiculous, billions of people can handle that. I'm talking very specifically about how blue collar skills and white collar skills are both valuable needs in the world, and for him to pretend that one is somehow superior to the other is absurd. I wouldn't ask an attorney to fix my septic system any more than I would ask a plumber to represent me in court.
  20. In general his entire argument boiled down to "Well, Ted Nugent's acceptable because he didn't chart as well as Beyonce." I had no idea that an artist being less successful meant that children had no access. Also, what a totally insincere argument. If I have car trouble, do I want a person who knows how to fix cars or a person with an expensive MBA? Yeah, I'll go with the person who fixes cars. If I have cancer, do I want someone who went to Harvard medical school or do I want a mechanic? Yep, I'll go with the former. Different skills are necessary for different situations, Mr Huckabee! I don't have a problem with Jon having on these right-wingers that he only mildly challenges. If he were harder on them, the only people willing to be on his show are people he agrees with and that would be incredibly dull. People like Huckabee hang themselves just fine in their appearances. J-Lo's outfit really was hilarious for The Daily Show. It's like she thought she was at the Grammys.
  21. Oh good catch, I actually forgot that the narrator said that!
  22. Oh good, I wasn't the last to notice! All that scar makeup really does disguise her, but I noticed the name in the opening credits this episode and for some reason really hadn't before. And now I can totally see her in there! So cool.
  23. I'm sure I'm the last one to notice this, but I flipped right out last night when I realized Magda is Terri Alden from Three's Company! That is amazing. I loved her. I don't think Rose feels bad at all, I kind of assumed the whole thing was a ruse to get information. The info was "why she came" and all. Hee. That said, I will never complain about hot Rose/Luisa action. Never.
  24. Yep! The Cherry Jones part is true, yes, but she's bi. She has complained a few times in interviews that men never ask her out because they assume she's gay as a result of that public(-ish) relationship.
  25. Finally caught up with both episodes. I.... hate April now? Her special snowflake entitlement ennui routine in the 2nd episode was enough to seal that deal for me. Yikes. In general it was disappointing to me that I enjoyed seeing Joan more than any of the regular characters.
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