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Everything posted by blueray

  1. I called right away when they said that two of them were not there do to being sick, that nobody was going home. As that isn't fair, as they don't know how they would have done. So I was glad to be proven correct at the end. I will say the showstoppers looked gross. It didn't matter the flavors, I don't want meat in my cake lol. I'm sure the taste was good but definitely didn't look appetizing.
  2. I was sad to hear about Louise Fletcher. I know she is most known for One flies over the cuckoo's nest but to me her performance as Kai Winn is Star Trek: DS9 was amazing and a very rememberable part of the show. She made me hate her so much, which shows how talented she was. As the character in my opinion is one of the best villain's as unfortunately there are real people like her. Anyhow, RIP Louise Fletcher.
  3. I do this too when I'm not being lazy lol. As for the feathers. Maybe it was the way it was worded. Like the directions then said something vague like "now take the white chocolate and feather it". If you aren't aware of the decoration technique they took it literally.
  4. This is definetly an interesting group. I'm glad Maxy won, however I feel like this time it wasn't obvious who was going to win star baker, as they were all pretty good. The same can't be said for the bottom however. It was clearly between Rebs, Carol and Maxon (sp). But I feel that Rebs saved herself by winning the technical as the should count. I would have personally sent Carol home. Her bake was not the right kind and was the problem. Where as Maxon's was to simple. That being said I don't see the other two lasting much longer. As for the bakes. The technical reminded me of a something that I got in Aruba (it's a Dutch product). But there was no chocolate on it. It is just dried fruit between two cracker/cookie things. Not to sweet but good. I wonder if this was a language thing. As it seemed like they didn't know the term so thought they were referring to feathers.
  5. What a nice group of people. I liked them all but some stood out right away names wise. I know this get easier as it goes on, but the first episode is hard to figure who is who. I was actually impressed with all their houses, I feel like even if I could bake the decorations would get me. Of course I'd do my childhood home, which was your standard American suburban house, so siding would be difficult to show lol.
  6. I kept waiting for the "punch line" but it never came. I thought she'd start talking and he'd jump up or something. As he'd get a real reaction as supposedly she didn't know she won. But instead he just laid there? I wasn't planning on watching but was doing laundry and it was good thing to have on in the background. I liked the Kell cameo, that was cool :). I also liked them dancing to the different show themes :). I thought Kenan did a good job actually. The outfits were out there as usual this year. The one girl had a large curtain as a dress. At first I thought it was part of a joke but then I realized that was her actual outfit.
  7. I wonder, it's possible that they have a set release date as well. Hopefully neither get moved.
  8. I agree. I liked Pete and at the time was disappointed that he was written off. I find myself preferring the earlier seasons way more. I honestly have never seen season 10 and stopped watching somewhere in season 9... The show as good until season 6. Season 7 definitely took a turn.
  9. ^ I watched the first half of it, the kids aren't bad, but wow the American kids in their show would have creamed these kids if in the same competition. These seemed like "normal" kids, where as the ones in that show at least the earlier seasons were already at professional level at 9. That being said, I didn't mind the kids but the host is annoying.
  10. I just went to netflix and the top thing was "Junior baking show". I didn't know they did a kids version. Is this worth watching? Or is it new?
  11. Okay, in my example I was thinking a question like "Toms in entertainment". Something where that could only be the correct answer.
  12. I had the same part but then decided maybe this was normal for Moclans lol.
  13. First off what a weird episode. There wasn't a main story but a bunch of lose ends that were tied up but without any sort of reason. I guess the A story was Isaac and Claire getting married but it happened so quickly. Like you'd think that would be a few episodes as a B story. The random story at the be the Molcan mating ritual. Which I kept thinking okay something is going to happen but nope it went off without a problem. Then there was Lysella. Who I completely didn't know who she was for a few minutes then I remembered the episode but still not really her. I totally called she was steal a replicator, but I thought she would actually make it off the ship. I can see her joining the crew (next season) and it kind of like being a Jonas Quinn story where they are not able to go back to their planet because reasons but their planet is about to destroy each other. I'm assuming her planet got worse then when we last saw it. And meanwhile she is adapting to life on a union ship, maybe taking virtual classes, or working the ship cook or something. Also it seemed weird that she was just signaling and the Orville happened to be there. What if it was another union ship? Anyhow, clearly set up in case it is the series finale. I loved that we got to see Alara, even if it was just for the party. And I cheered when the egg salad sandwich appeared! And liked Gordon's speech. We never got the reason why Botus wanted to be best man, it came out of nowhere and the joke (no pun attended) got old really fast.
  14. I'm sad to hear about Nichelle Nichol :(. Talk about someone that made such a positive impact. Kind of random but I remember recently she won a fan award (from the 7th rule). Someone filmed her accepting it, she was a good sport as it wasn't clear if she knew what she won (as it was a fan thing lol). But she was gracious and polite to the person. And that was probably one of the last things she filmed...
  15. Klyden is there and back living on the ship? That is the opposite of written out. Yaphit the actor died :(, so I'm not sure what they are going to do. The only characters written out are Alara (still hoping for another apparence) and Charlie (thankfully).
  16. I did like this episode but I do wish that they had more build up for the weapon. It just suddenly was there, or I did I miss something? I kept thinking what they should do is basically nothing. They showed the weapon has great power they should hold on to it. Then let the Kaylon come to them. This is basically what they did in Stargate Sg-1 but in this case they know they can use the weapon again (in SG-1 they didn't). Also, have better security. Like one person shouldn't be able to get access to the room with it in. Also on a different note, I kept thinking the sets they were in where holodecks. Like the battle at the beginning and the cabin (which I thought was a holodeck) until the next scene when it was morning. As for Charley, I think the writers intended the viewer to feel sad about her death. I honestly was happy. I didn't like her and she took up way to much screen time. I did like that Isaac gave the eulogy.
  17. I'm glad they are keeping Ken. He is a much better host. Mayim has a few things that annoy me. The first one is the laugh after a contestant gets something right or gets the daily double. At first I was willing to accept that this was a nervous laugh, but she should be over that by now as she has hosted for a while and she's a trained actor. Then the second thing is repeating the answer the constant said. Like say the answer was Tom Hanks, and the person said Hank's & it was accepted. She replies "that is correct it's Tom Hanks". It is really annoying. Anyhow, from what I have read, it sounds like we will have Ken from September to December. Then she comes, but it is around her sitcom schedule, so hopefully we will get Ken back soon.
  18. For FJ I thought of Gren Stepheni and Beyonce. I forgot about the 25 year rule. So was trying to think of female artists that were in a group in the 90's then had solo careers. I should have realized that they were to recent. And I love how the one question (a triple stumper) ended with Ken going "apparently" it is then the answer. Which I forgot what it was. But wow if Ken didn't even know it they didn't have a shot lol.
  19. I do want to see this but I don't have high hopes. I'll have to see if I can get a free trial that week in October as I don't have Paramount+ unless it will be available somewhere else?
  20. I think she has a decent enough job (and maybe he pays child support) but it does seem to be just Dustin and his mom. Maybe for the science camp, he got a scholarship or something?
  21. First off, I liked this episode but it defiantly took a turn that I wasn't expecting and the torture scenes were hard to watch :(. Once Topa got kidnapped, I at first thought it would turn out to be Klyden but was glad to be wrong. I liked the parts one the Sanctuary planet and was glad that Kelly & Borus were able to rescue her. Was totally rooting for Borus to kill him. The part I wasn't so thrilled about was the whole court thing. Why would Helveena ever come forward. Yes, it sucks that a pre-teen was kidnapped but coming forward undo's everything that they are doing to save thousands of kids. If she really believes in her cause she wouldn't have come forward at all no matter what a hologram of Dolly or Ed say. She would stick to her original opinion and deny everything. Also she probably wouldn't have trusted Topa so quickly. Which makes me wonder if she even told her the truth. Maybe she was just trying to see if she could handle a task, that was important but not in the way that she said (but not the kidnap part, that wasn't planned). Anyhow, while I'm glad the court stuck up for her, it seemed to quick and not beneficial for war efforts. And a nitpick, but how the hell did Kelly, Borus & Topa get to Earth that quickly? First off they had to walk all the way to the shuttle (which seemed at least a mile through rough terrain) and escape a shuttle fight. The take the half working shuttle all the way to Earth, when they had no reason to think that the Orville was there? Communications were down as well. Yet they of course arrive to the correct location on earth while the case is being heard. Also lastly Klyden made me cry and I was glad to be wrong. He of course had nothing to do with what happened and really does love her. I liked the family dinner at the end and how they included Kelly.
  22. A thought just accorded to me, how could Claire not know about John and Talla. I feel like their stunt in the engineering would have had the whole ship gossiping and it was clear what was going on.
  23. I always love a good time travel episode. I did enjoy this one, however I agree 100% with older Gordon. It changed once he had a family. Those kids exist and should matter. Couldn't they have just taken the family with them? They know what she did and other then the phone she was just some girl. But I guess it would have still changed the timeline. It was a sad episode and showing him so happy with his family. I didn't want them to write out Gordon but it sounded like he had a good life. Had a family, had a career that he loved and died at 96. Seemed like a full life to me. Also the sandwich better appear in a future episode just pops into engineering.
  24. Part of her was as he was so abusive toward her (and others). However, she knows he died saving her (and her friends). She is morning the lose of a relationship they didn't have but now can never have. She knows he may have eventually grown up and become less of a dick, but now she will never know. It makes a lot of sense that she feels very conflicted.
  25. Someone either on here (or on reddit) had a funny idea that Mr. Wheeler would get a line similar to the grandfather's where he knew it all along but nobody asked him lol.
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